;;; ScummVM .PKG file for .SIS gegeration

; Languages

; UID is the app's UID
#{"ScummVM SE"},(0x101f9b57),0,130,0

; Platform type
(0x101F617B), 2, 0, 0, {"UIQ20ProductID"}

; Application, AIF & Resource file

; Config/log files: 'empty' will automagically be removed on uninstall

; Common datafiles needed for some games

; This install layout will let you upgrade to newer versions wihout loss of scummvm.ini.
; It will remove the config file, std***.txt files & dirs on uninstall.

; add extra Vibration lib for P800, will be ignored during all other installs
IF MachineUID = 0x101F408B
@"Vibration.sis", (0x101F94A3)