/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001/2002 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #ifdef _WIN32_WCE // Browse directories to locate SCUMM games #include "stdafx.h" #include #if _WIN32_WCE < 300 #include #include #endif #include #include #include "resource.h" #include "scumm.h" #include "config-file.h" #include "screen.h" extern Config *g_config; #define MAX_GAMES 23 int MAX_DIRECTORY = 40; #define MAX_DISPLAYED_DIRECTORIES 7 #define MAX_DISPLAYED_GAMES 7 struct ScummGame { const char *gamename; const char *description; const char *directory; const char *check_file_1; const char *check_file_2; const char *filename; unsigned char next_demo; }; struct InstalledScummGame { unsigned char reference; TCHAR directory[MAX_PATH]; }; struct DirectoryName { TCHAR name[MAX_PATH]; }; struct GameReference { char name[100]; unsigned char reference; }; static const ScummGame GameList[] = { { "Simon 1 demo", "Playable", "0001.VGA", "GDEMO", "", "simon1demo", 0 }, { "Simon 1 dos", "Completable", "", "1631.VGA", "GAMEPC", "simon1dos", 0 }, { "Simon 1 win", "Completable", "", "SIMON.GME", "GAMEPC", "simon1win", 0 }, { "Simon 2 dos", "To be tested", "", "SIMON2.GME", "GAME32", "simon2dos", 0 }, { "Simon 2 win", "To be tested", "", "SIMON2.GME", "GSPTR30", "simon2win", 0 }, { "Indiana Jones 3 VGA", "Buggy, playable a bit", "indy3", "", "", "indy3", 0 }, { "Zak Mc Kracken VGA", "Completable", "zak256", "", "", "zak256", 0 }, { "Loom old", "Not working", "loom", "", "", "loom", 0 }, { "Monkey Island 1 EGA", "Not tested", "monkeyEGA", "", "", "monkeyEGA", 0 }, { "Loom VGA", "Completable, MP3 audio", "loomcd", "", "", "loomcd", 0 }, { "Monkey Island 1 VGA CD", "Completable, MP3 music", "", "MONKEY.000", "MONKEY.001", "monkey", 0 }, { "Monkey Island 1 VGA CD", "Completable, MP3 music", "", "MONKEY1.000", "MONKEY1.001", "monkey1", 0 }, { "Monkey Island 1 VGA dk", "Completable, no sound", "monkeyvga", "", "", "monkeyvga", 0 }, { "Monkey Island 2 VGA", "Completable", "", "MONKEY2.000", "MONKEY2.001", "monkey2", 0 }, { "Indiana Jones 4", "Completable", "", "ATLANTIS.000", "ATLANTIS.001", "atlantis", 1 }, { "Indiana Jones 4 demo", "Completable", "", "PLAYFATE.000", "PLAYFATE.001", "playfate", 0 }, { "Day of the Tentacle", "Completable", "", "TENTACLE.000", "TENTACLE.001", "tentacle", 1 }, { "Day of Tentacle demo", "Completable", "", "DOTTDEMO.000", "DOTTDEMO.001", "dottdemo", 0 }, { "Sam & Max", "Completable", "", "SAMNMAX.000", "SAMNMAX.001", "samnmax", 1 }, { "Sam & Max demo", "Completable", "", "SNMDEMO.000", "SNMDEMO.001", "snmdemo", 0 }, { "Full Throttle", "Partially working", "", "FT.LA0", "FT.LA1", "ft", 0 }, { "The Dig", "Completable", "", "DIG.LA0", "DIG.LA1", "dig", 0 }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 } }; void findGame(TCHAR*); int displayFoundGames(void); void displayDirectoryList(void); void displayGamesList(void); void doScan(void); void startFindGame(void); bool loadGameSettings(void); char gamesFound[MAX_GAMES]; GameReference listIndex[MAX_GAMES]; InstalledScummGame gamesInstalled[MAX_GAMES]; int installedGamesNumber; HWND hwndDlg; TCHAR basePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR old_basePath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL prescanning; DirectoryName *directories = NULL; int _first_index; int _total_directories; int _first_index_games; int _total_games; bool _scanning; int _last_selected = -1; bool _game_selected; extern int _game_selection_X_offset; extern int _game_selection_Y_offset; int chooseGame(bool need_rescan) { if (directories) free(directories); directories = (DirectoryName*)malloc(MAX_DIRECTORY * sizeof(DirectoryName)); setGameSelectionPalette(); drawBlankGameSelection(); if (!need_rescan) loadGameSettings(); _game_selected = false; while (!_game_selected) { MSG msg; if (!PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) Sleep(100); else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } return _last_selected; } /* BOOL isPrescanning() { return prescanning; } */ void setFindGameDlgHandle(HWND x) { hwndDlg = x; } bool loadGameSettings() { int index; int i; const char *current; /*prescanning = FALSE;*/ _scanning = false; current = g_config->get("GamesInstalled", "wince"); if (!current) return FALSE; index = atoi(current); installedGamesNumber = index; current = g_config->get("GamesReferences", "wince"); if (!current) return FALSE; for (i=0; iget("BasePath", "wince"); if (!current) return FALSE; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, current, strlen(current) + 1, basePath, sizeof(basePath)); for (i=0; iget(keyName, "wince"); if (!current) return FALSE; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, current, strlen(current) + 1, gamesInstalled[i].directory, sizeof(gamesInstalled[i].directory)); } displayFoundGames(); return TRUE; } int countGameReferenced(int reference, int *infos) { int i; int number = 0; for (i=0; i MAX_DISPLAYED_GAMES - 1) return; if (_first_index_games) array_index = _first_index_games + index - 1; else array_index = index; if (array_index >= _total_games) return; // See if it's a previous/next link if (index == 0) { // potential previous if (_first_index_games) { _first_index_games -= (MAX_DISPLAYED_GAMES - 2); if (_first_index_games < 0 || _first_index_games - (MAX_DISPLAYED_GAMES - 2) < 0) _first_index_games = 0; resetLastHighlighted(); displayGamesList(); return; } } if (index == MAX_DISPLAYED_GAMES - 1) { char work[100]; sprintf(work, "X %d Total %d", array_index, _total_games - 1); drawCommentString(work); // potential next if (array_index != _total_games) { if (!_first_index_games) _first_index_games += (MAX_DISPLAYED_GAMES - 1); else _first_index_games += (MAX_DISPLAYED_GAMES - 2); resetLastHighlighted(); displayGamesList(); return; } } // Highlight the current game and displays game informations drawHighlightedString(listIndex[array_index].name, index); game = GameList[gamesInstalled[listIndex[array_index].reference].reference]; drawCommentString((char*)game.description); _last_selected = array_index; } void changeScanPath(int index) { //int item; TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; int array_index; if (index > MAX_DISPLAYED_DIRECTORIES - 1) return; if (_first_index) array_index = _first_index + index - 1; else array_index = index; if (array_index >= _total_directories) return; // See if it's a previous/next link if (index == 0) { // potential previous if (_first_index) { _first_index -= (MAX_DISPLAYED_DIRECTORIES - 2); if (_first_index < 0 || _first_index - (MAX_DISPLAYED_DIRECTORIES - 2) < 0) _first_index = 0; resetLastHighlighted(); displayDirectoryList(); return; } } if (index == MAX_DISPLAYED_DIRECTORIES - 1) { // potential next if (array_index != _total_directories) { if (!_first_index) _first_index += (MAX_DISPLAYED_DIRECTORIES - 1); else _first_index += (MAX_DISPLAYED_DIRECTORIES - 2); resetLastHighlighted(); displayDirectoryList(); return; } } wcscpy(path, directories[array_index].name); if (wcscmp(path, TEXT("..")) != 0) { wcscat(basePath, TEXT("\\")); wcscat(basePath, path); } else { TCHAR *work; work = wcsrchr(basePath, '\\'); *work = 0; *(work + 1) = 0; } doScan(); } void doScan() { WIN32_FIND_DATA desc; TCHAR searchPath[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE x; //SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LISTAVAILABLE), LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); _total_directories = 0; _first_index = 0; if (wcslen(basePath) != 0) { //SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LISTAVAILABLE), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)TEXT("..")); if (_total_directories == MAX_DIRECTORY) { MAX_DIRECTORY += 10; directories = (DirectoryName*)realloc(directories, MAX_DIRECTORY * sizeof(DirectoryName)); } wcscpy(directories[_total_directories++].name, TEXT("..")); } wsprintf(searchPath, TEXT("%s\\*"), basePath); x = FindFirstFile(searchPath, &desc); if (x == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(x); displayDirectoryList(); return; } if (desc.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { TCHAR *work; work = wcsrchr(desc.cFileName, '\\'); /* SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LISTAVAILABLE), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(work ? work + 1 : desc.cFileName)); */ if (_total_directories == MAX_DIRECTORY) { MAX_DIRECTORY += 10; directories = (DirectoryName*)realloc(directories, MAX_DIRECTORY * sizeof(DirectoryName)); } wcscpy(directories[_total_directories++].name, (work ? work + 1 : desc.cFileName)); } while (FindNextFile(x, &desc)) if (desc.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { TCHAR *work; work = wcsrchr(desc.cFileName, '\\'); /* SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LISTAVAILABLE), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(work ? work + 1 : desc.cFileName)); */ if (_total_directories == MAX_DIRECTORY) { MAX_DIRECTORY += 10; directories = (DirectoryName*)realloc(directories, MAX_DIRECTORY * sizeof(DirectoryName)); } wcscpy(directories[_total_directories++].name, (work ? work + 1 : desc.cFileName)); } FindClose(x); displayDirectoryList(); } void displayGamesList() { int current = _first_index_games; int index_games = 0; _last_selected = -1; drawBlankGameSelection(); drawCommentString("Choose a game"); if (_first_index_games) { // include "previous" link drawStandardString("***[PREVIOUS]***", index_games++); } while (current < _total_games && index_games < MAX_DISPLAYED_GAMES - 1) drawStandardString(listIndex[current++].name, index_games++); if (current != _total_games) { // add "next" link drawStandardString("***[NEXT]***", index_games); } } void displayDirectoryList() { int current = _first_index; int index_link = 0; _last_selected = -1; drawBlankGameSelection(); drawCommentString("Choose root directory"); if (_first_index) { // include "previous" link drawStandardString("***[PREVIOUS]***", index_link++); } while (current < _total_directories && index_link < MAX_DISPLAYED_DIRECTORIES - 1) { char work[MAX_PATH]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, directories[current].name, wcslen(directories[current].name) + 1, work, sizeof(work), NULL, NULL); if (strlen(work) > 17) { strcpy(work + 17, "[...]"); } drawStandardString(work, index_link++); current++; } if (current != _total_directories) { // add "next" link drawStandardString("***[NEXT]***", index_link); } } void startScan() { /*prescanning = TRUE;*/ _scanning = true; wcscpy(old_basePath, basePath); //SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FILEPATH, TEXT("Choose the games root directory")); drawCommentString("Choose root directory"); /* SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_SCAN, TEXT("OK")); SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_GAMEDESC, TEXT("")); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLAY), SW_HIDE); */ doScan(); } void endScanPath() { /*prescanning = FALSE;*/ _scanning = false; /* SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_SCAN, TEXT("Scan")); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLAY), SW_SHOW); */ startFindGame(); } void abortScanPath() { /*prescanning = FALSE;*/ _scanning = false; wcscpy(basePath, old_basePath); //SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FILEPATH, TEXT("")); drawCommentString(""); /* SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_SCAN, TEXT("Scan")); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LISTAVAILABLE), LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLAY), SW_SHOW); */ displayFoundGames(); } void startFindGame() { //TCHAR fileName[MAX_PATH]; //TCHAR *tempo; int i = 0; int index = 0; char tempo[1024]; char workdir[MAX_PATH]; //prescanning = FALSE; _scanning = false; //SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FILEPATH, TEXT("Scanning, please wait")); drawBlankGameSelection(); drawCommentString("Scanning, please wait"); //SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LISTAVAILABLE), LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); memset(gamesFound, 0, MAX_GAMES); /* GetModuleFileName(NULL, fileName, MAX_PATH); tempo = wcsrchr(fileName, '\\'); *tempo = '\0'; *(tempo + 1) = '\0'; */ installedGamesNumber = 0; //findGame(fileName); findGame(basePath); // Display the results index = displayFoundGames(); // Save the results in the registry //SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FILEPATH, TEXT("Saving the results")); drawCommentString("Saving the results"); g_config->setInt("GamesInstalled", index, "wince"); tempo[0] = '\0'; for (i=0; iset("GamesReferences", tempo, "wince"); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, basePath, wcslen(basePath) + 1, workdir, sizeof(workdir), NULL, NULL); g_config->set("BasePath", workdir, "wince"); for (i=0; iset(keyName, workdir, "wince"); } g_config->flush(); //SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FILEPATH, TEXT("Scan finished")); drawCommentString("Scan finished"); } void getSelectedGame(int result, char *id, TCHAR *directory) { ScummGame game; game = GameList[gamesInstalled[listIndex[result].reference].reference]; strcpy(id, game.filename); wcscpy(directory, gamesInstalled[listIndex[result].reference].directory); } void displayGameInfo(int index) { //int item; //TCHAR work[400]; ScummGame game; /* item = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LISTAVAILABLE), LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (item == LB_ERR) return; */ game = GameList[gamesInstalled[listIndex[_last_selected].reference].reference]; /* wcscpy(work, TEXT("File path : ...")); wcscat(work, wcsrchr(gamesInstalled[listIndex[item]].directory, '\\')); SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FILEPATH, work); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, game.description, strlen(game.description) + 1, work, sizeof(work)); SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_GAMEDESC, work); */ drawCommentString((char*)game.description); } void findGame(TCHAR *directory) { TCHAR fileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR newDirectory[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA desc; HANDLE x; int i; // Check for games in the current directory //MessageBox(NULL, directory, TEXT("Current"), MB_OK); for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_GAMES ; i++) { ScummGame current_game; current_game = GameList[i]; if (!current_game.filename) break; if (strlen(current_game.directory)) { // see if the last directory matches TCHAR *work; char curdir[MAX_PATH]; work = wcsrchr(directory, '\\'); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, work + 1, wcslen(work + 1) + 1, curdir, sizeof(curdir), NULL, NULL); if (stricmp(curdir, current_game.directory) == 0) { //MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Match directory !"), TEXT("..."), MB_OK); gamesFound[i] = 1; gamesInstalled[installedGamesNumber].reference = i; wcscpy(gamesInstalled[installedGamesNumber].directory, directory); installedGamesNumber++; } } else { TCHAR work[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR checkfile[MAX_PATH]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, current_game.check_file_1, strlen(current_game.check_file_1) + 1, checkfile, sizeof(checkfile)); wsprintf(work, TEXT("%s\\%s"), directory, checkfile); //MessageBox(NULL, work, TEXT("Checking file"), MB_OK); if (GetFileAttributes(work) == 0xFFFFFFFF) continue; //MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Check OK"), TEXT("Checking file"), MB_OK); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, current_game.check_file_2, strlen(current_game.check_file_2) + 1, checkfile, sizeof(checkfile)); wsprintf(work, TEXT("%s\\%s"), directory, checkfile); if (GetFileAttributes(work) == 0xFFFFFFFF) continue; //MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Match file !"), TEXT("..."), MB_OK); gamesFound[i] = 1; gamesInstalled[installedGamesNumber].reference = i; wcscpy(gamesInstalled[installedGamesNumber].directory, directory); installedGamesNumber++; } } // Recurse wsprintf(fileName, TEXT("%s\\*"), directory); x = FindFirstFile(fileName, &desc); if (x == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; if (desc.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { wsprintf(newDirectory, TEXT("%s\\%s"), directory, desc.cFileName); findGame(newDirectory); } while (FindNextFile(x, &desc)) if (desc.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { wsprintf(newDirectory, TEXT("%s\\%s"), directory, desc.cFileName); findGame(newDirectory); } FindClose(x); } void handleSelectGameDown() { if (!_scanning) { if (_last_selected == -1) { if (_first_index_games) changeSelectedGame(1); else changeSelectedGame(0); } else changeSelectedGame(_last_selected - _first_index_games + 1); } } void handleSelectGameUp() { if (!_scanning) { if (_last_selected != -1 && _last_selected) { if (_last_selected == _first_index_games) changeSelectedGame(0); else changeSelectedGame(_last_selected - _first_index_games - 1); } } } void handleSelectGameButton() { if (!_scanning) { if (_last_selected == -1) drawCommentString("Please select a game"); else _game_selected = true; } } void handleSelectGame(int x, int y) { int start = 70; int i; x -= _game_selection_X_offset; y -= _game_selection_Y_offset; if (y < start - 10) { drawVideoDevice(); return; } /* See if it's a selection */ for (i=0; i= start && y <= start + 8) { if (!_scanning) changeSelectedGame(i); else changeScanPath(i); return; } start += 15; } /* See if it's a button */ if (y>=217 && y<=238) { if (x>=8 && x<=45) { if (!_scanning) startScan(); else startFindGame(); } if ((x>=93 && x<=129)) { if (!_scanning) { if (_last_selected == -1) drawCommentString("Please select a game"); else _game_selected = true; } else startFindGame(); } if (x>=175 && x<=208) { if (!_scanning) { _game_selected = true; _last_selected = -1; } else abortScanPath(); } } } #endif