use Cwd; print " ======================================================================================= Preparing to update all the Symbian MMP project files with objects from files ======================================================================================= "; $buildDir = getcwd(); chdir("../../../"); my @std = (""); # section standard, no #ifdef my @exc = ("mt32","fluidsynth"); # exclusions for sound #arseModule(mmpStr, dirStr, ifdefArray, [exclusionsArray]) #ParseModule("_base", "base", \@std); # now in ./TRG/EScummVM_TRG.mmp, these never change anyways... ParseModule("_base", "common", \@std); ParseModule("_base", "gui", \@std); ParseModule("_base", "graphics", \@std); ParseModule("_base", "sound", \@std, \@exc); ParseModule("_scumm", "scumm", \@std); ParseModule("_queen", "queen", \@std); ParseModule("_simon", "simon", \@std); ParseModule("_sky", "sky", \@std); ParseModule("_gob", "gob", \@std); ParseModule("_saga", "saga", \@std); ParseModule("_kyra", "kyra", \@std); print " ======================================================================================= Updating slave MACRO settings in MMP files from master 'scummvm_base.mmp' ======================================================================================= "; @mmp_files = ( "scummvm_scumm.mmp", "scummvm_queen.mmp", "scummvm_simon.mmp", "scummvm_sky.mmp", "scummvm_gob.mmp", "scummvm_saga.mmp", "scummvm_kyra.mmp", "UIQ/EScummVM_UIQ.mmp", "S60/EScummVM_S60_EXE.mmp", "S80/EScummVM_S80.mmp", "S90/EScummVM_S90.mmp"); UpdateSlaveMacros(); print " ======================================================================================= Done. Enjoy :P ======================================================================================= "; ################################################################################################################## ################################################################################################################## # parses multiple sections per mmp/module sub ParseModule { my ($mmp,$module,$sections,$exclusions) = @_; my @sections = @{$sections}; my @exclusions = @{$exclusions}; foreach $section (@sections) { CheckForModuleMK($module, $section, @exclusions); UpdateProjectFile($mmp, $module, $section); } } ################################################################################################################## # parses all files in a dir and its subdirs sub CheckForModuleMK { my ($item,$section,@exclusions) = @_; if (-d $item) { #print "$item\n"; opendir DIR, $item; #my @Files = readdir DIR; my @Files = grep s/^([^\.].*)$/$1/, readdir DIR; closedir DIR; foreach $entry (@Files) { CheckForModuleMK("$item/$entry", $section, @exclusions); } } if (-f $item and $item =~ /.*\/$/) { my $sec = ""; my $secnum = 0; print "Parsing $item for section '$section' ... "; open FILE, $item; my @lines = ; close FILE; my $count = @lines; print "$count lines"; A: foreach $line (@lines) { # found a section? reset if ($line =~ /^ifndef (.*)/) { $sec = $1; } # found an object? Not uncommented! if (!($line =~ /^#/) && $line =~ s/\.o/.cpp/) { # handle this section? if ($sec eq $section) { $line =~ s/^\s*//g; # remove possible leading whitespace $line =~ s/ \\//; # remove possible trailing ' \' $line =~ s/\//\\/g; # replace / with \ chop($line); # remove \n # do we need to skip this file? foreach $exclusion (@exclusions) { if ($line =~ /$exclusion/) { #print "\n !$line (excluded)"; next A; } } $secnum++; #print "\n $line"; $output .= "SOURCE $line\n"; } } } print " -- $secnum objects selected\n"; } } ################################################################################################################## # update an MMP project file with the new objects sub UpdateProjectFile { my ($mmp,$module,$section) = @_; my $n = "AUTO_OBJECTS_".uc($module)."_$section"; my $a = "\/\/START_$n\/\/"; my $b = "\/\/STOP_$n\/\/"; my $name = "scummvm$mmp.mmp"; my $file = "$buildDir/$name"; my $updated = " Updated @ ".localtime(); print " ===>Updating backends/epoc/build/$name @ $n ... "; open FILE, "$file"; my @lines = ; close FILE; my $onestr = join("",@lines); $onestr =~ s/$a.*$b/$a$updated\n$output$b/s; open FILE, ">$file"; print FILE $onestr; close FILE; print "done.\n"; $output = ""; } ################################################################################################################## sub UpdateSlaveMacros { my $updated = " Updated @ ".localtime(); my $name = "scummvm_base.mmp"; my $file = "$buildDir/$name"; print "Reading master MACROS from backends/epoc/build/$name ... "; open FILE, "$file"; my @lines = ; close FILE; my $onestr = join("",@lines); my $n = "AUTO_MACROS_MASTER"; my $a = "\/\/START_$n\/\/"; my $b = "\/\/STOP_$n\/\/"; $onestr =~ /$a(.*)$b/s; my $macros = $1; my $libs = "\n// automagically enabled static libs from macros above\n"; my $libZ = "STATICLIBRARY scummvm_base.lib // must be above USE_* .libs\n"; my $macro_counter = 0; my $macros2 = "\n"; # output foreach $line (split("\n", $macros)) { # do we need to add a static .lib? if ($line =~ /^.*MACRO\s*([A-Z_]*)\s*\/\/\s*LIB\:(.*)$/) { my $macro = $1; my $lib = $2; # this macro enabled? then also add the .lib if ($line =~ /^\s*MACRO\s*$macro/m) { $libZ .= "STATICLIBRARY $lib\n" if ($macro =~ /^USE_/); } else { $libs .= "STATICLIBRARY $lib\n" if ($macro =~ /^DISABLE_/); } $macro_counter++; } # no comment? add the macro if ($line =~ /^\s*MACRO/) { $macros2 .= "$line\n"; } } print "$macro_counter macro lines.\n"; $n = "AUTO_MACROS_SLAVE"; $a = "\/\/START_$n\/\/"; $b = "\/\/STOP_$n\/\/"; foreach $name (@mmp_files) { $file = "$buildDir/$name"; print "Updating macros in backends/epoc/build/$name ... "; open FILE, "$file"; @lines = ; close FILE; $onestr = join("",@lines); # slash in name means it's a phone specific build file: add LIBs my $libs2 = ""; # output $libs2 .= "$libs$libZ" if ($name =~ /\//); $onestr =~ s/$a.*$b/$a$updated$macros2$libs2$b/s; open FILE, ">$file"; print FILE $onestr; close FILE; my $count = @lines; print "wrote $count lines.\n"; } } ##################################################################################################################