ScummVM - ScummVM ported to EPOC/SymbianOS

 Copyright (C) 2008-2012 ScummVM Team
 Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Lars 'AnotherGuest' Persson
 Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Jurgen 'SumthinWicked' Braam

 Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Andreas 'Sprawl' Karlsson

Using parts of snprintf.c by
Mark Martinec <>, April 1999, June 2000
Copyright � 1999,2000,2001,2002 Mark Martinec. All rights reserved.
under these conditions:
"Terms and conditions ...
This program is free software; it is dual licensed, the terms of the "Frontier Artistic License" or
the "GNU General Public License" can be chosen at your discretion.
The chosen license then applies solely and in its entirety.
Both licenses come with this Kit."

About ScummVM
	The original ports (uptil 0.7.1) were made by Andreas Karlsson and Lars Persson.
	The main transition to 0.8.0CVS and all relevant changes were done by Jurgen Braam.
	Jurgen and Lars have successfully transfered all needed changes into CVS/SVN, with additional helpful tools for Symbian OS

Release History:
	Release version: 1.4.0
		* Nothing significant in the Symbian port, except SDL improvements (new SDL version used)
		* See main readme for general ScummVM improvements, major update

	Release version: 1.3.1
		* Nothing significant in the Symbian port, except SDL improvements (new SDL version used)
		* See main readme for general ScummVM improvements, major update

	Release version: 1.3.0
		* Nothing significant in the Symbian port, except SDL improvements (new SDL version used)
		* See main readme for general ScummVM improvements, major update
	Release version: 1.2.1
	* Symbian port now split in two parts, ScummVM 1 and ScummVM 2 to keep the exe size down.
	  ScummVM 1 contains the following engines:
	    scumm queen groovie saga drascula
	    touche parallaction cine
	    cruise made tucker

	  ScummVM 2 contains the following engines:
	    agos sky gob
	    kyra lure agi tinsel
	    sword1 sword2 draci sci teenagent

	* See main readme for general ScummVM improvements, minor update
	Release version: 1.2.0
	* Nothing significant in the Symbian port, except SDL improvements (new SDL version used)
	* See main readme for general ScummVM improvements, major update

	Release version: 1.1.0
	* Nothing significant in the Symbian port, except SDL improvements.
	* See main readme for general ScummVM improvements, minor update

	Release version: 1.0.0
	* Nothing significant in the Symbian port, except SDL improvements.
	* See main readme for general ScummVM improvements, minor update

	Release version: 0.13.1
	* Nothing significant in the Symbian port, except SDL improvements.
	* See main readme for general ScummVM improvements, minor update

	Release version: 0.13.1
	* Nothing significant in the Symbian port, except SDL improvements
	Release version: 0.13.0
	* Nothing significant in the Symbian port, except SDL improvements

	Release version: 0.12.0
	* This version is only supported on Symbian OS 9 devices due to compiler constraints for older devices. (That means UIQ3 and S60V3 devices)
	* Updated to SDL version 1.2.13 (previous version used was 1.2.2)
	* Information about S60 devices can be found here
	* Information about UIQ devices can be found here
	* Best source of general information is the ScummVM forum,
	* SVN builds (not frequently updated) can be found at

Games supported
	The Symbian port of ScummVM supports all games. Some games might not run properly due to screenresolution or memory constraints.
	Minimum free memory requirement is about 12MB to be able to start and run ScummVM, this is enough for most older games, but newer more resource hungry games, might require more.

Building ScummVM

	Nescessary components
	Building ScummVM yourself using the UIQ 2.1/Nokia S60 SDK/Nokia S80 SDK/Nokia S90 SDK framework is not an easy task!
	Lets just say the framework needs quite some time to set up and takes a while
	to get used to. If you choose to continue you will need the following items:

	- UIQ 3.x SDK (To build for UIQ3 devices)(Build scripts in SDK need tweaking in order to build scummvm since Symbian OS GCCE never builds as large projects as ScummVM before)
	- UIQ 2.1 SDK (To build for UIQ2 devices);

	- Nokia S60 1st, 2nd edition,3rd edition SDK (To build for S60 devices)

	- Nokia S80 SDK (To build for S80 devices)

	- Nokia 7710 SDK (To build for the 7710/S90 device)

	- ECompXL, an EPOC application compression library (To build for UIQ devices)

	- libsdl, Simple Directmedia Layer, a cross-platform multimedia library (see note about ESDL below)

	- libmad, a high-quality MPEG audio decoder

	- zlib, a massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library
	- latest version of active perl (included with Symbian SDK does not work with the build scripts)

	- libogg, the free media file container format

	- libvorbis, the free audio codec
	These are probably too heavy-duty for your phone:

	- flac, the Free Lossless Audio Codec

	Compiling ScummVM

	ECompXL (Only needed for UIQ2):
	this is a tool that will compress your executable with GZIP and glue
	it to a predefined loader app. The app will uncompress your application at
	runtime and run it without you even knowing it. A really interesting byproduct
	of this method is that the general restriction of not having any writeable
	static data (WSD) for Symbian APP executables no longer applies. This makes
	the life of an EPOC porter a lot easier! To install this tool you need to add
	its \bin path to your PATH above the sybmian epocs32\tools path, so that ECompXL's
	PETRAN.EXE will be the executable that is started.

	SDL: the latest version of SDL at this point in time is 1.2.13. This version
	works great for compiling on other platforms.

	zlib: the zlib-x.x.x.tar.gz does not come with UIQ .mpp build files, that's why
	I added them for you in Extract in <DevRoot>/zlib/ which will
	create the epoc dir. In <DevRoot>/zlib/epoc/ go:
	> bldmake bldfiles
	> abld build

	libmad: the libmad-x.x.x.tar.gz does not come with UIQ .mpp build files, that's
	why I added them for you in Extract in <DevRoot>/libmad/ which
	will create the epoc dir. In <DevRoot>/libmad/epoc/ go:
	> bldmake bldfiles
	> abld build

	In <DevRoot>\scummvm\backends\platform\symbian\ go:
	a) Edit and update the for the kind of build (SDK installed etc) and variants
	   you want to build.
      b) Run to build all the targets/variants that you have configured.
	   A detailed log will be placed in the symbian folder with Build.err.log and Build.out.log but it also depends on
	   the configuration you select.

	Now you should have yourself a nice ScummVM_xxx.sis installer package in the packages folder for use
	on your phone. Please note that for development it will be a lot faster if you
	transfer the SCUMMVM.APP/Scummvm.EXE file directly to your !:\system\apps\ScummVM\ dir!

	Platforms can be one of: ARMi, ARM4, THUMB, WINS, WINSCW, GCCE. The SE P900 uses the ARMi platform,
	which is a combined ARM4/THUMB programming mode. Configurations can be one of:

Greetz & such
	Kudos fly out to:
	- Sprawl for having the nerve to start & carry this puppy for so long
	- AnotherGuest for having the nerve to start & carry this puppy for so long
	- Fingolfin for taking the time to go through 1000 patch versions with me
	- Myself (SumthinWicked), for writing this entire README and adopting all sources together with Fingolfin :)
	- the entire ScummVM Dev team for making a kicka$$ program
	- the folks in #scummvm @ for their help, confort and support
	- everybody else who wants to give me 'the look' for not including them here :P

	it's been swell,
	gotta go now,

	SumthinWicked & Anotherguest