/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Dreamcast port * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Marcus Comstedt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include <common/stdafx.h> #include <common/scummsys.h> #include "engines/engine.h" #include "dc.h" #include "icon.h" #include <common/savefile.h> #include <gui/newgui.h> #include <gui/message.h> #include <zlib.h> // Savegame can not be bigger than this, even before compression #define MAX_SAVE_SIZE (128*1024) enum vmsaveResult { VMSAVE_OK, VMSAVE_NOVM, VMSAVE_NOSPACE, VMSAVE_WRITEERROR, }; static int lastvm=-1; static void displaySaveResult(vmsaveResult res) { char buf[1024]; switch(res) { case VMSAVE_OK: sprintf(buf, "Game saved on unit %c%d", 'A'+(lastvm/6), lastvm%6); break; case VMSAVE_NOVM: strcpy(buf, "No memory card present!"); break; case VMSAVE_NOSPACE: strcpy(buf, "Not enough space available!"); break; case VMSAVE_WRITEERROR: strcpy(buf, "Write error!!!"); break; default: strcpy(buf, "Unknown error!!!"); break; } GUI::MessageDialog dialog(buf); dialog.runModal(); } static vmsaveResult trySave(const char *gamename, const char *data, int size, const char *filename, class Icon &icon, int vm) { struct vmsinfo info; struct superblock super; struct vms_file file; struct vms_file_header header; struct timestamp tstamp; struct tm tm; time_t t; unsigned char iconbuffer[512+32]; if(!vmsfs_check_unit(vm, 0, &info)) return VMSAVE_NOVM; if(!vmsfs_get_superblock(&info, &super)) return VMSAVE_NOVM; int free_cnt = vmsfs_count_free(&super); if(vmsfs_open_file(&super, filename, &file)) free_cnt += file.blks; if(((128+512+size+511)>>9) > free_cnt) return VMSAVE_NOSPACE; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); strncpy(header.shortdesc, "ScummVM savegame", 16); strncpy(header.longdesc, gamename, 32); strncpy(header.id, "ScummVM", 16); icon.create_vmicon(iconbuffer); header.numicons = 1; memcpy(header.palette, iconbuffer, sizeof(header.palette)); time(&t); tm = *localtime(&t); tstamp.year = tm.tm_year+1900; tstamp.month = tm.tm_mon+1; tstamp.day = tm.tm_mday; tstamp.hour = tm.tm_hour; tstamp.minute = tm.tm_min; tstamp.second = tm.tm_sec; tstamp.wkday = (tm.tm_wday+6)%7; vmsfs_beep(&info, 1); vmsfs_errno = 0; if(!vmsfs_create_file(&super, filename, &header, iconbuffer+sizeof(header.palette), NULL, data, size, &tstamp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", vmsfs_describe_error()); vmsfs_beep(&info, 0); return VMSAVE_WRITEERROR; } vmsfs_beep(&info, 0); return VMSAVE_OK; } static bool tryLoad(char *&buffer, int &size, const char *filename, int vm) { struct vmsinfo info; struct superblock super; struct vms_file file; struct vms_file_header header; struct timestamp tstamp; struct tm tm; time_t t; unsigned char iconbuffer[512+32]; if(!vmsfs_check_unit(vm, 0, &info)) return false; if(!vmsfs_get_superblock(&info, &super)) return false; if(!vmsfs_open_file(&super, filename, &file)) return false; buffer = new char[size = file.size]; if(vmsfs_read_file(&file, (unsigned char *)buffer, size)) return true; delete[] buffer; buffer = NULL; return false; } static void tryList(const char *prefix, bool *marks, int num, int vm) { struct vmsinfo info; struct superblock super; struct dir_iterator iter; struct dir_entry de; int pl = strlen(prefix); if(!vmsfs_check_unit(vm, 0, &info)) return; if(!vmsfs_get_superblock(&info, &super)) return; vmsfs_open_dir(&super, &iter); while(vmsfs_next_dir_entry(&iter, &de)) if(de.entry[0]) { char buf[16], *endp = NULL; strncpy(buf, (char *)de.entry+4, 12); buf[12] = 0; int l = strlen(buf); long i = 42; if(l > pl && !strncmp(buf, prefix, pl) && (i = strtol(buf+pl, &endp, 10))>=0 && i<num && (endp - buf) == l) marks[i] = true; } } vmsaveResult writeSaveGame(const char *gamename, const char *data, int size, const char *filename, class Icon &icon) { vmsaveResult r, res = VMSAVE_NOVM; if(lastvm >= 0 && (res = trySave(gamename, data, size, filename, icon, lastvm)) == VMSAVE_OK) return res; for(int i=0; i<24; i++) if((r = trySave(gamename, data, size, filename, icon, i)) == VMSAVE_OK) { lastvm = i; return r; } else if(r > res) res = r; return res; } bool readSaveGame(char *&buffer, int &size, const char *filename) { if(lastvm >= 0 && tryLoad(buffer, size, filename, lastvm)) return true; for(int i=0; i<24; i++) if(tryLoad(buffer, size, filename, i)) { lastvm = i; return true; } return false; } class InVMSave : public Common::InSaveFile { private: char *buffer; int _pos, _size; uint32 read(void *buf, uint32 cnt); void skip(uint32 offset); void seek(int32 offs, int whence); public: InVMSave() : _pos(0), buffer(NULL) { } ~InVMSave() { if(buffer != NULL) delete[] buffer; } bool eos() const { return _pos >= _size; } uint32 pos() const { return _pos; } uint32 size() const { return _size; } bool readSaveGame(const char *filename) { return ::readSaveGame(buffer, _size, filename); } void tryUncompress() { if(_size > 0 && buffer[0] != 'S') { // Data does not start with "SCVM". Maybe compressed? char *expbuf = new char[MAX_SAVE_SIZE]; unsigned long destlen = MAX_SAVE_SIZE; if(!uncompress((Bytef*)expbuf, &destlen, (Bytef*)buffer, _size)) { delete[] buffer; buffer = expbuf; _size = destlen; } else delete[] expbuf; } } }; class OutVMSave : public Common::OutSaveFile { private: char *buffer; int pos, size, committed; char filename[16]; bool iofailed; public: uint32 write(const void *buf, uint32 cnt); OutVMSave(const char *_filename) : pos(0), committed(-1), iofailed(false) { strncpy(filename, _filename, 16); buffer = new char[size = MAX_SAVE_SIZE]; } ~OutVMSave(); bool ioFailed() const { return iofailed; } void clearIOFailed() { iofailed = false; } void finalize(); }; class VMSaveManager : public Common::SaveFileManager { public: virtual Common::OutSaveFile *openForSaving(const char *filename) { return new OutVMSave(filename); } virtual Common::InSaveFile *openForLoading(const char *filename) { InVMSave *s = new InVMSave(); if(s->readSaveGame(filename)) { s->tryUncompress(); return s; } else { delete s; return NULL; } } virtual void listSavefiles(const char *prefix, bool *marks, int num); }; void OutVMSave::finalize() { extern const char *gGameName; extern Icon icon; if(committed >= pos) return; char *data = buffer, *compbuf = NULL; int len = pos; if(pos) { // Try compression compbuf = new char[pos]; unsigned long destlen = pos; if(!compress((Bytef*)compbuf, &destlen, (Bytef*)buffer, pos)) { data = compbuf; len = destlen; } } vmsaveResult r = writeSaveGame(gGameName, data, len, filename, icon); committed = pos; if(compbuf != NULL) delete[] compbuf; if(r != VMSAVE_OK) iofailed = true; displaySaveResult(r); } OutVMSave::~OutVMSave() { finalize(); delete[] buffer; } uint32 InVMSave::read(void *buf, uint32 cnt) { int nbyt = cnt; if (_pos + nbyt > _size) { cnt = (_size - _pos); nbyt = cnt; } if (nbyt) memcpy(buf, buffer + _pos, nbyt); _pos += nbyt; return cnt; } void InVMSave::skip(uint32 offset) { int nbyt = offset; if (_pos + nbyt > _size) nbyt = (_size - _pos); _pos += nbyt; } void InVMSave::seek(int32 offs, int whence) { switch(whence) { case SEEK_SET: _pos = offs; break; case SEEK_CUR: _pos += offs; break; case SEEK_END: _pos = _size + offs; break; } if(_pos < 0) _pos = 0; else if(_pos > _size) _pos = _size; } uint32 OutVMSave::write(const void *buf, uint32 cnt) { int nbyt = cnt; if (pos + nbyt > size) { cnt = (size - pos); nbyt = cnt; } if (nbyt) memcpy(buffer + pos, buf, nbyt); pos += nbyt; return cnt; } void VMSaveManager::listSavefiles(const char *prefix, bool *marks, int num) { memset(marks, false, num*sizeof(bool)); for(int i=0; i<24; i++) tryList(prefix, marks, num, i); } Common::SaveFileManager *OSystem_Dreamcast::createSavefileManager() { return new VMSaveManager(); }