
	@WorkingEngines = qw(
		agos agi cine cge composer cruise draci
		drascula hugo gob groovie kyra lastexpress
		lure made mohawk parallaction pegasus queen
		saga sci scumm sky sword1 sword2 teenagent tinsel
		toltecs tony toon touche tsage tucker wintermute
		dreamweb fullpipe hopkins mortevielle
		neverhood testbed avalanche zvision
#### New engines
####		sword25

	@WorkingEngines_1st = qw(
		cine composer cruise drascula groovie
		lastexpress made parallaction queen
		saga scumm touche tucker wintermute
		avalanche zvision

	@WorkingEngines_2nd = qw(
		agi agos cge draci gob hopkins
		hugo kyra lure mohawk pegasus sci
		sky sword1 sword2 teenagent
		tinsel tsage toltecs tony toon
		dreamweb fullpipe mortevielle
		neverhood testbed
####		sword25

	@TestingEngines = qw(


	@EnablableEngines = (@WorkingEngines, @TestingEngines);

	@EnablableSubEngines = qw(

	#disabled subengines lol saga2 personal nightmare

	# see configure.engines
	%UseableFeatures = (
		'zlib'		=> 'zlib.lib',
		'mad'		=> 'libmad.lib',
		'tremor'	=> 'libtremor.lib',
		'flac'		=> 'libflacdec.lib',
		'freetype2'		=> 'freetype.lib',
		'faad'		=> 'libFAAD2.lib',
		'mpeg2'	=>  'libmpeg2.lib'
		# 'mpeg2'	=>  'libmpeg2.lib'

	# these are normally enabled for each variation
	#$DefaultFeatures = qw(zlib,mad);
	#$DefaultFeatures = qw(zlib,mad,tremor,);
	$DefaultFeatures = qw(mad,tremor,faad,flac,freetype2,mpeg2,zlib,);

	## General system information, based on $COMPUTERNAME, so this way
	## you can use the same LocalSettings.pl file on multiple machines!

	if ($ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'} eq "PC-21") #########################################################################
		# might use this string for file/dir naming in the future :)
		$Producer = "SumthinWicked";
		$RedirectSTDERR = 0;
		$HaltOnError = 0;
		$SkipExistingPackages = 0;
		$ReallyQuiet = 0;
		$DevBase = "D:\\Symbian";
		$Compiler = "D:\\Program/ Files\\CodeSourcery\\Sourcery/ G++ Lite";

		# specify an optional FTP server to upload to after each Build+Package (can leave empty)
		#$FTP_Host = "host.com";
		$FTP_User = "something";
		$FTP_Pass = "password";
		$FTP_Dir  = "cvsbuilds";

		# What Platform SDKs are installed on this machine?
		# possible SDKs: ("UIQ2", UIQ3", "S60v1", "S60v2", "S60v3", "S80", "S90")
		# Note1: the \epoc32 directory needs to be in these rootdirs
		# Note2: these paths do NOT end in a backslash!
	#	$SDK_RootDirs{'UIQ2'}	= "$DevBase\\UIQ_21";
	#	$SDK_RootDirs{'UIQ3'}	= "$DevBase\\UIQ3";
	#	$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v1'}	= "$DevBase\\S60v1";
	#	$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v2'}	= "$DevBase\\S60v2";
		$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v3'}	= "$DevBase\\S60v3";
	#	$SDK_RootDirs{'S80'}	= "$DevBase\\S80";
	#	$SDK_RootDirs{'S90'}	= "$DevBase\\S90";

		$SDK_ToolchainDirs{'S60v3'} = "$Compiler\\arm-symbianelf\\bin";
		$SDK_ToolchainDirs{'UIQ2'}	= "$DevBase\\ECompXL\\bin"; # only needed for UIQ2/UIQ3
		$SDK_ToolchainDirs{'UIQ3'}	= "$DevBase\\ECompXL\\bin"; # only needed for UIQ2/UIQ3

