/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include #include #include #include "StarterRsc.h" #include "skin.h" #include "globals.h" #include "pa1lib.h" #include "scumm_globals.h" #include "extend.h" // for disable state #include "mathlib.h" #include "vibrate.h" void MemExtInit(); void MemExtCleanup(); /*********************************************************************** * * Internal Structures * ***********************************************************************/ typedef struct { Char nameP[32]; UInt16 cardNo; LocalID dbID; } SkinInfoType; typedef struct { UInt32 version; UInt16 icnID; // icon to display on the list Boolean selected; Char nameP[50]; // game name to display in list Char pathP[150]; // path to the game files Char gameP[10]; // scumm name of the game UInt16 gfxMode; Boolean autoLoad; UInt16 loadSlot; Boolean autoRoom; UInt16 roomNum; Boolean amiga; Boolean subtitles; Boolean talkSpeed; UInt16 talkValue; } GameInfoType; typedef struct { //skin params SkinInfoType skin; // card where is located the skin Boolean soundClick; // Boolean vibrator; Boolean autoOff; UInt16 listPosition; UInt16 volRefNum; Boolean debug; UInt16 debugLevel; Boolean saveConfig; Boolean stdPalette; Boolean autoReset; struct { UInt16 speaker; UInt16 headphone; UInt16 master; UInt16 music; UInt16 sfx; } volume; struct { Boolean music; UInt8 driver; UInt8 tempo; Boolean sfx; } sound; } GlobalsPreferenceType; typedef struct { UInt16 volRefNum; Char nameP[expCardInfoStringMaxLen+1]; } CardInfoType; /*********************************************************************** * * Global variables * ***********************************************************************/ static GlobalsPreferenceType *gPrefs; static DmOpenRef _dbP = NULL; static UInt16 _lstIndex = 0; // last index static UInt8 __editMode__; static UInt16 sknLastOn = skinButtonNone; static Boolean bStartScumm = false; GlobalsDataType *gVars; /*********************************************************************** * * Internal Constants * ***********************************************************************/ #define appVersionNum 0x01 #define appPrefID 0x00 #define appPrefVersionNum 0x01 // Define the minimum OS version we support (3.5 for now). #define kOurMinVersion sysMakeROMVersion(3,5,0,sysROMStageRelease,0) #define kPalmOS10Version sysMakeROMVersion(1,0,0,sysROMStageRelease,0) #define kOS5Version sysMakeROMVersion(5,0,0,sysROMStageRelease,0) // edit game mode #define edtModeAdd 0 #define edtModeEdit 1 #define edtModeParams 2 // skin #define sknInfoState 0 #define sknInfoPosX 1 #define sknInfoPosY 2 #define sknInfoMaxWOrH 3 #define sknInfoDrawMode 4 #define sknInfoKeepXOrY1 5 #define sknInfoKeepXOrY2 7 #define sknInfoListWidth sknInfoMaxWOrH #define sknInfoListHeight sknInfoDrawMode #define sknInfoListSize sknInfoListHeight #define sknInfoListItemSize 12 #define sknPosRsc 'sPos' #define sknColorsRsc 'sCol' #define sknStateNormal 0 #define sknStateSelected 10 #define sknStateDisabled 20 #define sknSelectedState(bmp) (bmp + sknStateSelected) #define sknDisabledState(bmp) (bmp + sknStateDisabled) /*********************************************************************** * * Internal Functions * ***********************************************************************/ static void GBInitAll() { #ifndef DISABLE_SCUMM IMuseDigital_initGlobals(); NewGui_initGlobals(); //Resource_initGlobals(); Akos_initGlobals(); Codec47_initGlobals(); Gfx_initGlobals(); Dialogs_initGlobals(); #endif } static void GBReleaseAll() { #ifndef DISABLE_SCUMM IMuseDigital_releaseGlobals(); NewGui_releaseGlobals(); //Resource_releaseGlobals(); Akos_releaseGlobals(); Codec47_releaseGlobals(); Gfx_releaseGlobals(); Dialogs_releaseGlobals(); #endif } //TODO : use Boolean instead of void to check err static DmOpenRef GBOpenInternal(const Char *nameP) { LocalID dbID = DmFindDatabase(0, nameP); if (dbID) { UInt32 dbType, dbCreator; Err e = DmDatabaseInfo(0, dbID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &dbType, &dbCreator); if (!e && dbType == 'GLBS' && dbCreator == appFileCreator) return DmOpenDatabase(0, dbID, dmModeReadOnly); } return NULL; } static void GBOpen() { gVars->globals[GBVARS_SCUMM] = GBOpenInternal("Scumm-Globals"); gVars->globals[GBVARS_SIMON] = GBOpenInternal("Simon-Globals"); gVars->globals[GBVARS_SKY] = GBOpenInternal("Sky-Globals"); } static void GBClose() { if (gVars->globals[GBVARS_SCUMM]) DmCloseDatabase(gVars->globals[GBVARS_SCUMM]); if (gVars->globals[GBVARS_SIMON]) DmCloseDatabase(gVars->globals[GBVARS_SIMON]); if (gVars->globals[GBVARS_SKY]) DmCloseDatabase(gVars->globals[GBVARS_SKY]); } void *GBGetRecord(UInt16 index, UInt16 id) { if (gVars->globals[id]) { MemHandle recordH = DmQueryRecord(gVars->globals[id], index); if (recordH) return MemHandleLock(recordH); } return NULL; } void GBReleaseRecord(UInt16 index, UInt16 id) { if (gVars->globals[id]) { MemHandle recordH = DmQueryRecord(gVars->globals[id], index); if (recordH) MemHandleUnlock(recordH); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static DmOpenRef SknOpenSkin() { return DmOpenDatabase(gPrefs->skin.cardNo, gPrefs->skin.dbID, dmModeReadOnly); } static void SknCloseSkin(DmOpenRef skinDBP) { if (skinDBP) DmCloseDatabase(skinDBP); } /* static void SknSetPalette() { UInt16 palIndex; ColorTableType *palTemp; MemHandle palH; DmOpenRef skinDBP = SknOpenSkin(); if (skinDBP) { palIndex = DmFindResource (skinDBP, colorTableRsc, skinPalette, NULL); if (palIndex != (UInt16)-1) { palH = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP, palIndex); if (palH) { palTemp = (ColorTableType *)MemHandleLock(palH); WinPalette(winPaletteSet, 0, 256, ColorTableEntries(palTemp)); MemPtrUnlock(palTemp); DmReleaseResource(palH); } } } SknCloseSkin(skinDBP); } */ static void SknGetListColors(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID resID, UInt8 *text, UInt8 *selected, UInt8 *background) { UInt16 colIndex; MemHandle colH; UInt8 *colTemp; // default *text = UIColorGetTableEntryIndex (UIMenuForeground); *selected = UIColorGetTableEntryIndex (UIMenuSelectedForeground); *background = UIColorGetTableEntryIndex (UIMenuSelectedFill); if (skinDBP) { colIndex = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknColorsRsc, resID, NULL); if (colIndex != (UInt16)-1) { colH = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP, colIndex); if (colH) { colTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(colH); *text = colTemp[0]; *selected = colTemp[1]; *background = colTemp[2]; MemPtrUnlock(colTemp); DmReleaseResource(colH); } } } } static void SknGetObjectBounds(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID resID, RectangleType *rP) { UInt16 bmpIndex, strIndex; MemHandle hBmp, hStr; BitmapType *bmpTemp; UInt8 *strTemp; RctSetRectangle(rP, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (skinDBP) { bmpIndex = DmFindResource (skinDBP, bitmapRsc, resID, NULL); if (bmpIndex != (UInt16)-1) { // if bmp exists strIndex = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknPosRsc, resID, NULL); if (strIndex != (UInt16)-1) { // if params exist hBmp = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP,bmpIndex); if (hBmp) { hStr = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP,strIndex); if (hStr) { // buttons : state|x|y|w/h slider|draw mode|x1/y1 keep|x2/y2 keep slider // list (160mode) : state|x|y|w|h| bmpTemp = (BitmapType *)MemHandleLock(hBmp); strTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(hStr); BmpGlueGetDimensions(bmpTemp, &(rP->extent.x), &(rP->extent.y), 0); rP->topLeft.x = strTemp[sknInfoPosX] * 2; rP->topLeft.y = strTemp[sknInfoPosY] * 2; MemPtrUnlock(strTemp); DmReleaseResource(hStr); } MemPtrUnlock(bmpTemp); DmReleaseResource(hBmp); } } } } } static UInt8 SknGetState(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID resID) { UInt16 index; MemHandle hStr; UInt8 *strTemp; UInt8 oldState = sknStateDisabled; if (skinDBP) { index = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknPosRsc, resID, NULL); if (index != (UInt16)-1) { hStr = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP, index); if (hStr) { strTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(hStr); oldState = strTemp[sknInfoState]; MemPtrUnlock(strTemp); DmReleaseResource(hStr); } } } return oldState; } static UInt8 SknSetState(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID resID, UInt8 newState) { UInt16 index; MemHandle hStr; UInt8 *strTemp; UInt8 oldState = 0; if (skinDBP) { index = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknPosRsc, resID, NULL); if (index != (UInt16)-1) { hStr = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP, index); if (hStr) { strTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(hStr); oldState = strTemp[sknInfoState]; if (oldState != newState) { DmWrite(strTemp, 0, &newState, 1); } MemPtrUnlock(strTemp); DmReleaseResource(hStr); } } } return oldState; } static void SknCopyBits(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID bitmapID, const RectangleType *srcRect, Coord destX, Coord destY, Boolean standard) { MemHandle hTemp; BitmapPtr bmpTemp; UInt16 index; UInt8 *bmpData; // Err e; Coord cx, cy, cw, ch, bw, bh; UInt8 *dst, *src; if (skinDBP) { // find the bitmap index = DmFindResource (skinDBP, bitmapRsc, bitmapID, NULL); if (index != (UInt16)-1) { hTemp = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP,index); if (hTemp) { bmpTemp = (BitmapType *)MemHandleLock(hTemp); BmpGlueGetDimensions(bmpTemp, &bw, &bh, 0); if (!srcRect) { cx = 0; cy = 0; cw = bw; ch = bh; } else { cx = srcRect->topLeft.x; cy = srcRect->topLeft.y; cw = srcRect->extent.x; ch = srcRect->extent.y; } if (ch) { dst = (UInt8 *)BmpGetBits(WinGetBitmap(WinGetDisplayWindow())); dst+= destX + destY * 320; bmpData = (UInt8 *)BmpGetBits(bmpTemp); src = bmpData + cx + cy * bw; do { MemMove(dst, src, cw); dst += 320; src += bw; } while (--ch); } MemPtrUnlock(bmpTemp); DmReleaseResource(hTemp); } } } } static void SknShowObject(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID resID) { RectangleType r; UInt8 state = SknGetState(skinDBP, resID); SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, resID, &r); SknCopyBits(skinDBP, resID + state, NULL, r.topLeft.x, r.topLeft.y, 0); } static UInt16 SknCheckClick(DmOpenRef skinDBP, Coord mx, Coord my) { UInt16 resID; RectangleType r; mx *= 2; my *= 2; if (skinDBP) { for (resID = 1100; resID <= 7000; resID += 100) { if (SknGetState(skinDBP, resID) != sknStateDisabled) { SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, resID, &r); if (RctPtInRectangle(mx, my, &r)) { return resID; } } } } return 0; } // Callback for ExgDBWrite to send data with Exchange Manager static Err WriteDBData(const void* dataP, UInt32* sizeP, void* userDataP) { Err err; *sizeP = ExgSend((ExgSocketPtr)userDataP, (void*)dataP, *sizeP, &err); return err; } static Err SendDatabase (UInt16 cardNo, LocalID dbID, Char *nameP, Char *descriptionP) { ExgSocketType exgSocket; Err err; // Create exgSocket structure MemSet(&exgSocket, sizeof(exgSocket), 0); exgSocket.description = descriptionP; exgSocket.name = nameP; // Start an exchange put operation err = ExgPut(&exgSocket); if (!err) { err = ExgDBWrite(WriteDBData, &exgSocket, NULL, dbID, cardNo); err = ExgDisconnect(&exgSocket, err); } return err; } static Err BeamMe() { UInt16 cardNo; LocalID dbID; Err err; err = SysCurAppDatabase(&cardNo, &dbID); if (dbID) err = SendDatabase(0, dbID, "ScummVM.prc", "\nPlay your favorite LucasArts games"); else err = DmGetLastErr(); return err; } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: RomVersionCompatible * * DESCRIPTION: This routine checks that a ROM version is meet your * minimum requirement. * * PARAMETERS: requiredVersion - minimum rom version required * (see sysFtrNumROMVersion in SystemMgr.h * for format) * launchFlags - flags that indicate if the application * UI is initialized. * * RETURNED: error code or zero if rom is compatible * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static Err RomVersionCompatible(UInt32 requiredVersion, UInt16 launchFlags) { UInt32 romVersion; // See if we're on in minimum required version of the ROM or later. FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumROMVersion, &romVersion); if (romVersion < requiredVersion) { if ((launchFlags & (sysAppLaunchFlagNewGlobals | sysAppLaunchFlagUIApp)) == (sysAppLaunchFlagNewGlobals | sysAppLaunchFlagUIApp)) { FrmAlert (RomIncompatibleAlert); // Palm OS 1.0 will continuously relaunch this app unless we switch to // another safe one. if (romVersion <= kPalmOS10Version) { AppLaunchWithCommand(sysFileCDefaultApp, sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch, NULL); } } return sysErrRomIncompatible; } return errNone; } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: GetObjectPtr * * DESCRIPTION: This routine returns a pointer to an object in the current * form. * * PARAMETERS: formId - id of the form to display * * RETURNED: void * * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static void * GetObjectPtr(UInt16 objectID) { FormPtr frmP; frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); return FrmGetObjectPtr(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, objectID)); } static void FrmList(EventPtr eventP, UInt16 objectID) { ListType *listP; UInt16 listItem; listP = (ListType *)GetObjectPtr(objectID); listItem = LstPopupList(listP); CtlSetLabel(eventP->data.ctlSelect.pControl, LstGetSelectionText(listP, LstGetSelection(listP))); } //############################################################################# //############################################################################# enum { IcnNone = 255, IcnInfo = 0, IcnEdit = 1, IcnDelt = 2, IcnVibr = 3, IcnAOff = 4, IcnPlay = 5 }; enum { ArwNone = 255, ArwUp = 0, ArwFUp = 1, ArwFDwn = 2, ArwDown = 3 }; /* //REMOVE static struct { Boolean disabled; Boolean selected; } iconState[6] = {0,0 ,0,0 ,0,0 ,1,0 ,0,0 ,0,0}; //REMOVE static struct { UInt16 position; UInt8 last; Boolean disabled[4]; } ArrowManager = {0, ArwNone, 0,0,0,0}; */ //############################################################################# //############################################################################# static Err GamOpenDatabase() { Err err = errNone; _dbP = DmOpenDatabaseByTypeCreator( 'DATA', appFileCreator, dmModeReadWrite); if (!_dbP) { err = DmCreateDatabase(0, "ScummVM-Data", appFileCreator, 'DATA', false); if (!err) { _dbP = DmOpenDatabaseByTypeCreator( 'DATA', appFileCreator, dmModeReadWrite); if (!_dbP) err = DmGetLastErr(); } } if (err) FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert,"Cannot open/create games list DB !",0,0); return err; } static void GamCloseDatabase() { if (_dbP) DmCloseDatabase(_dbP); _dbP = NULL; } static Int16 GamCompare(GameInfoType *a, GameInfoType *b, SortRecordInfoPtr, SortRecordInfoPtr, MemHandle) { return StrCompare(a->nameP, b->nameP); } static Err GamSortList() { return DmQuickSort (_dbP, (DmComparF *)GamCompare, 0); } static UInt16 GamGetSelected() { MemHandle record; GameInfoType *game; Boolean selected; UInt16 index = DmNumRecords(_dbP)-1; while (index != (UInt16)-1) { record = DmQueryRecord(_dbP, index); game = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(record); selected = game->selected; MemHandleUnlock(record); if (selected) return index; index--; } return dmMaxRecordIndex; } static void GamUnselect() { GameInfoType modGame; GameInfoType *game; MemHandle recordH; UInt16 index; index = GamGetSelected(); if (index != dmMaxRecordIndex) { recordH = DmGetRecord(_dbP, index); game = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(recordH); MemMove(&modGame, game, sizeof(GameInfoType)); modGame.selected = !modGame.selected; DmWrite(game, 0, &modGame, sizeof(GameInfoType)); MemHandleUnlock(recordH); DmReleaseRecord (_dbP, index, 0); } } static void IcnRedrawTools(DmOpenRef skinDBP) { if (GamGetSelected() == dmMaxRecordIndex) { if (SknGetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete) == sknStateNormal) { SknSetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete,sknStateDisabled); SknShowObject(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete); } if (SknGetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit) == sknStateNormal) { SknSetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit,sknStateDisabled); SknShowObject(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit); } } else { if (SknGetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete) == sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete,sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete); } if (SknGetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit) == sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit,sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit); } } } static void ArwRedrawSlider(DmOpenRef skinDBP, UInt16 index, UInt16 maxIndex, UInt16 perPage) { if (maxIndex <= perPage) { if (SknGetState(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow) != sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow,sknStateDisabled); SknShowObject(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow); } if (SknGetState(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow) != sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow,sknStateDisabled); SknShowObject(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow); } } else { if (SknGetState(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow) == sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow,sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow); } if (SknGetState(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow) == sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow,sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow); } } } static void GamGetListBounds(RectangleType *rAreaP, RectangleType *rArea2xP) { DmOpenRef skinDBP; UInt16 strIndex; MemHandle hStr; UInt8 *strTemp; UInt16 x,y,w,h; skinDBP = DmOpenDatabase(gPrefs->skin.cardNo, gPrefs->skin.dbID, dmModeReadOnly); if (skinDBP) { strIndex = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknPosRsc, skinList, NULL); if (strIndex != (UInt16)-1) { // if params exist hStr = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP,strIndex); if (hStr) { strTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(hStr); x = strTemp[sknInfoPosX]; y = strTemp[sknInfoPosY]; w = strTemp[sknInfoListWidth]; h = strTemp[sknInfoListSize] * sknInfoListItemSize; if (rAreaP) RctSetRectangle(rAreaP ,x, y, w, h); if (rArea2xP) RctSetRectangle(rArea2xP, x+x, y+y, w+w, h+h); MemHandleUnlock(hStr); DmReleaseResource(hStr); } } DmCloseDatabase(skinDBP); } } static void GamUpdateList() { MemHandle record; UInt16 index, maxIndex, maxView; GameInfoType *game; RectangleType rArea, rField, rCopy, rArea2x; DmOpenRef skinDBP; UInt8 txtColor, norColor, selColor, bkgColor; UInt16 x,y; WinScreenLock(winLockCopy); GamGetListBounds(&rArea, &rArea2x); skinDBP = SknOpenSkin(); // set default bg WinSetForeColor(UIColorGetTableEntryIndex (UIFormFill)); WinDrawRectangle(&rArea,0); // copy top bg SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageTop, &rField); RctGetIntersection(&rArea2x, &rField, &rCopy); x = rCopy.topLeft.x; y = rCopy.topLeft.y; rCopy.topLeft.x -= rField.topLeft.x; rCopy.topLeft.y -= rField.topLeft.y; SknCopyBits(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageTop, &rCopy, x, y, 0); // copy bottom bg SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageBottom, &rField); RctGetIntersection(&rArea2x, &rField, &rCopy); x = rCopy.topLeft.x; y = rCopy.topLeft.y; rCopy.topLeft.x -= rField.topLeft.x; rCopy.topLeft.y -= rField.topLeft.y; SknCopyBits(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageBottom, &rCopy, x, y, 0); FntSetFont(stdFont); index = gPrefs->listPosition; maxIndex = DmNumRecords(_dbP); maxView = rArea.extent.y / sknInfoListItemSize; if (index > 0 && (index+maxView) > maxIndex) { index -= (index+maxView) - maxIndex; gPrefs->listPosition = index; } ArwRedrawSlider(skinDBP, index, maxIndex, maxView); IcnRedrawTools(skinDBP); SknGetListColors(skinDBP, skinColors, &norColor, &selColor, &bkgColor); SknCloseSkin(skinDBP); while (index < (gPrefs->listPosition + maxView) && index < maxIndex) { record = DmQueryRecord(_dbP, index); game = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(record); // text box RctSetRectangle(&rField, rArea.topLeft.x, (rArea.topLeft.y + sknInfoListItemSize * (index - gPrefs->listPosition)), rArea.extent.x, sknInfoListItemSize); WinSetClip(&rField); if (game->selected) { WinSetDrawMode(winPaint); WinSetForeColor(bkgColor); WinDrawRectangle(&rField,0); txtColor = selColor; } else txtColor = norColor; // clipping rField.topLeft.x += 2; rField.extent.x -= 4; WinSetClip(&rField); // draw text mask WinSetTextColor(255); WinSetDrawMode(winMask); WinPaintChars(game->nameP, StrLen(game->nameP), rField.topLeft.x, rField.topLeft.y); // draw text if (txtColor) { WinSetTextColor(txtColor); WinSetDrawMode(winOverlay); WinPaintChars(game->nameP, StrLen(game->nameP), rField.topLeft.x, rField.topLeft.y); } MemHandleUnlock(record); index++; } RctSetRectangle(&rArea,0,0,160,160); WinSetClip(&rArea); WinScreenUnlock(); } static Boolean ArwProcessAction(UInt16 button) { Boolean handled = false; switch (button) { case skinSliderUpArrow: if (gPrefs->listPosition > 0) { gPrefs->listPosition--; GamUpdateList(); } handled = true; break; case skinSliderDownArrow: RectangleType rArea; UInt16 maxView; GamGetListBounds(&rArea, 0); maxView = rArea.extent.y / sknInfoListItemSize; if (gPrefs->listPosition < DmNumRecords(_dbP)-maxView) { gPrefs->listPosition++; GamUpdateList(); } handled = true; break; } return handled; } static void GamSelect(Coord x, Coord y) { RectangleType rArea; UInt16 x1,y1,x2,y2; GamGetListBounds(&rArea,0); x1 = rArea.topLeft.x; x2 = rArea.topLeft.x + rArea.extent.x - 1; y1 = rArea.topLeft.y; y2 = rArea.topLeft.y + rArea.extent.y - 1; if (y >= y1 && y <= y2 && x >= x1 && x <= x2) { UInt16 index; MemHandle record; GameInfoType *game; UInt16 oldIndex; index = (y - y1) / sknInfoListItemSize + gPrefs->listPosition; if (index == _lstIndex) return; if (index < DmNumRecords(_dbP)) { GameInfoType modGame; oldIndex = GamGetSelected(); record = DmGetRecord(_dbP, index); game = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(record); MemMove(&modGame, game, sizeof(GameInfoType)); modGame.selected = !modGame.selected; DmWrite(game, 0, &modGame, sizeof(GameInfoType)); MemHandleUnlock(record); DmReleaseRecord (_dbP, index, 0); if (oldIndex != index && oldIndex != dmMaxRecordIndex) { record = DmGetRecord(_dbP, oldIndex); game = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(record); MemMove(&modGame, game, sizeof(GameInfoType)); modGame.selected = false; DmWrite(game, 0, &modGame, sizeof(GameInfoType)); MemHandleUnlock(record); DmReleaseRecord (_dbP, oldIndex, 0); } _lstIndex = index; GamUpdateList(); } } } static void EditGameFormDelete(Boolean direct) { UInt16 index = GamGetSelected(); if (index == dmMaxRecordIndex) { FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert, "Select an entry first.",0,0); return; } else if (FrmAlert(FrmDeleteAlert) == 0) { DmRemoveRecord(_dbP, index); if (!direct) FrmReturnToForm(MainForm); GamSortList(); GamUpdateList(); } } static void FldTrimText(FieldType * fldP) { MemHandle tmpH; Char *tmpP; tmpH = FldGetTextHandle(fldP); FldSetTextHandle(fldP, NULL); tmpP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(tmpH); TxtGlueStripSpaces(tmpP, true, true); MemHandleUnlock(tmpH); FldSetTextHandle(fldP, tmpH); } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: EditGameFormSave * FUNCTION: EditGameFormInit * FUNCTION: EditGameFormHandleEvent * * DESCRIPTION: * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static void EditGameFormSave(UInt16 index) { FieldType *fld1P, *fld2P, *fld3P, *fld4P, *fld5P, *fld6P; // need to change this with good names ControlType *cck1P, *cck2P, *cck3P, *cck4P, *cck5P; ListType *listP; FormPtr frmP; MemHandle recordH; GameInfoType *gameInfo, newGameInfo; // UInt16 index; listP = (ListType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameGfxListList); fld1P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameEntryNameField); fld2P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGamePathField); fld3P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameGameField); fld4P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameLoadSlotField); fld5P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameStartRoomField); fld6P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameTalkSpeedField); cck1P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameLoadSlotCheckbox); cck2P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameStartRoomCheckbox); cck3P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameAmigaCheckbox); cck4P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameSubtitlesCheckbox); cck5P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameTalkSpeedCheckbox); frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); FldTrimText(fld1P); FldTrimText(fld2P); FldTrimText(fld3P); if (FldGetTextLength(fld1P) == 0) { FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert,"You must specified an entry name.",0,0); FrmSetFocus(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, EditGameEntryNameField)); return; } else if (FldGetTextLength(fld2P) == 0) { FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert,"You must specified a path.",0,0); FrmSetFocus(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, EditGamePathField)); return; } else if (FldGetTextLength(fld3P) == 0) { FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert,"You must specified a game.",0,0); FrmSetFocus(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, EditGameGameField)); return; } else if (FldGetTextLength(fld5P) == 0 && CtlGetValue(cck2P) == 1) { FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert,"You must specified a room number.",0,0); FrmSetFocus(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, EditGameStartRoomField)); return; } else if (FldGetTextLength(fld6P) == 0 && CtlGetValue(cck5P) == 1) { FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert,"You must specified a talk speed.",0,0); FrmSetFocus(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, EditGameTalkSpeedField)); return; } if (FldGetTextPtr(fld2P)[FldGetTextLength(fld2P)-1] != '/') { FldGetTextPtr(fld2P)[FldGetTextLength(fld2P)+0] = '/'; FldGetTextPtr(fld2P)[FldGetTextLength(fld2P)+1] = 0; } // index = GamGetSelected(); if (index != dmMaxRecordIndex) { recordH = DmGetRecord(_dbP, index); } else { index = dmMaxRecordIndex; GamUnselect(); recordH = DmNewRecord(_dbP, &index, sizeof(GameInfoType)); } gameInfo = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(recordH); StrCopy(newGameInfo.nameP, FldGetTextPtr(fld1P)); StrCopy(newGameInfo.pathP, FldGetTextPtr(fld2P)); StrCopy(newGameInfo.gameP, FldGetTextPtr(fld3P)); newGameInfo.gfxMode = LstGetSelection(listP); newGameInfo.selected = true; newGameInfo.autoLoad = CtlGetValue(cck1P); newGameInfo.loadSlot = StrAToI(FldGetTextPtr(fld4P)); newGameInfo.autoRoom = CtlGetValue(cck2P); newGameInfo.roomNum = StrAToI(FldGetTextPtr(fld5P)); newGameInfo.amiga = CtlGetValue(cck3P); newGameInfo.subtitles = !(CtlGetValue(cck4P)); newGameInfo.talkValue = StrAToI(FldGetTextPtr(fld6P)); newGameInfo.talkSpeed = CtlGetValue(cck5P); DmWrite(gameInfo, 0, &newGameInfo, sizeof(GameInfoType)); MemHandleUnlock(recordH); DmReleaseRecord (_dbP, index, 0); GamSortList(); // update list position { RectangleType rArea; UInt16 posIndex, maxIndex, maxView; // get the sorted index index = GamGetSelected(); // if new item is out of the list bounds, change current list pos GamGetListBounds(&rArea, NULL); maxView = rArea.extent.y / sknInfoListItemSize; posIndex = gPrefs->listPosition; maxIndex = DmNumRecords(_dbP); if (index == 0 && posIndex > 0) { gPrefs->listPosition = 0; } else if ((maxView + posIndex) <= index) { posIndex = index - (maxView - posIndex) + 1; gPrefs->listPosition = posIndex; } } FrmReturnToForm (MainForm); GamUpdateList(); } static void EditGameFormInit(UInt16 index) { FieldType *fld1P, *fld2P, *fld3P, *fld4P, *fld5P, *fld6P; FormPtr frmP; ListType *listP; Char *nameP, *pathP, *gameP, *loadP, *roomP, *talkP; MemHandle nameH, pathH, gameH, loadH, roomH, talkH; MemHandle recordH = NULL; GameInfoType *game; listP = (ListType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameGfxListList); fld1P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameEntryNameField); fld2P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGamePathField); fld3P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameGameField); fld4P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameLoadSlotField); fld5P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameStartRoomField); fld6P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameTalkSpeedField); nameH = MemHandleNew(FldGetMaxChars(fld1P)); pathH = MemHandleNew(FldGetMaxChars(fld2P)); gameH = MemHandleNew(FldGetMaxChars(fld3P)); loadH = MemHandleNew(FldGetMaxChars(fld4P)); roomH = MemHandleNew(FldGetMaxChars(fld5P)); talkH = MemHandleNew(FldGetMaxChars(fld6P)); nameP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(nameH); pathP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(pathH); gameP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(gameH); loadP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(loadH); roomP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(roomH); talkP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(talkH); // index = GamGetSelected(); if (index != dmMaxRecordIndex) { recordH = DmQueryRecord(_dbP, index); game = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(recordH); StrCopy(nameP, game->nameP); StrCopy(pathP, game->pathP); StrCopy(gameP, game->gameP); LstSetSelection(listP, game->gfxMode); StrIToA(loadP, game->loadSlot); StrIToA(roomP, game->roomNum); StrIToA(talkP, game->talkValue); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameLoadSlotCheckbox), game->autoLoad); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameStartRoomCheckbox), game->autoRoom); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameAmigaCheckbox), game->amiga); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameSubtitlesCheckbox), !game->subtitles); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameTalkSpeedCheckbox), game->talkSpeed); MemHandleUnlock(recordH); CtlSetUsable((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameDeleteButton),true); } else { MemSet(nameP,MemHandleSize(nameH),0); MemSet(pathP,MemHandleSize(pathH),0); MemSet(gameP,MemHandleSize(gameH),0); StrIToA(loadP, 0); StrIToA(roomP, 0); StrIToA(talkP, 60); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameLoadSlotCheckbox), 0); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameStartRoomCheckbox), 0); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameAmigaCheckbox), 0); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameSubtitlesCheckbox), 0); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameTalkSpeedCheckbox), 0); LstSetSelection(listP, 1); CtlSetUsable((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameDeleteButton),false); } MemHandleUnlock(nameH); MemHandleUnlock(pathH); MemHandleUnlock(gameH); MemHandleUnlock(loadH); MemHandleUnlock(roomH); MemHandleUnlock(talkH); FldSetTextHandle(fld1P, nameH); FldSetTextHandle(fld2P, pathH); FldSetTextHandle(fld3P, gameH); FldSetTextHandle(fld4P, loadH); FldSetTextHandle(fld5P, roomH); FldSetTextHandle(fld6P, talkH); CtlSetLabel((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(EditGameGfxPopupPopTrigger), LstGetSelectionText(listP, LstGetSelection(listP))); frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); FrmDrawForm(frmP); } static Boolean EditGameFormHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP) { Boolean handled = false; switch (eventP->eType) { case frmOpenEvent: switch (__editMode__) { case edtModeAdd: EditGameFormInit(dmMaxRecordIndex); break; case edtModeEdit: case edtModeParams: default : EditGameFormInit(GamGetSelected()); break; } handled = true; break; case ctlSelectEvent: switch (eventP->data.ctlSelect.controlID) { case EditGameOKButton: switch (__editMode__) { case edtModeAdd: EditGameFormSave(dmMaxRecordIndex); break; case edtModeEdit: case edtModeParams: default : EditGameFormSave(GamGetSelected()); break; } break; case EditGameCancelButton: FrmReturnToForm(MainForm); break; case EditGameDeleteButton: EditGameFormDelete(false); break; case EditGameGfxPopupPopTrigger: FrmList(eventP, EditGameGfxListList); break; } handled = true; break; default: break; } return handled; } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: SystemInfoFormInit * FUNCTION: SystemInfoFormHandleEvent * * DESCRIPTION: * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static void GetMemory(UInt32* storageMemoryP, UInt32* dynamicMemoryP, UInt32 *storageFreeP, UInt32 *dynamicFreeP) { UInt32 free, max; Int16 i; Int16 nCards; UInt16 cardNo; UInt16 heapID; UInt32 storageMemory = 0; UInt32 dynamicMemory = 0; UInt32 storageFree = 0; UInt32 dynamicFree = 0; // Iterate through each card to support devices with multiple cards. nCards = MemNumCards(); for (cardNo = 0; cardNo < nCards; cardNo++) { // Iterate through the RAM heaps on a card (excludes ROM). for (i=0; i< MemNumRAMHeaps(cardNo); i++) { // Obtain the ID of the heap. heapID = MemHeapID(cardNo, i); // Calculate the total memory and free memory of the heap. MemHeapFreeBytes(heapID, &free, &max); // If the heap is dynamic, increment the dynamic memory total. if (MemHeapDynamic(heapID)) { dynamicMemory += MemHeapSize(heapID); dynamicFree += free; // The heap is nondynamic (storage ?). } else { storageMemory += MemHeapSize(heapID); storageFree += free; } } } // Reduce the stats to KB. Round the results. dynamicMemory = dynamicMemory / 1024L; storageMemory = storageMemory / 1024L; dynamicFree = dynamicFree / 1024L; storageFree = storageFree / 1024L; if (dynamicMemoryP) *dynamicMemoryP = dynamicMemory; if (storageMemoryP) *storageMemoryP = storageMemory; if (dynamicFreeP) *dynamicFreeP = dynamicFree; if (storageFreeP) *storageFreeP = storageFree; } static void SystemInfoFormInit() { FormPtr frmP; Coord x; UInt32 dm, sm, df, sf; Char num[10]; GetMemory(&sm, &dm, &sf, &df); frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); FrmDrawForm(frmP); WinSetTextColor(255); FntSetFont(stdFont); StrIToA(num, dm); x = 149 - FntCharsWidth(num, StrLen(num)); WinDrawChars(num, StrLen(num), x, 30); StrIToA(num, sm); x = 149 - FntCharsWidth(num, StrLen(num)); WinDrawChars(num, StrLen(num), x, 42); StrIToA(num, df); x = 109 - FntCharsWidth(num, StrLen(num)); WinDrawChars(num, StrLen(num), x, 30); StrIToA(num, sf); x = 109 - FntCharsWidth(num, StrLen(num)); WinDrawChars(num, StrLen(num), x, 42); } static Boolean SystemInfoFormHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP) { Boolean handled = false; switch (eventP->eType) { case frmOpenEvent: SystemInfoFormInit(); handled = true; break; case ctlSelectEvent: // OK button only FrmReturnToForm (MainForm); handled = true; break; default: break; } return handled; } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: VolumeFormSave * FUNCTION: VolumeFormInit * FUNCTION: VolumeFormHandleEvent * * DESCRIPTION: * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static void VolumeFormSave() { SliderControlType *slid1P, *slid2P, *slid3P, *slid4P, *slid5P; slid1P = (SliderControlType *)GetObjectPtr(VolumeSpeakerSliderControl); slid2P = (SliderControlType *)GetObjectPtr(VolumeHeadphoneSliderControl); slid3P = (SliderControlType *)GetObjectPtr(VolumeMasterSliderControl); slid4P = (SliderControlType *)GetObjectPtr(VolumeMusicSliderControl); slid5P = (SliderControlType *)GetObjectPtr(VolumeSfxSliderControl); CtlGetSliderValues ((ControlType *)slid1P, 0, 0, 0, &gPrefs->volume.speaker) ; CtlGetSliderValues ((ControlType *)slid2P, 0, 0, 0, &gPrefs->volume.headphone) ; CtlGetSliderValues ((ControlType *)slid3P, 0, 0, 0, &gPrefs->volume.master); CtlGetSliderValues ((ControlType *)slid4P, 0, 0, 0, &gPrefs->volume.music); CtlGetSliderValues ((ControlType *)slid5P, 0, 0, 0, &gPrefs->volume.sfx); FrmReturnToForm (MainForm); } static void VolumeFormInit() { SliderControlType *slid1P, *slid2P, *slid3P, *slid4P, *slid5P; FormPtr frmP; UInt16 value; slid1P = (SliderControlType *)GetObjectPtr(VolumeSpeakerSliderControl); slid2P = (SliderControlType *)GetObjectPtr(VolumeHeadphoneSliderControl); slid3P = (SliderControlType *)GetObjectPtr(VolumeMasterSliderControl); slid4P = (SliderControlType *)GetObjectPtr(VolumeMusicSliderControl); slid5P = (SliderControlType *)GetObjectPtr(VolumeSfxSliderControl); value = gPrefs->volume.speaker; CtlSetSliderValues ((ControlType *)slid1P, 0, 0, 0, &value); value = gPrefs->volume.headphone; CtlSetSliderValues ((ControlType *)slid2P, 0, 0, 0, &value); value = gPrefs->volume.master; CtlSetSliderValues ((ControlType *)slid3P, 0, 0, 0, &value); value = gPrefs->volume.music; CtlSetSliderValues ((ControlType *)slid4P, 0, 0, 0, &value); value = gPrefs->volume.sfx; CtlSetSliderValues ((ControlType *)slid5P, 0, 0, 0, &value); frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); FrmDrawForm(frmP); } static Boolean VolumeFormHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP) { Boolean handled = false; switch (eventP->eType) { case frmOpenEvent: VolumeFormInit(); handled = true; break; case ctlSelectEvent: switch (eventP->data.ctlSelect.controlID) { case VolumeOKButton: VolumeFormSave(); break; case VolumeCancelButton: FrmReturnToForm(MainForm); break; } handled = true; break; default: break; } return handled; } static void SoundFormSave() { ControlType *cck1P; ListType *list1P; FieldType *fld1P; UInt8 tempo; cck1P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(SoundMusicCheckbox); list1P = (ListType *)GetObjectPtr(SoundDriverList); fld1P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(SoundTempoField); tempo = StrAToI(FldGetTextPtr(fld1P)); if (tempo < 50 || tempo > 200) { FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert, "Invalid tempo value (50...200)", 0, 0); return; } gPrefs->sound.music = CtlGetValue(cck1P); gPrefs->sound.driver = LstGetSelection(list1P); gPrefs->sound.tempo = StrAToI(FldGetTextPtr(fld1P)); FrmReturnToForm (MainForm); } static void SoundFormInit() { ControlType *cck1P; ListType *list1P; FieldType *fld1P; FormPtr frmP; MemHandle tempoH; Char *tempoP; cck1P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(SoundMusicCheckbox); list1P = (ListType *)GetObjectPtr(SoundDriverList); fld1P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(SoundTempoField); CtlSetValue(cck1P, gPrefs->sound.music); LstSetSelection(list1P, gPrefs->sound.driver); CtlSetLabel((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(SoundDriverPopTrigger), LstGetSelectionText(list1P, LstGetSelection(list1P))); tempoH = MemHandleNew(FldGetMaxChars(fld1P)); tempoP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(tempoH); StrIToA(tempoP, gPrefs->sound.tempo); MemHandleUnlock(tempoH); FldSetTextHandle(fld1P, tempoH); frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); FrmDrawForm(frmP); } static