/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * $URL$
 * $Id$

// The hash map (associative array) implementation in this file is
// based on the PyDict implementation of CPython. The erase() method
// is based on example code in the Wikipedia article on Hash tables.


#include "common/func.h"
#include "common/str.h"
#include "common/util.h"

#include "common/memorypool.h"

namespace Common {

// Enable the following #define if you want to check how many collisions the
// code produces (many collisions indicate either a bad hash function, or a
// hash table that is too small).

 * HashMap<Key,Val> maps objects of type Key to objects of type Val.
 * For each used Key type, we need an "uint hashit(Key,uint)" function
 * that computes a hash for the given Key object and returns it as an
 * an integer from 0 to hashsize-1, and also an "equality functor".
 * that returns true if if its two arguments are to be considered
 * equal. Also, we assume that "=" works on Val objects for assignment.
 * If aa is an HashMap<Key,Val>, then space is allocated each time aa[key] is
 * referenced, for a new key. If the object is const, then an assertion is
 * triggered instead. Hence if you are not sure whether a key is contained in
 * the map, use contains() first to check for its presence.
template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc = Hash<Key>, class EqualFunc = EqualTo<Key> >
class HashMap {
#if defined (PALMOS_MODE)

	typedef HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc> HM_t;

	struct Node {
		const Key _key;
		Val _value;
		Node(const Key &key) : _key(key), _value() {}

	enum {

		// The quotient of the next two constants controls how much the
		// internal storage of the hashmap may fill up before being
		// increased automatically.
		// Note: the quotient of these two must be between and different
		// from 0 and 1.


	ObjectPool<Node, HASHMAP_MEMORYPOOL_SIZE> _nodePool;

	Node *allocNode(const Key &key) {
		return new (_nodePool) Node(key);

	void freeNode(Node *node) {

	Node **_storage;	// hashtable of size arrsize.
	uint _mask;		/**< Capacity of the HashMap minus one; must be a power of two of minus one */
	uint _size;

	HashFunc _hash;
	EqualFunc _equal;

	// Default value, returned by the const getVal.
	const Val _defaultVal;

	mutable int _collisions, _lookups;

	void assign(const HM_t &map);
	int lookup(const Key &key) const;
	int lookupAndCreateIfMissing(const Key &key);
	void expandStorage(uint newCapacity);

	template<class T> friend class IteratorImpl;

	 * Simple HashMap iterator implementation.
	template<class NodeType>
	class IteratorImpl {
		friend class HashMap;
		template<class T> friend class IteratorImpl;
		typedef const HashMap hashmap_t;

		uint _idx;
		hashmap_t *_hashmap;

		IteratorImpl(uint idx, hashmap_t *hashmap) : _idx(idx), _hashmap(hashmap) {}

		NodeType *deref() const {
			assert(_hashmap != 0);
			assert(_idx <= _hashmap->_mask);
			Node *node = _hashmap->_storage[_idx];
			assert(node != 0);
			return node;

		IteratorImpl() : _idx(0), _hashmap(0) {}
		template<class T>
		IteratorImpl(const IteratorImpl<T> &c) : _idx(c._idx), _hashmap(c._hashmap) {}

		NodeType &operator*() const { return *deref(); }
		NodeType *operator->() const { return deref(); }

		bool operator==(const IteratorImpl &iter) const { return _idx == iter._idx && _hashmap == iter._hashmap; }
		bool operator!=(const IteratorImpl &iter) const { return !(*this == iter); }

		IteratorImpl &operator++() {
			do {
			} while (_idx <= _hashmap->_mask && _hashmap->_storage[_idx] == 0);
			if (_idx > _hashmap->_mask)
				_idx = (uint)-1;

			return *this;

		IteratorImpl operator++(int) {
			IteratorImpl old = *this;
			operator ++();
			return old;

	typedef IteratorImpl<Node> iterator;
	typedef IteratorImpl<const Node> const_iterator;

	HashMap(const HM_t &map);

	HM_t &operator=(const HM_t &map) {
		if (this == &map)
			return *this;

		// Remove the previous content and ...
		delete[] _storage;
		// ... copy the new stuff.
		return *this;

	bool contains(const Key &key) const;

	Val &operator[](const Key &key);
	const Val &operator[](const Key &key) const;

	Val &getVal(const Key &key);
	const Val &getVal(const Key &key) const;
	void setVal(const Key &key, const Val &val);

	void clear(bool shrinkArray = 0);

	void erase(const Key &key);

	uint size() const { return _size; }

	iterator	begin() {
		// Find and return the _key non-empty entry
		for (uint ctr = 0; ctr <= _mask; ++ctr) {
			if (_storage[ctr])
				return iterator(ctr, this);
		return end();
	iterator	end() {
		return iterator((uint)-1, this);

	const_iterator	begin() const {
		// Find and return the first non-empty entry
		for (uint ctr = 0; ctr <= _mask; ++ctr) {
			if (_storage[ctr])
				return const_iterator(ctr, this);
		return end();
	const_iterator	end() const {
		return const_iterator((uint)-1, this);

	iterator	find(const Key &key) {
		uint ctr = lookup(key);
		if (_storage[ctr])
			return iterator(ctr, this);
		return end();

	const_iterator	find(const Key &key) const {
		uint ctr = lookup(key);
		if (_storage[ctr])
			return const_iterator(ctr, this);
		return end();

	// TODO: insert() method?

	bool empty() const {
		return (_size == 0);

// HashMap functions

 * Base constructor, creates an empty hashmap.
template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::HashMap() :
	_defaultVal() {
	_storage = new Node *[HASHMAP_MIN_CAPACITY];
	assert(_storage != NULL);
	memset(_storage, 0, HASHMAP_MIN_CAPACITY * sizeof(Node *));

	_size = 0;

	_collisions = 0;
	_lookups = 0;

 * Copy constructor, creates a full copy of the given hashmap.
 * We must provide a custom copy constructor as we use pointers
 * to heap buffers for the internal storage.
template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::HashMap(const HM_t &map) :
	_defaultVal()  {

 * Destructor, frees all used memory.
template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::~HashMap() {
	for (uint ctr = 0; ctr <= _mask; ++ctr)
		if (_storage[ctr] != NULL)

	delete[] _storage;
	extern void updateHashCollisionStats(int, int, int, int);
	updateHashCollisionStats(_collisions, _lookups, _mask+1, _size);

 * Internal method for assigning the content of another HashMap
 * to this one.
 * @note We do *not* deallocate the previous storage here -- the caller is
 *       responsible for doing that!
template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
void HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::assign(const HM_t &map) {
	_mask = map._mask;
	_storage = new Node *[_mask+1];
	assert(_storage != NULL);
	memset(_storage, 0, (_mask+1) * sizeof(Node *));

	// Simply clone the map given to us, one by one.
	_size = 0;
	for (uint ctr = 0; ctr <= _mask; ++ctr) {
		if (map._storage[ctr] != NULL) {
			_storage[ctr] = allocNode(map._storage[ctr]->_key);
			_storage[ctr]->_value = map._storage[ctr]->_value;
	// Perform a sanity check (to help track down hashmap corruption)
	assert(_size == map._size);

template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
void HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::clear(bool shrinkArray) {
	for (uint ctr = 0; ctr <= _mask; ++ctr) {
		if (_storage[ctr] != NULL) {
			_storage[ctr] = NULL;


	if (shrinkArray && _mask >= HASHMAP_MIN_CAPACITY) {
		delete[] _storage;

		_storage = new Node *[HASHMAP_MIN_CAPACITY];
		assert(_storage != NULL);
		memset(_storage, 0, HASHMAP_MIN_CAPACITY * sizeof(Node *));

	_size = 0;

template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
void HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::expandStorage(uint newCapacity) {
	assert(newCapacity > _mask+1);

	const uint old_size = _size;
	const uint old_mask = _mask;
	Node **old_storage = _storage;

	// allocate a new array
	_size = 0;
	_mask = newCapacity - 1;
	_storage = new Node *[newCapacity];
	assert(_storage != NULL);
	memset(_storage, 0, newCapacity * sizeof(Node *));

	// rehash all the old elements
	for (uint ctr = 0; ctr <= old_mask; ++ctr) {
		if (old_storage[ctr] == NULL)

