\subsection {Using data files from Macintosh game versions}
All LucasArts SCUMM based adventures except CMI also exist in versions for the
Macintosh. ScummVM can use most (all?) of them, however, in some case some
additional work is required. First off, if you are not using a Macintosh for
this, accessing the CD/floppy data might be tricky. There are various tools on
the net for this, though.

Secondly, most of the newer games shipped only with a  single data file on the
Macintosh. You first have to run the 'rescumm' tool from the scummvm-tools
package to extract the data files ScummVM expects. You invoke rescumm like
this (where DATAFILE is the path to the single big data file):
   rescumm DATAFILE
It will extract the data into the current directory, so make sure to
run it from a writable directory.
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