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\section{Configurations Files}

By default, the configuration file is saved in, and loaded from:
\item Windows: \verb#<windir>\scummvm.ini#
\item Unix: \verb#~/.scummvmrc#
\item Mac OS X: \verb#~/Library/Preferences/ScummVM Preferences#
\item Others: \verb#scummvm.ini# in the current directory
An example config file looks as follows:


        description=Beneath a Steel Sky w/ German subtitles
        description=German version of DOTT


The following keywords are recognized:

        basename       &string\\
        path           &string   The path to where a game's data files are\\
        read\_only     &bool     If true, ScummVM will never try to overwrite\\
                       &         the configuration file.\\
        save\_slot     &number   The save game number to load on startup.\\
        savepath       &string   The path to where a game will store its\\
                       &         savegames.\\
        versioninfo    &string   The version of the ScummVM that created the\\
                       &         configuration file.\\
        gameid         &string   The real id of a game. Useful if you have\\
                       &         several versions of the same game, and want\\
                       &         different aliases for them. See the example.\\
        description    &string   The description of the game as it will appear\\
                       &         in the launcher.\\
        language       &string   Specify language (en, de, fr, it, pt, es, jp,\\
                       &         zh, kr, se, gb, hb, cz, ru)\\
        subtitles      &bool     Set to true to enable subtitles.\\
        talkspeed      &number   Text speed\\
        fullscreen     &bool     Fullscreen mode\\
        aspect\_ratio  &bool     Enable aspect ratio correction\\
        gfx\_mode      &string   Graphics mode (normal, 2x, 3x, 2xsai,\\
                       &         super2xsai, supereagle, advmame2x, advmame3x,\\
                       &         hq2x, hq3x, tv2x, dotmatrix)\\
        cdrom           &number   Number of CD-ROM unit to use for audio. If\\
                        &         negative, don't even try to access the CD-ROM.\\
        joystick\_num   &number   Number of joystick device to use for input\\
        master\_volume  &number   The master volume setting (0-255)\\
        music\_driver   &string   The music engine to use.\\
        output\_rate    &number   The output sample rate to use, in Hz. Sensible\\
                        &         values are 11025, 22050 and 44100.\\
        alsa\_port      &string   Port to use for output when using the\\
                        &         ALSA music driver.\\
        music\_volume   &number   The music volume setting (0-255)\\
        multi\_midi     &bool     If true, enable combination Adlib and native\\
                        &         MIDI.\\
        native\_mt32    &bool     If true, disable GM emulation and assume that\\
                        &         there is a true Roland MT-32 available.\\
        sfx\_volume     &number   The sfx volume setting (0-255)\\
        tempo           &number   The music tempo (50-200) (default: 100)\\
        speech\_volume  &number   The speech volume setting (0-255)\\
        copy\_protection&bool     Enable copy protection in SCUMM games ,when\\
                        &         ScummVM disables it by default.\\
        demo\_mode      &bool     Start demo in Maniac Mansion\\
        alt\_intro      &bool     Use alternative intro for CD versions of \\
                        &         Beneath a Steel Sky and Flight of the Amazon\\
                        &         Queen
        boot\_param     &number   Pass this number to the boot script\\
        debuglevel      &number   Enable debug output. The higher number, the\\
                        &         more verbose output.\\

Broken Sword II adds the following non-standard keywords:\\
        gfx\_details    &number  &Graphics details setting (0-3)\\
        music\_mute     &bool    &If true, music is muted\\
        object\_labels  &bool    &If true, object labels are enabled\\
        reverse\_stereo &bool    &If true, stereo channels are reversed\\
        sfx\_mute       &bool    &If true, sound effects are muted\\
        speech\_mute    &bool    &If true, speech is muted\\

Flight of the Amazon Queen adds the following non-standard keywords:\\
        music\_mute     &bool    &If true, music is muted\\
        sfx\_mute       &bool    &If true, sound effects are muted\\
        speech\_mute    &bool    &If true, speech is muted\\

Simon the Sorcerer 1 \& 2 add the following non-standard keywords:\\
        fade            &bool    &If true, fade effect is enabled\\
        music\_mute     &bool    &If true, music is muted\\
        slow\_down      &number  &Makes games slower (1- 10)\\
        sfx\_mute       &bool    &If true, sound effects are muted\\
        speech\_mute    &bool    &If true, speech is muted\\
                        &        &[Simon the Sorcerer 2 only]\\