/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "backends/sdl/sdl-common.h" #include "common/util.h" // FIXME move joystick defines out and replace with confile file options // we should really allow users to map any key to a joystick button #define JOY_DEADZONE 3200 #define JOY_ANALOG // #define JOY_INVERT_Y #define JOY_XAXIS 0 #define JOY_YAXIS 1 // buttons #define JOY_BUT_LMOUSE 0 #define JOY_BUT_RMOUSE 2 #define JOY_BUT_ESCAPE 3 #define JOY_BUT_PERIOD 1 #define JOY_BUT_SPACE 4 #define JOY_BUT_F5 5 static const int s_gfxModeSwitchTable[][4] = { { GFX_NORMAL, GFX_DOUBLESIZE, GFX_TRIPLESIZE, -1 }, { GFX_NORMAL, GFX_ADVMAME2X, GFX_ADVMAME3X, -1 }, { GFX_NORMAL, GFX_HQ2X, GFX_HQ3X, -1 }, { GFX_NORMAL, GFX_2XSAI, -1, -1 }, { GFX_NORMAL, GFX_SUPER2XSAI, -1, -1 }, { GFX_NORMAL, GFX_SUPEREAGLE, -1, -1 }, { GFX_NORMAL, GFX_TV2X, -1, -1 }, { GFX_NORMAL, GFX_DOTMATRIX, -1, -1 } }; static int mapKey(SDLKey key, SDLMod mod, Uint16 unicode) { if (key >= SDLK_F1 && key <= SDLK_F9) { return key - SDLK_F1 + 315; } else if (key >= SDLK_KP0 && key <= SDLK_KP9) { return key - SDLK_KP0 + '0'; } else if (key >= SDLK_UP && key <= SDLK_PAGEDOWN) { return key; } else if (unicode) { return unicode; } else if (key >= 'a' && key <= 'z' && mod & KMOD_SHIFT) { return key & ~0x20; } else if (key >= SDLK_NUMLOCK && key <= SDLK_EURO) { return 0; } return key; } void OSystem_SDL::fillMouseEvent(Event &event, int x, int y) { event.mouse.x = x; event.mouse.y = y; // Update the "keyboard mouse" coords km.x = x; km.y = y; // Adjust for the screen scaling event.mouse.x /= _scaleFactor; event.mouse.y /= _scaleFactor; // Optionally perform aspect ratio adjusting if (_adjustAspectRatio) event.mouse.y = aspect2Real(event.mouse.y); } void OSystem_SDL::kbd_mouse() { uint32 curTime = get_msecs(); if (curTime >= km.last_time + km.delay_time) { km.last_time = curTime; if (km.x_down_count == 1) { km.x_down_time = curTime; km.x_down_count = 2; } if (km.y_down_count == 1) { km.y_down_time = curTime; km.y_down_count = 2; } if (km.x_vel || km.y_vel) { if (km.x_down_count) { if (curTime > km.x_down_time + km.delay_time * 12) { if (km.x_vel > 0) km.x_vel++; else km.x_vel--; } else if (curTime > km.x_down_time + km.delay_time * 8) { if (km.x_vel > 0) km.x_vel = 5; else km.x_vel = -5; } } if (km.y_down_count) { if (curTime > km.y_down_time + km.delay_time * 12) { if (km.y_vel > 0) km.y_vel++; else km.y_vel--; } else if (curTime > km.y_down_time + km.delay_time * 8) { if (km.y_vel > 0) km.y_vel = 5; else km.y_vel = -5; } } km.x += km.x_vel; km.y += km.y_vel; if (km.x < 0) { km.x = 0; km.x_vel = -1; km.x_down_count = 1; } else if (km.x > km.x_max) { km.x = km.x_max; km.x_vel = 1; km.x_down_count = 1; } if (km.y < 0) { km.y = 0; km.y_vel = -1; km.y_down_count = 1; } else if (km.y > km.y_max) { km.y = km.y_max; km.y_vel = 1; km.y_down_count = 1; } SDL_WarpMouse(km.x, km.y); } } } bool OSystem_SDL::poll_event(Event *event) { SDL_Event ev; int axis; byte b = 0; kbd_mouse(); // If the screen mode changed, send an EVENT_SCREEN_CHANGED if (_modeChanged) { _modeChanged = false; event->event_code = EVENT_SCREEN_CHANGED; return true; } while(SDL_PollEvent(&ev)) { switch(ev.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: #ifdef LINUPY // Yopy has no ALT key, steal the SHIFT key // (which isn't used much anyway) if (ev.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT) b |= KBD_ALT; if (ev.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL) b |= KBD_CTRL; #else if (ev.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT) b |= KBD_SHIFT; if (ev.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL) b |= KBD_CTRL; if (ev.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT) b |= KBD_ALT; #endif event->kbd.flags = b; // Alt-Return and Alt-Enter toggle full screen mode if (b == KBD_ALT && (ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN || ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_KP_ENTER)) { setFullscreenMode(!