\subsection{Command Line Options} Usage: scummvm [OPTIONS]... [GAME]\\ \begin{tabular}{ll} [GAME] &Short name of game to load. For example, 'monkey'\\ &for Monkey Island. This can be either a built-in\\ &gameid, or a user configured target.\\ \\ -v, --version &Display ScummVM version information and exit\\ -h, --help &Display a brief help text and exit\\ -z, --list-games &Display list of supported games and exit\\ -t, --list-targets &Display list of configured targets and exit\\ \\ -c, --config=CONFIG &Use alternate configuration file\\ -p, --path=PATH &Path to where the game is installed\\ -x, --save-slot[=NUM] &Savegame slot to load (default: autosave)\\ -f, --fullscreen &Force full-screen mode\\ -F, --no-fullscreen &Force windowed mode\\ -g, --gfx-mode=MODE &Select graphics scaler (see also section \ref{sect-gfx-filters})\\ -e, --music-driver=MODE &Select music driver (see also section \ref{sect-music-and-sound})\\ -q, --language=LANG &Select language (see also section \ref{sect-languages})\\ -m, --music-volume=NUM &Set the music volume, 0-255 (default: 192)\\ -s, --sfx-volume=NUM &Set the sfx volume, 0-255 (default: 192)\\ -r, --speech-volume=NUM &Set the voice volume, 0-255 (default: 192)\\ --midi-gain &Set the gain for MIDI playback, 0-1000 (default: 100)\\ &(only supported by some MIDI drivers)\\ -n, --subtitles &Enable subtitles (use with games that have voice)\\ -b, --boot-param=NUM &Pass number to the boot script (boot param)\\ -d, --debuglevel=NUM &Set debug verbosity level\\ -u, --dump-scripts &Enable script dumping if a directory called\\ &'dumps' exists in the current directory\\ \\ --cdrom=NUM &CD drive to play CD audio from\\ &(default: 0 = first drive)\\ --joystick[=NUM] &Enable input with joystick (default: 0 = first\\ &joystick)\\ --platform=WORD &Specify version of game (allowed values: 3do, acorn,\\ &amiga, atari, c64, fmtowns, mac, nes, pc, segacd,\\ &windows)\\ --savepath=PATH &Path to where savegames are stored\\ --multi-midi &Enable combination of Adlib and native MIDI\\ --soundfont &Select the SoundFont for MIDI playback. (Only\\ &supported by some MIDI drivers.)\\ --native-mt32 &True Roland MT-32 (disable GM emulation)\\ --enable-gs &Enable Roland GS mode for MIDI playback\\ --output-rate=RATE &Select output sample rate in Hz (e.g. 22050)\\ --aspect-ratio &Enable aspect ratio correction\\ --render-mode=MODE &Enable additional render modes (cga, ega, hercGreen,\\ &hercAmber, amiga)\\ \\ --alt-intro &Use alternative intro for CD versions of Beneath a\\ &Steel Sky and Flight of the Amazon Queen\\ --copy-protection &Enable copy protection in games, when\\ &ScummVM disables it by default.\\ --demo-mode &Start demo mode of Maniac Mansion (Classic version)\\ --tempo=NUM &Set music tempo (in percent, 50-200) for SCUMM\\ &games (default: 100)\\ --talkspeed=NUM &Set talk speed for games\\ \end{tabular} The meaning of most long options can be inverted by prefixing them with "no-", e.g. --no-aspect-ratio. This is useful if you want to override a setting in the configuration file. The short game name ('game target') you see at the end of the command line is very important. A short list is contained at the top of this file. You can also get the current list of games and game names at: \url{http://www.scummvm.org/compatibility_stable.php} Examples: \begin{itemize} \item Win32:\\ Running Monkey Island, fullscreen, from a hard disk: \begin{verbatim} C:\Games\scummvm.exe -f -pC:\Games\monkey\ monkey \end{verbatim} Running Full Throttle from CD, fullscreen and with subtitles enabled: \begin{verbatim} C:\Games\scummvm.exe -f -n -pD:\resource\ ft \end{verbatim} \item Unix:\\ Running Monkey Island, fullscreen, from a hard disk: \begin{verbatim} /path/to/scummvm -f -p/games/LucasArts/monkey/ monkey \end{verbatim} Running Full Throttle from CD, fullscreen and with subtitles enabled: \begin{verbatim} /path/to/scummvm -f -n -p/cdrom/resource/ ft \end{verbatim} \end{itemize} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "readme.tex" %%% End: