;;; ScummVM .PKG file for .SIS gegeration

; List of localised vendor names - one per language. At least one must be provided (English [EN]).
; List must correspond to list of languages specified elsewhere in the .pkg
; The non-localised, globally unique vendor name (mandatory)

; UID is the app's UID
#{"ScummVM UIQ3"},(0xA0000657),0,80,3

; ProductID for UIQ 3.0
; Product/platform version UID, Major, Minor, Build, Product ID
(0x101F6300), 3, 0, 0, {"UIQ30ProductID"}

; Application, AIF & Resource file

; Config/log files: 'empty' will automagically be removed on uninstall

; This install layout will let you upgrade to newer versions wihout loss of scummvm.ini.
; It will remove the config file, std***.txt files & dirs on uninstall.