		# these supporting libraries get built first, then all the Variations
		# Note: the string {'xxx.lib'} is used in checking in build success: so needs to be accurate!
		if (0) # so we can turn them on/off easily
			## Standard libraries
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'zlib.lib'}		= "$DevBase\\zlib-1.2.2\\epoc";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'libmad.lib'}	= "$DevBase\\libmad-0.15.1b\\group";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'libtremor.lib'}= "$DevBase\\tremor\\epoc";

			## SDL 1.2.12 / AnotherGuest / Symbian version
			my $SdlBase = "$DevBase\\SDL-1.2.12-ag\\Symbian";
			#$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v1'}{'esdl.lib'}	= "$SdlBase\\S60"; // unsupported?
			#$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v2'}{'esdl.lib'}	= "$SdlBase\\S60v2";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v3'}{'esdl.lib'}	= "$SdlBase\\S60v3";
			#$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S80'}{'esdl.lib'}	= "$SdlBase\\S80";
			#$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S90'}{'esdl.lib'}	= "$SdlBase\\S90";
			#$SDK_LibraryDirs{'UIQ2'}{'esdl.lib'}	= "$SdlBase\\UIQ2"
			#$SDK_LibraryDirs{'UIQ3'}{'esdl.lib'}	= "$SdlBase\\UIQ3";

		# now you can add $VariationSets only built on this PC below this line :)

		#$VariationSets{'ALL'}{'scumm'} = "$DefaultFeatures scumm scumm_7_8 he";
		#$VariationSets{'ALL'}{'all'} = "$DefaultFeatures @WorkingEngines @EnablableSubEngines";

	elsif ($ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'} eq "TSSLND0106") #################################################################
		$Producer = "AnotherGuest";
		$RedirectSTDERR = 1;
		$HaltOnError = 0;
		$SkipExistingPackages = 0;
		$ReallyQuiet = 0;

		#$FTP_Host = "host.com";
		#$FTP_User = "ag@host.com";
		#$FTP_Pass = "password";
		#$FTP_Dir  = "cvsbuilds";

		#$SDK_RootDirs{'UIQ2'}= "C:\\UIQ2";
		$SDK_RootDirs{'UIQ3'}= "C:\\UIQ3";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v1'}= "C:\\S60v1";
		$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v2'}= "C:\\S60v2";
		$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v3'}= "C:\\S60v3";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S80'}= "C:\\S80";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S90'}= "C:\\S90";
		$ECompXL_BinDir= "C:\\ECompXL\\";
		if (0) # so we can turn them on/off easily
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'zlib.lib'}		= "C:\\S\\zlib-1.2.2\\epoc";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'libmad.lib'}	= "C:\\S\\libmad-0.15.1b\\group";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'libtremor.lib'}= "C:\\tremor\\epoc";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'UIQ2'}{'esdl.lib'}	= $SDK_LibraryDirs{'UIQ3'}{'esdl.lib'} = "C:\\S\\ESDL\\epoc\\UIQ";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v1'}{'esdl.lib'}	= $SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v2'}{'esdl.lib'} = $SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v3'}{'esdl.lib'} = "C:\\S\\ESDL\\epoc\\S60";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S80'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "C:\\S\\ESDL\\epoc\\S80";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S90'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "C:\\S\\ESDL\\epoc\\S90";

		# now you can add $VariationSets only built on this PC below this line :)

	elsif ($ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'} eq "BIGMACHINE") #################################################################
		$Producer = "AnotherGuest";
		$RedirectSTDERR = 1;
		$HaltOnError = 0;
		$SkipExistingPackages = 1;
		$ReallyQuiet = 1;

		#$FTP_Host = "host.com";
		#$FTP_User = "ag@host.com";
		#$FTP_Pass = "password";
		#$FTP_Dir  = "cvsbuilds";

