EmuDebug by Rafael Vuijk (aka Dark Fader) Console debug output for emulators. GBA apps must use the new debug library found in MyLib Usage ----- Please run program with '-h' parameter to get possible options. How it works ------------ 1) PC searches the debug buffer in emulators memory. begin & end init value is 0xEDEBEDEB, must reset to 0 to start debugging data all spaces except first and last character, which are '{' & '}' 2) GBA waits for begin/end to become something else than init value 3) GBA reads any characters until begin & end index are equal again History ------- v1.02 minimizes window & pop-ups when debugging escape closes emulator window rotating buffer, so incompatable with older versions but who cares :) v1.01 waits for emulator at startup reconnects to new emulator instance window class/title options poll interval boosting option for minimum buffersize wait for key before searching option v1.00 'protocol' defined searches buffer in Boycott Advance console output