Boolean SoundFormHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP) { Boolean handled = false; switch (eventP->eType) { case frmOpenEvent: SoundFormInit(); handled = true; break; case ctlSelectEvent: switch (eventP->data.ctlSelect.controlID) { case SoundOKButton: SoundFormSave(); break; case SoundCancelButton: FrmReturnToForm(MainForm); break; case SoundDriverPopTrigger: FrmList(eventP, SoundDriverList); break; } handled = true; break; default: break; } return handled; } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: MiscOptionsFormSave * FUNCTION: MiscOptionsFormInit * FUNCTION: MiscOptionsFormHandleEvent * * DESCRIPTION: Misc. Options form functions * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static void MiscOptionsFormSave() { FieldType *fld1P; ControlType *cck1P, *cck2P, *cck3P, *cck4P, *cck5P, *cck6P; FormPtr frmP; fld1P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsDebugLevelField); cck1P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsVibratorCheckbox); cck2P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsNoAutoOffCheckbox); cck3P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsStdPaletteCheckbox); cck6P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsAutoResetCheckbox); cck4P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsDebugCheckbox); cck5P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsWriteIniCheckbox); frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); if (FldGetTextLength(fld1P) == 0 && CtlGetValue(cck4P) == 1) { FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert,"You must specified a debug level.",0,0); FrmSetFocus(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, MiscOptionsDebugLevelField)); return; } gPrefs->vibrator = CtlGetValue(cck1P); gPrefs->autoOff = !CtlGetValue(cck2P); gPrefs->stdPalette = CtlGetValue(cck3P); gPrefs->autoReset = CtlGetValue(cck6P); gPrefs->debug = CtlGetValue(cck4P); gPrefs->saveConfig = CtlGetValue(cck5P); gPrefs->debugLevel = StrAToI(FldGetTextPtr(fld1P)); FrmReturnToForm (MainForm); } static void MiscOptionsFormInit() { FieldType *fld1P; FormPtr frmP; Char *levelP; MemHandle levelH; CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsVibratorCheckbox), gPrefs->vibrator); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsNoAutoOffCheckbox), !gPrefs->autoOff); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsStdPaletteCheckbox), gPrefs->stdPalette); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsAutoResetCheckbox), gPrefs->autoReset); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsDebugCheckbox), gPrefs->debug); CtlSetValue((ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsWriteIniCheckbox), gPrefs->saveConfig); fld1P = (FieldType *)GetObjectPtr(MiscOptionsDebugLevelField); levelH = MemHandleNew(FldGetMaxChars(fld1P)); levelP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(levelH); StrIToA(levelP, gPrefs->debugLevel); MemHandleUnlock(levelH); FldSetTextHandle(fld1P, levelH); frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); FrmDrawForm(frmP); } static Boolean MiscOptionsFormHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP) { Boolean handled = false; switch (eventP->eType) { case frmOpenEvent: MiscOptionsFormInit(); handled = true; break; case ctlSelectEvent: switch (eventP->data.ctlSelect.controlID) { case MiscOptionsOKButton: MiscOptionsFormSave(); break; case MiscOptionsCancelButton: FrmReturnToForm(MainForm); break; } handled = true; break; default: break; } return handled; } static UInt16 parseCards(Boolean forceDisplay) { Err err; UInt16 volRefNum; UInt32 volIterator = vfsIteratorStart; UInt8 counter = 0; MemHandle cards = NULL; CardInfoType *cardsInfo; MemHandle items = NULL; Char **itemsText = NULL; UInt32 other = 1; while (volIterator != vfsIteratorStop) { err = VFSVolumeEnumerate(&volRefNum, &volIterator); if (!err) { Char labelP[expCardInfoStringMaxLen+1]; err = VFSVolumeGetLabel(volRefNum, labelP, expCardInfoStringMaxLen+1); if (!err) { if (StrLen(labelP) == 0) { // if no label try to retreive card type VolumeInfoType volInfo; err = VFSVolumeInfo(volRefNum, &volInfo); if (!err) { ExpCardInfoType info; err = ExpCardInfo(volInfo.slotRefNum, &info); StrCopy(labelP, info.deviceClassStr); } if (err != errNone) // if err default name StrPrintF(labelP,"Other Card %ld", other++); } if (!cards) cards = MemHandleNew(sizeof(CardInfoType)); else MemHandleResize(cards, MemHandleSize(cards) + sizeof(CardInfoType)); cardsInfo = (CardInfoType *)MemHandleLock(cards); cardsInfo[counter].volRefNum = volRefNum; StrCopy(cardsInfo[counter].nameP, labelP); MemHandleUnlock(cards); counter++; } } } if (counter>0) { cardsInfo = (CardInfoType *)MemHandleLock(cards); if (forceDisplay) { FormPtr frmP; ListPtr listP; Int16 selected = 0; UInt16 index; frmP = FrmInitForm (CardSlotForm); listP = (ListType *)FrmGetObjectPtr(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex(frmP, CardSlotSlotList)); for (index = 0; index < counter; index++) { if (!items) items = MemHandleNew(sizeof(Char *)); else MemHandleResize(items, MemHandleSize(items) + sizeof(Char *)); itemsText = (Char **)MemHandleLock(items); itemsText[index] = cardsInfo[index].nameP; MemHandleUnlock(items); if (cardsInfo[index].volRefNum == gPrefs->volRefNum) selected = index; } itemsText = (Char **)MemHandleLock(items); LstSetListChoices (listP, itemsText, counter); LstSetSelection(listP, selected); FrmDoDialog (frmP); selected = LstGetSelection(listP); MemHandleUnlock(items); MemHandleFree(items); FrmDeleteForm(frmP); volRefNum = cardsInfo[selected].volRefNum; } else { volRefNum = cardsInfo[0].volRefNum; // return the first volref } MemHandleUnlock(cards); MemHandleFree(cards); } else if (forceDisplay) { FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert, "No card found.\nPlease insert a memory card.", 0, 0); volRefNum = sysInvalidRefNum; } else { volRefNum = sysInvalidRefNum; } FormPtr frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); if (volRefNum != sysInvalidRefNum) { // if found try to create folders VFSDirCreate(volRefNum, "/PALM"); VFSDirCreate(volRefNum, "/PALM/Programs"); VFSDirCreate(volRefNum, "/PALM/Programs/ScummVM"); VFSDirCreate(volRefNum, "/PALM/Programs/ScummVM/Games"); VFSDirCreate(volRefNum, "/PALM/Programs/ScummVM/Saved"); if (frmP) FrmShowObject(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex (frmP, MainMSBitMap)); } else { if (frmP) FrmShowObject(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex (frmP, MainMSNoneBitMap)); } return volRefNum; } //############################################################################# //############################################################################# // Skin manager //############################################################################# //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #define AppLastVersion "v0.2.97" #define AppLastYear "2003" static void SknApplySkin() { DmOpenRef skinDBP; RectangleType r; FormPtr frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); WinScreenLock(winLockErase); // SknSetPalette(); FrmDrawForm(frmP); if (gPrefs->volRefNum != sysInvalidRefNum) FrmShowObject(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex (frmP, MainMSBitMap)); else FrmShowObject(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex (frmP, MainMSNoneBitMap)); WinSetForeColor(255); WinSetDrawMode(winPaint); WinDrawLine (0, 14, 159, 14); WinDrawLine (0, 13, 159, 13); skinDBP = SknOpenSkin(); SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageTop, &r); SknCopyBits(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageTop, 0, r.topLeft.x, r.topLeft.y, 0); SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageBottom, &r); SknCopyBits(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageBottom, 0, r.topLeft.x, r.topLeft.y, 0); for (UInt16 resID = 1100; resID <= 7000; resID += 100) { SknSetState(skinDBP, resID, sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP, resID); } SknCloseSkin(skinDBP); WinScreenUnlock(); GamUpdateList(); } //############################################################################# //############################################################################# /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: MainFormInit * * DESCRIPTION: This routine initializes the MainForm form. * * PARAMETERS: frm - pointer to the MainForm form. * * RETURNED: nothing * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static void MainFormInit() { SknApplySkin(); } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: MainFormDoCommand * * DESCRIPTION: This routine performs the menu command specified. * * PARAMETERS: command - menu item id * * RETURNED: nothing * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static Int16 SkinsFormCompare(SkinInfoType *a, SkinInfoType *b, SortRecordInfoPtr, SortRecordInfoPtr, MemHandle) { return StrCompare(a->nameP, b->nameP); } static Char **itemsText = NULL; static void *itemsList = NULL; static void SkinsFormInit(Boolean bDraw) { MemHandle skins = NULL; SkinInfoType *skinsInfo; UInt16 numSkins = 0; FormPtr frmP; ListType *listP; MemHandle items = NULL; ControlType *cck1P; DmSearchStateType stateInfo; UInt16 cardNo; LocalID dbID; Err errInfo; Char nameP[32]; itemsText = NULL; // parse and save skins Err err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator(true, &stateInfo, 'skin', appFileCreator, false, &cardNo, &dbID); while (!err && dbID) { errInfo = DmDatabaseInfo (cardNo, dbID, nameP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (!errInfo) { if (!skins) skins = MemHandleNew(sizeof(SkinInfoType)); else MemHandleResize(skins, MemHandleSize(skins) + sizeof(SkinInfoType)); skinsInfo = (SkinInfoType *)MemHandleLock(skins); StrCopy(skinsInfo[numSkins].nameP, nameP); skinsInfo[numSkins].cardNo = cardNo; skinsInfo[numSkins].dbID = dbID; MemHandleUnlock(skins); numSkins++; } err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator(false, &stateInfo, 'skin', appFileCreator, false, &cardNo, &dbID); } Int16 selected = -1; cck1P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(SkinsSoundClickCheckbox); CtlSetValue(cck1P, gPrefs->soundClick); listP = (ListType *)GetObjectPtr(SkinsSkinList); skinsInfo = (SkinInfoType *)MemHandleLock(skins); SysQSort(skinsInfo, numSkins, sizeof(SkinInfoType), (CmpFuncPtr)SkinsFormCompare, 0); // create itemsText (TODO: create a custom draw function) for (UInt16 index=0; index < numSkins; index++) { if (!items) items = MemHandleNew(sizeof(Char *)); else MemHandleResize(items, MemHandleSize(items) + sizeof(Char *)); itemsText = (Char **)MemHandleLock(items); itemsText[index] = skinsInfo[index].nameP; MemHandleUnlock(items); if ( gPrefs->skin.cardNo == skinsInfo[index].cardNo && gPrefs->skin.dbID == skinsInfo[index].dbID && StrCompare(gPrefs->skin.nameP, skinsInfo[index].nameP) == 0) selected = index; } // save globals and set list itemsText = (Char **)MemHandleLock(items); itemsList = (void *)skinsInfo; LstSetListChoices (listP, itemsText, numSkins); LstSetSelection(listP, selected); if (bDraw) { frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); FrmDrawForm(frmP); } else { WinScreenLock(winLockCopy); LstDrawList(listP); WinScreenUnlock(); // LstSetSelection(listP, 0); } } static void SkinsFormExit(Boolean bSave) { MemHandle skins; MemHandle items; SkinInfoType *skinsInfo; ListType *listP; Int16 selected; listP = (ListType *)GetObjectPtr(SkinsSkinList); selected = LstGetSelection(listP); if (bSave && selected == -1) { // may never occured... FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert, "You didn't select a skin.", 0, 0); return; } skinsInfo = (SkinInfoType *)itemsList; skins = MemPtrRecoverHandle(skinsInfo); items = MemPtrRecoverHandle(itemsText); itemsText = NULL; itemsList = NULL; if (bSave) { ControlType *cck1P; StrCopy(gPrefs->skin.nameP, skinsInfo[selected].nameP); gPrefs->skin.cardNo = skinsInfo[selected].cardNo; gPrefs->skin.dbID = skinsInfo[selected].dbID; cck1P = (ControlType *)GetObjectPtr(SkinsSoundClickCheckbox); gPrefs->soundClick = CtlGetValue(cck1P); } FrmReturnToForm (MainForm); MemHandleUnlock(items); MemHandleUnlock(skins); MemHandleFree(items); MemHandleFree(skins); if (bSave) SknApplySkin(); } static void SkinsFormBeam() { SkinInfoType *skinsInfo; ListType *listP; Int16 selected; Err err; listP = (ListType *)GetObjectPtr(SkinsSkinList); selected = LstGetSelection(listP); if (selected == -1) { // may never occured... FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert, "You didn't select a skin.", 0, 0); return; } skinsInfo = (SkinInfoType *)itemsList; err = SendDatabase(0, skinsInfo[selected].dbID, "skin.pdb", "\nScummVM Skin"); // if (err) // FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert, "Unable to beam this skin.",0,0); } static void SkinsFormDelete() { MemHandle skins; MemHandle items; SkinInfoType *skinsInfo; ListType *listP; Int16 selected; listP = (ListType *)GetObjectPtr(SkinsSkinList); selected = LstGetSelection(listP); if (selected == -1) { // may never occured... FrmCustomAlert(FrmInfoAlert, "You didn't select a skin.", 0, 0); return; } skinsInfo = (SkinInfoType *)itemsList; skins = MemPtrRecoverHandle(skinsInfo); items = MemPtrRecoverHandle(itemsText); if ( gPrefs->skin.cardNo == skinsInfo[selected].cardNo && gPrefs->skin.dbID == skinsInfo[selected].dbID && StrCompare(gPrefs->skin.nameP, skinsInfo[selected].nameP) == 0) { FrmCustomAlert(FrmInfoAlert, "You cannot delete the active skin.",0,0); return; } else { Err err = DmDeleteDatabase(0, skinsInfo[selected].dbID); if (!err) { itemsText = NULL; itemsList = NULL; MemHandleUnlock(items); MemHandleUnlock(skins); MemHandleFree(items); MemHandleFree(skins); SkinsFormInit(false); } else { FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert, "Skin deletion failed.",0,0); } } } static Boolean SkinsFormHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP) { Boolean handled = false; switch (eventP->eType) { case frmOpenEvent: SkinsFormInit(true); handled = true; break; case frmCloseEvent: SkinsFormExit(false); handled = true; break; case ctlSelectEvent: switch (eventP->data.ctlSelect.controlID) { case SkinsOKButton: SkinsFormExit(true); break; case SkinsCancelButton: SkinsFormExit(false); break; case SkinsBeamButton: SkinsFormBeam(); break; case SkinsDeleteButton: SkinsFormDelete(); break; } handled = true; break; default: break; } return handled; } static Boolean MainFormDoCommand(UInt16 command) { Boolean handled = false; FormPtr frmP; switch (command) { case MainGamesChooseaCard: MenuEraseStatus(0); gPrefs->volRefNum = parseCards(true); handled = true; break; case MainGamesMemory: MenuEraseStatus(0); FrmPopupForm(SystemInfoForm); handled = true; break; case MainGamesNewEdit: MenuEraseStatus(0); __editMode__ = edtModeParams; FrmPopupForm(EditGameForm); handled = true; break; case MainGamesBeamScummVM: MenuEraseStatus(0); BeamMe(); //if (BeamMe()) //FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert,"Unable to beam ScummVM for PalmOS.",0,0); handled = true; break; case MainOptionsAbout: MenuEraseStatus(0); // Clear the menu status from the display. frmP = FrmInitForm (AboutForm); FrmDoDialog (frmP); // Display the About Box. FrmDeleteForm (frmP); handled = true; break; case MainOptionsVolumeControl: FrmPopupForm(VolumeForm); handled = true; break; case MainOptionsSoundPrefs: FrmPopupForm(SoundForm); handled = true; break; case MainOptionsSkins: MenuEraseStatus(0); // Clear the menu status from the display. //SkinsFormDoDialog(); FrmPopupForm(SkinsForm); handled = true; break; case MainOptionsMiscellaneous: MenuEraseStatus(0); // Clear the menu status from the display. FrmPopupForm(MiscOptionsForm); handled = true; break; } return handled; } static void SavePrefs() { if (gPrefs) { PrefSetAppPreferences(appFileCreator, appPrefID, appPrefVersionNum, gPrefs, sizeof (GlobalsPreferenceType), true); MemPtrFree(gPrefs); gPrefs = NULL; } } static Boolean CheckVibratorExists() { UInt32 romVersion; Err err; Boolean exists = false; err = FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumROMVersion, &romVersion); if (!err) { if (romVersion >= sysMakeROMVersion(4,0,0,sysROMStageRelease,0)) { Boolean active = false; err = HwrVibrateAttributes(0, kHwrVibrateActive, &active); exists = (!err) ? true : exists; } } return exists; } static void AddArg(Char **argvP, const Char *argP, const Char *parmP, UInt8 *countArgP) { if (argP) { UInt16 len2 = 0; UInt16 len1 = StrLen(argP); if (len1 > 0) { if (parmP) len2 = StrLen(parmP); (*countArgP)++; *argvP = (Char *)MemPtrNew(len1 + len2 + 1); StrCopy(*argvP, argP); if (parmP) StrCat(*argvP, parmP); } } } // need to move this on a .h file #define sonySysFileCSystem 'SsYs' /* Sony overall System */ #define sonySysFtrCreatorSystem sonySysFileCSystem #define sonySysFtrNumSystemBase 10000 #define sonySysFtrNumSystemAOutSndStateOnHandlerP (sonySysFtrNumSystemBase + 4) #define sonySysFtrNumSystemAOutSndStateOffHandlerP (sonySysFtrNumSystemBase + 5) typedef void (*sndStateOnType)(UInt8 /* kind */, UInt8 /* L volume 0-31 */, UInt8 /* R volume 0-31 */); typedef void (*sndStateOffType)(UInt8 /* kind */); /* kind */ #define aOutSndKindSp (0) /* Speaker volume */ #define aOutSndKindHp (2) /* HeadPhone volume */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MAX_ARG 20 static void StartScummVM() { Char *argvP[MAX_ARG]; UInt8 argc = 0; UInt8 count; Boolean autoOff; UInt16 autoOffDelay; Boolean debug; UInt16 musicDriver = sysInvalidRefNum; // for launch call bStartScumm = false; // UInt16 index = GamGetSelected(); for(count = 0; count < MAX_ARG; count++) argvP[count] = NULL; if (index != dmMaxRecordIndex) { Char pathP[256]; Char num[4]; MemHandle recordH; GameInfoType *gameInfoP; recordH = DmQueryRecord(_dbP,index); gameInfoP = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(recordH); // check path StrCopy(pathP,"/Palm/Programs/ScummVM/Games/"); if (gameInfoP->pathP[0]=='/') StrCopy(pathP,gameInfoP->pathP); else StrCat(pathP,gameInfoP->pathP); /* { FileRef tmpRef; // TODO : enable empty path -> /Palm/Programs/ScummVM/Games/ as default if (VFSFileOpen(gPrefs->volRefNum, pathP, vfsModeRead, &tmpRef) != errNone) { MemHandleUnlock(recordH); FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert,"The specified path was not found !",0,0); return; } else { VFSFileClose(tmpRef); } } */ AddArg(&argvP[argc], "ScummVM", NULL, &argc); // save scummvm.ini ? if (gPrefs->saveConfig) AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-w", NULL, &argc); // path AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-p", pathP, &argc); // gfx mode gVars->flipping.pageAddr1 = (UInt8 *)(BmpGetBits(WinGetBitmap(WinGetDisplayWindow()))); gVars->flipping.pageAddr2 = gVars->flipping.pageAddr1; // default if not flipping mode switch (gameInfoP->gfxMode) { case 1: AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-g", "flipping", &argc); gVars->flipping.pageAddr1 = (UInt8 *)WinScreenLock(winLockErase); WinScreenUnlock(); break; case 2: AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-g", "dbuffer", &argc); break; case 3: AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-g", "wide", &argc); gVars->flipping.pageAddr1 = (UInt8 *)WinScreenLock(winLockErase); WinScreenUnlock(); break; default: AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-g", "normal", &argc); break; } // load state if (gameInfoP->autoLoad) { StrIToA(num, gameInfoP->loadSlot); AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-x", num, &argc); } // start in room if (gameInfoP->autoRoom) { StrIToA(num, gameInfoP->roomNum); AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-b", num, &argc); } // amiga