/* README(.md) to .guide converter $VER: RM2AG.rexx 0.20 (18.05.2019) This script converts a given markdown README file of ScummVM to a basic hypertext Amiga guide file. */ PARSE ARG readme_md /* Check if the given file is really the readme. If a given filename has spaces, AmigaDOS/AmigaCLI will add extra quotation marks to secure a sane working path. We get rid of them to make AREXX find the file. */ readme_md=COMPRESS(readme_md,'"') OPEN(check_readme,readme_md,'R') IF READCH(check_readme,18) = '# [ScummVM README]' THEN CLOSE(check_readme) ELSE DO SAY "Not the ScummVM README.md file. Aborting!" CLOSE(check_readme) EXIT 0 END OPEN(readme_read,readme_md,'R') OPEN(guide_write,'README.guide','W') /* Prepare the Amiga guide file, add the intro and fixed text. */ WRITELN(guide_write,'@DATABASE ScummVM README.guide') WRITELN(guide_write,'@$VER: ScummVM Readme 2.2.0git') WRITELN(guide_write,'@(C) by The ScummVM team') WRITELN(guide_write,'@AUTHOR The ScummVM team') WRITELN(guide_write,'@WORDWRAP') WRITELN(guide_write,'@NODE "main" "ScummVM README Guide"') WRITELN(guide_write,'@{b}') WRITELN(guide_write,SUBSTR(READLN(readme_read),4,14)) WRITELN(guide_write,'@{ub}') /* Creating the main (TOC) link nodes. */ DO WHILE EOF(readme_read) = 0 working_line=READLN(readme_read) /* Check for the start of actual the content and, if found, leave the TOC link loop. */ IF POS('## <>1.0<>)',working_line) = 1 THEN LEAVE /* Check for any "rolled over" lines, if found, read in the rest (on the following line) and rejoin them again, before processing any further. e.g. - [<>3.6.3<>) Broken Sword games cutscenes](#363-broken-sword-games-cutscenes) */ IF POS('- [<>',working_line) > 0 THEN DO IF POS('(#',working_line) = 0 THEN DO rejoin_line=COMPRESS(READLN(readme_read),' ') working_line=working_line rejoin_line END END /* If no chapter has been found, simply write the line and skip the rest. */ IF POS('- [',working_line) = 0 THEN WRITELN(guide_write,working_line) ELSE DO /* Fix the empty chapters: Two chapters (1.0 and 7.8) are "empty", consisting of only it's chapter names. We link them to their respective sub chapters (1.1 and 7.8.1), so we don't end up displaying a blank page. If chapter 1.0 is found, add a link node to chapter 1.1. */ IF POS(' - [<>1.0<>)',working_line) = 1 THEN DO /* Get rid of the markers, so the following loops won't process them again. */ working_line=COMPRESS(working_line,'-[<>') WRITELN(guide_write,' @{" 1.0 " Link "1.1"} 'SUBSTR(working_line,1,LASTPOS(']',working_line)-1)) END /* If chapter 7.8 is found, add a link node to 7.8.1. */ IF POS(' - [<>7.8<>)',working_line) = 1 THEN DO /* Get rid of the markers, so the following loops won't process them again. */ working_line=COMPRESS(working_line,'-[<>') WRITELN(guide_write,' @{" 7.8 " Link "7.8.1"} 'SUBSTR(working_line,1,LASTPOS(']',working_line)-1)) END /* If a single number main chapter is found (1.0 upto 9.0), prepare and write the link node. Just for the record: A "\" (backslash) is treated as escape character in AmigaGuides. Thus we remove it from the node links. */ IF POS('- [<>',working_line) = 3 THEN DO WRITELN(guide_write,' ') WRITELN(guide_write,' @{" 'SUBSTR(working_line,POS('<>',working_line)+2,LASTPOS('<>',working_line)-POS('<>',working_line)-2) '" Link "'SUBSTR(working_line,POS('<>',working_line)+2,LASTPOS('<>',working_line)-POS('<>',working_line)-2)'"} 'COMPRESS(SUBSTR(working_line,1,LASTPOS(']',working_line)-1),'*<>[]\')) /* Get rid of the markers, so the following loops won't process them again. */ working_line=COMPRESS(working_line,'-[<>') END /* If a single number level one sub chapter is found (i.e. 1.1, 1.2 etc.), prepare and write the link node. */ IF POS('- [<>',working_line) = 7 THEN DO WRITELN(guide_write,' @{" 'SUBSTR(working_line,POS('<>',working_line)+2,LASTPOS('<>',working_line)-POS('<>',working_line)-2) '" Link "'SUBSTR(working_line,POS('<>',working_line)+2,LASTPOS('<>',working_line)-POS('<>',working_line)-2)'"} 'COMPRESS(SUBSTR(working_line,1,LASTPOS(']',working_line)-1),'*<>[]\')) /* Get rid of the markers, so the following loops won't process them again. */ working_line=COMPRESS(working_line,'.