MODULE := audio/softsynth/mt32 MODULE_OBJS := \ Analog.o \ BReverbModel.o \ File.o \ FileStream.o \ LA32Ramp.o \ LA32WaveGenerator.o \ MidiStreamParser.o \ Part.o \ Partial.o \ PartialManager.o \ Poly.o \ ROMInfo.o \ Synth.o \ Tables.o \ TVA.o \ TVF.o \ TVP.o \ sha1/sha1.o \ c_interface/c_interface.o # SampleRateConverter.o \ # srchelper/InternalResampler.o \ # srchelper/SamplerateAdapter.o \ # srchelper/SoxrAdapter.o \ # srchelper/srctools/src/FIRResampler.o \ # srchelper/srctools/src/IIR2xResampler.o \ # srchelper/srctools/src/LinearResampler.o \ # srchelper/srctools/src/ResamplerModel.o \ # srchelper/srctools/src/SincResampler.o # TODO: The Munt SampleRateConverter requires these additional -I options. # This is not a very nice way of doing that, though, as it adds them globally. # INCLUDES += -I $(srcdir)/$(MODULE)/srchelper/srctools/include # INCLUDES += -I $(srcdir)/$(MODULE)/ # Include common rules include $(srcdir)/