/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include #include #include #include "start.h" #include "games.h" #include "globals.h" #include "skin.h" #include "StarterRsc.h" UInt16 lastIndex = dmMaxRecordIndex; // last select index in the list to prevent flash static WinHandle winLockH = NULL; MemPtr SknScreenLock(WinLockInitType initMode) { if (!OPTIONS_TST(kOptDeviceZodiac)) { WinSetDrawWindow(WinGetDisplayWindow()); // WARNING : this doesn't work on < OS5 with 16bit mode return WinScreenLock(initMode); } Err e; RectangleType r; WinGetBounds(WinGetDisplayWindow(), &r); winLockH = WinCreateOffscreenWindow(r.extent.x, r.extent.y, nativeFormat, &e); WinSetDrawWindow(winLockH); if (initMode == winLockCopy) WinCopyRectangle(WinGetDisplayWindow(), winLockH, &r, 0, 0, winPaint); return BmpGetBits(WinGetBitmap(winLockH)); } void SknScreenUnlock() { if (!OPTIONS_TST(kOptDeviceZodiac)) { WinSetDrawWindow(WinGetDisplayWindow()); WinScreenUnlock(); return; } RectangleType r; WinGetBounds(winLockH, &r); WinCopyRectangle(winLockH, WinGetDisplayWindow(), &r, 0, 0, winPaint); WinSetDrawWindow(WinGetDisplayWindow()); WinDeleteWindow(winLockH, false); winLockH = NULL; } static void SknGetListColors(DmOpenRef skinDBP, UInt8 *text, UInt8 *selected, UInt8 *background) { UInt16 colIndex; MemHandle colH; UInt8 *colTemp; // default *text = UIColorGetTableEntryIndex (UIMenuForeground); *selected = UIColorGetTableEntryIndex (UIMenuSelectedForeground); *background = UIColorGetTableEntryIndex (UIMenuSelectedFill); if (skinDBP) { colIndex = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknColorsRsc, skinColors, NULL); if (colIndex != (UInt16)-1) { colH = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP, colIndex); if (colH) { colTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(colH); *text = colTemp[0]; *selected = colTemp[1]; *background = colTemp[2]; MemPtrUnlock(colTemp); DmReleaseResource(colH); } } } } static void SknCopyBits(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID bitmapID, const RectangleType *srcRect, Coord destX, Coord destY) { MemHandle hTemp; BitmapPtr bmpTemp; UInt16 index; Coord cx, cy, cw, ch, bw, bh; RectangleType copy, old; if (skinDBP) { // find the bitmap index = DmFindResource (skinDBP, bitmapRsc, bitmapID, NULL); if (index != (UInt16)-1) { hTemp = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP,index); if (hTemp) { bmpTemp = (BitmapType *)MemHandleLock(hTemp); BmpGlueGetDimensions(bmpTemp, &bw, &bh, 0); if (!srcRect) { cx = 0; cy = 0; cw = bw; ch = bh; } else { cx = srcRect->topLeft.x; cy = srcRect->topLeft.y; cw = srcRect->extent.x; ch = srcRect->extent.y; } if (ch) { WinGetClip(&old); if (gVars->HRrefNum != sysInvalidRefNum) { copy.topLeft.x = destX; copy.topLeft.y = destY; copy.extent.x = cw; copy.extent.y = ch; HRWinSetClip(gVars->HRrefNum, ©); HRWinDrawBitmap(gVars->HRrefNum, bmpTemp, destX - cx, destY - cy); } else { Err e; BitmapTypeV3 *bmp2P; // create an uncompressed version of the bitmap WinHandle win = WinCreateOffscreenWindow(bw, bh, screenFormat, &e); WinHandle old = WinGetDrawWindow(); WinSetDrawWindow(win); WinDrawBitmap(bmpTemp, 0, 0); WinSetDrawWindow(old); bmp2P = BmpCreateBitmapV3(WinGetBitmap(win), kDensityDouble, BmpGetBits(WinGetBitmap(win)), NULL); copy.topLeft.x = destX / 2; copy.topLeft.y = destY / 2; copy.extent.x = cw / 2; copy.extent.y = ch / 2; WinSetClip(©); WinDrawBitmap((BitmapPtr)bmp2P, (destX - cx) / 2, (destY - cy) / 2); BmpDelete((BitmapPtr)bmp2P); WinDeleteWindow(win, false); } WinSetClip(&old); } MemPtrUnlock(bmpTemp); DmReleaseResource(hTemp); } } } } void SknApplySkin() { DmOpenRef skinDBP; RectangleType r; FormPtr frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); // draw skin FrmDrawForm(frmP); SknScreenLock(winLockCopy); skinDBP = SknOpenSkin(); if (gPrefs->card.volRefNum != sysInvalidRefNum) FrmShowObject(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex (frmP, MainMSBitMap)); else FrmShowObject(frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex (frmP, MainMSNoneBitMap)); WinSetForeColor(255); WinSetDrawMode(winPaint); WinDrawLine (0, 14, 159, 14); WinDrawLine (0, 13, 159, 13); SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageTop, &r); SknCopyBits(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageTop, 0, r.topLeft.x, r.topLeft.y); SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageBottom, &r); SknCopyBits(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageBottom, 0, r.topLeft.x, r.topLeft.y); for (UInt16 resID = 1100; resID <= 7000; resID += 100) { SknSetState(skinDBP, resID, sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP, resID); } SknCloseSkin(skinDBP); SknScreenUnlock(); SknUpdateList(); gVars->skinSet = true; // for winDisplayChangedEvent redraw } void SknGetObjectBounds(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID resID, RectangleType *rP) { UInt16 bmpIndex, strIndex; MemHandle hBmp, hStr; BitmapType *bmpTemp; UInt8 *strTemp; RctSetRectangle(rP, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (skinDBP) { bmpIndex = DmFindResource (skinDBP, bitmapRsc, resID, NULL); if (bmpIndex != (UInt16)-1) { // if bmp exists strIndex = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknPosRsc, resID, NULL); if (strIndex != (UInt16)-1) { // if params exist hBmp = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP,bmpIndex); if (hBmp) { hStr = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP,strIndex); if (hStr) { // buttons : state|x|y|w/h slider|draw mode|x1/y1 keep|x2/y2 keep slider // list (160mode) : state|x|y|w|h| bmpTemp = (BitmapType *)MemHandleLock(hBmp); strTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(hStr); BmpGlueGetDimensions(bmpTemp, &(rP->extent.x), &(rP->extent.y), 0); rP->topLeft.x = strTemp[sknInfoPosX] * 2; rP->topLeft.y = strTemp[sknInfoPosY] * 2; MemPtrUnlock(strTemp); DmReleaseResource(hStr); } MemPtrUnlock(bmpTemp); DmReleaseResource(hBmp); } } } } } DmOpenRef SknOpenSkin() { return DmOpenDatabase(gPrefs->skin.cardNo, gPrefs->skin.dbID, dmModeReadOnly); } void SknCloseSkin(DmOpenRef skinDBP) { if (skinDBP) DmCloseDatabase(skinDBP); } UInt8 SknSetState(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID resID, UInt8 newState) { UInt16 index; MemHandle hStr; UInt8 *strTemp; UInt8 oldState = 0; if (skinDBP) { index = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknPosRsc, resID, NULL); if (index != (UInt16)-1) { hStr = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP, index); if (hStr) { strTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(hStr); oldState = strTemp[sknInfoState]; if (oldState != newState) { DmWrite(strTemp, 0, &newState, 1); } MemPtrUnlock(strTemp); DmReleaseResource(hStr); } } } return oldState; } UInt8 SknGetDepth(DmOpenRef skinDBP) { UInt16 index; MemHandle hStr; UInt8 *strTemp; UInt8 depth = 8; if (skinDBP) { index = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknDepthRsc, skinDepth, NULL); if (index != (UInt16)-1) { hStr = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP, index); if (hStr) { strTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(hStr); depth = *strTemp; MemPtrUnlock(strTemp); DmReleaseResource(hStr); } } } return depth; } UInt8 SknGetState(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID resID) { UInt16 index; MemHandle hStr; UInt8 *strTemp; UInt8 oldState = sknStateDisabled; if (skinDBP) { index = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknPosRsc, resID, NULL); if (index != (UInt16)-1) { hStr = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP, index); if (hStr) { strTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(hStr); oldState = strTemp[sknInfoState]; MemPtrUnlock(strTemp); DmReleaseResource(hStr); } } } return