@echo off echo Installing Visual Studio debugger integration... REM On 2000 & XP, the folder is "My Documents" but VS 2012 is not supported on those OSes SET DOCUMENTS="%USERPROFILE%\Documents" set FOUND=0 REM Set current folder cd /d %~dp0 :INSTALL_VS11 SET FOLDER="%DOCUMENTS%\Visual Studio 2012" IF EXIST %FOLDER% ( echo Visual Studio 2012 copy scummvm.natvis %FOLDER%\Visualizers IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO FAILED SET FOUND=1 ) :INSTALL_VS12 SET FOLDER="%DOCUMENTS%\Visual Studio 2013" IF EXIST %FOLDER% ( echo Visual Studio 2013 copy scummvm.natvis %FOLDER%\Visualizers IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO FAILED SET FOUND=1 ) IF %FOUND% == 1 goto SUCCESS echo Failed to find Visual Studio user folder. :SUCCESS echo. echo Done! goto END :FAILED echo Failed to install visualization file :END pause