		#$SDK_RootDirs{'UIQ2'}= "D:\\UIQ2";
		$SDK_RootDirs{'UIQ3'}= "D:\\UIQ3";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v1'}= "D:\\S60v1";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v2'}= "D:\\S60v2";
		$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v3'}= "D:\\S60v3";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S80'}= "D:\\S80";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S90'}= "D:\\S90";
		$ECompXL_BinDir= "D:\\ECompXL\\";
		if (0) # so we can turn them on/off easily
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'zlib.lib'}		= "C:\\S\\zlib-1.2.2\\epoc";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'libmad.lib'}	= "C:\\S\\libmad-0.15.1b\\group";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'libtremor.lib'}= "C:\\tremor\\epoc";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'UIQ2'}{'esdl.lib'} = "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\UIQ";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v1'}{'esdl.lib'}	= $SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v2'}{'esdl.lib'} = "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\S60";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S80'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\S80";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S90'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\S90";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v3'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\S60\\S60V3";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'UIQ3'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\UIQ\\UIQ3";

		# now you can add $VariationSets only built on this PC below this line :)

	elsif ($ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'} eq "EMBEDDEV-VAIO2") #################################################################
		$Producer = "AnotherGuest";
		$RedirectSTDERR = 1;
		$HaltOnError = 0;
		$SkipExistingPackages = 1;
		$ReallyQuiet = 1;

		#$FTP_Host = "host.com";
		#$FTP_User = "ag@host.com";
		#$FTP_Pass = "password";
		#$FTP_Dir  = "cvsbuilds";

		#$SDK_RootDirs{'UIQ2'}= "D:\\UIQ2";
		$SDK_RootDirs{'UIQ3'}= "G:\\UIQ3";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v1'}= "D:\\S60v1";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v2'}= "D:\\S60v2";
		$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v3'}= "G:\\S60v3";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S80'}= "D:\\S80";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S90'}= "D:\\S90";
		#$ECompXL_BinDir= "D:\\ECompXL\\";
		if (0) # so we can turn them on/off easily
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'zlib.lib'}		= "C:\\S\\zlib-1.2.2\\epoc";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'libmad.lib'}	= "C:\\S\\libmad-0.15.1b\\group";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'libtremor.lib'}= "C:\\tremor\\epoc";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'UIQ2'}{'esdl.lib'} = "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\UIQ";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v1'}{'esdl.lib'}	= $SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v2'}{'esdl.lib'} = "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\S60";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S80'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\S80";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S90'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\S90";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v3'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\S60\\S60V3";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'UIQ3'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "E:\\WICKED\\ESDL\\epoc\\UIQ\\UIQ3";

		# now you can add $VariationSets only built on this PC below this line :)

	elsif ($ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'} eq "PC-FOREVER1111") #################################################################
		$Producer = "Fedor";
		$RedirectSTDERR = 1;
		$HaltOnError = 0;
		$SkipExistingPackages = 0;
		$ReallyQuiet = 0;
		$Compiler = "D:\\Program/ Files\\CodeSourcery\\Sourcery/ G++ Lite";

		#$FTP_Host = "host.com";
		#$FTP_User = "ag@host.com";
		#$FTP_Pass = "password";
		#$FTP_Dir  = "cvsbuilds";

		#$SDK_RootDirs{'UIQ2'}= "C:\\UIQ2";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'UIQ3'}= "C:\\UIQ3";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v1'}= "C:\\S60v1";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v2'}= "C:\\S60v2";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S80'}= "C:\\S80";
		#$SDK_RootDirs{'S90'}= "C:\\S90";
		#$ECompXL_BinDir= "C:\\ECompXL\\";

		$SDK_RootDirs{'S60v3'}= "D:\\Symbian\\S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v1.0";
		$SDK_ToolchainDirs{'S60v3'} = "$Compiler\\arm-symbianelf\\bin";

