/** * Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization * obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by * this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, * execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the * Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to * do so, all subject to the following: * * The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including * the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, * must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and * all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative * works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by * a source language processor. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef COMMON_SAFE_BOOL_H #define COMMON_SAFE_BOOL_H namespace Common { namespace impl { template <typename T> struct no_base {}; template <typename T> struct safe_bool_impl { typedef T *TP; // workaround to make parsing easier TP stub; typedef TP safe_bool_impl::*type; }; } /** * Prevents `operator bool` from implicitly converting to other types. */ template <typename DerivedT, typename BaseT = impl::no_base<DerivedT> > struct SafeBool : BaseT { private: typedef impl::safe_bool_impl<DerivedT> impl_t; typedef typename impl_t::type bool_type; public: operator bool_type() const { return static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this)->operator_bool() ? &impl_t::stub : nullptr; } operator bool_type() { return static_cast<DerivedT *>(this)->operator_bool() ? &impl_t::stub : 0; } }; } // End of namespace Common #endif