Prerequisites ============= - A homebrew enabled PlayStation 3 console. As of now that mostly means having a custom firmware installed. Obtaining and installing such a software is out of the scope of this document. Sorry, but you're on your own for that one. - At least one ScummVM supported game. The list of compatible games can be seen here: The page references some places where those games can be bought. Demonstration versions for most of the supported games are downloadable on - An USB drive. Installing ========== From a computer, download the installable package of the PS3 port from ScummVM's main site. It should be a .pkg file. Copy it to an USB drive. After having plugged the USB drive to you PS3, the installation package should appear in the XMB under the "Games > Install Package" menu. Installing it copies ScummVM and its dependencies to your PS3's hard drive. It also adds the "Games > PlayStation 3 > ScummVM" XMB entry which is to be used to launch ScummVM. Configuring and playing games ============================= The user manual describes how to add games to ScummVM and launch them : PlayStation 3 Specifics ======================= Games can be launched either from an USB drive or from the internal hard drive. The internal hard drive has better performance though. Savegames are wrote in the /hdd0/game/SCUM12000/saves folder. Joypad button mapping ===================== - Left stick => Mouse - R1 + Left stick => Slow Mouse - Cross => Left mouse button - Circle => Right mouse button - DPad => Cursor Keys (useful for character motion) - R1 + DPad => Diagonal Cursor Keys - L1 => Game menu (F5) - R1 => Shift (used to enable Mass Add in menu) - Square => Period '.' (used to skip dialog lines) - R1 + Square => Space ' ' - Triangle => Escape (used to skip cutscenes) - R1 + Triangle => Return - Start => ScummVM's global in-game menu - Select => Toggle virtual keyboard - R1 + Select => AGI predictive input dialog Disclaimer ========== Unauthorized distribution of an installable package with non freeware games included is a violation of the copyright law and is as such forbidden. Building from source ==================== This port of ScummVM to the PS3 is based on SDL2. It uses the open source SDK PSL1GHT. The dependencies needed to build it are : - The toolchain from - SDL from - ScummVM from Once all the dependencies are correctly setup, an installable package can be obtained from source by issuing the following command : ./configure --host=ps3 && make ps3pkg