/* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Various contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef MT32EMU_STRUCTURES_H #define MT32EMU_STRUCTURES_H namespace MT32Emu { const unsigned int MAX_SAMPLE_OUTPUT = 4096; #ifdef _MSC_VER #define MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED __declspec(align(1)) typedef unsigned __int64 Bit64u; typedef signed __int64 Bit64s; #else #define MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED __attribute__((packed)) typedef unsigned long long Bit64u; typedef signed long long Bit64s; #endif typedef unsigned int Bit32u; typedef signed int Bit32s; typedef unsigned short int Bit16u; typedef signed short int Bit16s; typedef unsigned char Bit8u; typedef signed char Bit8s; // The following structures represent the MT-32's memory // Since sysex allows this memory to be written to in blocks of bytes, // we keep this packed so that we can copy data into the various // banks directly #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma pack(push, 1) #else #pragma pack(1) #endif struct TimbreParam { struct commonParam { char name[10]; char pstruct12; // 1&2 0-12 (1-13) char pstruct34; // #3&4 0-12 (1-13) char pmute; // 0-15 (0000-1111) char nosustain; // 0-1(Normal, No sustain) } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED common; struct partialParam { struct wgParam { char coarse; // 0-96 (C1,C#1-C9) char fine; // 0-100 (-50 to +50 (cents?)) char keyfollow; // 0-16 (-1,-1/2,0,1,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/4,7/8,1,5/4,3/2,2.s1,s2) char bender; // 0,1 (ON/OFF) char waveform; // 0-1 (SQU/SAW) char pcmwave; // 0-127 (1-128) char pulsewid; // 0-100 char pwvelo; // 0-14 (-7 - +7) } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED wg; struct envParam { char depth; // 0-10 char sensitivity; // 1-100 char timekeyfollow; // 0-4 char time[4]; // 1-100 char level[5]; // 1-100 (-50 - +50) } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED env; struct lfoParam { char rate; // 0-100 char depth; // 0-100 char modsense; // 0-100 } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED lfo; struct tvfParam { char cutoff; // 0-100 char resonance; // 0-30 char keyfollow; // 0-16 (-1,-1/2,1/4,0,1,1/8,1/4,3/8,1/2,5/8,3/2,7/8,1,5/4,3/2,2,s1,s2) char biaspoint; // 0-127 (<1A-<7C >1A-7C) char biaslevel; // 0-14 (-7 - +7) char envdepth; // 0-100 char envsense; // 0-100 char envdkf; // DEPTH KEY FOLL0W 0-4 char envtkf; // TIME KEY FOLLOW 0-4 char envtime[5]; // 1-100 char envlevel[4]; // 1-100 } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED tvf; struct tvaParam { char level; // 0-100 char velosens; // 0-100 char biaspoint1; // 0-127 (<1A-<7C >1A-7C) char biaslevel1; // 0-12 (-12 - 0) char biaspoint2; // 0-127 (<1A-<7C >1A-7C) char biaslevel2; // 0-12 (-12 - 0) char envtkf; // TIME KEY FOLLOW 0-4 char envvkf; // VELOS KEY FOLL0W 0-4 char envtime[5]; // 1-100 char envlevel[4]; // 1-100 } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED tva; } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED partial[4]; } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED; struct PatchParam { char timbreGroup; // TIMBRE GROUP 0-3 (group A, group B, Memory, Rhythm) char timbreNum; // TIMBRE NUMBER 0-63 char keyShift; // KEY SHIFT 0-48 (-24 - +24 semitones) char fineTune; // FINE TUNE 0-100 (-50 - +50 cents) char benderRange; // BENDER RANGE 0-24 char assignMode; // ASSIGN MODE 0-3 (POLY1, POLY2, POLY3, POLY4) char reverbSwitch; // REVERB SWITCH 0-1 (OFF,ON) char dummy; // (DUMMY) } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED; struct