[<>') END /* If a level two sub chapter is found (i.e. 3.6.1, 3.6.2 etc.), prepare and write the link node. */ IF POS('- [<>',working_line) = 11 THEN DO WRITELN(guide_write,' @{" 'SUBSTR(working_line,POS('<>',working_line)+2,LASTPOS('<>',working_line)-POS('<>',working_line)-2) '" Link "'SUBSTR(working_line,POS('<>',working_line)+2,LASTPOS('<>',working_line)-POS('<>',working_line)-2)'"} 'COMPRESS(SUBSTR(working_line,1,LASTPOS(']',working_line)-1),'*<>[]\')) /* Get rid of the markers, so the following loops won't process them again. */ working_line=COMPRESS(working_line,'.[<>') END END END /* Finish the TOC (Hardcoded due the outro text would be read in last, but needs to be written after the TOC creation). */ WRITELN(guide_write,'-----') WRITELN(guide_write,' ') WRITELN(guide_write,'Good Luck and Happy Adventuring!') WRITELN(guide_write,'The ScummVM team.') WRITELN(guide_write,'@{"https://www.scummvm.org/" System "URLOpen https://www.scummvm.org/"}') /* Creating the sub link nodes. */ DO WHILE EOF(readme_read) = 0 /* Change the html/markdown links to AmigaGuide ones */ IF POS('[here](',working_line) > 0 THEN DO working_line=INSERT('@{"',working_line,POS('[',working_line)-1) working_line=INSERT('" link ',working_line,POS(']',working_line)) working_line=INSERT('/main}',working_line,POS(')',working_line)) working_line=COMPRESS(working_line,'()') END /* If no chapter has been found, simply write the line and skip the rest. */ IF POS('<>',working_line) = 0 THEN WRITELN(guide_write,working_line) ELSE DO /* Fix empty chapters: Two chapters (1.0 and 7.8) are "empty", consisting of only it's chapter names. We link them to their respective sub chapters (1.1 and 7.8.1), so we don't end up displaying a blank page. If chapter 1.1 is found don't close the NODE, just write the line. */ IF POS('<>1.1<>',working_line) = 1 THEN DO /* Get rid of the markers, so the following loops won't process them again. */ WRITELN(guide_write,COMPRESS(working_line,'<>')) END /* If chapter 7.8.1 is found don't close the NODE, just write the line. */ IF POS('<>7.8.1<>',working_line) = 1 THEN DO /* Get rid of the markers, so the following loops won't process them again. */ WRITELN(guide_write,COMPRESS(working_line,'<>')) END IF POS('<>',working_line) > 0 THEN DO /* Check for link references inside the text and create link nodes for them. */ IF POS('section <>',working_line) > 0 THEN DO working_line=SUBSTR(working_line,1,POS('<>',working_line)-1)'@{"'SUBSTR(working_line,POS('<>',working_line)+2,LASTPOS('<>',working_line)-POS('<>',working_line)-2)'" Link "'SUBSTR(working_line,POS('<>',working_line)+2,LASTPOS('<>',working_line)-POS('<>',working_line)-2)'"}'SUBSTR(working_line,LASTPOS('<>',working_line)+2) /* Get rid of the markers, so the following loops won't process them again. */ WRITELN(guide_write,COMPRESS(working_line,'<>')) END ELSE DO /* If a chapter has been found, prepare and write the link. */ WRITELN(guide_write,'@ENDNODE') WRITELN(guide_write,'@NODE "'SUBSTR(working_line,POS('<>',working_line)+2,LASTPOS('<>',working_line)-POS('<>',working_line)-2)'" "'COMPRESS(working_line,'<>#')'"') WRITELN(guide_write,' ') /* Get rid of the markers, so the following loops won't process them again. */ WRITELN(guide_write,COMPRESS(working_line,'<>')) END END END /* Read in the line at the end of the second loop, as the first line to work with was already read in on the end of the first loop. */ working_line=READLN(readme_read) /* If the outtro text is found, leave the loop and prepare for closing. */ IF POS('-----',working_line,1) =1 THEN LEAVE END WRITELN(guide_write,'@ENDNODE') /* Close the guide and clean up. */ WRITELN(guide_write,'@ENDNODE') CLOSE(readme_read) CLOSE(guide_write) EXIT 0