_full_screen); #ifdef USE_OSD if (_full_screen) displayMessageOnOSD("Fullscreen mode"); else displayMessageOnOSD("Windowed mode"); #endif break; } // Alt-S: Create a screenshot if (b == KBD_ALT && ev.key.keysym.sym == 's') { char filename[20]; for (int n = 0;; n++) { SDL_RWops *file; sprintf(filename, "scummvm%05d.bmp", n); file = SDL_RWFromFile(filename, "r"); if (!file) break; SDL_RWclose(file); } if (save_screenshot(filename)) printf("Saved '%s'\n", filename); else printf("Could not save screenshot!\n"); break; } // Ctrl-m toggles mouse capture if (b == KBD_CTRL && ev.key.keysym.sym == 'm') { toggleMouseGrab(); break; } #ifdef MACOSX // On Macintosh', Cmd-Q quits if ((ev.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_META) && ev.key.keysym.sym == 'q') { event->event_code = EVENT_QUIT; return true; } #elif defined(UNIX) // On other unices, Control-Q quits if ((ev.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL) && ev.key.keysym.sym == 'q') { event->event_code = EVENT_QUIT; return true; } #else // Ctrl-z and Alt-X quit if ((b == KBD_CTRL && ev.key.keysym.sym == 'z') || (b == KBD_ALT && ev.key.keysym.sym == 'x')) { event->event_code = EVENT_QUIT; return true; } #endif // Ctrl-Alt-<key> will change the GFX mode if ((b & (KBD_CTRL|KBD_ALT)) == (KBD_CTRL|KBD_ALT)) { // FIXME EVIL HACK: This shouldn't be a static int, rather it // should be a member variable. Furthermore, it shouldn't be // set in this code, rather it should be set by load_gfx_mode(). // But for now this quick&dirty hack works. static int _scalerType = 0; if (_mode != GFX_NORMAL) { // Try to figure out which gfx mode "group" we are in // This is just a temporary hack until the proper solution // (i.e. code in load_gfx_mode()) is in effect. for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_gfxModeSwitchTable); i++) { if (s_gfxModeSwitchTable[i][1] == _mode || s_gfxModeSwitchTable[i][2] == _mode) { _scalerType = i; break; } } } int factor = _scaleFactor - 1; // Ctrl-Alt-a toggles aspect ratio correction if (ev.key.keysym.sym == 'a') { setFeatureState(kFeatureAspectRatioCorrection, !_adjustAspectRatio); #ifdef USE_OSD char buffer[128]; if (_adjustAspectRatio) sprintf(buffer, "Enabled aspect ratio correction\n%d x %d -> %d x %d", _screenWidth, _screenHeight, _hwscreen->w, _hwscreen->h ); else sprintf(buffer, "Disabled aspect ratio correction\n%d x %d -> %d x %d", _screenWidth, _screenHeight, _hwscreen->w, _hwscreen->h ); displayMessageOnOSD(buffer); #endif break; } int newMode = -1; // Increase/decrease the scale factor // TODO: Shall we 'wrap around' here? if (ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_EQUALS || ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_PLUS || ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_MINUS || ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_KP_PLUS || ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_KP_MINUS) { factor += (ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_MINUS || ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_KP_MINUS) ? -1 : +1; if (0 <= factor && factor < 4 && s_gfxModeSwitchTable[_scalerType][factor] >= 0) { newMode = s_gfxModeSwitchTable[_scalerType][factor]; } } const bool isNormalNumber = (SDLK_1 <= ev.key.keysym.sym && ev.key.keysym.sym <= SDLK_9); const bool isKeypadNumber = (SDLK_KP1 <= ev.key.keysym.sym && ev.key.keysym.sym <= SDLK_KP9); if (isNormalNumber || isKeypadNumber) { _scalerType = ev.key.keysym.sym - (isNormalNumber ? SDLK_1 : SDLK_KP1); if (_scalerType >= ARRAYSIZE(s_gfxModeSwitchTable)) break; while (s_gfxModeSwitchTable[_scalerType][factor] < 0) { assert(factor > 0); factor--; } newMode = s_gfxModeSwitchTable[_scalerType][factor]; } if (newMode >= 0) { setGraphicsMode(newMode); #ifdef USE_OSD if (_osdSurface) { const char *newScalerName = 0; const GraphicsMode *g = getSupportedGraphicsModes(); while (g->name) { if (g->id == _mode) { newScalerName = g->description; break; } g++; } if (newScalerName) { char buffer[128]; sprintf(buffer, "Active graphics filter: %s\n%d x %d -> %d x %d", newScalerName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, _hwscreen->w, _hwscreen->h ); displayMessageOnOSD(buffer); } } #endif } break; } #ifdef LINUPY // On Yopy map the End button to quit if ((ev.key.keysym.sym==293)) { event->event_code = EVENT_QUIT; return true; } // Map menu key to f5 (scumm menu) if (ev.key.keysym.sym==306) { event->event_code = EVENT_KEYDOWN; event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_F5; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_F5, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); return true; } // Map action key to action if (ev.key.keysym.sym==291) { event->event_code = EVENT_KEYDOWN; event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_TAB; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_TAB, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); return true; } // Map OK key to skip cinematic if (ev.key.keysym.sym==292) { event->event_code = EVENT_KEYDOWN; event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_ESCAPE; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_ESCAPE, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); return true; } #endif #ifdef QTOPIA // quit on fn+backspace on zaurus if (ev.key.keysym.sym == 127) { event->event_code = EVENT_QUIT; return true; } // map menu key (f11) to f5 (scumm menu) if (ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F11) { event->event_code = EVENT_KEYDOWN; event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_F5; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_F5, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); } // map center (space) to tab (default action ) // I wanted to map the calendar button but the calendar comes up // else if (ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE) { event->event_code = EVENT_KEYDOWN; event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_TAB; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_TAB, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); } // since we stole space (pause) above we'll rebind it to the tab key on the keyboard else if (ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB) { event->event_code = EVENT_KEYDOWN; event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_SPACE; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_SPACE, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); } else { // let the events fall through if we didn't change them, this may not be the best way to // set it up, but i'm not sure how sdl would like it if we let if fall through then redid it though. // and yes i have an huge terminal size so i dont wrap soon enough. event->event_code = EVENT_KEYDOWN; event->kbd.keycode = ev.key.keysym.sym; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(ev.key.keysym.sym, ev.key.keysym.mod, ev.key.keysym.unicode); } #else event->event_code = EVENT_KEYDOWN; event->kbd.keycode = ev.key.keysym.sym; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(ev.key.keysym.sym, ev.key.keysym.mod, ev.key.keysym.unicode); #endif switch(ev.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_LEFT: km.x_vel = -1; km.x_down_count = 1; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: km.x_vel = 1; km.x_down_count = 1; break; case SDLK_UP: km.y_vel = -1; km.y_down_count = 1; break; case SDLK_DOWN: km.y_vel = 1; km.y_down_count = 1; break; default: break; } return true; case SDL_KEYUP: event->event_code = EVENT_KEYUP; event->kbd.keycode = ev.key.keysym.sym; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(ev.key.keysym.sym, ev.key.keysym.mod, ev.key.keysym.unicode); switch(ev.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_LEFT: if (km.x_vel < 0) { km.x_vel = 0; km.x_down_count = 0; } break; case SDLK_RIGHT: if (km.x_vel > 0) { km.x_vel = 0; km.x_down_count = 0; } break; case SDLK_UP: if (km.y_vel < 0) { km.y_vel = 0; km.y_down_count = 0; } break; case SDLK_DOWN: if (km.y_vel > 0) { km.y_vel = 0; km.y_down_count = 0; } break; default: break; } return true; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: event->event_code = EVENT_MOUSEMOVE; fillMouseEvent(*event, ev.motion.x, ev.motion.y); set_mouse_pos(event->mouse.x, event->mouse.y); return true; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) event->event_code = EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN; else if (ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) event->event_code = EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN; #if defined(SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) && defined(SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) else if (ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) event->event_code = EVENT_WHEELUP; else if (ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) event->event_code = EVENT_WHEELDOWN; #endif else break; fillMouseEvent(*event, ev.button.x, ev.button.y); return true; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if (ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) event->event_code = EVENT_LBUTTONUP; else if (ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) event->event_code = EVENT_RBUTTONUP; else break; fillMouseEvent(*event, ev.button.x, ev.button.y); return true; case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: if (ev.jbutton.button == JOY_BUT_LMOUSE) { event->event_code = EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN; } else if (ev.jbutton.button == JOY_BUT_RMOUSE) { event->event_code = EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN; } else { event->event_code = EVENT_KEYDOWN; switch (ev.jbutton.button) { case JOY_BUT_ESCAPE: event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_ESCAPE; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_ESCAPE, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); break; case JOY_BUT_PERIOD: event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_PERIOD; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_PERIOD, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); break; case JOY_BUT_SPACE: event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_SPACE; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_SPACE, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); break; case JOY_BUT_F5: event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_F5; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_F5, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); break; } } return true; case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: if (ev.jbutton.button == JOY_BUT_LMOUSE) { event->event_code = EVENT_LBUTTONUP; } else if (ev.jbutton.button == JOY_BUT_RMOUSE) { event->event_code = EVENT_RBUTTONUP; } else { event->event_code = EVENT_KEYUP; switch (ev.jbutton.button) { case JOY_BUT_ESCAPE: event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_ESCAPE; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_ESCAPE, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); break; case JOY_BUT_PERIOD: event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_PERIOD; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_PERIOD, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); break; case JOY_BUT_SPACE: event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_SPACE; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_SPACE, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); break; case JOY_BUT_F5: event->kbd.keycode = SDLK_F5; event->kbd.ascii = mapKey(SDLK_F5, ev.key.keysym.mod, 0); break; } } return true; case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: axis = ev.jaxis.value; if ( axis > JOY_DEADZONE) { axis -= JOY_DEADZONE; event->event_code = EVENT_MOUSEMOVE; } else if ( axis < -JOY_DEADZONE ) { axis += JOY_DEADZONE; event->event_code = EVENT_MOUSEMOVE; } else axis = 0; if ( ev.jaxis.axis == JOY_XAXIS) { #ifdef JOY_ANALOG km.x_vel = axis/2000; km.x_down_count = 0; #else if (axis != 0) { km.x_vel = (axis > 0) ? 1:-1; km.x_down_count = 1; } else { km.x_vel = 0; km.x_down_count = 0; } #endif } else if (ev.jaxis.axis == JOY_YAXIS) { #ifndef JOY_INVERT_Y axis = -axis; #endif #ifdef JOY_ANALOG km.y_vel = -axis / 2000; km.y_down_count = 0; #else if (axis != 0) { km.y_vel = (-axis > 0) ? 1: -1; km.y_down_count = 1; } else { km.y_vel = 0; km.y_down_count = 0; } #endif } fillMouseEvent(*event, km.x, km.y); return true; case SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE: _forceFull = true; break; case SDL_QUIT: event->event_code = EVENT_QUIT; return true; } } return false; }