MemParams { struct PatchTemp { PatchParam patch; char outlevel; // OUTPUT LEVEL 0-100 char panpot; // PANPOT 0-14 (R-L) char dummyv[6]; } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED patchSettings[8]; struct RhythmTemp { char timbre; // TIMBRE 0-94 (M1-M64,R1-30,OFF) char outlevel; // OUTPUT LEVEL 0-100 char panpot; // PANPOT 0-14 (R-L) char reverbSwitch; // REVERB SWITCH 0-1 (OFF,ON) } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED rhythmSettings[64]; TimbreParam MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED timbreSettings[8]; PatchParam MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED patches[128]; struct PaddedTimbre { TimbreParam timbre; char padding[10]; } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED timbres[64 + 64 + 64 + 30]; // Group A, Group B, Memory, Rhythm struct SystemArea { char masterTune; // MASTER TUNE 0-127 432.1-457.6Hz char reverbMode; // REVERB MODE 0-3 (room, hall, plate, tap delay) char reverbTime; // REVERB TIME 0-7 (1-8) char reverbLevel; // REVERB LEVEL 0-7 (1-8) char reserveSettings[9]; // PARTIAL RESERVE (PART 1) 0-32 char chanAssign[9]; // MIDI CHANNEL (PART1) 0-16 (1-16,OFF) char masterVol; // MASTER VOLUME 0-100 } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED system; }; struct MemBanks { char pTemp[8][sizeof(MemParams::PatchTemp)]; char rTemp[64][sizeof(MemParams::RhythmTemp)]; char tTemp[8][sizeof(TimbreParam)]; char patchBank[128][sizeof(PatchParam)]; char timbreBank[64 + 64 + 64 + 30][sizeof(MemParams::PaddedTimbre)]; char systemBank[sizeof(MemParams::SystemArea)]; // System memory 0x100000 // Display 0x200000 // Reset 0x7F0000 }; union MT32RAMFormat { MemParams params; MemBanks banks; } MT32EMU_ALIGN_PACKED; #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma pack(pop) #else #pragma pack() #endif struct PCMWave { char name[16]; Bit32u addr; Bit32u len; bool loop; float tune; Bit32s ampval; }; struct PCMWaveEntry { Bit32u addr; Bit32u len; Bit32u pcmnum; bool loop; Bit32s aggSound; // This variable is for the last 9 PCM samples, which are actually loop combinations }; struct soundaddr { Bit16u pcmplace; Bit16u pcmoffset; }; struct StereoVolume { Bit16s leftvol; Bit16s rightvol; }; // This is basically a per-partial, pre-processed combination of timbre and patch/rhythm settings struct PatchCache { bool playPartial; bool PCMPartial; int pcm; char waveform; int pulsewidth; int pwsens; int pitchshift; int fineshift; int lfodepth; int lforate; Bit32u lfoperiod; int modsense; int keydir; int pitchkeyfollow; int pitchkeydir; int filtkeyfollow; int tvfbias; int tvfblevel; int tvfdir; int ampbias[2]; int ampblevel[2]; int ampdir[2]; int ampdepth; int ampenvdir; int amplevel; int tvfdepth; bool useBender; float benderRange; // 0.0, 1.0, .., 24.0 (semitones) TimbreParam::partialParam::envParam pitchEnv; TimbreParam::partialParam::tvaParam ampEnv; TimbreParam::partialParam::tvfParam filtEnv; Bit32s ampsustain; Bit32s pitchsustain; Bit32s filtsustain; Bit32u structureMix; int structurePosition; int structurePair; // The following fields are actually common to all partials in the timbre Bit32u partialCount; bool sustain; }; class Partial; // Forward reference for class defined in partial.h struct dpoly { bool isPlaying; int note; int freq; int freqnum; int vel; bool reverb; bool isDecay; const Bit32s *volumeptr; const StereoVolume *pansetptr; Partial *partials[4]; bool pedalhold; // This marks keys that have been released on the keyboard, but are being held by the pedal bool sustain; bool isActive(); Bit64s getAge(); }; } #endif