		# these supporting libraries get built first, then all the Variations
		# Note: the string {'xxx.lib'} is used in checking in build success: so needs to be accurate!
		if (0) # so we can turn them on/off easily
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'zlib.lib'}		= "C:\\S\\zlib-1.2.2\\epoc";
			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'libmad.lib'}	= "D:\\Symbian\\Projects\\SDL\\libs\\libmad-0.15.1b\\epoc";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'ALL'}{'libtremor.lib'}= "D:\\Symbian\\Projects\\SDL\\libs\\Tremor\\epoc";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'UIQ2'}{'esdl.lib'}	= $SDK_LibraryDirs{'UIQ3'}{'esdl.lib'} = "C:\\S\\ESDL\\epoc\\UIQ";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v1'}{'esdl.lib'}	= $SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v2'}{'esdl.lib'} = $SDK_LibraryDirs{'S60v3'}{'esdl.lib'} = "C:\\S\\ESDL\\epoc\\S60";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S80'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "C:\\S\\ESDL\\epoc\\S80";
#			$SDK_LibraryDirs{'S90'}{'esdl.lib'}		= "C:\\S\\ESDL\\epoc\\S90";

		# now you can add $VariationSets only built on this PC below this line :)


	else #########################################################################################################
		print "ERROR: Computer name ".$ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'}." not recognized! Plz edit _LocalSettings.pl!";
		exit 1;

	## Variation defines:

	# second hash index = literal string used in .sis file created.
	# empty string also removes the trailing '_'. Some 051101 examples:

	# $VariationSets{'UIQ2'}{''} would produce:
	#   scummvm-051101-SymbianUIQ2.sis

	# $VariationSets{'S60v2'}{'agos'} would produce:
	#   scummvm-051101-SymbianS60v2_agos.sis

	# $VariationSets{'ALL'}{'queen'} with all $SDK_RootDirs defined would produce:
	#   scummvm-051101-SymbianUIQ2_queen.sis
	#   scummvm-051101-SymbianUIQ3_queen.sis
	#   scummvm-051101-SymbianS60v1_queen.sis
	#   scummvm-051101-SymbianS60v2_queen.sis
	#   scummvm-051101-SymbianS60v3_queen.sis
	#   scummvm-051101-SymbianS80_queen.sis
	#   scummvm-051101-SymbianS90_queen.sis

	# NOTE: empty $VariationSets{''} string instead of 'ALL' = easy way to disable pkg!

	if (1) # all regular combo's
		# the first one includes all SDKs & release-ready engines

			$VariationSets{'ALL'}{'all'} = "$DefaultFeatures @WorkingEngines @EnablableSubEngines";
			# $VariationSets{'ALL'}{'1St'} = "$DefaultFeatures @WorkingEngines_1st @EnablableSubEngines";
			# $VariationSets{'ALL'}{'2nd'} = "$DefaultFeatures @WorkingEngines_2nd @EnablableSubEngines";
		# now one for each ready-for-release engine
		if (0)
			foreach (@WorkingEngines)
				$VariationSets{'ALL'}{$_} = "$DefaultFeatures $_";
			# for scumm, we need to add 2 features:
			#$VariationSets{'ALL'}{'scumm'} .= " scumm_7_8 he";

		# now one for each not-ready-for-release-or-testing engine
		if (0)
			foreach (@TestingEngines)
				$VariationSets{'ALL'}{"test_$_"} = "$DefaultFeatures $_";
		# below here you could specify weird & experimental combinations, non-ready engines

			# Separate version for the broken sword engines (1&2)
			#$VariationSets{'ALL'}{'brokensword'} = "$DefaultFeatures sword1 sword2";

			# Separate version for Scumm games (COMI) since memory usage might be high
			#$VariationSets{'ALL'}{'scumm'} = "$DefaultFeatures scumm scumm_7_8 he";

			# for mega-fast-testing only plz! Warning: contains to engines!
			#$VariationSets{'ALL'}{'fast_empty'} = "";

	} # end quick-n-fast if (1|0)