		// Insert the element from the old table into the new table.
		// Since we know that no key exists twice in the old table, we
		// can do this slightly better than by calling lookup, since we
		// don't have to call _equal().
		const uint hash = _hash(old_storage[ctr]->_key);
		uint idx = hash & _mask;
		for (uint perturb = hash; _storage[idx] != NULL; perturb >>= HASHMAP_PERTURB_SHIFT) {
			idx = (5 * idx + perturb + 1) & _mask;

		_storage[idx] = old_storage[ctr];

	// Perform a sanity check: Old number of elements should match the new one!
	// This check will fail if some previous operation corrupted this hashmap.
	assert(_size == old_size);

	delete[] old_storage;


template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
int HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::lookup(const Key &key) const {
	const uint hash = _hash(key);
	uint ctr = hash & _mask;
	for (uint perturb = hash; ; perturb >>= HASHMAP_PERTURB_SHIFT) {
		if (_storage[ctr] == NULL || _equal(_storage[ctr]->_key, key))

		ctr = (5 * ctr + perturb + 1) & _mask;


	fprintf(stderr, "collisions %d, lookups %d, ratio %f in HashMap %p; size %d num elements %d\n",
		_collisions, _lookups, ((double) _collisions / (double)_lookups),
		(const void *)this, _mask+1, _size);

	return ctr;

template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
int HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::lookupAndCreateIfMissing(const Key &key) {
	uint ctr = lookup(key);

	if (_storage[ctr] == NULL) {
		_storage[ctr] = allocNode(key);
		assert(_storage[ctr] != NULL);

		// Keep the load factor below a certain threshold.
		uint capacity = _mask + 1;
			capacity = capacity < 500 ? (capacity * 4) : (capacity * 2);
			ctr = lookup(key);
			assert(_storage[ctr] != NULL);

	return ctr;

template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
bool HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::contains(const Key &key) const {
	uint ctr = lookup(key);
	return (_storage[ctr] != NULL);

template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
Val &HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::operator[](const Key &key) {
	return getVal(key);

template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
const Val &HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::operator[](const Key &key) const {
	return getVal(key);

template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
Val &HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::getVal(const Key &key) {
	uint ctr = lookupAndCreateIfMissing(key);
	assert(_storage[ctr] != NULL);
	return _storage[ctr]->_value;

template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
const Val &HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::getVal(const Key &key) const {
	uint ctr = lookup(key);
	if (_storage[ctr] != NULL)
		return _storage[ctr]->_value;
		return _defaultVal;

template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
void HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::setVal(const Key &key, const Val &val) {
	uint ctr = lookupAndCreateIfMissing(key);
	assert(_storage[ctr] != NULL);
	_storage[ctr]->_value = val;

template<class Key, class Val, class HashFunc, class EqualFunc>
void HashMap<Key, Val, HashFunc, EqualFunc>::erase(const Key &key) {
	// This is based on code in the Wikipedia article on Hash tables.

	const uint hash = _hash(key);
	uint i = hash & _mask;
	uint perturb;

	for (perturb = hash; ; perturb >>= HASHMAP_PERTURB_SHIFT) {
		if (_storage[i] == NULL || _equal(_storage[i]->_key, key))

		i = (5 * i + perturb + 1) & _mask;

	if (_storage[i] == NULL)
		return; // key wasn't present, so no work has to be done

	// If we remove a key, we must check all subsequent keys and possibly
	// reinsert them.
	uint j = i;
	_storage[i] = NULL;
	for (perturb = hash; ; perturb >>= HASHMAP_PERTURB_SHIFT) {
		// Look at the next table slot
		j = (5 * j + perturb + 1) & _mask;
		// If the next slot is empty, we are done
		if (_storage[j] == NULL)
		// Compute the slot where the content of the next slot should normally be,
		// assuming an empty table, and check whether we have to move it.
		uint k = _hash(_storage[j]->_key) & _mask;
		if ((j > i && (k <= i || k > j)) ||
		    (j < i && (k <= i && k > j)) ) {
			_storage[i] = _storage[j];
			i = j;
	_storage[i] = NULL;

}	// End of namespace Common