oldState; } void SknShowObject(DmOpenRef skinDBP, DmResID resID) { RectangleType r; UInt8 state = SknGetState(skinDBP, resID); SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, resID, &r); SknCopyBits(skinDBP, resID + state, NULL, r.topLeft.x, r.topLeft.y); } void SknGetListBounds(RectangleType *rAreaP, RectangleType *rArea2xP) { DmOpenRef skinDBP; UInt16 strIndex; MemHandle hStr; UInt8 *strTemp; UInt16 x,y,w,h; skinDBP = DmOpenDatabase(gPrefs->skin.cardNo, gPrefs->skin.dbID, dmModeReadOnly); if (skinDBP) { strIndex = DmFindResource (skinDBP, sknPosRsc, skinList, NULL); if (strIndex != 0xFFFF) { // if params exist hStr = DmGetResourceIndex(skinDBP,strIndex); if (hStr) { strTemp = (UInt8 *)MemHandleLock(hStr); x = strTemp[sknInfoPosX]; y = strTemp[sknInfoPosY]; w = strTemp[sknInfoListWidth]; h = strTemp[sknInfoListSize] * sknInfoListItemSize; if (rAreaP) RctSetRectangle(rAreaP ,x, y, w, h); if (rArea2xP) RctSetRectangle(rArea2xP, x+x, y+y, w+w, h+h); MemHandleUnlock(hStr); DmReleaseResource(hStr); } } DmCloseDatabase(skinDBP); } } static void SknRedrawTools(DmOpenRef skinDBP) { if (GamGetSelected() == dmMaxRecordIndex) { if (SknGetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete) == sknStateNormal) { SknSetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete,sknStateDisabled); SknShowObject(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete); } if (SknGetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit) == sknStateNormal) { SknSetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit,sknStateDisabled); SknShowObject(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit); } if (SknGetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameAudio) == sknStateNormal) { SknSetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameAudio,sknStateDisabled); SknShowObject(skinDBP, skinButtonGameAudio); } } else { if (SknGetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete) == sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete,sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP, skinButtonGameDelete); } if (SknGetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit) == sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit,sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP, skinButtonGameEdit); } if (SknGetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameAudio) == sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP, skinButtonGameAudio,sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP, skinButtonGameAudio); } } } static void SknRedrawSlider(DmOpenRef skinDBP, UInt16 index, UInt16 maxIndex, UInt16 perPage) { if (maxIndex <= perPage) { if (SknGetState(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow) != sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow,sknStateDisabled); SknShowObject(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow); } if (SknGetState(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow) != sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow,sknStateDisabled); SknShowObject(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow); } } else { if (SknGetState(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow) == sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow,sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP,skinSliderUpArrow); } if (SknGetState(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow) == sknStateDisabled) { SknSetState(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow,sknStateNormal); SknShowObject(skinDBP,skinSliderDownArrow); } } } void SknUpdateList() { MemHandle record; Int32 index, maxIndex, maxView; GameInfoType *game; RectangleType rArea, rField, rCopy, rArea2x; DmOpenRef skinDBP; UInt8 txtColor, norColor, selColor, bkgColor; UInt16 x,y; SknScreenLock(winLockCopy); SknGetListBounds(&rArea, &rArea2x); skinDBP = SknOpenSkin(); // set default bg WinSetForeColor(UIColorGetTableEntryIndex (UIFormFill)); WinDrawRectangle(&rArea,0); // copy top bg SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageTop, &rField); RctGetIntersection(&rArea2x, &rField, &rCopy); x = rCopy.topLeft.x; y = rCopy.topLeft.y; rCopy.topLeft.x -= rField.topLeft.x; rCopy.topLeft.y -= rField.topLeft.y; SknCopyBits(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageTop, &rCopy, x, y); // copy bottom bg SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageBottom, &rField); RctGetIntersection(&rArea2x, &rField, &rCopy); x = rCopy.topLeft.x; y = rCopy.topLeft.y; rCopy.topLeft.x -= rField.topLeft.x; rCopy.topLeft.y -= rField.topLeft.y; SknCopyBits(skinDBP, skinBackgroundImageBottom, &rCopy, x, y); FntSetFont(stdFont); index = gPrefs->listPosition; maxIndex = DmNumRecords(gameDB); maxView = rArea.extent.y / sknInfoListItemSize; if (index > 0 && (index + maxView) > maxIndex) index -= (index + maxView) - maxIndex; if (index < 0) index = 0; gPrefs->listPosition = index; SknRedrawSlider(skinDBP, index, maxIndex, maxView); SknRedrawTools(skinDBP); SknGetListColors(skinDBP, &norColor, &selColor, &bkgColor); SknCloseSkin(skinDBP); while (index < (gPrefs->listPosition + maxView) && index < maxIndex) { record = DmQueryRecord(gameDB, index); game = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(record); // text box RctSetRectangle(&rField, rArea.topLeft.x, (rArea.topLeft.y + sknInfoListItemSize * (index - gPrefs->listPosition)), rArea.extent.x, sknInfoListItemSize); WinSetClip(&rField); if (game->selected) { WinSetDrawMode(winPaint); WinSetForeColor(bkgColor); WinDrawRectangle(&rField,0); txtColor = selColor; } else txtColor = norColor; // clipping rField.topLeft.x += 2; rField.extent.x -= 4; WinSetClip(&rField); // draw text mask WinSetTextColor(255); WinSetDrawMode(winMask); WinPaintChars(game->nameP, StrLen(game->nameP), rField.topLeft.x, rField.topLeft.y); // draw text if (txtColor) { WinSetTextColor(txtColor); WinSetDrawMode(winOverlay); WinPaintChars(game->nameP, StrLen(game->nameP), rField.topLeft.x, rField.topLeft.y); } MemHandleUnlock(record); index++; } RctSetRectangle(&rArea,0,0,160,160); WinSetClip(&rArea); SknScreenUnlock(); } UInt16 SknCheckClick(DmOpenRef skinDBP, Coord mx, Coord my) { UInt16 resID; RectangleType r; mx *= 2; my *= 2; if (skinDBP) { for (resID = 1100; resID <= 7000; resID += 100) { if (SknGetState(skinDBP, resID) != sknStateDisabled) { SknGetObjectBounds(skinDBP, resID, &r); if (RctPtInRectangle(mx, my, &r)) { return resID; } } } } return 0; } void SknSelect(Coord x, Coord y) { RectangleType rArea; SknGetListBounds(&rArea,0); if (RctPtInRectangle(x, y, &rArea)) { UInt16 index; MemHandle record; GameInfoType *game; UInt16 oldIndex; index = (y - rArea.topLeft.y) / sknInfoListItemSize + gPrefs->listPosition; if (index == lastIndex) return; if (index < DmNumRecords(gameDB)) { Boolean newValue; oldIndex = GamGetSelected(); if (oldIndex != index && oldIndex != dmMaxRecordIndex) GamUnselect(); record = DmGetRecord(gameDB, index); game = (GameInfoType *)MemHandleLock(record); newValue = !game->selected; DmWrite(game, OffsetOf(GameInfoType,selected), &newValue, sizeof(Boolean)); MemHandleUnlock(record); DmReleaseRecord (gameDB, index, 0); lastIndex = index; SknUpdateList(); } } } Boolean SknProcessArrowAction(UInt16 button) { Boolean handled = false; switch (button) { case skinSliderUpArrow: if (gPrefs->listPosition > 0) { gPrefs->listPosition--; SknUpdateList(); } handled = true; break; case skinSliderDownArrow: RectangleType rArea; UInt16 maxView; SknGetListBounds(&rArea, 0); maxView = rArea.extent.y / sknInfoListItemSize; if (gPrefs->listPosition < DmNumRecords(gameDB)-maxView) { gPrefs->listPosition++; SknUpdateList(); } handled = true; break; } return handled; }