%%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "readme" %%% End: \section{Running ScummVM} Before you run the engine, you need to put the game's datafiles in a directory. The filenames must not be in mixed case on *nix systems (for example, these are valid names: ``monkey2.000'', ``MONKEY2.000'', while this is a bad one: "Monkey2.000"). If you use a game with speech, the file monster.sou must reside in the same directory as the datafiles. Please note that by default, ScummVM will save games in the directory it is executed from, so you should refrain from running it from more than one location. Further information, including how to specify a specific save directory to avoid this issue, are in section 6.0. ScummVM can be launched directly by running the executable. In this case, the in-built launcher will activate. From this, you can add games (click 'Add Game'), or launch games which have already been configured. ScummVM can also be launched into a game directly using Command Line arguments - see the next section. %next section \input {05_01.tex} %next section \input {05_02.tex} %next section \input {05_03.tex} %next section \input {05_04.tex} %next section \input {05_05.tex} %next section \input {05_06.tex}