palette if (gameInfoP->amiga) { AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-a", NULL, &argc); } // subtitles if (!gameInfoP->subtitles) { AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-n", NULL, &argc); } // talk speed if (gameInfoP->talkSpeed) { StrIToA(num, gameInfoP->talkValue); AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-y", num, &argc); } // debug level debug = gPrefs->debug; if (gPrefs->debug) { StrIToA(num, gPrefs->debugLevel); AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-d", num, &argc); } // music driver musicDriver = gPrefs->sound.music; if (musicDriver) { switch (gPrefs->sound.driver) { case 0: // NULL AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-e", "null", &argc); break; case 1: // yamaha Pa1 AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-e", "ypa1", &argc); break; } } else // NULL as default AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-e", "null", &argc); // music tempo StrIToA(num, gPrefs->sound.tempo); AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-t", num, &argc); // volume control StrIToA(num, gPrefs->volume.master); AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-o", num, &argc); StrIToA(num, gPrefs->volume.sfx); AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-s", num, &argc); StrIToA(num, gPrefs->volume.music); AddArg(&argvP[argc], "-m", num, &argc); // game name AddArg(&argvP[argc], gameInfoP->gameP, NULL, &argc); MemHandleUnlock(recordH); } GamCloseDatabase(); FrmCloseAllForms(); autoOff = gPrefs->autoOff; if (!autoOff) { autoOffDelay = SysSetAutoOffTime(0); EvtResetAutoOffTimer(); } // gVars values //gVars->HRrefNum defined in checkHRmode on Clié OS4 //gVars->logFile defined bellow, must be defined only if debug option is checked gVars->screenLocked = false; gVars->volRefNum = gPrefs->volRefNum; gVars->vibrator = gPrefs->vibrator; gVars->stdPalette = gPrefs->stdPalette; gVars->autoReset = gPrefs->autoReset; if (gVars->vibrator) { if (CheckVibratorExists()) { UInt16 cycle = (SysTicksPerSecond())/2; UInt32 pattern = 0xFF000000; UInt16 delay = 1; UInt16 repeat = 1; HwrVibrateAttributes(1, kHwrVibrateRate, &cycle); HwrVibrateAttributes(1, kHwrVibratePattern, &pattern); HwrVibrateAttributes(1, kHwrVibrateDelay, &delay); HwrVibrateAttributes(1, kHwrVibrateRepeatCount, &repeat); } else { gVars->vibrator = false; } } if (debug) { VFSFileDelete(gVars->volRefNum,"PALM/Programs/ScummVM/scumm.log"); VFSFileCreate(gVars->volRefNum,"PALM/Programs/ScummVM/scumm.log"); VFSFileOpen(gVars->volRefNum,"PALM/Programs/ScummVM/scumm.log",vfsModeWrite, &gVars->logFile); } void *sndStateOnFuncP = NULL, *sndStateOffFuncP = NULL; if (musicDriver == 1 || musicDriver == sysInvalidRefNum) { Pa1Lib_Open(); FtrGet(sonySysFtrCreatorSystem, sonySysFtrNumSystemAOutSndStateOnHandlerP, (UInt32*) &sndStateOnFuncP); FtrGet(sonySysFtrCreatorSystem, sonySysFtrNumSystemAOutSndStateOffHandlerP, (UInt32*) &sndStateOffFuncP); Pa1Lib_devHpVolume(gPrefs->volume.headphone, gPrefs->volume.headphone); Pa1Lib_devSpVolume(gPrefs->volume.speaker); if (sndStateOnFuncP && sndStateOffFuncP) { ((sndStateOnType)(sndStateOnFuncP))(aOutSndKindSp, gPrefs->volume.headphone, gPrefs->volume.headphone); ((sndStateOnType)(sndStateOnFuncP))(aOutSndKindHp, gPrefs->volume.speaker, gPrefs->volume.speaker); } } SavePrefs(); // free globals pref memory GBOpen(); GBInitAll(); // MemExtInit(); main(argc, argvP); // MemExtCleanup(); GBReleaseAll(); GBClose(); if (musicDriver == 1 || musicDriver == sysInvalidRefNum) { Pa1Lib_Close(); if (sndStateOnFuncP && sndStateOffFuncP) { ((sndStateOffType)(sndStateOffFuncP))(aOutSndKindSp); ((sndStateOffType)(sndStateOffFuncP))(aOutSndKindHp); } } if (debug) VFSFileClose(gVars->logFile); for(count = 0; count < MAX_ARG; count++) if (argvP[count]) MemPtrFree(argvP[count]); if (gVars->vibrator) { Boolean active = false; HwrVibrateAttributes(1, kHwrVibrateActive, &active); } if (!autoOff) { SysSetAutoOffTime(autoOffDelay);SystemPreferencesChoice EvtResetAutoOffTimer(); } } void PalmFatalError(const Char *err) { WinPalette(winPaletteSetToDefault,0,0,0); if (gVars->screenLocked) WinScreenUnlock(); // MemExtCleanup(); WinEraseWindow(); FrmCustomAlert(FrmFatalErrorAlert, err, 0,0); SysReset(); } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: MainFormHandleEvent * * DESCRIPTION: This routine is the event handler for the * "MainForm" of this application. * * PARAMETERS: eventP - a pointer to an EventType structure * * RETURNED: true if the event has handle and should not be passed * to a higher level handler. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static Boolean penDownRepeat() { Coord x,y; Boolean penDown, handled = false; EvtGetPen(&x, &y, &penDown); if (penDown && sknLastOn) { RectangleType r; DmOpenRef skinDBP; skinDBP = SknOpenSkin(); SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, sknLastOn, &r); if (RctPtInRectangle(x*2, y*2, &r)) { if (SknGetState(skinDBP, sknLastOn) != sknStateSelected) { SknSetState(skinDBP, sknLastOn, sknStateSelected); SknShowObject(skinDBP, sknLastOn); } switch (sknLastOn) { case skinSliderUpArrow: case skinSliderDownArrow: handled = ArwProcessAction(sknLastOn); break; } } else { if (SknGetState(skinDBP, sknLastOn) != sknStateNormal) { SknSetState(skinDBP, sknLastOn, sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP, sknLastOn); } } SknCloseSkin(skinDBP); } return handled; } static Boolean MainFormHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP) { Boolean handled = false; FormPtr frmP; Coord x,y; DmOpenRef skinDBP; switch (eventP->eType) { case menuEvent: return MainFormDoCommand(eventP->data.menu.itemID); case frmOpenEvent: MainFormInit(); handled = true; break; case ctlSelectEvent: switch (eventP->data.ctlSelect.controlID) { case MainCardsButton: gPrefs->volRefNum = parseCards(true); break; case MainAboutButton: frmP = FrmInitForm (AboutForm); FrmDoDialog (frmP); // Display the About Box. FrmDeleteForm (frmP); break; // case MainListTypeSelTrigger: // FrmList(eventP, MainListTypeList); // break; } handled = true; break; case frmUpdateEvent: int a= 0; // To do any custom drawing here, first call FrmDrawForm(), then do your // drawing, and then set handled to true. break; case penUpEvent: x = eventP->screenX; y = eventP->screenY; _lstIndex = dmMaxRecordIndex; if (sknLastOn != skinButtonNone) { RectangleType r; skinDBP = SknOpenSkin(); SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, sknLastOn, &r); SknSetState(skinDBP, sknLastOn, sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP, sknLastOn); SknCloseSkin(skinDBP); if (RctPtInRectangle(x*2, y*2, &r)) { switch (sknLastOn) { case skinButtonGameAdd: __editMode__ = edtModeAdd; FrmPopupForm(EditGameForm); handled = true; break; case skinButtonGameEdit: case skinButtonGameParams: __editMode__ = edtModeParams; FrmPopupForm(EditGameForm); handled = true; break; case skinButtonGameStart: if (gPrefs->volRefNum == sysInvalidRefNum) FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert,"Please select/insert a memory card.", 0, 0); else bStartScumm = true; handled = true; break; case skinButtonGameDelete: EditGameFormDelete(true); break; } } sknLastOn = skinButtonNone; } break; case penDownEvent: case penMoveEvent: if (sknLastOn == skinButtonNone) { x = eventP->screenX; y = eventP->screenY; skinDBP = SknOpenSkin(); switch (sknLastOn = SknCheckClick(skinDBP, x,y)) { case skinButtonNone: break; case skinSliderUpArrow: case skinSliderDownArrow: case skinButtonGameAdd: case skinButtonGameEdit: case skinButtonGameParams: case skinButtonGameStart: case skinButtonGameDelete: SknSetState(skinDBP, sknLastOn, sknStateSelected); SknShowObject(skinDBP, sknLastOn); if (gPrefs->soundClick) SndPlaySystemSound(sndClick); handled = true; break; default: FrmCustomAlert(FrmWarnAlert,"Unknown button !",0,0); } SknCloseSkin(skinDBP); GamSelect(x, y); } break; default: handled = penDownRepeat(); } return handled; } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: AppHandleEvent * * DESCRIPTION: This routine loads form resources and set the event * handler for the form loaded. * * PARAMETERS: event - a pointer to an EventType structure * * RETURNED: true if the event has handle and should not be passed * to a higher level handler. * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static Boolean AppHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP) { UInt16 formId; FormPtr frmP; if (eventP->eType == frmLoadEvent) { // Load the form resource. formId = eventP->data.frmLoad.formID; frmP = FrmInitForm(formId); FrmSetActiveForm(frmP); // Set the event handler for the form. The handler of the currently // active form is called by FrmHandleEvent each time is receives an // event. switch (formId) { case MainForm: FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, MainFormHandleEvent); break; case SkinsForm: FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, SkinsFormHandleEvent); break; case EditGameForm: FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, EditGameFormHandleEvent); break; case MiscOptionsForm: FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, MiscOptionsFormHandleEvent); break; case VolumeForm: FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, VolumeFormHandleEvent); break; case SoundForm: FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, SoundFormHandleEvent); break; case SystemInfoForm: FrmSetEventHandler(frmP, SystemInfoFormHandleEvent); break; default: // ErrFatalDisplay("Invalid Form Load Event"); break; } return true; } return false; } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: AppEventLoop * * DESCRIPTION: This routine is the event loop for the application. * * PARAMETERS: nothing * * RETURNED: nothing * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static void AppEventLoop(void) { UInt16 error; EventType event; do { EvtGetEvent(&event, evtNoWait); if(bStartScumm) StartScummVM(); if (! SysHandleEvent(&event)) if (! MenuHandleEvent(0, &event, &error)) if (! AppHandleEvent(&event)) FrmDispatchEvent(&event); } while (event.eType != appStopEvent); } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: AppStart * * DESCRIPTION: Get the current application's preferences. * * PARAMETERS: nothing * * RETURNED: Err value 0 if nothing went wrong * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static Err AppStartCheckHRmode() { SonySysFtrSysInfoP sonySysFtrSysInfoP; UInt32 version; Err error = errNone; // test if sonyHR is present if (!