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\subsection{Hot Keys}
ScummVM supports various in game hotkeys. They differ between the SCUMM and
other games.
\item Common:\\
    Cmd-q                  & Quit (Mac OS X)\\
    Ctrl-q                 & Quit (other unices including Linux)\\
    Ctrl-z OR Alt-x        & Quit (other platforms)\\
    Keyboard Arrow Keys    & Simulate mouse movement\\
    Ctrl-f                 & Toggle fast mode\\
    Ctrl-m                 & Toggle mouse capture\\
    Ctrl-Alt 1-8           & Switch between graphics filters\\
    Ctrl-Alt + and -       & Increase/Decrease the scale factor\\
    Ctrl-Alt a             & Toggle aspect-ratio correction on/off\\
                           & Most of the games use a 320x200 pixel\\
                           & resolution, which may look squashed on\\
                           & modern monitors. Aspect-ratio correction\\
                           & stretches the image to use 320x240 pixels\\
                           & instead, or a multiple thereof\\
    Alt-Enter              & Toggles full screen/windowed\\
\item Scumm:\\
    Ctrl 0-9 and Alt 0-9   & Load and save game state\\
    Ctrl-g                 & Runs in really REALLY fast mode\\
    Ctrl-d                 & Starts the debugger\\
    Ctrl-t                 & Switch been 'Speech only', 'Speech and Subtitles'\\
                           & and 'Subtitles only'\\
    Tilde \verb#~#         & Show/hide the debugging console\\
    Ctrl-s                 & Shows memory consumption\\
    $[$ and $]$                & Music volume, down/up\\
    - and +                & Text speed, slower/faster\\
    F5                     & Displays a save/load box\\
    Space                  & Pauses\\
    Period (.)             & Skips current line of text in some games\\
    Enter                  & Simulate left mouse button press\\
    Tab                    & Simulate right mouse button press\\
\item Beneath a Steel Sky:\\
    Ctrl-d                 & Starts the debugger\\
    Ctrl-g                 & Runs in really REALLY fast mode\\
    F5                     & Displays a save/load box\\
    Escape                 & Skips the game intro\\
    Period (.)             & Skips current line of text\\
\item Broken Sword 1:\\
    F5 or ESC              & Displays save/load box\\
\item Broken Sword 2:\\
    Ctrl-d                 & Starts the debugger\\
    c                      & Displays the credits\\
    p                      & Pauses\\
\item Flight of the Amazon Queen:
    Ctrl-d                 & Starts the debugger\\
    F1                     & Displays save/load box\\
    F11                    & Quicksave\\
    F12                    & Quickload\\
    Escape                 & Skips cutscenes\\
    Space                  & Skips current line of text\\
\item The Legend of Kyrandia:\\
    Ctrl 0-9 and Alt 0-9   & Load and save game state\\
    Ctrl-d                 & Starts the debugger\\
\item Simon the Sorcerer 1 \& 2:\\
    Ctrl 0-9 and Alt 0-9   & Load and save game state\\
    Ctrl-d                 & Starts the debugger\\
    F1 - F3                & Text speed, faster - slower\\
    F10                    & Shows all characters and objects you can \\
                           & interact with\\
    - and +                & Music volume, down/up\\
    m                      & Music on/off\\
    s                      & Sound effects on/off\\
    b                      & Background sounds on/off\\
    p                      & Pauses\\
    t                      & Switch between speech and subtitles\\
    v                      & Switch between subtitles only and\\
                           & combined speech \& subtitles\\
                           & (Simon the Sorcerer 2 only)\\
Note that using ctrl-f and ctrl-g are not recommended: games can crash when
being ran faster than their normal speed, as scripts will lose synchronisation.

Ctrl-f is not supported by the Broken Sword games.
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