.\" $Id$ .Dd December 15, 2004 .Dt SCUMMVM 6 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm scummvm .Nd graphic adventure game interpreter .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm scummvm .Op Ar OPTIONS .Op Ar GAME .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm is an interpreter that will play graphic adventure games based on a variety of game engines. .Pp \fIGAME\fR is a short name of game to load. For example, \fImonkey\fR for Monkey Island. This can be either a built-in gameid, or a user configured target. .Sh OPTIONS .Pp Please note that more detailed information for the following options can be found in the \fIREADME\fR file. .Pp The meaning of most long options (that is, those options starting with a double-dash) can be inverted by prefixing them with \fBno-\fR. For example, \fB--no-aspect-ratio\fR will turn aspect ratio correction off. This is useful if you want to override a setting in the configuration file. .\" FIXME better way to do long options? .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Fl v, -version Display ScummVM version information and exit. .It Fl h, -help Display a brief help text and exit. .It Fl z, -list-games Display list of supported games and exit. .It Fl t, -list-targets Display list of configured targets and exit. .It Fl -list-saves Display a list of saved games for the target specified with \fB--game=\fITARGET\fR or all targets if none is specified. .It Fl a, -add Add all games from current or specified directory. If \fB--game=\fIID\fR is passed only the game with id \fBID\fR is added. See also \fB--detect\fR. Use \fB--path=\fIPATH\fR to specify a directory. .It Fl -detect Display a list of games with their ID from current or specified directory without adding it to the config. Use \fB--path=\fIPATH\fR to specify a directory. .It Fl -game= Ns Ar ID In combination with \fB--add\fR or \fB--detect\fR only adds or attempts to detect the game with id \fBID\fR. .It Fl -auto-detect Display a list of games from current or specified directory and start the first one. Use \fB--path=\fIPATH\fR to specify a directory. .It Fl -recursive In combination with \fB--add\fR or \fB--detect\fR recurse down all subdirectories .It Fl c, -config= Ns Ar CONFIG Use alternate configuration file. .It Fl p, -path= Ns Ar PATH Path to where the game is installed. .It Fl x, -save-slot= Ns Ar [SLOT] Saved game slot to load (default: autosave). .It Fl f, -fulscreen Force full-screen mode. .It Fl F, -no-fullscreen Force windowed mode. .It Fl g, -gfx-mode= Ns Ar MODE Select graphics scaler: .Bl -tag -width 10m .It Em 1x No filtering, no scaling. Fastest. .It Em 2x No filtering, factor 2x (default for non 640x480 games). .It Em 3x No filtering, factor 3x. .It Em 2xsai 2xSAI filter, factor 2x. .It Em super2xsai Enhanced 2xSAI filtering, factor 2x. .It Em supereagle Less blurry than 2xSAI, but slower. Factor 2x. .It Em advmame2x Doesn't rely on blurring like 2xSAI, fast. Factor 2x. .It Em advmame3x Doesn't rely on blurring like 2xSAI, fast. Factor 3x. .It Em hq2x Very nice high quality filter but slow. Factor 2x. .It Em hq3x Very nice high quality filter but slow. Factor 3x. .It Em tv2x Interlace filter, tries to emulate a TV. Factor 2x. .It Em dotmatrix Dot matrix effect. Factor 2x. .El .It Fl -stretch-mode= Ns Ar MODE Select stretch mode (\fIcenter\fR, \fIintegral\fR, \fIfit\fR, \fIstretch\fR) .It Fl -filtering Force filtered graphics mode .It Fl -no-filtering Force unfiltered graphics mode .It Fl -gui-theme= Ns Ar THEME Select GUI theme (\fIdefault\fR, \fImodern\fR, \fIclassic\fR) .It Fl -themepath= Ns Ar PATH Path to where GUI themes are stored .It Fl -list-themes Display list of all usable GUI themes .It Fl e, -music-driver= Ns Ar MODE Select music driver: .Bl -tag -width 10m .It Em null Null output. Don't play any music. .It Em adlib Internal AdLib emulation .It Em fluidsynth FluidSynth MIDI emulation .It Em mt32 Internal MT-32 emulation .It Em pcjr Internal PCjr emulation (only usable in SCUMM games) .It Em pcspk Internal PC Speaker emulation .It Em towns Internal FM-TOWNS YM2612 emulation (only usable in SCUMM FM-TOWNS games) .It Em alsa Output using ALSA sequencer device .It Em core CoreAudio sound, for Mac OS X users .It Em coremidi CoreMIDI sound, for Mac OS X users. Use only if you have a hardware MIDI synthesizer. .It Em seq Use /dev/sequencer for MIDI, *nix users. .It Em timidity Connect to TiMidity++ MIDI server. .It Em windows Windows built in MIDI sequencer for Windows users .El .It Fl -list-audio-devices List all available audio devices .It Fl q, -language= Ns Ar LANG Select game's language: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Em