/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2005 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #ifndef SYSTEMPS2_H #define SYSTEMPS2_H #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/system.h" class Gs2dScreen; class Ps2Input; class Ps2SaveFileManager; #define _REC_MUTEX_ #ifdef _REC_MUTEX_ #define MAX_MUTEXES 32 struct Ps2Mutex { int sema; int owner; int count; }; #endif class OSystem_PS2 : public OSystem { public: OSystem_PS2(void); virtual ~OSystem_PS2(void); virtual void initSize(uint width, uint height, int overScale = -1); virtual int16 getHeight(void); virtual int16 getWidth(void); virtual void setPalette(const byte *colors, uint start, uint num); virtual void copyRectToScreen(const byte *buf, int pitch, int x, int y, int w, int h); virtual void setShakePos(int shakeOffset); virtual void grabPalette(byte *colors, uint start, uint num); virtual bool grabRawScreen(Graphics::Surface *surf); virtual void updateScreen(); virtual void showOverlay(); virtual void hideOverlay(); virtual void clearOverlay(); virtual void grabOverlay(OverlayColor *buf, int pitch); virtual void copyRectToOverlay(const OverlayColor *buf, int pitch, int x, int y, int w, int h); virtual bool showMouse(bool visible); virtual void warpMouse(int x, int y); virtual void setMouseCursor(const byte *buf, uint w, uint h, int hotspot_x, int hotspot_y, byte keycolor, int cursorTargetScale = 1); virtual uint32 getMillis(); virtual void delayMillis(uint msecs); virtual void setTimerCallback(TimerProc callback, int interval); virtual bool pollEvent(Event &event); virtual bool setSoundCallback(SoundProc proc, void *param); virtual void clearSoundCallback(); virtual int getOutputSampleRate(void) const; virtual bool openCD(int drive); virtual bool pollCD(); virtual void playCD(int track, int num_loops, int start_frame, int duration); virtual void stopCD(); virtual void updateCD(); virtual MutexRef createMutex(void); virtual void lockMutex(MutexRef mutex); virtual void unlockMutex(MutexRef mutex); virtual void deleteMutex(MutexRef mutex); virtual const GraphicsMode *getSupportedGraphicsModes() const; virtual int getDefaultGraphicsMode() const; virtual bool setGraphicsMode(int mode); virtual int getGraphicsMode() const; virtual void quit(); virtual OverlayColor RGBToColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b); virtual void colorToRGB(OverlayColor color, uint8 &r, uint8 &g, uint8 &b); virtual Common::SaveFileManager *getSavefileManager(); void timerThread(void); void soundThread(void); void msgPrintf(int millis, char *format, ...); private: volatile OSystem::TimerProc _scummTimerProc; volatile OSystem::SoundProc _scummSoundProc; void *_scummSoundParam; int _soundSema; void initTimer(void); void readRtcTime(void); void loadModules(void); bool _mouseVisible; bool _useMouse, _useKbd; Ps2SaveFileManager *_saveManager; Gs2dScreen *_screen; Ps2Input *_input; uint16 _oldMouseX, _oldMouseY; uint32 _msgClearTime; uint16 _printY; #ifdef _REC_MUTEX_ int _mutexSema; Ps2Mutex *_mutex; #endif uint8 *_timerStack, *_soundStack; int _timerTid, _soundTid; int _intrId; volatile bool _systemQuit; static const GraphicsMode _graphicsMode; }; #endif // SYSTEMPS2_H