#ifndef _ARMNATIVE_H_ #define _ARMNATIVE_H_ #include "PNOLoader.h" //#define DISABLE_ARM //#define DEBUG_ARM #ifndef __PALM_OS__ typedef UInt8 byte; typedef Int32 int32; typedef UInt16 uint16; typedef unsigned int uint; #endif // rsrc enum { RSC_WIDELANDSCAPE = 1, RSC_WIDEPORTRAIT, RSC_COPYRECT, RSC_COSTUMEPROC3, RSC_DRAWSTRIP }; enum { PNO_COPYRECT = 0, PNO_WIDE, PNO_COSTUMEPROC3, PNO_DRAWSTRIP, PNO_COUNT }; // types typedef struct { void *srcP; void *dstP; UInt32 length; } ARMPa1SndType, *ARMPa1SndPtr; typedef struct { void *proc; void *param; void *handle; // sound handle UInt32 size; // buffer size UInt32 slot; UInt32 active, // is the sound handler active set, // is the buffer filled wait; // do we need to wait for sound completion void *dataP, // main buffer *tmpP; // tmp buffer (convertion) } SoundDataType; typedef struct { void *dst; void *src; } WideType; typedef struct { void *dst; const void *buf; UInt32 pitch, _offScreenPitch; UInt32 w, h; } CopyRectangleType; typedef struct { const byte *scaletable; byte mask, shr; byte repcolor; byte replen; int scaleXstep; int x, y; int scaleXindex, scaleYindex; int skip_width; byte *destptr; const byte *mask_ptr; int imgbufoffs; } V1CodecType; typedef struct { const byte *scaletable; int32 mask, shr; int32 repcolor; int32 replen; int32 scaleXstep; int32 x, y; int32 scaleXindex, scaleYindex; int skip_width; byte *destptr; const byte *mask_ptr; } V1Type; typedef struct { void *v1; // struct v1 * const byte *revBitMask; const byte *_srcptr; int _height; byte _scaleIndexX; // to be redefined, return it from the function byte _scaleIndexY; byte _scaleX; byte _scaleY; int32 _numStrips; int _outwidth; int _outheight; byte *_shadow_table; byte *_vm_proc_special_palette; byte *_palette; byte _shadow_mode; } CostumeProc3Type; typedef struct { int width; int height; const byte *src; byte *dst; const byte *text; int _vm_screenWidth; uint16 vs_pitch; uint16 _textSurface_pitch; } DrawStripType; // calls MemPtr _PceInit(DmResID resID); UInt32 _PceCall(void *armP, void *userDataP); void _PceFree(void *armP); MemPtr _PnoInit(DmResID resID, PnoDescriptor *pnoP); UInt32 _PnoCall(PnoDescriptor *pnoP, void *userDataP); void _PnoFree(PnoDescriptor *pnoP, MemPtr armP); #endif