cz Czech .It Em de German .It Em en English (USA) (default) .It Em es Spanish .It Em fr French .It Em gb English (Great Britain) .It Em hb Hebrew .It Em it Italian .It Em jp Japanese .It Em kr Korean .It Em pt Portuguese .It Em ru Russian .It Em se Swedish .It Em zh Chinese .El .It Fl m, -music-volume= Ns Ar NUM Set the music volume, 0-255 (default: 192). .It Fl s, -sfx-volume= Ns Ar NUM Set the sfx volume to, 0-255 (default: 192). .It Fl r, -speech-volume Ns Ar NUM Set the voice volume to, 0-255 (default: 192). .It Fl -midi-gain= Ns Ar NUM Set the gain for MIDI playback, 0-1000 (default: 100) .br (only supported by some MIDI drivers) .It Fl n, -subtitles Enable subtitles (use with games that have voice). .It Fl b, -boot-param= Ns Ar NUM Pass number to the boot script (boot param). .It Fl d, -debuglevel= Ns Ar NUM Set debug verbosity level .It Fl -debugflags= Ns Arm FLAGS Enable engine specific debug flags (separated by commas) .It Fl u, -dump-scripts Enable script dumping if a directory called \fIdumps\fR exists in the current directory. .It Fl -cdrom= Ns Ar NUM CD drive to play CD audio from (default: 0 = first drive). .It Fl -joystick= Ns Ar [NUM] Enable joystick input (default: 0 = first joystick). .It Fl -platform= Ns Ar WORD Specify platform of game (allowed values: \fI2gs\fR, \fI3do\fR, \fIacorn\fR, \fIamiga\fR, \fIatari\fR, \fIc64\fR, \fIfmtowns\fR, \fImac\fR, \fInes\fR, \fIpc\fR, \fIpce\fR, \fIsegacd\fR, \fIwindows\fR) .It Fl -savepath= Ns Ar PATH Path to where saved games are stored .It Fl -extrapath= Ns Ar PATH Extra path to additional game data .It Fl -soundfont= Ns Ar FILE Select the SoundFont for MIDI playback (only supported by some MIDI drivers). .It Fl -multi-midi Enable combination of AdLib and native MIDI. .It Fl -native-mt32 True Roland MT-32 MIDI (disable GM emulation). .It Fl -enable-gs Enable Roland GS mode for MIDI playback. .It Fl -output-rate= Ns Ar RATE Set output sample rate in Hz (e.g. 22050). .It Fl -opl-driver= Ns Ar DRIVER Select AdLib (OPL) emulator (\fIdb\fR, \fImame\fR, \fInuked\fR) .It Fl -aspect-ratio Enable aspect ratio correction. .It Fl -render-mode= Ns Ar MODE Enable additional render modes (\fIhercGreen\fR, \fIhercAmber\fR, \fIcga\fR, \fIega\fR, \fIvga\fR, \fIamiga\fR, \fIfmtowns\fR, \fIpc9821\fR, \fIpc9801\fR, \fI2gs\fR, \fIatari\fR, \fImacintosh\fR) .It Fl -alt-intro Use alternative intro for CD versions of Beneath a Steel Sky and Flight of the Amazon Queen. .It Fl -copy-protection Enable copy protection in games, when ScummVM disables it by default. .It Fl -talkspeed= Ns Ar NUM Set talk delay for SCUMM games, or talk speed for other games (default: 60) .It Fl -demo-mode Start demo mode of Maniac Mansion (Classic version) .It Fl -tempo= Ns Ar NUM Set music tempo (in percent, 50-200) for SCUMM games (default: 100). .El .Sh INGAME HOTKEYS .Bl -tag -width 13m .It Ctrl-F5 Display the Global Menu .It Cmd-q Quit (Mac OS X) .It Ctrl-q Quit (Most platforms) .It Ctrl-u Mute all sounds .It Ctrl-m Toggle mouse capture .It Ctrl-Alt 1-8 Switch between graphics filters .It Ctrl-Alt + Increase scale factor .It Ctrl-Alt - Decrease scale factor .It Ctrl-Alt a Toggle aspect-ratio correction .It Ctrl-Alt f Toggle graphics filtering .It Ctrl-Alt s Cycle through scaling modes .It Alt-Enter Toggle full screen/windowed .It Alt-s Make a screenshot (SDL backend only) .It Ctrl-F7 Open virtual keyboard (if enabled). This can also be triggered by a long press of the middle mouse button or wheel. .El .Pp There are many more SCUMM and game-specific hotkeys. See the \fIREADME\fR file. .Sh ENVIRONMENT .Bl -tag -width SCUMMVM .It Ev SCUMMVM_MIDI The sequencer device to use with the .Ql seq MIDI driver. .It Ev SCUMMVM_MIDIPORT The number of the sequencer to use when using the .Ql seq MIDI driver. .It Ev SCUMMVM_PORT The ALSA port to open for output when using the .Ql alsa MIDI driver. .El .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Pa $HOME/.scummvmrc Configuration file on UNIX. .It Pa "$HOME/Library/Preferences/ScummVM Preferences" Configuration file on Mac OS X. .El .Sh EXAMPLES Running the builtin game launcher: .Pp .Dl $ scummvm .Pp Running Day of the Tentacle specifying the path: .Pp .Dl $ scummvm -p /usr/local/share/games/tentacle tentacle .Pp Running The Dig with advmame2x filter with subtitles: .Pp .Dl $ scummvm -g advmame2x -n dig .Pp Running the Italian version of Maniac Mansion fullscreen: .Pp .Dl $ scummvm -q it -f maniac .Sh SEE ALSO More information can be found in the \fIREADME\fR and on the website .Pa http://www.scummvm.org . .Sh AUTHORS This manual page written by Jonathan Gray . ScummVM was written by the ScummVM team. See AUTHORS file for more information.