(error = FtrGet(sonySysFtrCreator, sonySysFtrNumSysInfoP, (UInt32*)&sonySysFtrSysInfoP))) { if (sonySysFtrSysInfoP->libr & sonySysFtrSysInfoLibrHR) { /* HR available */ if ((error = SysLibFind(sonySysLibNameHR, &gVars->HRrefNum))) { if (error == sysErrLibNotFound) /* couldn't find lib */ error = SysLibLoad( 'libr', sonySysFileCHRLib, &gVars->HRrefNum ); } if (!error ) { /* Now we can use HR lib. Executes Open library. */ error = HROpen(gVars->HRrefNum); } } } // if not Hi-Density ? if (error && !(error = FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumWinVersion, &version))) { gVars->HRrefNum = sysInvalidRefNum; // Not sony HR if (version<4) error = 1; } if (!error) { /* Not error processing */ UInt32 width, height, depth; Boolean color; width = hrWidth; height= hrHeight; depth = 8; color = true; if (gVars->HRrefNum != sysInvalidRefNum) error = HRWinScreenMode ( gVars->HRrefNum, winScreenModeSet, &width, &height, &depth, &color ); else error = WinScreenMode ( winScreenModeSet, &width, &height, &depth, &color ); /* high-resolution mode entered from here if no error */ if (error != errNone) FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert,"Your device doesn't seems to support 256 colors mode.",0,0); } else FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert,"This device doesn't seems to support\nHi-Res mode.",0,0); return error; } static void AppStopHRMode() { if (gVars->HRrefNum != sysInvalidRefNum) { HRClose(gVars->HRrefNum); //SysLibRemove(gVars->HRrefNum); // never call this !! } } static Err AppStartCheckNotify() { UInt32 romVersion; Err err; err = FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumNotifyMgrVersion, &romVersion); if (!err) { UInt16 cardNo; LocalID dbID; err = SysCurAppDatabase(&cardNo, &dbID); if (!err) { SysNotifyRegister(cardNo, dbID, sysNotifyVolumeMountedEvent, NULL, sysNotifyNormalPriority, NULL); SysNotifyRegister(cardNo, dbID, sysNotifyVolumeUnmountedEvent, NULL, sysNotifyNormalPriority, NULL); } } return err; } static Err AppStartLoadSkin() { Err err = errNone; // if skin defined, check if the db still exists if (gPrefs->skin.dbID) { UInt32 type, creator; // remember to check version for next revision of the skin err = DmDatabaseInfo (gPrefs->skin.cardNo, gPrefs->skin.dbID, gPrefs->skin.nameP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, &type, &creator); if (!err) if (type != 'skin' || creator != appFileCreator) err = dmErrInvalidParam; if (err) MemSet(&(gPrefs->skin),sizeof(SkinInfoType),0); } // No skin ? try to get the first one if (!gPrefs->skin.dbID) { DmSearchStateType stateInfo; err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator(true, &stateInfo, 'skin', appFileCreator, false, &gPrefs->skin.cardNo, &gPrefs->skin.dbID); if (!err) err = DmDatabaseInfo (gPrefs->skin.cardNo, gPrefs->skin.dbID, gPrefs->skin.nameP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } if (err) FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert,"No skin found.\nPlease install a skin and restart ScummVM.",0,0); return err; } static Err AppStartCheckMathLib() { Err error = errNone; if ((error = SysLibFind(MathLibName, &MathLibRef))) if (error == sysErrLibNotFound) // couldn't find lib error = SysLibLoad( LibType, MathLibCreator, &MathLibRef); if (!error) {// Now we can use lib. Executes Open library. error = MathLibOpen(MathLibRef, MathLibVersion); if (error) FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert,"Can't open MathLib !",0,0); } else { FrmCustomAlert(FrmErrorAlert,"Can't find MathLib.\nPlease install it first.",0,0); } return error; } static void AppStopMathLib() { UInt16 useCount; if (MathLibRef != sysInvalidRefNum) { MathLibClose(MathLibRef, &useCount); if (!useCount) SysLibRemove(MathLibRef); } } static Err AppStart(void) { UInt16 dataSize; Err error; // allocate global variables space dataSize = sizeof(GlobalsDataType); gVars = (GlobalsDataType *)MemPtrNew(dataSize); MemSet(gVars, dataSize, 0); gVars->indicator.on = 255; gVars->indicator.off = 0; gVars->HRrefNum = sysInvalidRefNum; // allocate prefs space dataSize = sizeof(GlobalsPreferenceType); gPrefs = (GlobalsPreferenceType *)MemPtrNew(dataSize); MemSet(gPrefs, dataSize, 0); // Read the saved preferences / saved-state information. if (PrefGetAppPreferences(appFileCreator, appPrefID, gPrefs, &dataSize, true) == noPreferenceFound) { UInt32 romVersion; FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumROMVersion, &romVersion); gPrefs->volRefNum = sysInvalidRefNum; gPrefs->autoOff = true; gPrefs->vibrator = CheckVibratorExists(); gPrefs->debug = false; gPrefs->stdPalette = (romVersion >= kOS5Version); gPrefs->volume.speaker = 16; gPrefs->volume.headphone = 16; gPrefs->volume.master = 192; gPrefs->volume.music = 192; gPrefs->volume.sfx = 192; gPrefs->sound.tempo = 100; } else { // tempo was popup trigger and now it's numeric field // so fix the value to default if it's an old config if (gPrefs->sound.tempo < 50) gPrefs->sound.tempo = 100; } error = AppStartCheckMathLib(); if (error) return (error); error = AppStartCheckHRmode(); if (error) return (error); error = AppStartLoadSkin(); if (error) return (error); error = GamOpenDatabase(); if (error) return (error); if (gPrefs->volRefNum != sysInvalidRefNum) { // if volref prviously defined, check if it's a valid one VolumeInfoType volInfo; Err err = VFSVolumeInfo(gPrefs->volRefNum, &volInfo); if (err) gPrefs->volRefNum = sysInvalidRefNum; } else gPrefs->volRefNum = parseCards(0); // get first volref AppStartCheckNotify(); // not fatal error if not avalaible return error; } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: AppStop * * DESCRIPTION: Save the current state of the application. * * PARAMETERS: nothing * * RETURNED: nothing * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static Err AppStopCheckNotify() { UInt32 romVersion; Err err; err = FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumNotifyMgrVersion, &romVersion); if (!err) { UInt16 cardNo; LocalID dbID; err = SysCurAppDatabase(&cardNo, &dbID); if (!err) { SysNotifyUnregister(cardNo, dbID, sysNotifyVolumeUnmountedEvent, sysNotifyNormalPriority); SysNotifyUnregister(cardNo, dbID, sysNotifyVolumeMountedEvent, sysNotifyNormalPriority); } } return err; } static void AppStop(void) { WinEraseWindow(); WinPalette(winPaletteSetToDefault, 0, 256, NULL); // Write the saved preferences / saved-state information. This data // will saved during a HotSync backup. SavePrefs(); AppStopCheckNotify(); AppStopMathLib(); AppStopHRMode(); // Close all the open forms. FrmCloseAllForms(); GamCloseDatabase(); if (gVars) { Boolean autoReset = gVars->autoReset; MemPtrFree(gVars); if (autoReset) SysReset(); } } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: ScummVMPalmMain * * DESCRIPTION: This is the main entry point for the application. * * PARAMETERS: cmd - word value specifying the launch code. * cmdPB - pointer to a structure that is associated with the launch code. * launchFlags - word value providing extra information about the launch. * * RETURNED: Result of launch * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ static void AppLaunchCmdNotify(UInt16 LaunchFlags, SysNotifyParamType * pData) { switch (pData->notifyType) { case sysNotifyVolumeMountedEvent: pData->handled = true; // don't switch if (gPrefs->volRefNum == sysInvalidRefNum) { FormPtr frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); VFSAnyMountParamType *notifyDetailsP = (VFSAnyMountParamType *)pData->notifyDetailsP; gPrefs->volRefNum = notifyDetailsP->volRefNum; if (frmP && gPrefs->volRefNum != sysInvalidRefNum) { MenuEraseStatus(0); FrmShowObject(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex (frmP, MainMSBitMap)); } } case sysNotifyVolumeUnmountedEvent: if (gPrefs->volRefNum == (UInt16)pData->notifyDetailsP) { FormPtr frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); gPrefs->volRefNum = sysInvalidRefNum; if (frmP) { MenuEraseStatus(0); FrmShowObject(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex (frmP, MainMSNoneBitMap)); } } break; } } static UInt32 ScummVMPalmMain(UInt16 cmd, MemPtr cmdPBP, UInt16 launchFlags) { Err error; error = RomVersionCompatible (kOurMinVersion, launchFlags); if (error) return (error); switch (cmd) { case sysAppLaunchCmdNotify: AppLaunchCmdNotify(launchFlags, (SysNotifyParamType *) cmdPBP); break; case sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch: error = AppStart(); if (error) goto end; FrmGotoForm(MainForm); AppEventLoop(); end: AppStop(); break; default: break; } return error; } /*********************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: PilotMain * * DESCRIPTION: This is the main entry point for the application. * * PARAMETERS: cmd - word value specifying the launch code. * cmdPB - pointer to a structure that is associated with the launch code. * launchFlags - word value providing extra information about the launch. * RETURNED: Result of launch * * REVISION HISTORY: * * ***********************************************************************/ UInt32 PilotMain( UInt16 cmd, MemPtr cmdPBP, UInt16 launchFlags) { return ScummVMPalmMain(cmd, cmdPBP, launchFlags); }