\section {Savegames} Savegames are by default put in the current directory on some platforms and preset directories on others. You can specify the save in the config file by setting the savepath parameter. See the example config file later in this readme. The platforms that currently have a different default directory are: % \begin{itemize} \item Mac OS X: \verb#$HOME/Documents/ScummVM Savegames/# \item Other unices: \verb#$HOME/.scummvm/# \end{itemize} % You can also use the environment variable SCUMMVM\_SAVEPATH to specify where to put save games. Don't forget the trailing directory separator. Also be aware that saved games may break between ScummVM releases. Bash (Unix) example: \begin{verbatim} export SCUMMVM_SAVEPATH=/tmp/scummvm_savegames/ \end{verbatim} Windows example: \begin{verbatim} set SCUMMVM_SAVEPATH=C:\saved_games\ \end{verbatim} %%next section \input {06_01.tex} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "readme" %%% End: