// generated by po2c 1.0.2-scummvm - Do not modify

static const char * const _messageIds[] = {
	/* 0 */ "",
	/* 1 */ "   Are you sure you want to quit ?   ",
	/* 2 */ " (Active)",
	/* 3 */ " (Game)",
	/* 4 */ " (Global)",
	/* 5 */ "(built on %s)",
	/* 6 */ ", error while mounting the share",
	/* 7 */ ", share not mounted",
	/* 8 */ "... progress ...",
	/* 9 */ "11kHz",
	/* 10 */ "22 kHz",
	/* 11 */ "44 kHz",
	/* 12 */ "48 kHz",
	/* 13 */ "8 kHz",
	/* 14 */ "<default>",
	/* 15 */ "About ScummVM",
	/* 16 */ "AdLib Emulator",
	/* 17 */ "AdLib emulator:",
	/* 18 */ "AdLib is used for music in many games",
	/* 19 */ "Add Game...",
	/* 20 */ "Antialiased Renderer (16bpp)",
	/* 21 */ "Aspect ratio correction",
	/* 22 */ "Associated key : %s",
	/* 23 */ "Associated key : none",
	/* 24 */ "Audio",
	/* 25 */ "Autosave:",
	/* 26 */ "Available engines:",
	/* 27 */ "A~b~out...",
	/* 28 */ "Bind Keys",
	/* 29 */ "Both",
	/* 30 */ "Brightness:",
	/* 31 */ "Cancel",
	/* 32 */ "Cannot create file",
	/* 33 */ "Change game options",
	/* 34 */ "Change global ScummVM options",
	/* 35 */ "Check if you want to use your real hardware Roland-compatible sound device connected to your computer",
	/* 36 */ "Choose",
	/* 37 */ "Choose an action to map",
	/* 38 */ "Clear value",
	/* 39 */ "Close",
	/* 40 */ "Correct aspect ratio for 320x200 games",
	/* 41 */ "Could not find any engine capable of running the selected game",
	/* 42 */ "Current video mode:",
	/* 43 */ "Cursor Down",
	/* 44 */ "Cursor Left",
	/* 45 */ "Cursor Right",
	/* 46 */ "Cursor Up",
	/* 47 */ "DOSBox OPL emulator",
	/* 48 */ "DVD",
	/* 49 */ "DVD Mounted successfully",
	/* 50 */ "DVD not mounted",
	/* 51 */ "Date: ",
	/* 52 */ "Debugger",
	/* 53 */ "Default",
	/* 54 */ "Delete",
	/* 55 */ "Disable power off",
	/* 56 */ "Disabled GFX",
	/* 57 */ "Discovered %d new games ...",
	/* 58 */ "Discovered %d new games.",
	/* 59 */ "Display ",
	/* 60 */ "Display keyboard",
	/* 61 */ "Do you really want to delete this savegame?",
	/* 62 */ "Do you really want to remove this game configuration?",
	/* 63 */ "Do you really want to run the mass game detector? This could potentially add a huge number of games.",
	/* 64 */ "Do you want to load or save the game?",
	/* 65 */ "Do you want to perform an automatic scan ?",
	/* 66 */ "Do you want to quit ?",
	/* 67 */ "Double-strike",
	/* 68 */ "Down",
	/* 69 */ "Enable Roland GS Mode",
	/* 70 */ "Engine does not support debug level '%s'",
	/* 71 */ "English",
	/* 72 */ "Error running game:",
	/* 73 */ "Error while mounting the DVD",
	/* 74 */ "Extra Path:",
	/* 75 */ "FM Towns Emulator",
	/* 76 */ "Fast mode",
	/* 77 */ "Features compiled in:",
	/* 78 */ "Free look",
	/* 79 */ "Full title of the game",
	/* 80 */ "Fullscreen mode",
	/* 81 */ "GC Pad acceleration:",
	/* 82 */ "GC Pad sensitivity:",
	/* 83 */ "GFX",
	/* 84 */ "GM Device:",
	/* 85 */ "GUI Language:",
	/* 86 */ "GUI Renderer:",
	/* 87 */ "Game",
	/* 88 */ "Game Data not found",
	/* 89 */ "Game Id not supported",
	/* 90 */ "Game Path:",
	/* 91 */ "Global menu",
	/* 92 */ "Go to previous directory level",
	/* 93 */ "Go up",
	/* 94 */ "Graphics",
	/* 95 */ "Graphics mode:",
	/* 96 */ "Hardware scale (fast, but low quality)",
	/* 97 */ "Hercules Amber",
	/* 98 */ "Hercules Green",
	/* 99 */ "Hide Toolbar",
	/* 100 */ "High quality audio (slower) (reboot)",
	/* 101 */ "Higher value specifies better sound quality but may be not supported by your soundcard",
	/* 102 */ "Hold Shift for Mass Add",
	/* 103 */ "Horizontal underscan:",
	/* 104 */ "IBM PCjr Emulator",
	/* 105 */ "ID:",
	/* 106 */ "Init network",
	/* 107 */ "Initial top screen scale:",
	/* 108 */ "Initialising MT-32 Emulator",
	/* 109 */ "Initialising network",
	/* 110 */ "Input",
	/* 111 */ "Invalid Path",
	/* 112 */ "Key mapper",
	/* 113 */ "Keyboard",
	/* 114 */ "Keymap:",
	/* 115 */ "Keys",
	/* 116 */ "Language of ScummVM GUI",
	/* 117 */ "Language of the game. This will not turn your Spanish game version into English",
	/* 118 */ "Language:",
	/* 119 */ "Left",
	/* 120 */ "Left Click",
	/* 121 */ "Load",
	/* 122 */ "Load game:",
	/* 123 */ "Load savegame for selected game",
	/* 124 */ "MAME OPL emulator",
	/* 125 */ "MIDI",
	/* 126 */ "MIDI gain:",
	/* 127 */ "MT-32 Device:",
	/* 128 */ "MT-32 Emulator",
	/* 129 */ "Main screen scaling:",
	/* 130 */ "Map",
	/* 131 */ "Mass Add...",
	/* 132 */ "Menu",
	/* 133 */ "Misc",
	/* 134 */ "Mixed AdLib/MIDI mode",
	/* 135 */ "Mount DVD",
	/* 136 */ "Mount SMB",
	/* 137 */ "Mouse click",
	/* 138 */ "Multi Function",
	/* 139 */ "Music Device:",
	/* 140 */ "Music volume:",
	/* 141 */ "Mute All",
	/* 142 */ "Name:",
	/* 143 */ "Network down",
	/* 144 */ "Network not initialsed (%d)",
	/* 145 */ "Network up",
	/* 146 */ "Network up, share mounted",
	/* 147 */ "Never",
	/* 148 */ "No",
	/* 149 */ "No date saved",
	/* 150 */ "No music",
	/* 151 */ "No playtime saved",
	/* 152 */ "No time saved",
	/* 153 */ "None",
	/* 154 */ "Normal (no scaling)",
	/* 155 */ "OK",
	/* 156 */ "Output rate:",
	/* 157 */ "Override global MIDI settings",
	/* 158 */ "Override global audio settings",
	/* 159 */ "Override global graphic settings",
	/* 160 */ "Override global volume settings",
	/* 161 */ "PC Speaker Emulator",
	/* 162 */ "Password:",
	/* 163 */ "Path not a directory",
	/* 164 */ "Path not a file",
	/* 165 */ "Path not exists",
	/* 166 */ "Paths",
	/* 167 */ "Pause",
	/* 168 */ "Pick the game:",
	/* 169 */ "Platform the game was originally designed for",
	/* 170 */ "Platform:",
	/* 171 */ "Playtime: ",
	/* 172 */ "Please select an action",
	/* 173 */ "Plugins Path:",
	/* 174 */ "Preferred Device:",
	/* 175 */ "Press the key to associate",
	/* 176 */ "Quit",
	/* 177 */ "Quit ScummVM",
	/* 178 */ "Read permission denied",
	/* 179 */ "Reading failed",
	/* 180 */ "Remap keys",
	/* 181 */ "Remove game from the list. The game data files stay intact",
	/* 182 */ "Render mode:",
	/* 183 */ "Right",
	/* 184 */ "Right Click",
	/* 185 */ "Right click",
	/* 186 */ "Rotate",
	/* 187 */ "SFX volume:",
	/* 188 */ "SMB",
	/* 189 */ "Save",
	/* 190 */ "Save Path:",
	/* 191 */ "Save Path: ",
	/* 192 */ "Save game:",
	/* 193 */ "Scan complete!",
	/* 194 */ "Scanned %d directories ...",
	/* 195 */ "ScummVM Main Menu",
	/* 196 */ "ScummVM could not find any engine capable of running the selected game!",
	/* 197 */ "ScummVM could not find any game in the specified directory!",
	/* 198 */ "ScummVM couldn't open the specified directory!",
	/* 199 */ "Search in game list",
	/* 200 */ "Search:",
	/* 201 */ "Select SoundFont",
	/* 202 */ "Select a Theme",
	/* 203 */ "Select additional game directory",
	/* 204 */ "Select an action and click 'Map'",
	/* 205 */ "Select directory for GUI themes",
	/* 206 */ "Select directory for extra files",
	/* 207 */ "Select directory for plugins",
	/* 208 */ "Select directory for saved games",
	/* 209 */ "Select directory for savegames",
	/* 210 */ "Select directory with game data",
	/* 211 */ "Sensitivity",
	/* 212 */ "Server:",
	/* 213 */ "Share:",
	/* 214 */ "Short game identifier used for referring to savegames and running the game from the command line",
	/* 215 */ "Show Keyboard",
	/* 216 */ "Show mouse cursor",
	/* 217 */ "Show subtitles and play speech",
	/* 218 */ "Show/Hide Cursor",
	/* 219 */ "Skip",
	/* 220 */ "Skip line",
	/* 221 */ "Skip text",
	/* 222 */ "Snap to edges",
	/* 223 */ "Software scale (good quality, but slower)",
	/* 224 */ "Sound on/off",
	/* 225 */ "SoundFont is supported by some audio cards, Fluidsynth and Timidity",
	/* 226 */ "SoundFont:",
	/* 227 */ "Spch",
	/* 228 */ "Special dithering modes supported by some games",
	/* 229 */ "Special sound effects volume",
	/* 230 */ "Specifies default sound device for General MIDI output",
	/* 231 */ "Specifies default sound device for Roland MT-32/LAPC1/CM32l/CM64 output",
	/* 232 */ "Specifies output sound device or sound card emulator",
	/* 233 */ "Specifies path to additional data used by all games or ScummVM",
	/* 234 */ "Specifies path to additional data used the game",
	/* 235 */ "Specifies preferred sound device or sound card emulator",
	/* 236 */ "Specifies where your savegames are put",
	/* 237 */ "Speech",
	/* 238 */ "Speech volume:",
	/* 239 */ "Standard Renderer (16bpp)",
	/* 240 */ "Start selected game",
	/* 241 */ "Status:",
	/* 242 */ "Subs",
	/* 243 */ "Subtitle speed:",
	/* 244 */ "Subtitles",
	/* 245 */ "Swap character",
	/* 246 */ "Tap for left click, double tap right click",
	/* 247 */ "Text and Speech:",
	/* 248 */ "The chosen directory cannot be written to. Please select another one.",
	/* 249 */ "Theme Path:",
	/* 250 */ "Theme:",
	/* 251 */ "This game ID is already taken. Please choose another one.",
	/* 252 */ "This game does not support loading games from the launcher.",
	/* 253 */ "Time: ",
	/* 254 */ "Timeout while initialising network",
	/* 255 */ "Touch X Offset",
	/* 256 */ "Touch Y Offset",
	/* 257 */ "Touchpad mode disabled.",
	/* 258 */ "Touchpad mode enabled.",
	/* 259 */ "True Roland MT-32 (disable GM emulation)",
	/* 260 */ "Turns off General MIDI mapping for games with Roland MT-32 soundtrack",
	/* 261 */ "Unknown",
	/* 262 */ "Unknown Error",
	/* 263 */ "Unmount DVD",
	/* 264 */ "Unmount SMB",
	/* 265 */ "Unscaled (you must scroll left and right)",
	/* 266 */ "Unsupported Color Mode",
	/* 267 */ "Untitled savestate",
	/* 268 */ "Up",
	/* 269 */ "Use both MIDI and AdLib sound generation",
	/* 270 */ "Use laptop trackpad-style cursor control",
	/* 271 */ "Username:",
	/* 272 */ "Using SDL driver ",
	/* 273 */ "Vertical underscan:",
	/* 274 */ "Video",
	/* 275 */ "Virtual keyboard",
	/* 276 */ "Volume",
	/* 277 */ "Windows MIDI",
	/* 278 */ "Write permission denied",
	/* 279 */ "Writing data failed",
	/* 280 */ "Yes",
	/* 281 */ "You have to restart ScummVM to take the effect.",
	/* 282 */ "Zone",
	/* 283 */ "Zoom down",
	/* 284 */ "Zoom up",
	/* 285 */ "every 10 mins",
	/* 286 */ "every 15 mins",
	/* 287 */ "every 30 mins",
	/* 288 */ "every 5 mins",
	/* 289 */ "~A~bout",
	/* 290 */ "~A~dd Game...",
	/* 291 */ "~C~ancel",
	/* 292 */ "~C~lose",
	/* 293 */ "~E~dit Game...",
	/* 294 */ "~H~elp",
	/* 295 */ "~I~ndy fight controls",
	/* 296 */ "~K~eys",
	/* 297 */ "~L~eft handed mode",
	/* 298 */ "~L~oad",
	/* 299 */ "~L~oad...",
	/* 300 */ "~N~ext",
	/* 301 */ "~O~K",
	/* 302 */ "~O~ptions",
	/* 303 */ "~O~ptions...",
	/* 304 */ "~P~revious",
	/* 305 */ "~Q~uit",
	/* 306 */ "~R~emove Game",
	/* 307 */ "~R~esume",
	/* 308 */ "~R~eturn to Launcher",
	/* 309 */ "~S~ave",
	/* 310 */ "~S~tart",
	/* 311 */ "~T~ransitions Enabled",
	/* 312 */ "~W~ater Effect Enabled",
	/* 313 */ "~Z~ip Mode Activated",

struct PoMessageEntry {
	int msgid;
	const char *msgstr;

static const PoMessageEntry _translation_ru_RU[] = {
	{ 0, "Project-Id-Version: ScummVM VERSION\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: scummvm-devel@lists.sf.net\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-12 17:44+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-13 20:55+0300\nLast-Translator: Eugene Sandulenko <sev@scummvm.org>\nLanguage-Team: Russian\nLanguage: \nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-5\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3;     plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 :            n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" },
	{ 1, "   \262\353 \343\322\325\340\325\335\353, \347\342\336 \345\336\342\330\342\325 \322\353\331\342\330?   " },
	{ 2, " (\260\332\342\330\322\335\320\357)" },
	{ 3, " (\270\323\340\353)" },
	{ 4, " (\263\333\336\321\320\333\354\335\320\357)" },
	{ 5, "(\341\336\321\340\320\335 %s)" },
	{ 6, ", \336\350\330\321\332\320 \322\336 \322\340\325\334\357 \337\336\324\332\333\356\347\325\335\330\357 \337\320\337\332\330" },
	{ 7, ", \337\320\337\332\320 \335\325 \337\336\324\332\333\356\347\325\335\320" },
	{ 8, "... \330\351\343 ..." },
	{ 9, "11 \332\263\346" },
	{ 10, "22 \332\263\346" },
	{ 11, "44 \332\263\346" },
	{ 12, "48 \332\263\346" },
	{ 13, "8 \332\263\346" },
	{ 14, "<\337\336 \343\334\336\333\347\320\335\330\356>" },
	{ 15, "\276 \337\340\336\323\340\320\334\334\325 ScummVM" },
	{ 16, "\315\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 AdLib" },
	{ 17, "\315\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 AdLib:" },
	{ 18, "\267\322\343\332\336\322\320\357 \332\320\340\342\320 AdLib \330\341\337\336\333\354\327\343\325\342\341\357 \334\335\336\323\330\334\330 \330\323\340\320\334\330" },
	{ 19, "\275\336\322. \330\323\340\320..." },
	{ 20, "\300\320\341\342\325\340\330\327\320\342\336\340 \341\336 \341\323\333\320\326\330\322\320\335\330\325\334 (16bpp)" },
	{ 21, "\272\336\340\340\325\332\346\330\357 \341\336\336\342\335\336\350\325\335\330\357 \341\342\336\340\336\335" },
	{ 22, "\275\320\327\335\320\347\325\335\335\320\357 \332\333\320\322\330\350\320 : %s" },
	{ 23, "\275\320\327\335\320\347\325\335\335\320\357 \332\333\320\322\330\350\320 : \335\325\342" },
	{ 24, "\260\343\324\330\336" },
	{ 25, "\260\322\342\336\341\336\345\340\320\335\325\335\330\325:" },
	{ 26, "\264\336\341\342\343\337\335\353\325 \324\322\330\326\332\330:" },
	{ 27, "\276 \337~\340~\336\323\340\320\334\334\325..." },
	{ 28, "\275\320\327\335\320\347\330\342\354 \332\333\320\322\330\350\330" },
	{ 29, "\262\341\361" },
	{ 30, "\317\340\332\336\341\342\354:" },
	{ 31, "\276\342\334\325\335\320" },
	{ 32, "\275\325 \334\336\323\343 \341\336\327\324\320\342\354 \344\320\331\333" },
	{ 33, "\270\327\334\325\335\330\342\354 \336\337\346\330\330 \330\323\340\353" },
	{ 34, "\270\327\334\325\335\330\342\354 \323\333\336\321\320\333\354\335\353\325 \336\337\346\330\330 ScummVM" },
	{ 35, "\276\342\334\325\342\354\342\325, \325\341\333\330 \343 \322\320\341 \337\336\324\332\333\356\347\325\335\336 Roland-\341\336\322\334\325\341\342\330\334\336\325 \327\322\343\332\336\322\336\325 \343\341\342\340\336\331\341\342\322\336 \330 \322\353 \345\336\342\330\342\325 \325\323\336 \330\341\337\336\333\354\327\336\322\320\342\354" },
	{ 36, "\262\353\321\340\320\342\354" },
	{ 37, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\325\331\341\342\322\330\325 \324\333\357 \335\320\327\335\320\347\325\335\330\357" },
	{ 38, "\276\347\330\341\342\330\342\354 \327\335\320\347\325\335\330\325" },
	{ 39, "\267\320\332\340\353\342\354" },
	{ 40, "\272\336\340\340\325\332\342\330\340\336\322\320\342\354 \341\336\336\342\335\336\350\325\335\330\325 \341\342\336\340\336\335 \324\333\357 \330\323\340 \341 \340\320\327\340\325\350\325\335\330\325\334 320x200" },
	{ 41, "\275\325 \334\336\323\343 \335\320\331\342\330 \324\322\330\326\336\332 \324\333\357 \327\320\337\343\341\332\320 \322\353\321\340\320\335\335\336\331 \330\323\340\353" },
	{ 42, "\302\325\332\343\351\330\331 \322\330\324\325\336\340\325\326\330\334:" },
	{ 43, "\272\343\340\341\336\340 \322\335\330\327" },
	{ 44, "\272\343\340\341\336\340 \322\333\325\322\336" },
	{ 45, "\272\343\340\341\336\340 \322\337\340\320\322\336" },
	{ 46, "\272\343\340\341\336\340 \322\322\325\340\345" },
	{ 47, "\315\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 DOSBox OPL" },
	{ 48, "DVD" },
	{ 49, "DVD \337\336\324\332\333\356\347\325\335 \343\341\337\325\350\335\336" },
	{ 50, "DVD \335\325 \337\336\324\332\333\356\347\325\335" },
	{ 51, "\264\320\342\320: " },
	{ 52, "\276\342\333\320\324\347\330\332" },
	{ 53, "\277\336 \343\334\336\333\347\320\335\330\356" },
	{ 54, "\303\324\320\333\330\342\354" },
	{ 55, "\267\320\337\340\325\342\330\342\354 \322\353\332\333\356\347\325\335\330\325" },
	{ 56, "\261\325\327 \323\340\320\344\330\332\330" },
	{ 57, "\275\320\331\324\325\335\336 %d \335\336\322\353\345 \330\323\340 ..." },
	{ 58, "\275\320\331\324\325\335\336 %d \335\336\322\353\345 \330\323\340." },
	{ 59, "\277\336\332\320\327\320\342\354 " },
	{ 60, "\277\336\332\320\327\320\342\354 \332\333\320\322\330\320\342\343\340\343" },
	{ 61, "\262\353 \324\325\331\341\342\322\330\342\325\333\354\335\336 \345\336\342\330\342\325 \343\324\320\333\330\342\354 \355\342\336 \341\336\345\340\320\335\325\335\330\325?" },
	{ 62, "\262\353 \324\325\331\341\342\322\330\342\325\333\354\335\336 \345\336\342\330\342\325 \343\324\320\333\330\342\354 \343\341\342\320\335\336\322\332\330 \324\333\357 \355\342\336\331 \330\323\340\353?" },
	{ 63, "\262\353 \324\325\331\341\342\322\330\342\325\333\354\335\336 \345\336\342\330\342\325 \327\320\337\343\341\342\330\342\354 \324\325\342\325\332\342\336\340 \322\341\325\345 \330\323\340? \315\342\336 \337\336\342\325\335\346\330\320\333\354\335\336 \334\336\326\325\342 \324\336\321\320\322\330\342\354 \321\336\333\354\350\336\325 \332\336\333\330\347\325\341\342\322\336 \330\323\340." },
	{ 64, "\262\353 \345\336\342\330\342\325 \327\320\323\340\343\327\330\342\354 \333\330\321\336 \341\336\345\340\320\335\330\342\354 \330\323\340\343?" },
	{ 65, "\262\353 \345\336\342\330\342\325 \337\340\336\330\327\322\325\341\342\330 \320\322\342\336\334\320\342\330\347\325\341\332\330\331 \337\336\330\341\332?" },
	{ 66, "\262\353 \345\336\342\330\342\325 \322\353\331\342\330?" },
	{ 67, "\264\322\336\331\335\336\331 \343\324\320\340" },
	{ 68, "\262\335\330\327" },
	{ 69, "\262\332\333\356\347\330\342\354 \340\325\326\330\334 Roland GS" },
	{ 70, "\264\322\330\326\336\332 \335\325 \337\336\324\324\325\340\326\330\322\320\325\342 \343\340\336\322\325\335\354 \336\342\333\320\324\332\330 '%s'" },
	{ 71, "English" },
	{ 72, "\276\350\330\321\332\320 \327\320\337\343\341\332\320 \330\323\340\353:" },
	{ 73, "\276\350\330\321\332\320 \322\336 \322\340\325\334\357 \337\336\324\332\333\356\347\325\335\330\357 DVD" },
	{ 74, "\264\336\337. \337\343\342\354:" },
	{ 75, "\315\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 FM Towns" },
	{ 76, "\261\353\341\342\340\353\331 \340\325\326\330\334" },
	{ 77, "\262\332\333\356\347\325\335\335\353\325 \322 \321\330\333\324 \336\337\346\330\330:" },
	{ 78, "\301\322\336\321\336\324\335\353\331 \336\321\327\336\340" },
	{ 79, "\277\336\333\335\336\325 \335\320\327\322\320\335\330\325 \330\323\340\353" },
	{ 80, "\277\336\333\335\336\355\332\340\320\335\335\353\331 \340\325\326\330\334" },
	{ 81, "\303\341\332\336\340\325\335\330\325 GC \337\320\324\320:" },
	{ 82, "\307\343\322\341\342\320\330\342\325\333\354\335\336\341\342\354 GC \337\320\324\320:" },
	{ 83, "\263\340\344" },
	{ 84, "\303\341\342\340\336\331\342\341\322\336 GM:" },
	{ 85, "\317\327\353\332 \330\335\342\325\340\344\325\331\341\320:" },
	{ 86, "\300\320\341\342\325\340\330\327\320\342\336\340 GUI:" },
	{ 87, "\270\323\340\320" },
	{ 88, "\275\325\342 \344\320\331\333\336\322 \330\323\340\353" },
	{ 89, "Game Id \335\325 \337\336\324\324\325\340\326\330\322\320\325\342\341\357" },
	{ 90, "\277\343\342\354 \332 \330\323\340\325: " },
	{ 91, "\263\333\336\321\320\333\354\335\336\325 \334\325\335\356" },
	{ 92, "\277\325\340\325\331\342\330 \335\320 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\356 \343\340\336\322\335\325\334 \322\353\350\325" },
	{ 93, "\262\322\325\340\345" },
	{ 94, "\263\340\320\344\330\332\320" },
	{ 95, "\263\340\320\344\330\347\325\341\332\330\331 \340\325\326\330\334:" },
	{ 96, "\305\320\340\324\322\320\340\335\336\325 \334\320\341\350\342\320\321\330\340\336\322\320\335\330\325 (\321\353\341\342\340\336, \335\336 \335\330\327\332\336\323\336 \332\320\347\325\341\342\322\320)" },
	{ 97, "Hercules \317\335\342\320\340\335\353\331" },
	{ 98, "Hercules \267\325\333\325\335\353\331" },
	{ 99, "\301\337\340\357\342\320\342\354 \337\320\335\325\333\354 \330\335\341\342\340\343\334\325\335\342\336\322" },
	{ 100, "\262\353\341\336\332\336\325 \332\320\347\325\341\342\322\336 \327\322\343\332\320 (\334\325\324\333\325\335\335\325\325) (\340\325\321\343\342)" },
	{ 101, "\261\276\333\354\350\330\325 \327\335\320\347\325\335\330\357 \327\320\324\320\356\342 \333\343\347\350\325\325 \332\320\347\325\341\342\322\336 \327\322\343\332\320, \336\324\335\320\332\336 \336\335\330 \334\336\323\343\342 \335\325 \337\336\324\324\325\340\326\330\322\320\342\354\341\357 \322\320\350\325\331 \327\322\343\332\336\322\336\331 \332\320\340\342\336\331" },
	{ 102, "\303\324\325\340\326\330\322\320\331\342\325 \332\333\320\322\330\350\343 Shift \324\333\357 \342\336\323\336, \347\342\336\321\353 \324\336\321\320\322\330\342\354 \335\325\341\332\336\333\354\332\336 \330\323\340" },
	{ 103, "\263\336\340\330\327\336\335\342\320\333\354\335\353\331 underscan:" },
	{ 104, "\315\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 IBM PCjr" },
	{ 105, "ID:" },
	{ 106, "\270\335\330\346\330\320\333\330\327\320\346\330\357 \341\325\342\330" },
	{ 107, "\275\320\347\320\333\354\335\353\331 \334\320\341\350\342\320\321 \322\325\340\345\335\325\323\336 \355\332\340\320\335\320:" },
	{ 108, "\275\320\341\342\340\320\330\322\320\356 \355\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 MT-32" },
	{ 109, "\275\320\341\342\340\320\330\322\320\356 \341\325\342\354" },
	{ 110, "\262\322\336\324" },
	{ 111, "\275\325\322\325\340\335\353\331 \337\343\342\354" },
	{ 112, "\275\320\327\335\320\347\325\335\330\325 \332\333\320\322\330\350" },
	{ 113, "\272\333\320\322\330\320\342\343\340\320" },
	{ 114, "\302\320\321\333\330\346\320 \332\333\320\322\330\350:" },
	{ 115, "\272\333\320\322\330\350\330" },
	{ 116, "\317\327\353\332 \323\340\320\344\330\347\325\341\332\336\323\336 \330\335\342\325\340\344\325\331\341\320 ScummVM" },
	{ 117, "\317\327\353\332 \330\323\340\353. \270\327\334\325\335\325\335\330\325 \355\342\336\323\336 \337\320\340\320\334\325\342\340\320 \335\325 \337\340\325\322\340\320\342\330\342 \330\323\340\343 \335\320 \320\335\323\333\330\331\341\332\336\334 \322 \340\343\341\341\332\343\356" },
	{ 118, "\317\327\353\332:" },
	{ 119, "\262\333\325\322\336" },
	{ 120, "\273\325\322\353\331 \351\325\333\347\336\332" },
	{ 121, "\267\320\323\340\343\327\330\342\354" },
	{ 122, "\267\320\323\340\343\327\330\342\354 \330\323\340\343:" },
	{ 123, "\267\320\323\340\343\327\330\342\354 \341\336\345\340\335\325\335\330\325 \324\333\357 \322\353\321\340\320\335\335\336\331 \330\323\340\353" },
	{ 124, "\315\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 MAME OPL:" },
	{ 125, "MIDI" },
	{ 126, "\303\341\330\333\325\335\330\325 MIDI:" },
	{ 127, "\303\341\342\340\336\331\341\342\322\336 MT32:" },
	{ 128, "\315\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 MT-32" },
	{ 129, "\274\320\341\350\342\320\321 \323\333\320\322\335\336\323\336 \355\332\340\320\335\320:" },
	{ 130, "\275\320\327\335\320\347\330\342\354" },
	{ 131, "\264\336\321. \334\335\336\323\336..." },
	{ 132, "\274\325\335\356" },
	{ 133, "\300\320\327\335\336\325" },
	{ 134, "\301\334\325\350\320\335\335\353\331 \340\325\326\330\334 AdLib/MIDI" },
	{ 135, "\277\336\324\332\333\356\347\330\342\354 DVD" },
	{ 136, "\277\336\324\332\333\356\347\330\342\354 SMB" },
	{ 137, "\272\333\330\332 \334\353\350\354\356" },
	{ 138, "\274\343\333\354\342\330\344\343\335\332\346\330\357" },
	{ 139, "\303\341\342\340\336\331\342\341\322\336 GM:" },
	{ 140, "\263\340\336\334\332\336\341\342\354 \334\343\327\353\332\330:" },
	{ 141, "\262\353\332\333\356\347\330\342\354 \322\341\361" },
	{ 142, "\275\320\327\322\320\335\330\325:" },
	{ 143, "\301\325\342\354 \322\353\332\333\356\347\325\335\320" },
	{ 144, "\301\325\342\354 \335\325 \335\320\341\342\340\336\325\335\320 (%d)" },
	{ 145, "\301\325\342\354 \340\320\321\336\342\320\325\342" },
	{ 146, "\301\325\342\354 \340\320\321\336\342\320\325\342, \337\320\337\332\320 \337\336\324\332\333\356\347\325\335\320" },
	{ 147, "\275\330\332\336\323\324\320" },
	{ 148, "\275\325\342" },
	{ 149, "\264\320\342\320 \335\325 \327\320\337\330\341\320\335\320" },
	{ 150, "\261\325\327 \334\343\327\353\332\330" },
	{ 151, "\262\340\325\334\357 \330\323\340\353 \335\325 \327\320\337\330\341\320\335\336" },
	{ 152, "\262\340\325\334\357 \335\325 \327\320\337\330\341\320\335\336" },
	{ 153, "\275\325 \327\320\324\320\335" },
	{ 154, "\261\325\327 \343\322\325\333\330\347\325\335\330\357" },
	{ 155, "OK" },
	{ 156, "\262\353\345\336\324\335\320\357 \347\320\341\342\336\342\320:" },
	{ 157, "\277\325\340\325\332\340\353\342\354 \323\333\336\321\320\333\354\335\353\325 \343\341\342\320\335\336\322\332\330 MIDI" },
	{ 158, "\277\325\340\325\332\340\353\342\354 \323\333\336\321\320\333\354\335\353\325 \343\341\342\320\335\336\322\332\330 \320\343\324\330\336" },
	{ 159, "\277\325\340\325\332\340\353\342\354 \323\333\336\321\320\333\354\335\353\325 \343\341\342\320\335\336\322\332\330 \323\340\320\344\330\332\330" },
	{ 160, "\277\325\340\325\332\340\353\342\354 \323\333\336\321\320\333\354\335\353\325 \343\341\342\320\335\336\322\332\330 \323\340\336\334\332\336\341\342\330" },
	{ 161, "\315\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 PC \341\337\330\332\325\340\320" },
	{ 162, "\277\320\340\336\333\354:" },
	{ 163, "\277\343\342\354 \335\325 \357\322\333\357\325\342\341\357 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\325\331" },
	{ 164, "\277\343\342\354 \335\325 \357\322\333\357\325\342\341\357 \344\320\331\333\336\334" },
	{ 165, "\277\343\342\354 \335\325 \335\320\331\324\325\335" },
	{ 166, "\277\343\342\330" },
	{ 167, "\277\320\343\327\320" },
	{ 168, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \330\323\340\343:" },
	{ 169, "\277\333\320\342\344\336\340\334\320, \324\333\357 \332\336\342\336\340\336\331 \330\323\340\320 \321\353\333\320 \330\327\335\320\347\320\333\354\335\336 \340\320\327\340\320\321\336\342\320\335\320" },
	{ 170, "\277\333\320\342\344\336\340\334\320:" },
	{ 171, "\262\340\325\334\357 \330\323\340\353: " },
	{ 172, "\277\336\326\320\333\343\331\341\342\320, \322\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\325\331\341\342\322\330\325" },
	{ 173, "\277\343\342\354 \332 \337\333\320\323\330\335\320\334:" },
	{ 174, "\277\340\325\324\337\336\347\330\342\320\325\334\336\325 \343\341\342\340\336\331\341\342\322\336:" },
	{ 175, "\275\320\326\334\330\342\325 \332\333\320\322\330\350\343 \324\333\357 \335\320\327\335\320\347\325\335\330\357" },
	{ 176, "\262\353\345\336\324" },
	{ 177, "\262\353\345\336\324 \330\327 ScummVM" },
	{ 178, "\275\325\324\336\341\342\320\342\336\347\335\336 \337\340\320\322 \324\333\357 \347\342\325\335\330\357" },
	{ 179, "\276\350\330\321\332\320 \347\342\325\335\330\357" },
	{ 180, "\277\325\340\325\335\320\327\335\320\347\330\342\354 \332\333\320\322\330\350\330" },
	{ 181, "\303\324\320\333\330\342\354 \330\323\340\343 \330\327 \341\337\330\341\332\320. \275\325 \343\324\320\333\357\325\342 \330\323\340\343 \341 \326\325\341\342\332\336\323\336 \324\330\341\332\320" },
	{ 182, "\300\325\326\330\334 \340\320\341\342\340\330\340\336\322\320\335\330\357:" },
	{ 183, "\262\337\340\320\322\336" },
	{ 184, "\277\340\320\322\353\331 \351\325\333\347\336\332" },
	{ 185, "\277\340\320\322\353\331 \351\325\333\347\336\332" },
	{ 186, "\277\336\322\325\340\335\343\342\354" },
	{ 187, "\263\340\336\334\332\336\341\342\354 \355\344\344\325\332\342\336\322:" },
	{ 188, "SMB" },
	{ 189, "\267\320\337\330\341\320\342\354" },
	{ 190, "\277\343\342\354 \341\336\345\340.: " },
	{ 191, "\277\343\342\354 \324\333\357 \341\336\345\340\320\335\325\335\330\331: " },
	{ 192, "\301\336\345\340\320\335\330\342\354 \330\323\340\343: " },
	{ 193, "\277\336\330\341\332 \327\320\332\336\335\347\325\335!" },
	{ 194, "\277\340\336\341\334\336\342\340\325\335\336 %d \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\331 ..." },
	{ 195, "\263\333\320\322\335\336\325 \334\325\335\356 ScummVM" },
	{ 196, "ScummVM \335\325 \341\334\336\323 \335\320\331\342\330 \324\322\330\326\336\332 \324\333\357 \327\320\337\343\341\332\320 \322\353\321\340\320\335\335\336\331 \330\323\340\353!" },
	{ 197, "ScummVM \335\325 \334\336\326\325\342 \335\320\331\342\330 \330\323\340\343 \322 \343\332\320\327\320\335\335\336\331 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\330!" },
	{ 198, "ScummVM \335\325 \334\336\326\325\342 \336\342\332\340\353\342\354 \343\332\320\327\320\335\335\343\356 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\356!" },
	{ 199, "\277\336\330\341\332 \322 \341\337\330\341\332\325 \330\323\340" },
	{ 200, "\277\336\330\341\332:" },
	{ 201, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 SoundFont" },
	{ 202, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \342\325\334\343" },
	{ 203, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\336\337\336\333\335\330\342\325\333\354\335\343\356 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\356 \330\323\340\353" },
	{ 204, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\325\331\341\342\322\330\325 \330 \332\333\330\332\335\330\342\325 '\275\320\327\335\320\347\330\342\354'" },
	{ 205, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\356 \324\333\357 \342\325\334 GUI" },
	{ 206, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\356 \341 \324\336\337\336\333\335\330\342\325\333\354\335\353\334\330 \344\320\331\333\320\334\330" },
	{ 207, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\356 \341 \337\333\320\323\330\335\320\334\330" },
	{ 208, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\356 \324\333\357 \341\336\345\340\320\335\325\335\330\331" },
	{ 209, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\356 \324\333\357 \341\336\345\340\320\335\325\335\330\331" },
	{ 210, "\262\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\356 \341 \344\320\331\333\320\334\330 \330\323\340\353" },
	{ 211, "\307\343\322\341\342\322\330\342\325\333\354\335\336\341\342\354" },
	{ 212, "\301\325\340\322\325\340:" },
	{ 213, "\301\325\342\325\322\320\357 \337\320\337\332\320:" },
	{ 214, "\272\336\340\336\342\332\330\331 \330\324\325\335\342\330\344\330\332\320\342\336\340, \330\341\337\336\333\354\327\343\325\334\353\331 \324\333\357 \330\334\325\335 \341\336\345\340\320\335\325\335\330\331 \330\323\340 \330 \324\333\357 \327\320\337\343\341\332\320 \330\327 \332\336\334\320\335\324\335\336\331 \341\342\340\336\332\330" },
	{ 215, "\277\336\332\320\327\320\342\354 \332\333\320\322\330\320\342\343\340\343" },
	{ 216, "\277\336\332\320\327\353\322\320\342\354 \332\343\340\341\336\340 \334\353\350\330" },
	{ 217, "\277\336\332\320\327\353\322\320\342\354 \341\343\321\342\330\342\340\353 \330 \322\336\341\337\340\336\330\327\322\336\324\330\342\354 \340\325\347\354" },
	{ 218, "\277\336\332\320\327\320\342\354/\303\321\340\320\342\354 \332\343\340\341\336\340" },
	{ 219, "\277\340\336\337\343\341\342\330\342\354" },
	{ 220, "\277\340\336\337\343\341\342\330\342\354 \341\342\340\336\332\343" },
	{ 221, "\277\340\336\337\343\341\342\330\342\354 \342\325\332\341\342" },
	{ 222, "\277\340\330\332\340\325\337\330\342\354 \332 \323\340\320\335\330\346\320\334" },
	{ 223, "\277\340\336\323\340\320\334\334\335\336\325 \334\320\341\350\342\320\321\330\340\336\322\320\335\330\325 (\345\336\340\336\350\325\325 \332\320\347\325\341\342\322\336, \335\336 \334\325\324\333\325\335\335\325\325)" },
	{ 224, "\267\322\343\332 \322\332\333/\322\353\332\333" },
	{ 225, "SoundFont\353 \337\336\324\324\325\340\324\326\330\322\320\356\342\341\357 \335\325\332\336\342\336\340\353\334\330 \327\322\343\332\336\322\353\334\330 \332\320\340\342\320\334\330, Fluidsynth \330 Timidity" },
	{ 226, "SoundFont:" },
	{ 227, "\276\327\322" },
	{ 228, "\301\337\325\346\330\320\333\354\335\353\325 \340\325\326\330\334\353 \340\325\335\324\325\340\330\335\323\320, \337\336\324\324\325\340\326\330\322\320\325\334\353\325 \335\325\332\336\342\336\340\353\334\330 \330\323\340\320\334\330" },
	{ 229, "\263\340\336\334\332\336\341\342\354 \341\337\325\346\330\320\333\354\335\353\345 \327\322\343\332\336\322\353\345 \355\344\344\325\332\342\336\322" },
	{ 230, "\303\332\320\327\353\322\320\325\342 \322\353\345\336\324\335\336\325 \327\322\343\332\336\322\336\325 \343\341\342\340\336\331\341\342\322\336 \324\333\357 MIDI" },
	{ 231, "\303\332\320\327\353\322\320\325\342 \327\322\343\332\336\322\336\325 \343\341\342\340\336\331\341\342\322\336 \337\336 \343\334\336\333\347\320\335\330\357 \324\333\357 \322\353\322\336\324\320 \335\320 Roland MT-32/LAPC1/CM32l/CM64" },
	{ 232, "\303\332\320\327\353\322\320\325\342 \322\353\345\336\324\335\336\325 \327\322\343\332\336\322\336\325 \343\341\342\340\336\331\341\342\322\336 \330\333\330 \355\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 \327\322\343\332\336\322\336\331 \332\320\340\342\353" },
	{ 233, "\303\332\320\327\353\322\320\325\342 \337\343\342\354 \332 \324\336\337\336\333\335\330\342\325\333\354\335\353\334 \344\320\331\333\320\334 \324\320\335\335\353\345, \330\341\337\336\333\354\327\343\325\334\353\345 \322\341\325\334\330 \330\323\340\320\334\330, \333\330\321\336 ScummVM" },
	{ 234, "\303\332\320\327\353\322\320\325\342 \337\343\342\354 \332 \324\336\337\336\333\335\330\342\325\333\354\335\353\334 \344\320\331\333\320\334 \324\320\335\335\353\345 \324\333\357 \330\323\340\353" },
	{ 235, "\303\332\320\327\353\322\320\325\342 \322\353\345\336\324\335\336\325 \327\322\343\332\336\322\336\325 \343\341\342\340\336\331\341\342\322\336 \330\333\330 \355\334\343\333\357\342\336\340 \327\322\343\332\336\322\336\331 \332\320\340\342\353" },
	{ 236, "\303\332\320\327\353\322\320\325\342 \337\343\342\354 \332 \341\336\345\340\320\335\325\335\330\357\334 \330\323\340\353" },
	{ 237, "\276\327\322\343\347\332\320" },
	{ 238, "\263\340\336\334\332\336\341\342\354 \336\327\322\343\347\332\330:" },
	{ 239, "\301\342\320\335\324\320\340\342\335\353\331 \340\320\341\342\325\340\330\327\320\342\336\340 (16bpp)" },
	{ 240, "\267\320\337\343\341\342\330\342\354 \322\353\321\340\320\335\335\343\356 \330\323\340\343" },
	{ 241, "\301\336\341\342\336\357\335\330\325:" },
	{ 242, "\301\343\321" },
	{ 243, "\301\332\336\340\336\341\342\354 \341\343\321\342\330\342\340\336\322:" },
	{ 244, "\301\343\321\342\330\342\340\353" },
	{ 245, "\301\334\325\335\330\342\354 \323\325\340\336\357" },
	{ 246, "\302\320\337 \324\333\357 \333\325\322\336\323\336 \351\325\333\347\332\320, \324\322\336\331\335\336\331 \342\320\337 \324\333\357 \337\340\320\322\336\323\336 \351\325\333\347\332\320" },
	{ 247, "\302\325\332\341\342 \330 \336\327\322\343\347\332\320:" },
	{ 248, "\275\325 \334\336\323\343 \337\330\341\320\342\354 \322 \322\353\321\340\320\335\335\343\356 \324\330\340\325\332\342\336\340\330\356. \277\336\326\320\333\343\331\341\342\320, \343\332\320\326\330\342\325 \324\340\343\323\343\356." },
	{ 249, "\277\343\342\354 \332 \342\325\334\320\334:" },
	{ 250, "\302\325\334\320:" },
	{ 251, "\315\342\336\342 ID \330\323\340\353 \343\326\325 \330\341\337\336\333\354\327\343\325\342\341\357. \277\336\326\320\333\343\331\341\342\320, \322\353\321\325\340\330\342\325 \324\340\343\323\336\331." },
	{ 252, "\315\342\320 \330\323\340\320 \335\325 \337\336\324\324\325\340\326\330\322\320\325\342 \327\320\323\340\343\327\332\343 \341\336\345\340\320\335\325\335\330\331 \347\325\340\325\327 \323\333\320\322\335\336\325 \334\325\335\356." },
	{ 253, "\262\340\325\334\357: " },
	{ 254, "\262\340\325\334\357 \337\336\324\332\333\356\347\325\335\330\357 \332 \341\325\342\330 \330\341\342\325\332\333\336" },
	{ 255, "\301\334\325\351\325\335\330\325 \332\320\341\320\335\330\331 \337\336 \336\341\330 X" },
	{ 256, "\301\334\325\351\325\335\330\325 \332\320\341\320\335\330\331 \337\336 \336\341\330 Y" },
	{ 257, "\300\325\326\330\334 \342\320\347\337\320\324\320 \322\353\332\333\356\347\325\335." },
	{ 258, "\300\325\326\330\334 \342\320\347\337\320\324\320 \322\332\333\356\347\325\335." },
	{ 259, "\275\320\341\342\336\357\351\330\331 Roland MT-32 (\327\320\337\340\325\342\330\342\354 \355\334\343\333\357\346\330\356 GM)" },
	{ 260, "\262\353\332\333\356\347\320\325\342 \334\320\337\337\330\335\323 General MIDI \324\333\357 \330\323\340 \341 \327\322\343\332\336\322\336\331 \324\336\340\336\326\332\336\331 \324\333\357 Roland MT-32" },
	{ 261, "\275\325\330\327\322\325\341\342\335\336" },
	{ 262, "\275\325\330\327\322\325\341\342\335\320\357 \336\350\330\321\332\320" },
	{ 263, "\276\342\332\333\356\347\330\342\354 DVD" },
	{ 264, "\276\342\332\333\356\347\342\354 SMB" },
	{ 265, "\261\325\327 \334\320\341\350\342\320\321\330\340\336\322\320\335\330\357 (\335\343\326\335\336 \321\343\324\325\342 \337\340\336\332\340\343\347\330\322\320\342\354 \322\333\325\322\336 \330 \322\337\340\320\322\336)" },
	{ 266, "\275\325\337\336\324\324\325\340\326\330\322\320\325\334\353\331 \340\325\326\330\334 \346\322\325\342\320" },
	{ 267, "\301\336\345\340\320\335\325\335\330\325 \321\325\327 \330\334\325\335\330" },
	{ 268, "\262\322\325\340\345" },
	{ 269, "\270\341\337\336\333\354\327\336\322\320\342\354 \330 MIDI \330 AdLib \324\333\357 \323\325\335\325\340\320\346\330\330 \327\322\343\332\320" },
	{ 270, "\270\341\337\336\333\354\327\336\322\320\342\354 \343\337\340\320\322\333\325\335\330\325 \332\343\340\341\336\340\336\334 \332\320\332 \335\320 \342\340\325\332\337\320\324\325 \333\325\337\342\336\337\336\322" },
	{ 271, "\277\336\333\354\327\336\322\320\342\325\333\354:" },
	{ 272, "\270\341\337\336\333\354\327\343\356 \324\340\320\331\322\325\340 SDL " },
	{ 273, "\262\325\340\342\330\332\320\333\354\335\353\331 underscan:" },
	{ 274, "\262\330\324\325\336" },
	{ 275, "\262\330\340\342\343\320\333\354\335\320\357 \332\333\320\322\330\320\342\343\340\320" },
	{ 276, "\263\340\336\334\332\336\341\342\354" },
	{ 277, "Windows MIDI" },
	{ 278, "\275\325\324\336\341\342\320\342\336\347\335\336 \337\340\320\322 \324\333\357 \327\320\337\330\341\330" },
	{ 279, "\276\350\330\321\332\320 \327\320\337\330\341\330 \324\320\335\335\353\345" },
	{ 280, "\264\320" },
	{ 281, "\262\353 \324\336\333\326\335\353 \337\325\340\325\327\320\337\343\341\342\330\342\354 ScummVM \347\342\336\321\353 \337\340\330\334\325\335\330\342\354 \330\327\334\325\335\325\335\330\357." },
	{ 282, "\267\336\335\320" },
	{ 283, "\303\334\325\335\354\350. \334\320\341\350\342\320\321" },
	{ 284, "\303\322\325\333. \334\320\341\350\342\320\321" },
	{ 285, "\332\320\326\324\353\325 10 \334\330\335\343\342" },
	{ 286, "\332\320\326\324\353\325 15 \334\330\335\343\342" },
	{ 287, "\332\320\326\324\353\325 30 \334\330\335\343\342" },
	{ 288, "\332\320\326\324\353\325 5 \334\330\335\343\342" },
	{ 289, "\276 \337\340\336~\323~\340\320\334\334\325" },
	{ 290, "~\264~\336\321. \330\323\340\343..." },
	{ 291, "\276~\342~\334\325\335\320" },
	{ 292, "~\267~\320\332\340\353\342\354" },
	{ 293, "\270\327~\334~. \330\323\340\343..." },
	{ 294, "~\277~\336\334\336\351\354" },
	{ 295, "\303\337\340\320\322\333\325\335\330\325 \321\336\357\334\330 \322 Indy" },
	{ 296, "~\272~\333\320\322\330\350\330" },
	{ 297, "\273\325\322\336\340\343\332\330\331 \340\325\326\330\334" },
	{ 298, "~\267~\320\323\340\343\327\330\342\354" },
	{ 299, "~\267~\320\323\340...." },
	{ 300, "~\301~\333\325\324" },
	{ 301, "~O~K" },
	{ 302, "~\276~\337\346\330\330" },
	{ 303, "~\276~\337\346\330\330..." },
	{ 304, "~\277~\340\325\324" },
	{ 305, "~\262~\353\345\336\324" },
	{ 306, "~\303~\324\320\333\330\342\354 \330\323\340\343" },
	{ 307, "\277\340\336\324\336\333~\326~\330\342\354" },
	{ 308, "~\262~\325\340\335\343\342\354\341\357 \322 \323\333\320\322\335\336\325 \334\325\335\356" },
	{ 309, "~\267~\320\337\330\341\320\342\354" },
	{ 310, "\277~\343~\341\332" },
	{ 311, "\277\325\340\325\345\336\324\353 \320\332\342\330\322\330\340\336\322\320\335\353" },
	{ 312, "\315\344\344\325\332\342\353 \322\336\324\353 \322\332\333\356\347\325\335\353" },
	{ 313, "\300\325\326\330\334 \321\353\341\342\340\336\323\336 \337\325\340\325\345\336\324\320 \320\332\342\330\322\330\340\336\322\320\335" },
	{ -1, NULL }

static const PoMessageEntry _translation_fr_FR[] = {
	{ 0, "Project-Id-Version: ScummVM 1.2.0svn\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: scummvm-devel@lists.sf.net\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-12 17:44+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-09 18:17+0100\nLast-Translator: Thierry Crozat <criezy@scummvm.org>\nLanguage-Team: French <scummvm-devel@lists.sf.net>\nLanguage: Francais\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;\n" },
	{ 1, "Voulez-vous vraiment quitter?" },
	{ 2, "(Actif)" },
	{ 3, "(Jeu)" },
	{ 4, "(Global)" },
	{ 5, "(compil\351 sur %s)" },
	{ 6, ", \351chec du montage du disque partag\351" },
	{ 7, ", disque partag\351 non mont\351" },
	{ 8, "... en cours ..." },
	{ 9, "11 kHz" },
	{ 10, "22 kHz" },
	{ 11, "44 kHz" },
	{ 12, "48 kHz" },
	{ 13, "8 kHz" },
	{ 14, "<defaut>" },
	{ 15, "\300 propos de ScummVM" },
	{ 16, "\311mulateur AdLib" },
	{ 17, "\311mulateur AdLib:" },
	{ 18, "AdLib est utilis\351 pour la musique dans de nombreux jeux" },
	{ 19, "Ajouter..." },
	{ 20, "Anti-cr\351nel\351 (16 bpp)" },
	{ 21, "Correction du rapport d'aspect" },
	{ 22, "Touche associ\351e: %s" },
	{ 23, "Touche associ\351e: aucune" },
	{ 24, "Audio" },
	{ 25, "Sauvegarde auto:" },
	{ 26, "Moteurs disponibles:" },
	{ 27, "\300 ~P~ropos..." },
	{ 28, "Affecter les touches" },
	{ 29, "Les deux" },
	{ 30, "Luminosit\351:" },
	{ 31, "Annuler" },
	{ 32, "Impossible de cr\351er le fichier" },
	{ 33, "Change les options du jeu" },
	{ 34, "Change les options globales de ScummVM" },
	{ 35, "V\351rifie si vous voulez utiliser un p\351riph\351rique audio compatible Roland connect\351 \340 l'ordinateur" },
	{ 36, "Choisir" },
	{ 37, "S\351lectionnez une action \340 affecter" },
	{ 38, "Effacer la valeur" },
	{ 39, "Fermer" },
	{ 40, "Corrige le rapport d'aspect pour les jeu 320x200" },
	{ 41, "Impossible de trouver un moteur pour ex\351cuter le jeu s\351lectionn\351" },
	{ 42, "Mode vid\351o actuel" },
	{ 43, "Bas" },
	{ 44, "Gauche" },
	{ 45, "Droit" },
	{ 46, "Haut" },
	{ 47, "\311mulateur DOSBox OPL" },
	{ 48, "DVD" },
	{ 49, "DVD mont\351 avec succ\350s" },
	{ 50, "DVD non mont\351" },
	{ 51, "Date:" },
	{ 52, "Debugger" },
	{ 53, "D\351faut" },
	{ 54, "Supprimer" },
	{ 55, "D\351sactiv\351 l'extinction" },
	{ 56, "GFX d\351sactiv\351" },
	{ 57, "%d nouveaux jeux trouv\351s ..." },
	{ 58, "%d nouveaux jeux trouv\351s." },
	{ 59, "Affichage" },
	{ 60, "Afficher le clavier" },
	{ 61, "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette sauvegarde?" },
	{ 62, "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce jeu?" },
	{ 63, "Voulez-vous vraiment lancer la d\351tection automatique des jeux? Cela peut potentiellement ajouter un grand nombre de jeux." },
	{ 64, "Voulez-vous charger ou sauver le jeu?" },
	{ 65, "Voulez-vous ex\351cuter une recherche automatique?" },
	{ 66, "Voulez-vous quitter?" },
	{ 67, "Coup double" },
	{ 68, "Bas" },
	{ 69, "Activer le mode Roland GS" },
	{ 70, "Le niveau de debug '%s' n'est pas support\351 par ce moteur de jeu" },
	{ 71, "Anglais" },
	{ 72, "Erreur lors de l'\351x\351cution du jeu:" },
	{ 73, "\311chec du montage du DVD" },
	{ 74, "Extra:" },
	{ 75, "\311mulateur FM Towns" },
	{ 76, "Mode rapide" },
	{ 77, "Options incluses:" },
	{ 78, "Regarder autour" },
	{ 79, "Nom complet du jeu" },
	{ 80, "Plein \351cran" },
	{ 81, "Acceleration du pad GC:" },
	{ 82, "Sensibilit\351 du pad GC:" },
	{ 83, "GFX" },
	{ 84, "Sortie GM:" },
	{ 85, "Langue:" },
	{ 86, "Interface:" },
	{ 87, "Jeu" },
	{ 88, "Fichier de don\351es introuvable" },
	{ 89, "ID de jeu non support\351" },
	{ 90, "Chemin du Jeu:" },
	{ 91, "Menu global" },
	{ 92, "Remonte d'un niveau dans la hi\351rarchie de r\351pertoire" },
	{ 93, "Remonter" },
	{ 94, "Graphique" },
	{ 95, "Mode graphique:" },
	{ 96, "Mise \340 l'echelle mat\351rielle (rapide mais qualit\351 faible)" },
	{ 97, "Hercules Ambre" },
	{ 98, "Hercules Vert" },
	{ 99, "Cach\351 la barre d'outils" },
	{ 100, "Audio haute qualit\351 (plus lent) (red\351marrer)" },
	{ 101, "Une valeur plus \351lev\351e donne une meilleure qualit\351 audio mais peut ne pas \352tre support\351 par votre carte son" },
	{ 102, "Ajoute un jeu \340 la Liste. Maintenez Shift enfonc\351e pour un Ajout Massif" },
	{ 103, "Underscan horizontal:" },
	{ 104, "\311mulateur IBM PCjr" },
	{ 105, "ID:" },
	{ 106, "Initialiser le r\351seau" },
	{ 107, "\311chelle initiale de l'\351cran du haut" },
	{ 108, "Initialisation de l'\311mulateur MT-32" },
	{ 109, "Initialisation du r\351seau" },
	{ 110, "Entr\351e" },
	{ 111, "Chemin Invalide" },
	{ 112, "Affectation des touches" },
	{ 113, "Clavier" },
	{ 114, "Affectation des touches:" },
	{ 115, "Touches" },
	{ 116, "Langue de l'interface graphique de ScummVM" },
	{ 117, "Langue du jeu. Cela ne traduira pas en anglais par magie votre version espagnole du jeu." },
	{ 118, "Langue:" },
	{ 119, "Gauche" },
	{ 120, "Clic Gauche" },
	{ 121, "Charger" },
	{ 122, "Charger le jeu:" },
	{ 123, "Charge une sauvegarde pour le jeu s\351lectionn\351" },
	{ 124, "\311mulateur MAME OPL" },
	{ 125, "MIDI" },
	{ 126, "Gain MIDI:" },
	{ 127, "Sortie MT-32:" },
	{ 128, "\311mulateur MT-32" },
	{ 129, "\311chelle de l'\351cran principal" },
	{ 130, "Affecter" },
	{ 131, "Ajout Massif..." },
	{ 132, "Menu" },
	{ 133, "Divers" },
	{ 134, "Mode mixe AdLib/MIDI" },
	{ 135, "Monter le DVD" },
	{ 136, "Monter SMB" },
	{ 137, "Clic de souris" },
	{ 138, "Fonction Multiple" },
	{ 139, "Sortie Audio:" },
	{ 140, "Volume Musique:" },
	{ 141, "Silence" },
	{ 142, "Nom:" },
	{ 143, "R\351seau d\351connect\351" },
	{ 144, "R\351seau non initialis\351 (%d)" },
	{ 145, "R\351seau connect\351" },
	{ 146, "R\351seau connect\351, disque partag\351 mont\351" },
	{ 147, "Jamais" },
	{ 148, "Non" },
	{ 149, "Date non sauv\351e" },
	{ 150, "Pas de musique" },
	{ 151, "Dur\351e de jeu non sauv\351e" },
	{ 152, "Heure non sauv\351e" },
	{ 153, "Aucun" },
	{ 154, "Normal (\351chelle d'origine)" },
	{ 155, "OK" },
	{ 156, "Fr\351quence:" },
	{ 157, "Utiliser des r\351glages MIDI sp\351cifiques \340 ce jeux" },
	{ 158, "Utiliser des r\351glages audio sp\351cifiques \340 ce jeux" },
	{ 159, "Utiliser des r\351glages graphiques sp\351cifiques \340 ce jeux" },
	{ 160, "Utiliser des r\351glages de volume sonore sp\351cifiques \340 ce jeux" },
	{ 161, "\311mulateur Haut Parleur PC" },
	{ 162, "Mot de passe:" },
	{ 163, "Chemin n'est pas un r\351pertoire" },
	{ 164, "Chemin n'est pas un fichier" },
	{ 165, "Chemin inexistant" },
	{ 166, "Chemins" },
	{ 167, "Mettre en pause" },
	{ 168, "Choisissez le jeu:" },
	{ 169, "Plateforme pour laquelle votre jeu a \351t\351 con\347u" },
	{ 170, "Plateforme:" },
	{ 171, "Dur\351e de jeu:" },
	{ 172, "Selectionnez une action" },
	{ 173, "Plugins:" },
	{ 174, "Sortie Pr\351f\351r\351:" },
	{ 175, "Appuyez sur la touche \340 associer" },
	{ 176, "Quitter" },
	{ 177, "Quitter ScummVM" },
	{ 178, "V\351roulli\351 en lecture" },
	{ 179, "Echec de la lecture" },
	{ 180, "Changer l'affectation des touches" },
	{ 181, "Supprime le jeu de la liste. Les fichiers sont conserv\351s" },
	{ 182, "Mode de rendu:" },
	{ 183, "Droite" },
	{ 184, "Clic Droit" },
	{ 185, "Clic droit" },
	{ 186, "Pivoter" },
	{ 187, "Volume Bruitage:" },
	{ 188, "SMB" },
	{ 189, "Sauver" },
	{ 190, "Sauvegardes:" },
	{ 191, "Sauvegardes:" },
	{ 192, "Sauvegarde:" },
	{ 193, "Examen termin\351!" },
	{ 194, "%d r\351pertoires examin\351s ..." },
	{ 195, "Menu Principal ScummVM" },
	{ 196, "ScummVM n'a pas pu trouv\351 de moteur pour lancer le jeu s\351lectionn\351." },
	{ 197, "ScummVM n'a pas trouv\351 de jeux dans le r\351pertoire s\351lectionn\351." },
	{ 198, "ScummVM n'a pas pu ouvrir le r\351pertoire s\351lectionn\351." },
	{ 199, "Recherche dans la liste de jeux" },
	{ 200, "Filtre:" },
	{ 201, "Choisir une banque de sons" },
	{ 202, "S\351lectionnez un Th\350me" },
	{ 203, "S\351lectionner un r\351pertoire suppl\351mentaire" },
	{ 204, "Selectionez une action et cliquez 'Affecter'" },
	{ 205, "S\351lectionner le r\351pertoire des th\350mes d'interface" },
	{ 206, "S\351lectionner le r\351pertoire pour les fichiers supl\351mentaires" },
	{ 207, "S\351lectionner le r\351pertoire des plugins" },
	{ 208, "S\351lectionner le r\351pertoire pour les sauvegardes" },
	{ 209, "S\351lectionner le r\351pertoire pour les sauvegardes" },
	{ 210, "S\351lectionner le r\351pertoire contenant les donn\351es du jeu" },
	{ 211, "Sensibilit\351" },
	{ 212, "Serveur:" },
	{ 213, "Disque partag\351:" },
	{ 214, "ID compact du jeu utilis\351 pour identifier les sauvegardes et d\351marrer le jeu depuis la ligne de commande" },
	{ 215, "Afficher le clavier" },
	{ 216, "Afficher le curseur de la souris" },
	{ 217, "Affiche les sous-titres et joue les dialogues audio" },
	{ 218, "Afficher/Cacher le curseur" },
	{ 219, "Passer" },
	{ 220, "Passer la phrase" },
	{ 221, "Sauter le texte" },
	{ 222, "Aligner sur les bords" },
	{ 223, "Mise \340 l'\351chelle logicielle (bonne qualit\351 mais plus lent)" },
	{ 224, "Audio marche/arr\352t" },
	{ 225, "La banque de sons est utilis\351e par certaines cartes audio, Fluidsynth et Timidity" },
	{ 226, "Banque de sons:" },
	{ 227, "Audio" },
	{ 228, "Mode sp\351cial de tramage support\351 par certains jeux" },
	{ 229, "Volume des effets sp\351ciaux sonores" },
	{ 230, "Sp\351cifie le p\351riph\351rique audio par d\351faut pour la sortie General MIDI" },
	{ 231, "Sp\351cifie le p\351riph\351rique audio par d\351faut pour la sortie Roland MT-32/LAPC1/CM32l/CM64" },
	{ 232, "Sp\351cifie le p\351riph\351rique de sortie audio ou l'\351mulateur de carte audio" },
	{ 233, "Sp\351cifie un chemin vers des donn\351es suppl\351mentaires utilis\351es par tous les jeux ou ScummVM" },
	{ 234, "D\351finie un chemin vers des donn\351es supl\351mentaires utilis\351es par le jeu" },
	{ 235, "Sp\351cifie le p\351riph\351rique de sortie audio ou l'\351mulateur de carte audio pr\351f\351r\351" },
	{ 236, "D\351finie l'emplacement o\371 les fichiers de sauvegarde sont cr\351\351s" },
	{ 237, "Audio" },
	{ 238, "Volume Dialogues:" },
	{ 239, "Standard (16bpp)" },
	{ 240, "D\351marre le jeu s\351lectionn\351" },
	{ 241, "Status:" },
	{ 242, "Subs" },
	{ 243, "Vitesse des ST:" },
	{ 244, "Sous-titres" },
	{ 245, "Changement de personnage" },
	{ 246, "Toucher pour un clic gauche, toucher deux fois pour un clic droit" },
	{ 247, "Dialogue:" },
	{ 248, "Le r\351pertoire s\351lectionn\351 est v\351rouill\351 en \351criture. S\351lectionnez un autre r\351pertoire." },
	{ 249, "Th\350mes:" },
	{ 250, "Th\350me:" },
	{ 251, "Cet ID est d\351j\340 utilis\351 par un autre jeu. Choisissez en un autre svp." },
	{ 252, "Le chargement de sauvegarde depuis le lanceur n'est pas support\351 pour ce jeu." },
	{ 253, "Heure:" },
	{ 254, "D\351passement du d\351lai lors de l'initialisation du r\351seau" },
	{ 255, "D\351calage X du toucher" },
	{ 256, "D\351callage Y du toucher" },
	{ 257, "Mode touchpad d\351sactiv\351" },
	{ 258, "Mode touchpad activ\351" },
	{ 259, "Roland MT-32 exacte (d\351sactive l'\351mulation GM)" },
	{ 260, "D\351sactiver la conversion des pistes MT-32 en General MIDI" },
	{ 261, "Inconue" },
	{ 262, "Erreur inconnue" },
	{ 263, "D\351monter le DVD" },
	{ 264, "D\351monter SMB" },
	{ 265, "Sans changement d'\351chelle (vous devez faire d\351filer l'\351cran)" },
	{ 266, "Mode de couleurs non support\351" },
	{ 267, "Sauvegarde sans nom" },
	{ 268, "Haut" },
	{ 269, "Utiliser \340 la fois MIDI et AdLib" },
	{ 270, "Activer le contr\364le du curseur de type trackpad" },
	{ 271, "Nom d'utilisateur:" },
	{ 272, "Utilise le pilote SDL" },
	{ 273, "Underscan vertical:" },
	{ 274, "Vid\351o" },
	{ 275, "Clavier virtuel" },
	{ 276, "Volume" },
	{ 277, "MIDI Windows" },
	{ 278, "Verrouill\351 en \351criture" },
	{ 279, "Echec de l'\351criture des donn\351es" },
	{ 280, "Oui" },
	{ 281, "Vous devez relancer ScummVM pour que le changement soit pris en compte." },
	{ 282, "Zone" },
	{ 283, "Zoomer" },
	{ 284, "D\351zoomer" },
	{ 285, "Toutes les 10 mins" },
	{ 286, "Toutes les 15 mins" },
	{ 287, "Toutes les 30 mins" },
	{ 288, "Toutes les 5 mins" },
	{ 289, "\300 ~P~ropos" },
	{ 290, "~A~jouter..." },
	{ 291, "~A~nnuler" },
	{ 292, "~F~ermer" },
	{ 293, "~E~diter..." },
	{ 294, "~A~ide" },
	{ 295, "Contr\364le des combats d'~I~ndy" },
	{ 296, "~T~ouches" },
	{ 297, "Mode ~G~aucher" },
	{ 298, "~C~harger" },
	{ 299, "~C~harger" },
	{ 300, "~S~uivant" },
	{ 301, "~O~K" },
	{ 302, "~O~ptions" },
	{ 303, "~O~ptions..." },
	{ 304, "~P~r\351c\351dent" },
	{ 305, "~Q~uitter" },
	{ 306, "~S~upprimer" },
	{ 307, "~R~eprendre" },
	{ 308, "Retour au ~L~anceur" },
	{ 309, "~S~auver" },
	{ 310, "~D~\351marrer" },
	{ 311, "T~r~ansitions activ\351" },
	{ 312, "~E~ffets de l'Eau Activ\351s" },
	{ 313, "Mode ~Z~ip Activ\351" },
	{ -1, NULL }

static const PoMessageEntry _translation_it_IT[] = {
	{ 0, "Project-Id-Version: ScummVM 1.2.0svn\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: scummvm-devel@lists.sf.net\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-12 17:44+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-30 23:56+0100\nLast-Translator: Maff <matteo.maff at gmail dot com>\nLanguage-Team: Italian\nLanguage: Italiano\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" },
	{ 1, "   Sei sicuro di voler uscire?   " },
	{ 2, " (Attivo)" },
	{ 3, " (Gioco)" },
	{ 4, " (Globale)" },
	{ 5, "(build creata il %s)" },
	{ 6, ", errore nel montare la condivisione" },
	{ 7, ", condivisione non montata" },
	{ 8, "... progresso ..." },
	{ 9, "11kHz" },
	{ 10, "22 kHz" },
	{ 11, "44 kHz" },
	{ 12, "48 kHz" },
	{ 13, "8 kHz" },
	{ 14, "<predefinito>" },
	{ 15, "Informazioni su ScummVM" },
	{ 16, "Emulatore AdLib" },
	{ 17, "Emulatore AdLib:" },
	{ 18, "AdLib \350 utilizzato per la musica in molti giochi" },
	{ 19, "Aggiungi gioco..." },
	{ 20, "Renderer con antialiasing (16bpp)" },
	{ 21, "Correzione proporzioni" },
	{ 22, "Tasto associato: %s" },
	{ 23, "Tasto associato: nessuno" },
	{ 24, "Audio" },
	{ 25, "Autosalva:" },
	{ 26, "Motori disponibili:" },
	{ 27, "~I~nfo..." },
	{ 28, "Associa tasti" },
	{ 29, "Entrambi" },
	{ 30, "Luminosit\340:" },
	{ 31, "Annulla" },
	{ 32, "Impossibile creare il file" },
	{ 33, "Modifica le opzioni di gioco" },
	{ 34, "Modifica le opzioni globali di ScummVM" },
	{ 35, "Seleziona se vuoi usare il dispositivo hardware audio compatibile con Roland che \350 connesso al tuo computer" },
	{ 36, "Scegli" },
	{ 37, "Scegli un'azione da mappare" },
	{ 38, "Cancella" },
	{ 39, "Chiudi" },
	{ 40, "Corregge le proporzioni dei giochi 320x200" },
	{ 41, "Impossibile trovare un motore in grado di eseguire il gioco selezionato" },
	{ 42, "Modalit\340 video attuale:" },
	{ 43, "Cursore gi\371" },
	{ 44, "Cursore a sinistra" },
	{ 45, "Cursore a destra" },
	{ 46, "Cursore su" },
	{ 47, "Emulatore OPL DOSBox" },
	{ 48, "DVD" },
	{ 49, "DVD montato con successo" },
	{ 50, "DVD non montato" },
	{ 51, "Data: " },
	{ 52, "Debugger" },
	{ 53, "Predefinito" },
	{ 54, "Elimina" },
	{ 55, "Disattiva spegnimento in chiusura" },
	{ 56, "Grafica disattivata" },
	{ 57, "Rilevati %d nuovi giochi..." },
	{ 58, "Rilevati %d nuovi giochi." },
	{ 59, "Visualizza " },
	{ 60, "Mostra tastiera" },
	{ 61, "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo salvataggio?" },
	{ 62, "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questa configurazione di gioco?" },
	{ 63, "Vuoi davvero eseguire il rilevatore di giochi in massa? Potrebbe aggiungere un numero enorme di giochi." },
	{ 64, "Vuoi caricare o salvare il gioco?" },
	{ 65, "Vuoi eseguire una scansione automatica?" },
	{ 66, "Sei sicuro di voler uscire?" },
	{ 67, "Double-strike" },
	{ 68, "Gi\371" },
	{ 69, "Attiva la modalit\340 Roland GS" },
	{ 70, "Il motore non supporta il livello di debug '%s'" },
	{ 71, "Inglese" },
	{ 72, "Errore nell'esecuzione del gioco:" },
	{ 73, "Errore nel montare il DVD" },
	{ 74, "Percorso extra:" },
	{ 75, "Emulatore FM Towns" },
	{ 76, "Modalit\340 veloce" },
	{ 77, "Funzionalit\340 compilate in:" },
	{ 78, "Osservazione libera" },
	{ 79, "Titolo completo del gioco" },
	{ 80, "Modalit\340 a schermo intero" },
	{ 81, "Accelerazione pad GC:" },
	{ 82, "Sensibilit\340 pad GC:" },
	{ 83, "Grafica" },
	{ 84, "Dispositivo GM:" },
	{ 85, "Lingua GUI:" },
	{ 86, "Renderer GUI:" },
	{ 87, "Gioco" },
	{ 88, "Dati di gioco non trovati" },
	{ 89, "ID di gioco non supportato" },
	{ 90, "Percorso gioco:" },
	{ 91, "Menu globale" },
	{ 92, "Vai alla cartella superiore" },
	{ 93, "Cartella superiore" },
	{ 94, "Grafica" },
	{ 95, "Modalit\340:" },
	{ 96, "Ridimensionamento hardware (veloce, ma di bassa qualit\340)" },
	{ 97, "Hercules ambra" },
	{ 98, "Hercules verde" },
	{ 99, "Nascondi la barra degli strumenti" },
	{ 100, "Audio ad alta qualit\340 (pi\371 lento) (riavviare)" },
	{ 101, "Valori pi\371 alti restituiscono un suono di maggior qualit\340, ma potrebbero non essere supportati dalla tua scheda audio" },
	{ 102, "Tieni premuto Shift per l'aggiunta in massa" },
	{ 103, "Underscan orizzontale:" },
	{ 104, "Emulatore IBM PCjr" },
	{ 105, "ID:" },
	{ 106, "Avvia rete" },
	{ 107, "Schermo in primo piano:" },
	{ 108, "Avvio in corso dell'emulatore MT-32" },
	{ 109, "Avvio rete in corso" },
	{ 110, "Input" },
	{ 111, "Percorso non valido" },
	{ 112, "Programmatore tasti" },
	{ 113, "Tastiera" },
	{ 114, "Mappa tasti:" },
	{ 115, "Tasti" },
	{ 116, "Lingua dell'interfaccia grafica di ScummVM" },
	{ 117, "Lingua del gioco. Un gioco inglese non potr\340 risultare tradotto in italiano" },
	{ 118, "Lingua:" },
	{ 119, "Sinistra" },
	{ 120, "Clic sinistro" },
	{ 121, "Carica" },
	{ 122, "Carica gioco:" },
	{ 123, "Carica un salvataggio del gioco selezionato" },
	{ 124, "Emulatore OPL MAME" },
	{ 125, "MIDI" },
	{ 126, "Guadagno MIDI:" },
	{ 127, "Disposit. MT32:" },
	{ 128, "Emulatore MT-32" },
	{ 129, "Schermo principale:" },
	{ 130, "Mappa" },
	{ 131, "Agg. in massa..." },
	{ 132, "Menu" },
	{ 133, "Varie" },
	{ 134, "Modalit\340 mista AdLib/MIDI" },
	{ 135, "Monta DVD" },
	{ 136, "Monta SMB" },
	{ 137, "Clic del mouse" },
	{ 138, "Multifunzione" },
	{ 139, "Dispositivo GM:" },
	{ 140, "Volume musica:" },
	{ 141, "Disattiva audio" },
	{ 142, "Nome:" },
	{ 143, "Rete disattivata" },
	{ 144, "Rete non avviata (%d)" },
	{ 145, "Rete attiva" },
	{ 146, "Rete attiva, condivisione montata" },
	{ 147, "Mai" },
	{ 148, "No" },
	{ 149, "Nessuna data salvata" },
	{ 150, "Nessuna musica" },
	{ 151, "Nessun tempo salvato" },
	{ 152, "Nessun orario salvato" },
	{ 153, "Nessuno" },
	{ 154, "Normale (nessun ridimensionamento)" },
	{ 155, "OK" },
	{ 156, "Frequenza:" },
	{ 157, "Ignora le impostazioni MIDI globali" },
	{ 158, "Ignora le impostazioni audio globali" },
	{ 159, "Ignora le impostazioni grafiche globali" },
	{ 160, "Ignora le impostazioni globali di volume" },
	{ 161, "Emulatore PC Speaker" },
	{ 162, "Password:" },
	{ 163, "Il percorso non \350 una cartella" },
	{ 164, "Il percorso non \350 un file" },
	{ 165, "Il percorso non esiste" },
	{ 166, "Percorsi" },
	{ 167, "Pausa" },
	{ 168, "Scegli il gioco:" },
	{ 169, "La piattaforma per la quale il gioco \350 stato concepito" },
	{ 170, "Piattaforma:" },
	{ 171, "Tempo di gioco: " },
	{ 172, "Seleziona un'azione" },
	{ 173, "Percorso plugin:" },
	{ 174, "Disp. preferito:" },
	{ 175, "Premi il tasto da associare" },
	{ 176, "Esci" },
	{ 177, "Chiudi ScummVM" },
	{ 178, "Autorizzazione di lettura negata" },
	{ 179, "Lettura fallita" },
	{ 180, "Riprogramma tasti" },
	{ 181, "Rimuove il gioco dalla lista. I file del gioco rimarranno intatti" },
	{ 182, "Resa grafica:" },
	{ 183, "Destra" },
	{ 184, "Clic destro" },
	{ 185, "Clic destro" },
	{ 186, "Rotazione" },
	{ 187, "Volume effetti:" },
	{ 188, "SMB" },
	{ 189, "Salva" },
	{ 190, "Salvataggi:" },
	{ 191, "Salvataggi:" },
	{ 192, "Salva gioco:" },
	{ 193, "Scansione completa!" },
	{ 194, "%d cartelle analizzate..." },
	{ 195, "Menu principale di ScummVM" },
	{ 196, "ScummVM non ha potuto trovare un motore in grado di eseguire il gioco selezionato!" },
	{ 197, "ScummVM non ha potuto trovare nessun gioco nella cartella specificata!" },
	{ 198, "ScummVM non ha potuto aprire la cartella specificata!" },
	{ 199, "Cerca nella lista dei giochi" },
	{ 200, "Cerca:" },
	{ 201, "Seleziona SoundFont" },
	{ 202, "Seleziona un tema" },
	{ 203, "Seleziona la cartella di gioco aggiuntiva" },
	{ 204, "Seleziona un'azione e clicca 'Mappa'" },
	{ 205, "Seleziona la cartella dei temi dell'interfaccia" },
	{ 206, "Seleziona la cartella dei file aggiuntivi" },
	{ 207, "Seleziona la cartella dei plugin" },
	{ 208, "Seleziona la cartella dei salvataggi" },
	{ 209, "Seleziona la cartella per i salvataggi" },
	{ 210, "Seleziona la cartella contenente i file di gioco" },
	{ 211, "Sensibilit\340" },
	{ 212, "Server:" },
	{ 213, "Condivisione:" },
	{ 214, "Breve identificatore di gioco utilizzato per il riferimento a salvataggi e per l'esecuzione del gioco dalla riga di comando" },
	{ 215, "Mostra tastiera" },
	{ 216, "Mostra cursore del mouse" },
	{ 217, "Mostra i sottotitoli e attiva le voci" },
	{ 218, "Mostra/nascondi cursore" },
	{ 219, "Salta" },
	{ 220, "Salta battuta" },
	{ 221, "Salta testo" },
	{ 222, "Aggancia ai bordi" },
	{ 223, "Ridimensionamento software (di buona qualit\340, ma pi\371 lento)" },
	{ 224, "Suono on/off" },
	{ 225, "SoundFont \350 supportato da alcune schede audio, Fluidsynth e Timidity" },
	{ 226, "SoundFont:" },
	{ 227, "Voci" },
	{ 228, "Modalit\340 di resa grafica speciali supportate da alcuni giochi" },
	{ 229, "Volume degli effetti sonori" },
	{ 230, "Specifica il dispositivo audio predefinito per l'output General MIDI" },
	{ 231, "Specifica il dispositivo audio predefinito per l'output Roland MT-32/LAPC1/CM32l/CM64" },
	{ 232, "Specifica il dispositivo di output audio o l'emulatore della scheda audio" },
	{ 233, "Specifica il percorso di ulteriori dati usati dai giochi o da ScummVM" },
	{ 234, "Specifica il percorso di ulteriori dati usati dal gioco" },
	{ 235, "Specifica il dispositivo audio o l'emulatore della scheda audio preferiti" },
	{ 236, "Specifica dove archiviare i salvataggi" },
	{ 237, "Voci" },
	{ 238, "Volume voci:" },
	{ 239, "Renderer standard (16bpp)" },
	{ 240, "Esegue il gioco selezionato" },
	{ 241, "Stato:" },
	{ 242, "Sub" },
	{ 243, "Velocit\340 testo:" },
	{ 244, "Sottotitoli" },
	{ 245, "Cambia personaggio" },
	{ 246, "Un tocco per il clic sinistro, doppio tocco per il clic destro" },
	{ 247, "Testo e voci:" },
	{ 248, "La cartella scelta \350 in sola lettura. Si prega di sceglierne un'altra." },
	{ 249, "Percorso tema:" },
	{ 250, "Tema:" },
	{ 251, "Questo ID di gioco \350 gi\340 in uso. Si prega di sceglierne un'altro." },
	{ 252, "Questo gioco non supporta il caricamento di salvataggi dalla schermata di avvio." },
	{ 253, "Ora: " },
	{ 254, "Attesa per l'avvio della rete" },
	{ 255, "Compensa X del tocco" },
	{ 256, "Compensa Y del tocco" },
	{ 257, "Modalit\340 touchpad disattivata." },
	{ 258, "Modalit\340 touchpad attivata." },
	{ 259, "Roland MT-32 effettivo (disattiva emulazione GM)" },
	{ 260, "Disattiva la mappatura General MIDI per i giochi con colonna sonora Roland MT-32" },
	{ 261, "Sconosciuto" },
	{ 262, "Errore sconosciuto" },
	{ 263, "Smonta DVD" },
	{ 264, "Smonta SMB" },
	{ 265, "Non ridimensionato (devi scorrere a sinistra e a destra)" },
	{ 266, "Modalit\340 colore non supportata" },
	{ 267, "Salvataggio senza titolo" },
	{ 268, "Su" },
	{ 269, "Utilizza generazione di suono sia MIDI che AdLib" },
	{ 270, "Utilizza il controllo del cursore stile trackpad del portatile" },
	{ 271, "Nome utente:" },
	{ 272, "Utilizzo del driver SDL " },
	{ 273, "Underscan verticale:" },
	{ 274, "Video" },
	{ 275, "Tastiera virtuale" },
	{ 276, "Volume" },
	{ 277, "MIDI Windows" },
	{ 278, "Autorizzazione di scrittura negata" },
	{ 279, "Scrittura dati fallita" },
	{ 280, "S\354" },
	{ 281, "Devi riavviare ScummVM affinch\351 le modifiche abbiano effetto." },
	{ 282, "Zona" },
	{ 283, "Zoom indietro" },
	{ 284, "Zoom avanti" },
	{ 285, "ogni 10 minuti" },
	{ 286, "ogni 15 minuti" },
	{ 287, "ogni 30 minuti" },
	{ 288, "ogni 5 minuti" },
	{ 289, "~I~nfo" },
	{ 290, "~A~ggiungi gioco..." },
	{ 291, "~A~nnulla" },
	{ 292, "~C~hiudi" },
	{ 293, "~M~odifica gioco..." },
	{ 294, "~A~iuto" },
	{ 295, "Controlli combattimento di ~I~ndy" },
	{ 296, "~T~asti" },
	{ 297, "~M~odalit\340 mancini" },
	{ 298, "~C~arica" },
	{ 299, "~C~arica..." },
	{ 300, "~S~uccessivi" },
	{ 301, "~O~K" },
	{ 302, "~O~pzioni" },
	{ 303, "~O~pzioni..." },
	{ 304, "~P~recedenti" },
	{ 305, "C~h~iudi" },
	{ 306, "~R~imuovi gioco" },
	{ 307, "~R~ipristina" },
	{ 308, "~V~ai a schermata di avvio" },
	{ 309, "~S~alva" },
	{ 310, "~G~ioca" },
	{ 311, "~T~ransizioni attive" },
	{ 312, "~E~ffetto acqua attivo" },
	{ 313, "Modalit\340 ~Z~ip attivata" },
	{ -1, NULL }

static const PoMessageEntry _translation_ca_ES[] = {
	{ 0, "Project-Id-Version: ScummVM 1.2.0svn\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: scummvm-devel@lists.sf.net\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-12 17:44+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-26 16:45+0100\nLast-Translator: Jordi Vilalta Prat <jvprat@gmail.com>\nLanguage-Team: Catalan <scummvm-devel@lists.sf.net>\nLanguage: Catalan\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" },
	{ 2, " (Actiu)" },
	{ 3, " (Joc)" },
	{ 4, " (Global)" },
	{ 5, "(compilat el %s)" },
	{ 6, ", error al muntar la compartici\363" },
	{ 7, ", compartici\363 no muntada" },
	{ 8, "... progr\351s ..." },
	{ 9, "11kHz" },
	{ 10, "22 kHz" },
	{ 11, "44 kHz" },
	{ 12, "48 kHz" },
	{ 13, "8 kHz" },
	{ 14, "<per defecte>" },
	{ 15, "Quant a ScummVM" },
	{ 16, "Emulador d'AdLib" },
	{ 17, "Emulador d'AdLib:" },
	{ 18, "AdLib s'utilitza per la m\372sica de molts jocs" },
	{ 19, "Afegeix Joc..." },
	{ 20, "Pintat amb antialias (16bpp)" },
	{ 21, "Correcci\363 del rati d'aspecte" },
	{ 22, "Tecla associada : %s" },
	{ 23, "Tecla associada : cap" },
	{ 24, "\300udio" },
	{ 25, "Desat autom\340tic:" },
	{ 26, "Motors disponibles:" },
	{ 27, "~Q~uant a..." },
	{ 28, "Mapeja tecles" },
	{ 29, "Ambd\363s" },
	{ 30, "Brillantor:" },
	{ 31, "Cancel\267la" },
	{ 32, "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer" },
	{ 33, "Canvia les opcions del joc" },
	{ 34, "Canvia les opcions globals de ScummVM" },
	{ 35, "Marqueu si voleu utilitzar el vostre dispositiu hardware real de so compatible amb Roland connectat al vostre ordinador" },
	{ 36, "Escull" },
	{ 37, "Sel\267leccioneu una acci\363 per mapejar" },
	{ 38, "Neteja el valor" },
	{ 39, "Tanca" },
	{ 40, "Corregeix la relaci\363 d'aspecte per jocs de 320x200" },
	{ 41, "No s'ha pogut trobar cap motor capa\347 d'executar el joc seleccionat" },
	{ 42, "Mode de v\355deo actual:" },
	{ 43, "Cursor Avall" },
	{ 44, "Cursor Esquerra" },
	{ 45, "Cursor Dreta" },
	{ 46, "Cursor Amunt" },
	{ 47, "Emulador OPL de DOSBox" },
	{ 48, "DVD" },
	{ 49, "El DVD s'ha muntat satisfact\362riament" },
	{ 50, "El DVD no est\340 muntat" },
	{ 51, "Data: " },
	{ 52, "Depurador" },
	{ 53, "Per defecte" },
	{ 54, "Suprimeix" },
	{ 55, "Desactiva l'apagat autom\340tic" },
	{ 56, "GFX desactivats" },
	{ 57, "S'han descobert %d jocs nous ..." },
	{ 58, "S'han descobert %d jocs nous." },
	{ 59, "Pantalla" },
	{ 60, "Mostra el teclat" },
	{ 61, "Realment voleu suprimir aquesta partida?" },
	{ 62, "Realment voleu suprimir la configuraci\363 d'aquest joc?" },
	{ 63, "Esteu segur que voleu executar el detector massiu de jocs? Aix\362 pot afegir una gran quantitat de jocs." },
	{ 64, "Voleu carregar o desar el joc?" },
	{ 65, "Voleu fer una cerca autom\340tica?" },
	{ 66, "Vols sortir?" },
	{ 68, "Avall" },
	{ 69, "Activa el Mode Roland GS" },
	{ 70, "El motor no suporta el nivell de depuraci\363 '%s'" },
	{ 71, "Angl\350s" },
	{ 72, "Error al executar el joc:" },
	{ 73, "Error al muntar el DVD" },
	{ 74, "Cam\355 Extra:" },
	{ 75, "Emulador de FM Towns" },
	{ 76, "Mode r\340pid" },
	{ 77, "Caracter\355stiques compilades:" },
	{ 78, "Vista lliure" },
	{ 79, "T\355tol complet del joc" },
	{ 80, "Mode pantalla completa" },
	{ 81, "Acceleraci\363 del Pad GC:" },
	{ 82, "Sensibilitat del Pad GC:" },
	{ 83, "GFX" },
	{ 84, "Dispositiu GM:" },
	{ 85, "Idioma de la interf\355cie d'usuari:" },
	{ 86, "Mode de pintat de la interf\355cie d'usuari:" },
	{ 87, "Joc" },
	{ 88, "No s'han trobat les dades del joc" },
	{ 89, "Identificador de joc no suportat" },
	{ 90, "Cam\355 del Joc:" },
	{ 91, "Men\372 global" },
	{ 92, "Torna al nivell de directoris anterior" },
	{ 93, "Amunt" },
	{ 94, "Gr\340fics" },
	{ 95, "Mode gr\340fic:" },
	{ 96, "Escalat per hardware (r\340pid, per\362 de baixa qualitat)" },
	{ 97, "Hercules \300mbar" },
	{ 98, "Hercules Verd" },
	{ 99, "Oculta la barra d'eines" },
	{ 100, "Alta qualitat d'\340udio (m\351s lent) (reiniciar)" },
	{ 101, "Valors m\351s alts especifiquen millor qualitat de so per\362 pot ser que la vostra tarja de so no ho suporti" },
	{ 102, "Mantingueu premut Shift per a l'Addici\363 Massiva" },
	{ 104, "Emulador d'IBM PCjr" },
	{ 105, "Identificador:" },
	{ 106, "Inicia la xarxa" },
	{ 107, "Escalat inicial de la pantalla superior:" },
	{ 108, "Iniciant l'Emulador de MT-32" },
	{ 109, "Iniciant la xarxa" },
	{ 110, "Entrada" },
	{ 111, "Cam\355 incorrecte" },
	{ 112, "Mapejador de tecles" },
	{ 113, "Teclat" },
	{ 114, "Mapa de teclat:" },
	{ 115, "Tecles" },
	{ 116, "Idioma de la interf\355cie d'usuari de ScummVM" },
	{ 117, "Idioma del joc. Aix\362 no convertir\340 la vostra versi\363 Espanyola del joc a Angl\350s" },
	{ 118, "Idioma:" },
	{ 119, "Esquerra" },
	{ 120, "Clic esquerre" },
	{ 121, "Carrega" },
	{ 122, "Carrega partida:" },
	{ 123, "Carrega una partida pel joc seleccionat" },
	{ 124, "Emulador OPL de MAME" },
	{ 125, "MIDI" },
	{ 126, "Guany MIDI:" },
	{ 127, "Dispositiu MT32:" },
	{ 128, "Emulador de MT-32" },
	{ 129, "Escalat de la pantalla principal:" },
	{ 130, "Mapeja" },
	{ 131, "Addici\363 Massiva..." },
	{ 132, "Men\372" },
	{ 133, "Misc" },
	{ 134, "Mode combinat AdLib/MIDI" },
	{ 135, "Munta el DVD" },
	{ 136, "Munta SMB" },
	{ 137, "Clic del ratol\355" },
	{ 138, "Funci\363 M\372ltiple" },
	{ 139, "Dispositiu GM:" },
	{ 140, "Volum de la m\372sica:" },
	{ 141, "Silenciar tot" },
	{ 142, "Nom:" },
	{ 143, "Xarxa inactiva" },
	{ 144, "Xarxa no iniciada (%d)" },
	{ 145, "Xarxa activa" },
	{ 146, "Xarxa activa, compartici\363 muntada" },
	{ 147, "Mai" },
	{ 148, "No" },
	{ 149, "No hi ha data desada" },
	{ 150, "Sense m\372sica" },
	{ 151, "No hi ha temps de joc desat" },
	{ 152, "No hi ha hora desada" },
	{ 153, "Cap" },
	{ 154, "Normal (sense escalar)" },
	{ 155, "D'acord" },
	{ 156, "Freq\374\350ncia de sortida:" },
	{ 157, "Fer canvis sobre les opcions globals de MIDI" },
	{ 158, "Fer canvis sobre les opcions globals d'\340udio" },
	{ 159, "Fer canvis sobre les opcions globals de gr\340fics" },
	{ 160, "Fer canvis sobre les opcions globals de volum" },
	{ 161, "Emulador d'Altaveu de PC" },
	{ 162, "Contrasenya:" },
	{ 163, "El cam\355 no \351s un directori" },
	{ 164, "El cam\355 no \351s un fitxer" },
	{ 165, "El cam\355 no existeix" },
	{ 166, "Camins" },
	{ 167, "Pausa" },
	{ 168, "Seleccioneu el joc:" },
	{ 169, "Plataforma per la que el joc es va dissenyar originalment" },
	{ 170, "Plataforma:" },
	{ 171, "Temps de joc: " },
	{ 172, "Seleccioneu una acci\363" },
	{ 173, "Cam\355 dels connectors:" },
	{ 174, "Dispositiu Preferit:" },
	{ 175, "Premeu la tecla a associar" },
	{ 176, "Surt" },
	{ 177, "Surt de ScummVM" },
	{ 178, "S'ha denegat el perm\355s de lectura" },
	{ 179, "Ha fallat la lectura" },
	{ 180, "Remapeja les tecles" },
	{ 181, "Elimina un joc de la llista. Els fitxers de dades del joc es mantenen intactes" },
	{ 182, "Mode de pintat:" },
	{ 183, "Dreta" },
	{ 184, "Clic dret" },
	{ 185, "Clic dret" },
	{ 186, "Rotar" },
	{ 187, "Volum dels efectes:" },
	{ 188, "SMB" },
	{ 189, "Desa" },
	{ 190, "Cam\355 de les Partides:" },
	{ 191, "Cam\355 de les Partides: " },
	{ 192, "Desa la partida:" },
	{ 193, "S'ha acabat la cerca!" },
	{ 194, "S'han cercat %d directoris ..." },
	{ 195, "Men\372 Principal de ScummVM" },
	{ 196, "ScummVM no ha pogut trobar cap motor capa\347 d'executar el joc seleccionat!" },
	{ 197, "ScummVM no ha pogut trobar cap joc al directori especificat!" },
	{ 198, "ScummVM no ha pogut obrir el directori especificat!" },
	{ 199, "Cerca a la llista de jocs" },
	{ 200, "Cerca:" },
	{ 201, "Seleccioneu el fitxer SoundFont" },
	{ 202, "Seleccioneu un Tema" },
	{ 203, "Seleccioneu el directori addicional del joc" },
	{ 204, "Seleccioneu una acci\363 i cliqueu 'Mapeja'" },
	{ 205, "Seleccioneu el directori dels temes de la Interf\355cie d'Usuari" },
	{ 206, "Seleccioneu el directori dels fitxers extra" },
	{ 207, "Seleccioneu el directori dels connectors" },
	{ 208, "Seleccioneu el directori de les partides desades" },
	{ 209, "Seleccioneu el directori de les partides desades" },
	{ 210, "Seleccioneu el directori amb les dades del joc" },
	{ 211, "Sensibilitat" },
	{ 212, "Servidor:" },
	{ 213, "Compartici\363:" },
	{ 214, "Identificador de joc curt utilitzat per referir-se a les partides i per executar el joc des de la l\355nia de comandes" },
	{ 215, "Mostra el teclat" },
	{ 216, "Mostra el cursor del ratol\355" },
	{ 217, "Mostra els subt\355tols i reprodueix la veu" },
	{ 218, "Mostra/Oculta el cursor" },
	{ 219, "Salta" },
	{ 220, "Salta la l\355nia" },
	{ 221, "Salta el text" },
	{ 223, "Escalat per software (bona qualitat, per\362 m\351s lent)" },
	{ 224, "So engegat/parat" },
	{ 225, "Algunes targes de so, Fluidsynth i Timidity suporten SoundFont" },
	{ 226, "Fitxer SoundFont:" },
	{ 227, "Veus" },
	{ 228, "Modes de dispersi\363 especials suportats per alguns jocs" },
	{ 229, "Volum dels sons d'efectes especials" },
	{ 230, "Especifica el dispositiu de so per defecte per a la sortida General MIDI" },
	{ 231, "Especifica el dispositiu de so per defecte per a la sortida de Roland MT-32/LAPC1/CM32l/CM64" },
	{ 232, "Especifica el dispositiu de so o l'emulador de tarja de so de sortida" },
	{ 233, "Especifica el cam\355 de les dades addicionals utilitzades per tots els jocs o pel ScummVM" },
	{ 234, "Especifica el cam\355 de dades addicionals utilitzades pel joc" },
	{ 235, "Especifica el dispositiu de so o l'emulador de tarja de so preferit" },
	{ 236, "Especifica on es desaran les partides" },
	{ 237, "Veus" },
	{ 238, "Volum de la veu:" },
	{ 239, "Pintat est\340ndard (16bpp)" },
	{ 240, "Iniciant el joc seleccionat" },
	{ 241, "Estat:" },
	{ 242, "Subt" },
	{ 243, "Velocitat dels subt\355tols:" },
	{ 244, "Subt\355tols" },
	{ 245, "Commuta el personatge" },
	{ 246, "Toc per a clic esquerre, doble toc per a clic dret" },
	{ 247, "Text i Veus:" },
	{ 248, "No es pot escriure al directori seleccionat. Si us plau, escolliu-ne un altre." },
	{ 249, "Cam\355 dels Temes:" },
	{ 250, "Tema:" },
	{ 251, "Aquest identificador de joc ja est\340 usat. Si us plau, trieu-ne un altre." },
	{ 252, "Aquest joc no suporta la c\340rrega de partides des del llan\347ador." },
	{ 253, "Hora: " },
	{ 255, "Despla\347ament X del toc" },
	{ 256, "Despla\347ament Y del toc" },
	{ 257, "Mode Touchpad desactivat." },
	{ 258, "Mode Touchpad activat." },
	{ 259, "Roland MT-32 real (desactiva l'emulaci\363 GM)" },
	{ 260, "Desactiva la conversi\363 General MIDI pels jocs que tenen banda sonora per a Roland MT-32" },
	{ 261, "Desconegut" },
	{ 262, "Error desconegut" },
	{ 263, "Desmunta el DVD" },
	{ 264, "Desmunta SMB" },
	{ 265, "Sense escalar (haureu de despla\347ar-vos a esquerra i dreta)" },
	{ 266, "Mode de color no suportat" },
	{ 267, "Partida sense t\355tol" },
	{ 268, "Amunt" },
	{ 269, "Utilitza MIDI i la generaci\363 de so AdLib alhora" },
	{ 270, "Utilitza el control del cursor a l'estil del trackpad dels port\340tils" },
	{ 271, "Nom d'usuari:" },
	{ 272, "Utilitzant el controlador SDL " },
	{ 274, "V\355deo" },
	{ 275, "Teclat virtual" },
	{ 276, "Volum" },
	{ 277, "MIDI de Windows" },
	{ 278, "S'ha denegat el perm\355s d'escriptura" },
	{ 279, "Ha fallat l'escriptura de dades" },
	{ 280, "S\355" },
	{ 281, "Heu de reiniciar ScummVM perqu\350 tots els canvis tingui efecte." },
	{ 282, "Zona" },
	{ 283, "Redueix" },
	{ 284, "Amplia" },
	{ 285, "cada 10 minuts" },
	{ 286, "cada 15 minuts" },
	{ 287, "cada 30 minuts" },
	{ 288, "cada 5 minuts" },
	{ 289, "~Q~uant a" },
	{ 290, "~A~fegeix Joc..." },
	{ 291, "~C~ancel\267la" },
	{ 292, "~T~anca" },
	{ 293, "~E~dita Joc..." },
	{ 294, "~A~juda" },
	{ 295, "Controls de lluita de l'~I~ndy" },
	{ 296, "~T~ecles" },
	{ 297, "Mode ~e~squerr\340" },
	{ 298, "C~a~rrega" },
	{ 299, "~C~arrega..." },
	{ 300, "~S~eg\374ent" },
	{ 301, "~D~'acord" },
	{ 302, "~O~pcions" },
	{ 303, "~O~pcions..." },
	{ 304, "~A~nterior" },
	{ 305, "~T~anca" },
	{ 306, "~S~uprimeix Joc" },
	{ 307, "~C~ontinua" },
	{ 308, "~R~etorna al Llan\347ador" },
	{ 309, "~D~esa" },
	{ 310, "~I~nicia" },
	{ 311, "~T~ransicions activades" },
	{ 312, "~E~fecte de l'aigua activat" },
	{ 313, "Mode ~Z~ip activat" },
	{ -1, NULL }

static const PoMessageEntry _translation_hu_HU[] = {
	{ 0, "Project-Id-Version: ScummVM VERSION\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: scummvm-devel@lists.sf.net\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-12 17:44+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-25 07:42-0500\nLast-Translator: Alex Bevilacqua <alexbevi@gmail.com>\nLanguage-Team: Hungarian\nLanguage: \nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=cp1250\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" },
	{ 14, "<alap\351rtelmezett>" },
	{ 16, "AdLib vezet :" },
	{ 17, "AdLib vezet :" },
	{ 21, "Aspect adag korrekci\363" },
	{ 24, "Hang" },
	{ 25, "Automatikus ment\351s:" },
	{ 28, "Kulcsok" },
	{ 42, "Renderel\351si m\363d:" },
	{ 53, "<alap\351rtelmezett>" },
	{ 69, "K\351pess\351 Roland GS Mode" },
	{ 74, "Extra \332tvonal:" },
	{ 76, "Grafikus m\363d:" },
	{ 80, "Teljes k\351perny s m\363d:" },
	{ 86, "Lek\351pez eszk\366z GUI:" },
	{ 90, "Extra \332tvonal:" },
	{ 94, "Grafik\341val" },
	{ 95, "Grafikus m\363d:" },
	{ 115, "Kulcsok" },
	{ 124, "AdLib vezet :" },
	{ 126, "MIDI nyeres\351g:" },
	{ 127, "Zene mennyis\351g:" },
	{ 134, "Vegyes AdLib/MIDI m\363d" },
	{ 139, "Zene mennyis\351g:" },
	{ 140, "Zene mennyis\351g:" },
	{ 141, "Muta \326sszes" },
	{ 147, "Soha" },
	{ 148, "Semmi" },
	{ 153, "Semmi" },
	{ 155, "Igen" },
	{ 156, "Kimeneti teljes\355tm\351ny:" },
	{ 166, "\326sv\351nyek" },
	{ 167, "\326sv\351nyek" },
	{ 182, "Renderel\351si m\363d:" },
	{ 187, "SFX mennyis\351ge" },
	{ 190, "Extra \332tvonal:" },
	{ 212, "Soha" },
	{ 237, "Csak a besz\351d" },
	{ 238, "Besz\351d mennyis\351g:" },
	{ 243, "Felirat sebess\351g:" },
	{ 244, "Csak feliratok" },
	{ 247, "Sz\366veg \351s besz\351d:" },
	{ 250, "T\351ma:" },
	{ 253, "T\351ma:" },
	{ 259, "Igaz Roland MT-32 (megb\351n\355t GM emul\341ci\363)" },
	{ 272, "Zenei vezet :" },
	{ 276, "Volumene" },
	{ 282, "Semmi" },
	{ 285, "10 percenk\351nt" },
	{ 286, "15 percenk\351nt" },
	{ 287, "30 percenk\351nt" },
	{ 288, "5 percenk\351nt" },
	{ 296, "Kulcsok" },
	{ 297, "Renderel\351si m\363d:" },
	{ 301, "Igen" },
	{ -1, NULL }

static const PoMessageEntry _translation_de_DE[] = {
	{ 0, "Project-Id-Version: ScummVM 1.2.0svn\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: scummvm-devel@lists.sf.net\nPOT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-12 17:44+0200\nPO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-09 20:37+0100\nLast-Translator: Simon Sawatzki\nLanguage-Team: Lothar Serra Mari <Lothar@Windowsbase.de> & Simon Sawatzki <SimSaw@gmx.de>\nLanguage: Deutsch\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" },
	{ 1, "   M\366chten Sie wirklich beenden?    " },
	{ 2, " (Aktiv)" },
	{ 3, " (Spiel)" },
	{ 4, " (Global)" },
	{ 5, "(erstellt am %s)" },
	{ 6, ", Fehler beim Einbinden des \366ffentlichen Verzeichnisses" },
	{ 7, ", \366ffentliches Verzeichnis nicht eingebunden" },
	{ 8, "... l\344uft..." },
	{ 9, "11 kHz" },
	{ 10, "22 kHz" },
	{ 11, "44 kHz" },
	{ 12, "48 kHz" },
	{ 13, "8 kHz" },
	{ 14, "<Standard>" },
	{ 15, "\334ber ScummVM" },
	{ 16, "AdLib-Emulator" },
	{ 17, "AdLib-Emulator" },
	{ 18, "AdLib wird f\374r die Musik in vielen Spielen verwendet." },
	{ 19, "Spiel hinzuf\374gen" },
	{ 20, "Kantengl\344ttung (16bpp)" },
	{ 21, "Seitenverh\344ltnis korrigieren" },
	{ 22, "Zugewiesene Taste: %s" },
	{ 23, "Zugewiesene Taste: keine" },
	{ 24, "Audio" },
	{ 25, "Autom. Speichern:" },
	{ 26, "Verf\374gbare Spiele-Engines:" },
	{ 27, "\334be~r~" },
	{ 28, "Tasten zuweisen" },
	{ 29, "Beides" },
	{ 30, "Helligkeit:" },
	{ 31, "Abbrechen" },
	{ 32, "Kann Datei nicht erstellen." },
	{ 33, "Spieloptionen \344ndern" },
	{ 34, "Globale ScummVM-Einstellungen bearbeiten" },
	{ 35, "W\344hlen Sie dies aus, wenn Sie Ihre echte Hardware, die mit einer Roland-kompatiblen Soundkarte verbunden ist, verwenden m\366chten." },
	{ 36, "Ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 37, "Eine Aktion zum Zuweisen ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 38, "Wert l\366schen" },
	{ 39, "Schlie\337en" },
	{ 40, "Seitenverh\344ltnis f\374r Spiele mit der Aufl\366sung 320x200 korrigieren" },
	{ 41, "Kann keine Spiel-Engine finden, die dieses Spiel starten kann." },
	{ 42, "Aktueller Videomodus:" },
	{ 43, "Zeiger runter" },
	{ 44, "Zeiger nach links" },
	{ 45, "Zeiger nach rechts" },
	{ 46, "Zeiger hoch" },
	{ 47, "DOSBox-OPL-Emulator" },
	{ 48, "DVD" },
	{ 49, "DVD erfolgreich eingebunden" },
	{ 50, "DVD nicht eingebunden" },
	{ 51, "Datum: " },
	{ 52, "Debugger" },
	{ 53, "Standard" },
	{ 54, "L\366schen" },
	{ 55, "Stromsparmodus abschalten" },
	{ 56, "GFX ausgeschalten" },
	{ 57, "%d neue Spiele gefunden..." },
	{ 58, "%d neue Spiele gefunden." },
	{ 59, "Anzeige" },
	{ 60, "Tastatur anzeigen" },
	{ 61, "Diesen Spielstand wirklich l\366schen?" },
	{ 62, "M\366chten Sie wirklich diese Spielkonfiguration entfernen?" },
	{ 63, "M\366chten Sie wirklich den PC nach Spielen durchsuchen? M\366glicherweise wird dabei eine gr\366\337ere Menge an Spielen hinzugef\374gt." },
	{ 64, "M\366chten Sie ein Spiel laden oder speichern?" },
	{ 65, "M\366chten Sie eine automatische Durchsuchung vornehmen?" },
	{ 66, "M\366chten Sie beenden?" },
	{ 67, "Doppelzeilen (kein Zeilensprungverfahren)" },
	{ 68, "Runter" },
	{ 69, "Roland-GS-Modus" },
	{ 70, "Engine unterst\374tzt den Debug-Level \"%s\" nicht" },
	{ 71, "English" },
	{ 72, "Fehler beim Ausf\374hren des Spiels:" },
	{ 73, "Fehler beim Einbinden der DVD" },
	{ 74, "Extrapfad:" },
	{ 75, "FM-Towns-Emulator" },
	{ 76, "Schneller Modus" },
	{ 77, "Verwendete Funktionen:" },
	{ 78, "Freie Ansicht" },
	{ 79, "Voller Name des Spiels" },
	{ 80, "Vollbildmodus" },
	{ 81, "GC-Pad-Beschleunigung:" },
	{ 82, "GC-Pad-Empfindlichkeit:" },
	{ 83, "GFX" },
	{ 84, "GM-Ger\344t:" },
	{ 85, "GUI-Sprache:" },
	{ 86, "GUI-Renderer:" },
	{ 87, "Spiel" },
	{ 88, "Spieldaten nicht gefunden" },
	{ 89, "Spielkennung nicht unterst\374tzt" },
	{ 90, "Spielpfad:" },
	{ 91, "Hauptmen\374" },
	{ 92, "Zu h\366herer Pfadebene wechseln" },
	{ 93, "Pfad hoch" },
	{ 94, "Grafik" },
	{ 95, "Grafikmodus:" },
	{ 96, "Hardware-Skalierung (schnell, aber schlechte Qualit\344t)" },
	{ 97, "Hercules Bernsteingelb" },
	{ 98, "Hercules-Gr\374n" },
	{ 99, "Werkzeugleiste verbergen" },
	{ 100, "Hohe Audioqualit\344t (lansamer) (erfordert Neustart)" },
	{ 101, "H\366here Werte bewirken eine bessere Soundqualit\344t, werden aber m\366glicherweise nicht von jeder Soundkarte unterst\374tzt." },
	{ 102, "Umschalttaste (Shift) gedr\374ckt halten, um Verzeichnisse nach Spielen zu durchsuchen" },
	{ 103, "Horizontale Bildverkleinerung:" },
	{ 104, "IBM-PCjr-Emulator" },
	{ 105, "Kennung:" },
	{ 106, "Netzwerk starten" },
	{ 107, "Verg\366\337erung des oberen Bildschirms:" },
	{ 108, "MT-32-Emulator wird gestartet..." },
	{ 109, "Netzwerk wird gestartet..." },
	{ 110, "Eingabe" },
	{ 111, "Ung\374ltiges Verzeichnis" },
	{ 112, "Tasten zuordnen" },
	{ 113, "Tastatur" },
	{ 114, "Tasten-Layout:" },
	{ 115, "Tasten" },
	{ 116, "Sprache der ScummVM-Oberfl\344che" },
	{ 117, "Sprache des Spiels. Diese Funktion wird nicht eine spanische Version des Spiels in eine deutsche verwandeln." },
	{ 118, "Sprache:" },
	{ 119, "Links" },
	{ 120, "Linksklick" },
	{ 121, "Laden" },
	{ 122, "Spiel laden:" },
	{ 123, "Spielstand f\374r ausgew\344hltes Spiel laden" },
	{ 124, "MAME-OPL-Emulator" },
	{ 125, "MIDI" },
	{ 126, "MIDI-Lautst\344rke:" },
	{ 127, "MT32-Ger\344t:" },
	{ 128, "MT-32-Emulation" },
	{ 129, "Hauptbildschirm-Skalierung:" },
	{ 130, "Zuweisen" },
	{ 131, "Durchsuchen" },
	{ 132, "Men\374" },
	{ 133, "Sonstiges" },
	{ 134, "AdLib-/MIDI-Modus" },
	{ 135, "DVD einbinden" },
	{ 136, "SMB einbinden" },
	{ 137, "Mausklick" },
	{ 138, "Multifunktion" },
	{ 139, "Musikger\344t:" },
	{ 140, "Musiklautst\344rke:" },
	{ 141, "Alles aus" },
	{ 142, "Name:" },
	{ 143, "Netzwerk ist aus." },
	{ 144, "Netzwerk nicht gestartet (%d)" },
	{ 145, "Netzwerk gestartet" },
	{ 146, "Netzwerk gestartet, \366ffentliches Verzeichnis eingebunden" },
	{ 147, "Niemals" },
	{ 148, "Nein" },
	{ 149, "Kein Datum gespeichert" },
	{ 150, "Keine Musik" },
	{ 151, "Keine Spielzeit gespeichert" },
	{ 152, "Keine Zeit gespeichert" },
	{ 153, "-" },
	{ 154, "Normal (keine Skalierung)" },
	{ 155, "OK" },
	{ 156, "Ausgabefrequenz:" },
	{ 157, "Globale MIDI-Einstellungen \374bergehen" },
	{ 158, "Globale Audioeinstellungen \374bergehen" },
	{ 159, "Globale Grafikeinstellungen \374bergehen" },
	{ 160, "Globale Lautst\344rke-Einstellungen \374bergehen" },
	{ 161, "PC-Lautsprecher-Emulator" },
	{ 162, "Passwort:" },
	{ 163, "Ung\374ltiges Verzeichnis" },
	{ 164, "Pfad ist keine Datei." },
	{ 165, "Verzeichnis existiert nicht." },
	{ 166, "Pfade" },
	{ 167, "Pause" },
	{ 168, "Spiel ausw\344hlen:" },
	{ 169, "Plattform, f\374r die das Spiel urspr\374nglich erstellt wurde" },
	{ 170, "Plattform:" },
	{ 171, "Spieldauer: " },
	{ 172, "Bitte eine Aktion ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 173, "Plugin-Pfad:" },
	{ 174, "Standard-Ger\344t:" },
	{ 175, "Taste dr\374cken, um sie zuzuweisen" },
	{ 176, "Beenden" },
	{ 177, "ScummVM beenden" },
	{ 178, "Lese-Berechtigung nicht vorhanden" },
	{ 179, "Lesefehler aufgetreten" },
	{ 180, "Tasten neu zuweisen" },
	{ 181, "Spiel aus der Liste entfernen. Die Spieldateien bleiben erhalten." },
	{ 182, "Render-Modus:" },
	{ 183, "Rechts" },
	{ 184, "Rechtsklick" },
	{ 185, "Rechtsklick" },
	{ 186, "Drehen" },
	{ 187, "Effektlautst\344rke:" },
	{ 188, "SMB" },
	{ 189, "Speichern" },
	{ 190, "Spielst\344nde:" },
	{ 191, "Spielst\344nde: " },
	{ 192, "Speichern:" },
	{ 193, "Suchlauf abgeschlossen!" },
	{ 194, "%d Ordner durchsucht..." },
	{ 195, "ScummVM-Hauptmen\374" },
	{ 196, "ScummVM konnte keine Engine finden, um das Spiel zu starten!" },
	{ 197, "ScummVM kann in dem gew\344hlten Verzeichnis kein Spiel finden!" },
	{ 198, "ScummVM kann das gew\344hlte Verzeichnis nicht \366ffnen!" },
	{ 199, "In Spieleliste suchen" },
	{ 200, "Suchen:" },
	{ 201, "SoundFont ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 202, "Thema ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 203, "Verzeichnis mit zus\344tzlichen Dateien ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 204, "Aktion ausw\344hlen und \"Zuweisen\" klicken" },
	{ 205, "Verzeichnis f\374r Oberfl\344chen-Themen" },
	{ 206, "Verzeichnis f\374r zus\344tzliche Dateien ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 207, "Verzeichnis f\374r Erweiterungen ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 208, "Verzeichnis f\374r Spielst\344nde ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 209, "Verzeichnis f\374r Spielst\344nde ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 210, "Verzeichnis mit Spieldateien ausw\344hlen" },
	{ 211, "Empfindlichkeit" },
	{ 212, "Server:" },
	{ 213, "\326ffentliches Verzeichnis:" },
	{ 214, "Kurzer Spielname, um die Spielst\344nde zuzuordnen und das Spiel von der Kommandozeile aus starten zu k\366nnen" },
	{ 215, "Tastatur zeigen" },
	{ 216, "Mauszeiger anzeigen" },
	{ 217, "Untertitel anzeigen und Sprachausgabe aktivieren" },
	{ 218, "Cursor zeigen/verbergen" },
	{ 219, "\334berspringen" },
	{ 220, "Zeile \374berspringen" },
	{ 221, "Text \374berspringen" },
	{ 222, "An Ecken anheften" },
	{ 223, "Software-Skalierung (gute Qualit\344t, aber langsamer)" },
	{ 224, "Ton ein/aus" },
	{ 225, "SoundFont wird von einigen Soundkarten, Fluidsynth und Timidity unterst\374tzt." },
	{ 226, "SoundFont:" },
	{ 227, "Spr." },
	{ 228, "Spezielle Farbmischungsmethoden werden von manchen Spielen unterst\374tzt." },
	{ 229, "Lautst\344rke spezieller Soundeffekte" },
	{ 230, "Legt das standardm\344\337ige Musikwiedergabe-Ger\344t f\374r General-MIDI-Ausgabe fest." },
	{ 231, "Legt das standardm\344\337ige Tonwiedergabe-Ger\344t f\374r die Ausgabe von Roland MT-32/LAPC1/CM32l/CM64 fest." },
	{ 232, "Legt das Musikwiedergabe-Ger\344t oder den Soundkarten-Emulator fest." },
	{ 233, "Legt das Verzeichnis f\374r zus\344tzliche Spieldateien f\374r alle Spiele in ScummVM fest." },
	{ 234, "Legt das Verzeichnis f\374r zus\344tzliche Spieldateien fest." },
	{ 235, "Legt das bevorzugte Tonwiedergabe-Ger\344t oder den Soundkarten-Emulator fest." },
	{ 236, "Legt fest, wo die Spielst\344nde abgelegt werden." },
	{ 237, "Sprache" },
	{ 238, "Sprachlautst\344rke:" },
	{ 239, "Standard-Renderer (16bpp)" },
	{ 240, "Ausgew\344hltes Spiel starten" },
	{ 241, "Status:" },
	{ 242, "Untert." },
	{ 243, "Untertitel-Tempo:" },
	{ 244, "Untertitel" },
	{ 245, "Figur wechseln" },
	{ 246, "Tippen f\374r Linksklick, Doppeltippen f\374r Rechtsklick" },
	{ 247, "Text und Sprache:" },
	{ 248, "In das gew\344hlte Verzeichnis kann nicht geschrieben werden. Bitte ein anderes ausw\344hlen." },
	{ 249, "Themenpfad:" },
	{ 250, "Thema:" },
	{ 251, "Diese Spielkennung ist schon vergeben. Bitte eine andere w\344hlen." },
	{ 252, "F\374r dieses Spiel wird das Laden aus der Spieleliste heraus nicht unterst\374tzt." },
	{ 253, "Zeit: " },
	{ 254, "Zeit\374berschreitung beim Starten des Netzwerks" },
	{ 255, "Zu X-Position gehen" },
	{ 256, "Zu Y-Position gehen" },
	{ 257, "Touchpad-Modus ausgeschaltet." },
	{ 258, "Touchpad-Modus aktiviert." },
	{ 259, "Echte Roland-MT-32-Emulation (GM-Emulation deaktiviert)" },
	{ 260, "Schaltet die General-MIDI-Zuweisung f\374r Spiele mit Roland-MT-32-Audiospur aus." },
	{ 261, "Unbekannt" },
	{ 262, "Unbekannter Fehler" },
	{ 263, "DVD aush\344ngen" },
	{ 264, "SMB aush\344ngen" },
	{ 265, "Nicht skalieren (Sie m\374ssen nach links und nach rechts scrollen)" },
	{ 266, "Farbmodus nicht unterst\374tzt" },
	{ 267, "Unbenannt" },
	{ 268, "Hoch" },
	{ 269, "Benutzt MIDI und AdLib zur Sounderzeugung." },
	{ 270, "Den Trackpad-Style f\374r Maussteuerung benutzen" },
	{ 271, "Benutzername:" },
	{ 272, "SDL-Treiber verwenden" },
	{ 273, "Vertikale Bildverkleinerung:" },
	{ 274, "Video" },
	{ 275, "Virtuelle Tastatur" },
	{ 276, "Lautst\344rke" },
	{ 277, "Windows MIDI" },
	{ 278, "Schreib-Berechtigung nicht vorhanden" },
	{ 279, "Daten konnten nicht geschrieben werden." },
	{ 280, "Ja" },
	{ 281, "Sie m\374ssen ScummVM neustarten, um die Einstellungen zu \374bernehmen." },
	{ 282, "Zone" },
	{ 283, "Hineinzoomen" },
	{ 284, "Herauszoomen" },
	{ 285, "alle 10 Minuten" },
	{ 286, "alle 15 Minuten" },
	{ 287, "alle 30 Minuten" },
	{ 288, "alle 5 Minuten" },
	{ 289, "\334be~r~" },
	{ 290, "Spiel ~h~inzuf\374gen" },
	{ 291, "~A~bbrechen" },
	{ 292, "~S~chlie\337en" },
	{ 293, "Spielo~p~tionen" },
	{ 294, "~H~ilfe" },
	{ 295, "~K~ampfsteuerung f\374r Indiana Jones" },
	{ 296, "~T~asten" },
	{ 297, "~L~inke-Hand-Modus" },
	{ 298, "~L~aden" },
	{ 299, "~L~aden..." },
	{ 300, "~W~eiter" },
	{ 301, "~O~K" },
	{ 302, "~O~ptionen" },
	{ 303, "~O~ptionen" },
	{ 304, "~Z~ur\374ck" },
	{ 305, "~B~eenden" },
	{ 306, "Spiel ~e~ntfernen" },
	{ 307, "~F~ortsetzen" },
	{ 308, "Zur Spiele~l~iste zur\374ck" },
	{ 309, "~S~peichern" },
	{ 310, "~S~tarten" },
	{ 311, "\334ber~g~\344nge aktiviert" },
	{ 312, "~W~assereffekt aktiviert" },
	{ 313, "~Z~ip-Modus aktiviert" },
	{ -1, NULL }

