\subsection{Maniac Mansion NES notes}
Supported versions are English USA (E), French (F), German (G), Swedish (SW)
and European (U). ScummVM requires just PRG section to run and not whole ROM.

In order to get the game working, you will have to strip out the first
16 bytes from the ROM you are trying to work with. Any hex editor will work
as long as you are able to copy/paste.  After you open the ROM with the
hex editor, copy everything from second row (17th byte) to the end. After
you do this, paste it to a new hex file. Give the new file name
"Maniac Mansion (XX).prg" where XX depends on version you are  working
with (E, F, G, SW, or U).  The final size should be exactly 262144 bytes.

If you add game manually make sure that platform is set to NES.

Most common mistakes which prevent game from running:

  \item Bad file
  \item ROM extracted with the 0.7.0 tools
  \item You try to feed ScummVM with the FULL rom and not just the PRG section.

Also it is possible to extract separate LFL files from PRG section. Use
extract\_mm\_nes utility from tools package.