$URL$ $Id$ DO NOT USE THIS FOR ANYTHING OTHER THEN TO TEST A USB MOUSE. IT'S BUGGY AND ANYTHING OTHER THEN THE 320*2xx LucasArts GAMES WILL MOST LIGHTLY CRASH YOUR GP2X. THE README IS BELOW JUST FOR REFERANCE. ScummVM for the GP2X - UNSTABLE MOUSE TEST - 0.10.0 SVN ------------------------------------------------------- This is a test release of ScummVM for the GP2X, it would be appreciated if this alpha test distribution was not mirrored and that people be directed to http://www.distant-earth.com/scummvm instead, until the port is a little more mature, to ensure people download the most recent builds. This build is still in a very heavy state of development and as such no ‘expected’ behaviour can be guaranteed ;). I tested with firmware 1.2.1 for reference. INCLUDED ENGINES: Scumm - (All games supported by ScummVM should work to some extent, using the hardware scalar if needed) // Simon - (Simon the Sorcerer one and two) // Sky - (Beneath a Steel Sky) // Sword - (Broken Sword 1) - This engine uses the hardware scalar to downsize the graphics to fix on the GP2X. It is NOT very nice to look at. // Sword2 - (Broken Sword 2) - This engine uses the hardware scalar to downsize the graphics to fix on the GP2X. It is NOT very nice to look at. // Gob - (Goblins one) // Queen - Flight of the Amazon Queen // Kyra - (The Legend of Kyrandia) - This engine is still under heavy development in ScummVM, however the game is playable. // Lure - (Lure of the Temptress) - This engine is still under heavy development in ScummVM, the game is not yet really playable. All other game engines are disabled in this release. SUPPORTED AUDIO OPTIONS: Raw audio. MP3 audio. OGG Vorbis audio (this may be problematic, I just made some big changes to my Tremor code). RECENT CHANGES: Refined audio hacks to reduce audio delay a little more. Enabled hardware scalar code. Now built using SDL 1.2.9 for the parts of the port that use SDL (some parts now hit the hardware directly). Enabled new launcher - (Ensure defaulttheme.zip is in the same folder as the executable). Aspect Ratio Correction can now be disabled ‘per game’. When adding a game you can find this option on the GFX tab. Note: This will cause the game to run with a black border at the bottom as it will be rendered to a 320*200 frame. HOW TO SAVE: NOTE: Everything is saved to the SD card, saves are stored in the game folder, and the config file for ScummVM (.scummvmrc) is stored in the same place as the GPE. Ok, this is for Scumm engine games but the principle is the same for all. In Game. 1. Right Trigger 2. Select SAVE with B 3. Select a position with B 4. Right trigger puts ? in the name box for some text. 5. Press B to save Basically the emulated keys you have are what I mapped the buttons to, I have a virtual keyboard like the GP32 one (left/right on the stick to pick chars) to add in at some point ;-) CONTROLLER MAPPING: NOTE: The controller mappings have recently changed somewhat so please review the new setup. This is subject to change; it still does not ‘feel’ quite right. Mouse Emulation: Stick: Move Pointer Stick Click: ‘light’ Left Click B: Left click X: Right click Keyboard Emulation: Start: Return Select: Escape Y: Space Bar (Pause) Right Trigger: Game Menu (Save, Load, Quit etc.) Volume Buttons: Increase and Decrease volume (5% per press) Fancy button combos: NOTE: To use button combos press and hold the Left Trigger then... Volume Buttons: Increase and Decrease subtitle speed (In SCUMM games) Right Trigger: 0 (For skipping the copy protection in Monkey Island 2) Select: Exit ScummVM completely (More to add, ideas please) KNOWN ISSUES: Possible random crash (well SegFault). I have had this happen twice and have not tracked down the cause. It happens very infrequently, both times it was in the DOTT CD intro. Saving often is never a bad idea anyhow. Volume level changes can be a little inconsistent at times. MAJOR TODOS: Fix save support when using the Sky engine (Beneath a Steel Sky) - You CAN'T save at the moment but auto save works. Look into inconsistencies with Simon engine and map Y key to a button combination to allow clean quitting (Simon 1/2). Add splash-screen and pre-ScummVM config menu (CPU speed, LCD timings etc.) - Partly done. Fix TV out, maybe make it an option in the pre-ScummVM config menu. Any help appreciated :). SOURCE: Port source is available on request. Note this is development code (and VERY messy). John Willis