/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Dreamcast port * Copyright (C) 2002 Marcus Comstedt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include <common/scummsys.h> #include <common/stdafx.h> #include <common/engine.h> #include "dc.h" #define SCREEN_W 640 #define SCREEN_H 480 #define MOUSE_W 128 #define MOUSE_H 128 #define OVL_W 320 #define OVL_H 200 #define OVL_TXSTRIDE 512 #define TOP_OFFSET (240.0+(_hires? _current_shake_pos-(_screen_h>>1):2*_current_shake_pos-_screen_h)) #define QACR0 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(void *)0xff000038) #define QACR1 (*(volatile unsigned int *)(void *)0xff00003c) #define COPYPIXEL(n) do { \ unsigned short _tmp = pal[*s++]; \ d[n] = _tmp|(pal[*s++]<<16); \ } while(0) static void texture_memcpy64_pal(void *dest, void *src, int cnt, unsigned short *pal) { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)src; unsigned int *d = (unsigned int *)(void *) (0xe0000000 | (((unsigned long)dest) & 0x03ffffc0)); QACR0 = ((0xa4000000>>26)<<2)&0x1c; QACR1 = ((0xa4000000>>26)<<2)&0x1c; while(cnt--) { COPYPIXEL(0); COPYPIXEL(1); COPYPIXEL(2); COPYPIXEL(3); asm("pref @%0" : : "r" (s+4*16)); COPYPIXEL(4); COPYPIXEL(5); COPYPIXEL(6); COPYPIXEL(7); asm("pref @%0" : : "r" (d)); d += 8; COPYPIXEL(0); COPYPIXEL(1); COPYPIXEL(2); COPYPIXEL(3); asm("pref @%0" : : "r" (s+4*16)); COPYPIXEL(4); COPYPIXEL(5); COPYPIXEL(6); COPYPIXEL(7); asm("pref @%0" : : "r" (d)); d += 8; } } static void texture_memcpy64(void *dest, void *src, int cnt) { unsigned int *s = (unsigned int *)src; unsigned int *d = (unsigned int *)(void *) (0xe0000000 | (((unsigned long)dest) & 0x03ffffc0)); QACR0 = ((0xa4000000>>26)<<2)&0x1c; QACR1 = ((0xa4000000>>26)<<2)&0x1c; while(cnt--) { d[0] = *s++; d[1] = *s++; d[2] = *s++; d[3] = *s++; asm("pref @%0" : : "r" (s+16)); d[4] = *s++; d[5] = *s++; d[6] = *s++; d[7] = *s++; asm("pref @%0" : : "r" (d)); d += 8; d[0] = *s++; d[1] = *s++; d[2] = *s++; d[3] = *s++; asm("pref @%0" : : "r" (s+16)); d[4] = *s++; d[5] = *s++; d[6] = *s++; d[7] = *s++; asm("pref @%0" : : "r" (d)); d += 8; } } void commit_dummy_transpoly() { struct polygon_list mypoly; mypoly.cmd = TA_CMD_POLYGON|TA_CMD_POLYGON_TYPE_TRANSPARENT|TA_CMD_POLYGON_SUBLIST| TA_CMD_POLYGON_STRIPLENGTH_2|TA_CMD_POLYGON_PACKED_COLOUR; mypoly.mode1 = TA_POLYMODE1_Z_ALWAYS|TA_POLYMODE1_NO_Z_UPDATE; mypoly.mode2 = TA_POLYMODE2_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA|TA_POLYMODE2_BLEND_DST_INVALPHA| TA_POLYMODE2_FOG_DISABLED|TA_POLYMODE2_ENABLE_ALPHA; mypoly.texture = 0; mypoly.red = mypoly.green = mypoly.blue = mypoly.alpha = 0; ta_commit_list(&mypoly); } void OSystem_Dreamcast::set_palette(const byte *colors, uint start, uint num) { unsigned short *dst = palette + start; if(num>0) while( num-- ) { *dst++ = ((colors[0]<<7)&0x7c00)| ((colors[1]<<2)&0x03e0)| ((colors[2]>>3)&0x001f); colors += 4; } _screen_dirty = true; } void OSystem_Dreamcast::init_size(uint w, uint h) { assert(w <= SCREEN_W && h <= SCREEN_H); _overlay_visible = false; _overlay_fade = 0.0; _screen_w = w; _screen_h = h; _hires = w > 400; _overlay_x = (w-OVL_W)/2; _overlay_y = (h-OVL_H)/2; if(_overlay_x<0) _overlay_x = 0; if(_overlay_y<0) _overlay_y = 0; ta_sync(); if(!screen) screen = new unsigned char[SCREEN_W*SCREEN_H]; if(!overlay) overlay = new unsigned short[OVL_W*OVL_H]; for(int i=0; i<NUM_BUFFERS; i++) if(!screen_tx[i]) screen_tx[i] = ta_txalloc(SCREEN_W*SCREEN_H*2); for(int i=0; i<NUM_BUFFERS; i++) if(!mouse_tx[i]) mouse_tx[i] = ta_txalloc(MOUSE_W*MOUSE_H*2); for(int i=0; i<NUM_BUFFERS; i++) if(!ovl_tx[i]) ovl_tx[i] = ta_txalloc(OVL_TXSTRIDE*OVL_H*2); _screen_buffer = 0; _mouse_buffer = 0; _overlay_buffer = 0; _screen_dirty = true; _overlay_dirty = true; *(volatile unsigned int *)(0xa05f80e4) = SCREEN_W/32; //stride // dc_reset_screen(0, 0); } void OSystem_Dreamcast::copy_rect(const byte *buf, int pitch, int x, int y, int w, int h) { unsigned char *dst = screen + y*SCREEN_W + x; do { memcpy(dst, buf, w); dst += SCREEN_W; buf += pitch; } while (--h); _screen_dirty = true; } void OSystem_Dreamcast::move_screen(int dx, int dy, int height) { if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 0)) return; if (dx == 0) { // vertical movement if (dy > 0) { // move down // copy from bottom to top for (int y = height - 1; y >= dy; y--) copy_rect(screen + SCREEN_W * (y - dy), SCREEN_W, 0, y, _screen_w, 1); } else { // move up // copy from top to bottom for (int y = 0; y < height + dx; y++) copy_rect(screen + SCREEN_W * (y - dy), SCREEN_W, 0, y, _screen_w, 1); } } else if (dy == 0) { // horizontal movement if (dx > 0) { // move right // copy from right to left for (int x = _screen_w - 1; x >= dx; x--) copy_rect(screen + x - dx, SCREEN_W, x, 0, 1, height); } else { // move left // copy from left to right for (int x = 0; x < _screen_w; x++) copy_rect(screen + x - dx, SCREEN_W, x, 0, 1, height); } } else { // free movement // not neccessary for now } _screen_dirty = true; } bool OSystem_Dreamcast::show_mouse(bool visible) { bool last = _ms_visible; _ms_visible = visible; return last; } void OSystem_Dreamcast::set_mouse_pos(int x, int y) { if (_overlay_visible) { x += _overlay_x; y += _overlay_y; } _ms_cur_x = (_hires? (x>>1):x); _ms_cur_y = (_hires? (y>>1):y); } void OSystem_Dreamcast::warp_mouse(int x, int y) { set_mouse_pos(x, y); } void OSystem_Dreamcast::set_mouse_cursor(const byte *buf, uint w, uint h, int hotspot_x, int hotspot_y) { _ms_cur_w = w; _ms_cur_h = h; _ms_hotspot_x = hotspot_x; _ms_hotspot_y = hotspot_y; _ms_buf = (byte*)buf; } void OSystem_Dreamcast::set_shake_pos(int shake_pos) { _current_shake_pos = shake_pos; } void OSystem_Dreamcast::update_screen(void) { struct polygon_list mypoly; struct packed_colour_vertex_list myvertex; if(_screen_dirty) { _screen_buffer++; _screen_buffer &= NUM_BUFFERS-1; unsigned short *dst = (unsigned short *)screen_tx[_screen_buffer]; unsigned char *src = screen; // while((*((volatile unsigned int *)(void*)0xa05f810c) & 0x3ff) != 200); // *((volatile unsigned int *)(void*)0xa05f8040) = 0xff0000; for( int y = 0; y<_screen_h; y++ ) { texture_memcpy64_pal( dst, src, _screen_w>>5, palette ); src += SCREEN_W; dst += SCREEN_W; } _screen_dirty = false; } if( _overlay_visible && _overlay_dirty ) { _overlay_buffer++; _overlay_buffer &= NUM_BUFFERS-1; unsigned short *dst = (unsigned short *)ovl_tx[_overlay_buffer]; unsigned short *src = overlay; for( int y = 0; y<OVL_H; y++ ) { texture_memcpy64( dst, src, OVL_W>>5 ); src += OVL_W; dst += OVL_TXSTRIDE; } _overlay_dirty = false; } // *((volatile unsigned int *)(void*)0xa05f8040) = 0x00ff00; mypoly.cmd = TA_CMD_POLYGON|TA_CMD_POLYGON_TYPE_OPAQUE|TA_CMD_POLYGON_SUBLIST| TA_CMD_POLYGON_STRIPLENGTH_2|TA_CMD_POLYGON_PACKED_COLOUR|TA_CMD_POLYGON_TEXTURED; mypoly.mode1 = TA_POLYMODE1_Z_ALWAYS|TA_POLYMODE1_NO_Z_UPDATE; mypoly.mode2 = TA_POLYMODE2_BLEND_SRC|TA_POLYMODE2_FOG_DISABLED|TA_POLYMODE2_TEXTURE_REPLACE| TA_POLYMODE2_U_SIZE_1024|TA_POLYMODE2_V_SIZE_1024; mypoly.texture = TA_TEXTUREMODE_ARGB1555|TA_TEXTUREMODE_NON_TWIDDLED| TA_TEXTUREMODE_STRIDE|TA_TEXTUREMODE_ADDRESS(screen_tx[_screen_buffer]); mypoly.red = mypoly.green = mypoly.blue = mypoly.alpha = 0; ta_begin_frame(); // *((volatile unsigned int *)(void*)0xa05f8040) = 0x0000ff; ta_commit_list(&mypoly); myvertex.cmd = TA_CMD_VERTEX; myvertex.ocolour = 0; myvertex.colour = 0; myvertex.z = 0.5; myvertex.u = 0.0; myvertex.v = 0.0; myvertex.x = 0.0; myvertex.y = TOP_OFFSET; ta_commit_list(&myvertex); myvertex.x = (_hires? _screen_w:_screen_w*2.0); myvertex.u = _screen_w*(1/1024.0); ta_commit_list(&myvertex); myvertex.x = 0.0; myvertex.y += (_hires? _screen_h:_screen_h*2.0); myvertex.u = 0.0; myvertex.v = _screen_h*(1/1024.0); ta_commit_list(&myvertex); myvertex.x = (_hires? _screen_w:_screen_w*2.0); myvertex.u = _screen_w*(1/1024.0); myvertex.cmd |= TA_CMD_VERTEX_EOS; ta_commit_list(&myvertex); ta_commit_end(); if(_overlay_visible) { if(_overlay_fade < 1.0) _overlay_fade += 0.125; } else { if(_overlay_fade > 0) _overlay_fade -= 0.125; } if(_overlay_fade > 0.0) { mypoly.cmd = TA_CMD_POLYGON|TA_CMD_POLYGON_TYPE_TRANSPARENT|TA_CMD_POLYGON_SUBLIST| TA_CMD_POLYGON_STRIPLENGTH_2|TA_CMD_POLYGON_PACKED_COLOUR|TA_CMD_POLYGON_TEXTURED; mypoly.mode1 = TA_POLYMODE1_Z_ALWAYS|TA_POLYMODE1_NO_Z_UPDATE; mypoly.mode2 = TA_POLYMODE2_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA|TA_POLYMODE2_BLEND_DST_INVALPHA| TA_POLYMODE2_ENABLE_ALPHA| TA_POLYMODE2_FOG_DISABLED|TA_POLYMODE2_TEXTURE_MODULATE_ALPHA| TA_POLYMODE2_U_SIZE_512|TA_POLYMODE2_V_SIZE_512; mypoly.texture = TA_TEXTUREMODE_RGB565|TA_TEXTUREMODE_NON_TWIDDLED| TA_TEXTUREMODE_ADDRESS(ovl_tx[_overlay_buffer]); mypoly.red = mypoly.green = mypoly.blue = mypoly.alpha = 0.0; ta_commit_list(&mypoly); myvertex.cmd = TA_CMD_VERTEX; myvertex.ocolour = 0; myvertex.colour = 0xffffff|(((int)(255*_overlay_fade))<<24); myvertex.z = 0.5; myvertex.u = 0.0; myvertex.v = 0.0; myvertex.x = (_hires? _overlay_x:_overlay_x*2.0); myvertex.y = (_hires? _overlay_y:_overlay_y*2.0)+TOP_OFFSET; ta_commit_list(&myvertex); myvertex.x += (_hires? OVL_W:OVL_W*2.0); myvertex.u = OVL_W*(1.0/512.0); ta_commit_list(&myvertex); myvertex.x -= (_hires? OVL_W:OVL_W*2.0); myvertex.y += (_hires? OVL_H:OVL_H*2.0); myvertex.u = 0.0; myvertex.v = OVL_H*(1.0/512.0); ta_commit_list(&myvertex); myvertex.x += (_hires? OVL_W:OVL_W*2.0); myvertex.u = OVL_W*(1.0/512.0); myvertex.cmd |= TA_CMD_VERTEX_EOS; ta_commit_list(&myvertex); } // *((volatile unsigned int *)(void*)0xa05f8040) = 0xffff00; drawMouse(_ms_cur_x, _ms_cur_y, _ms_cur_w, _ms_cur_h, _ms_buf, _ms_visible); // *((volatile unsigned int *)(void*)0xa05f8040) = 0xff00ff; ta_commit_frame(); // *((volatile unsigned int *)(void*)0xa05f8040) = 0x0; } void OSystem_Dreamcast::drawMouse(int xdraw, int ydraw, int w, int h, unsigned char *buf, bool visible) { struct polygon_list mypoly; struct packed_colour_vertex_list myvertex; _mouse_buffer++; _mouse_buffer &= NUM_BUFFERS-1; unsigned short *dst = (unsigned short *)mouse_tx[_mouse_buffer]; int y=0; if(visible && w<=MOUSE_W && h<=MOUSE_H) for(int y=0; y<h; y++) { int x; for(x=0; x<w; x++) if(*buf == 0xff) { *dst++ = 0; buf++; } else *dst++ = palette[*buf++]|0x8000; dst += MOUSE_W-x; } else w = h = 0; mypoly.cmd = TA_CMD_POLYGON|TA_CMD_POLYGON_TYPE_TRANSPARENT|TA_CMD_POLYGON_SUBLIST| TA_CMD_POLYGON_STRIPLENGTH_2|TA_CMD_POLYGON_PACKED_COLOUR|TA_CMD_POLYGON_TEXTURED; mypoly.mode1 = TA_POLYMODE1_Z_ALWAYS|TA_POLYMODE1_NO_Z_UPDATE; mypoly.mode2 = TA_POLYMODE2_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA|TA_POLYMODE2_BLEND_DST_INVALPHA| TA_POLYMODE2_FOG_DISABLED|TA_POLYMODE2_TEXTURE_REPLACE| TA_POLYMODE2_U_SIZE_128|TA_POLYMODE2_V_SIZE_128; mypoly.texture = TA_TEXTUREMODE_ARGB1555|TA_TEXTUREMODE_NON_TWIDDLED| TA_TEXTUREMODE_ADDRESS(mouse_tx[_mouse_buffer]); mypoly.red = mypoly.green = mypoly.blue = mypoly.alpha = 0; ta_commit_list(&mypoly); myvertex.cmd = TA_CMD_VERTEX; myvertex.ocolour = 0; myvertex.colour = 0xffff00; myvertex.z = 0.25; myvertex.u = 0.0; myvertex.v = 0.0; myvertex.x = (xdraw-_ms_hotspot_y)*2.0; myvertex.y = (ydraw-_ms_hotspot_x)*2.0 + TOP_OFFSET; ta_commit_list(&myvertex); myvertex.x += w*2.0; myvertex.u = w*(1.0/MOUSE_W); ta_commit_list(&myvertex); myvertex.x = (xdraw-_ms_hotspot_y)*2.0; myvertex.y += h*2.0; myvertex.u = 0.0; myvertex.v = h*(1.0/MOUSE_H); ta_commit_list(&myvertex); myvertex.x += w*2.0; myvertex.u = w*(1.0/MOUSE_W); myvertex.cmd |= TA_CMD_VERTEX_EOS; ta_commit_list(&myvertex); } void OSystem_Dreamcast::show_overlay() { _overlay_visible = true; clear_overlay(); } void OSystem_Dreamcast::hide_overlay() { _overlay_visible = false; } void OSystem_Dreamcast::clear_overlay() { if(!_overlay_visible) return; unsigned char *src = screen+_overlay_x+_overlay_y*SCREEN_W; unsigned short *dst = overlay; for(int y=0; y<OVL_H; y++) { for(int x=0; x<OVL_W; x++) { short pix = palette[src[x]]; dst[x] = ((pix&0x7fe0)<<1)|((pix&0x0200)>>4)|(pix&0x1f); } src += SCREEN_W; dst += OVL_W; } _overlay_dirty = true; } void OSystem_Dreamcast::grab_overlay(int16 *buf, int pitch) { int h = OVL_H; unsigned short *src = overlay; do { memcpy(buf, src, OVL_W*sizeof(int16)); src += OVL_W; buf += pitch; } while (--h); } void OSystem_Dreamcast::copy_rect_overlay(const int16 *buf, int pitch, int x, int y, int w, int h) { unsigned short *dst = overlay + y*OVL_W + x; do { memcpy(dst, buf, w*sizeof(int16)); dst += OVL_W; buf += pitch; } while (--h); _overlay_dirty = true; }