struct PoLangEntry {
	const char *lang;
	const char *charset;
	const PoMessageEntry *msgs;

const PoLangEntry _translations[] = {
	{ "ru_RU", "iso-8859-5", _translation_ru_RU },
	{ "fr_FR", "iso-8859-1", _translation_fr_FR },
	{ "it_IT", "iso-8859-1", _translation_it_IT },
	{ "ca_ES", "iso-8859-1", _translation_ca_ES },
	{ "hu_HU", "cp1250", _translation_hu_HU },
	{ "de_DE", "iso-8859-1", _translation_de_DE },

// code

static const PoMessageEntry *_currentTranslation = NULL;
static int _currentTranslationMessageEntryCount = 0;
static const char *_currentTranslationCharset = NULL;

void po2c_setlang(const char *lang) {
	_currentTranslation = NULL;
	_currentTranslationMessageEntryCount = 0;
	_currentTranslationCharset = NULL;

	// if lang is NULL or "", deactivate it
	if (lang == NULL || *lang == '\0')

	// searches for a valid language array
	for (int i = 0; _currentTranslation == NULL && _translations[i].lang != NULL; ++i) {
		if (strcmp(lang, _translations[i].lang) == 0) {
			_currentTranslation = _translations[i].msgs;
			_currentTranslationCharset = _translations[i].charset;

	// try partial searches
	for (int i = 0; _currentTranslation == NULL && _translations[i].lang != NULL; ++i) {
		if (strncmp(lang, _translations[i].lang, 2) == 0) {
			_currentTranslation = _translations[i].msgs;
			_currentTranslationCharset = _translations[i].charset;

	// if found, count entries
	if (_currentTranslation != NULL) {
		for (const PoMessageEntry *m = _currentTranslation; m->msgid != -1; ++m)

const char *po2c_gettext(const char *msgid) {
	// if no language is set or msgid is empty, return msgid as is
	if (_currentTranslation == NULL || *msgid == '\0')
		return msgid;

	// binary-search for the msgid
	int leftIndex = 0;
	int rightIndex = _currentTranslationMessageEntryCount - 1;

	while (rightIndex >= leftIndex) {
		const int midIndex = (leftIndex + rightIndex) / 2;
		const PoMessageEntry * const m = &_currentTranslation[midIndex];

		const int compareResult = strcmp(msgid, _messageIds[m->msgid]);

		if (compareResult == 0)
			return m->msgstr;
		else if (compareResult < 0)
			rightIndex = midIndex - 1;
			leftIndex = midIndex + 1;

	return msgid;

const char *po2c_getcharset(void) {
	if (_currentTranslationCharset)
		return _currentTranslationCharset;
		return "ASCII";

int po2c_getnumlangs(void) {
	return ARRAYSIZE(_translations) - 1;

const char *po2c_getlang(const int num) {
	assert(num < ARRAYSIZE(_translations));
	return _translations[num].lang;