/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "access/resources.h" #include "access/amazon/amazon_game.h" #include "access/amazon/amazon_resources.h" #include "access/amazon/amazon_room.h" #include "access/amazon/amazon_scripts.h" namespace Access { namespace Amazon { AmazonEngine::AmazonEngine(OSystem *syst, const AccessGameDescription *gameDesc) : AccessEngine(syst, gameDesc), _guardLocation(_flags[122]), _guardFind(_flags[128]), _helpLevel(_flags[167]), _jasMayaFlag(_flags[168]), _moreHelp(_flags[169]), _flashbackFlag(_flags[171]), _riverFlag(_flags[185]), _aniOutFlag(_flags[195]), _badEnd(_flags[218]), _noHints(_flags[219]), _aniFlag(_flags[229]), _allenFlag(_flags[237]), _noSound(_flags[239]) { _skipStart = false; _canoeLane = 0; _canoeYPos = 0; _hitCount = 0; _saveRiver = 0; _hitSafe = 0; _oldTitleChap = _chapter = 0; _updateChapter = -1; _topList = 0; _botList = 0; _riverIndex = 0; _rawInactiveX = 0; _rawInactiveY = 0; _inactiveYOff = 0; _tilePos = Common::Point(0, 0); Common::fill(&_esTabTable[0], &_esTabTable[100], 0); memset(_tileData, 0, sizeof(_tileData)); _hintLevel = 0; } AmazonEngine::~AmazonEngine() { } void AmazonEngine::playGame() { // Do introduction doIntroduction(); if (shouldQuit()) return; // Setup the game setupGame(); _screen->clearScreen(); _screen->setPanel(0); _screen->forceFadeOut(); _events->showCursor(); // Setup and execute the room _room = new AmazonRoom(this); _scripts = new AmazonScripts(this); _room->doRoom(); } void AmazonEngine::doIntroduction() { _screen->setInitialPalettte(); _events->setCursor(CURSOR_ARROW); _events->showCursor(); _screen->setPanel(0); // TODO: Worry about implementing full intro sequence later return; doTitle(); if (shouldQuit()) return; if (!_skipStart) { _screen->setPanel(3); doOpening(); if (shouldQuit()) return; if (!_skipStart) { doTent(); if (shouldQuit()) return; } } doTitle(); } void AmazonEngine::doTitle() { _screen->setDisplayScan(); _destIn = &_buffer2; _screen->forceFadeOut(); _events->hideCursor(); _sound->queueSound(0, 98, 30); _sound->_soundPriority[0] = 1; _screen->_loadPalFlag = false; _files->loadScreen(0, 3); _buffer2.copyFrom(*_screen); _buffer1.copyFrom(*_screen); _screen->forceFadeIn(); _sound->playSound(1); byte *spriteData = _files->loadFile(0, 2); _objectsTable[0] = new SpriteResource(this, spriteData, _files->_filesize, DisposeAfterUse::YES); _sound->playSound(1); _screen->_loadPalFlag = false; _files->loadScreen(0, 4); _sound->playSound(1); _buffer2.copyFrom(*_screen); _buffer1.copyFrom(*_screen); _sound->playSound(1); const int COUNTDOWN[6] = { 2, 0x80, 1, 0x7d, 0, 0x87 }; for (_pCount = 0; _pCount < 3; ++_pCount) { _buffer2.copyFrom(_buffer1); int id = READ_LE_UINT16(COUNTDOWN + _pCount * 4); int xp = READ_LE_UINT16(COUNTDOWN + _pCount * 4 + 2); _screen->plotImage(_objectsTable[0], id, Common::Point(xp, 71)); } // TODO: More to do delete _objectsTable[0]; } void AmazonEngine::doOpening() { warning("TODO doOpening"); } void AmazonEngine::doTent() { warning("TODO doTent"); } void AmazonEngine::setupGame() { _chapter = 1; // Setup timers const int TIMER_DEFAULTS[] = { 3, 10, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 }; for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { TimerEntry te; te._initTm = te._timer = (i < 8) ? TIMER_DEFAULTS[i] : 1; te._flag = 1; _timers.push_back(te); } // Miscellaneous _fonts._font1.load(FONT6x6_INDEX, FONT6x6_DATA); _fonts._font2.load(FONT2_INDEX, FONT2_DATA); // Set player room and position _player->_roomNumber = 4; _player->_playerX = _player->_rawPlayer.x = TRAVEL_POS[_player->_roomNumber][0]; _player->_playerY = _player->_rawPlayer.y = TRAVEL_POS[_player->_roomNumber][1]; } void AmazonEngine::establish(int esatabIndex, int sub) { _establishMode = 0; _establishGroup = 0; doEstablish(esatabIndex, sub); } void AmazonEngine::establishCenter(int esatabIndex, int sub) { _establishMode = 1; doEstablish(esatabIndex, sub); } const char *const _estTable[] = { "ETEXT0.DAT", "ETEXT1.DAT", "ETEXT2.DAT", "ETEXT3.DAT" }; void AmazonEngine::loadEstablish(int sub) { if (!_files->existFile("ETEXT.DAT")) { int oldGroup = _establishGroup; _establishGroup = 0; _eseg = _files->loadFile(_estTable[oldGroup]); } else { _eseg = _files->loadFile("ETEXT.DAT"); } _establishCtrlTblOfs = READ_LE_UINT16(_eseg); int ofs = _establishCtrlTblOfs + (sub * 2); int idx = READ_LE_UINT16(_eseg + ofs); _narateFile = READ_LE_UINT16(_eseg + idx); _txtPages = READ_LE_UINT16(_eseg + idx + 2); if (!_txtPages) return; _sndSubFile = READ_LE_UINT16(_eseg + idx + 4); for (int i = 0; i < _txtPages; ++i) _countTbl[i] = READ_LE_UINT16(_eseg + idx + 6 + (2 * i)); } void AmazonEngine::doEstablish(int esatabIndex, int sub) { _establishMode = 1; _screen->forceFadeOut(); _screen->clearScreen(); _screen->setPanel(3); if (esatabIndex != -1) { _files->loadScreen(95, esatabIndex); _buffer2.copyBuffer(_screen); } _screen->setIconPalette(); _screen->forceFadeIn(); _fonts._charSet._lo = 1; _fonts._charSet._hi = 10; _fonts._charFor._lo = 29; _fonts._charFor._hi = 32; _screen->_maxChars = 37; _screen->_printOrg = _screen->_printStart = Common::Point(48, 35); loadEstablish(sub); _et = sub; uint16 msgOffset = READ_LE_UINT16(_eseg + (sub * 2) + 2); _printEnd = 155; if (_txtPages == 0) { Common::String msg((const char *)_eseg + msgOffset); _fonts._font2.printText(_screen, msg); } else { Common::Array msgArr; for (int i = 0; i < _txtPages; ++i) { Common::String msg((const char *)_eseg + msgOffset); msgOffset += msg.size() + 1; msgArr.push_back(msg); } speakText(_screen, msgArr); } _screen->forceFadeOut(); _screen->clearScreen(); free(_eseg); if (_establishMode == 0) _room->init4Quads(); } const char *const _tileFiles[] = { "GRAY.BLK", "RED.BLK", "LTBROWN.BLK", "DKBROWN.BLK", "VIOLET.BLK", "LITEBLUE.BLK", "DARKBLUE.BLK", "CYAN.BLK", "GREEN.BLK", "OLIVE.BLK", "GRAY.BLK", "RED.BLK", "LTBROWN.BLK", "DKBROWN.BLK", "VIOLET.BLK", "OLIVE.BLK" }; void AmazonEngine::tileScreen() { if (!_screen->_vesaMode) return; if (!_clearSummaryFlag && (_oldTitleChap == _chapter)) return; _oldTitleChap = _chapter; int idx = _chapter - 1; if (!_files->existFile(_tileFiles[idx])) return; byte *data = _files->loadFile(_tileFiles[idx]); int x = READ_LE_UINT16(data); int y = READ_LE_UINT16(data + 2); int size = ((x + 2) * y) + 10; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) _tileData[i] = data[i + 4]; // CHECKME: Depending on the Vesa mode during initialization, 400 or 480 for (_tilePos.y = 0; _tilePos.y < 480; _tilePos.y += y) { for (_tilePos.x = 0; _tilePos.x < 640; _tilePos.x += x) warning("TODO: DRAWOBJECT"); } } void AmazonEngine::updateSummary(int chap) { if (!_screen->_vesaMode) return; int chapter = chap; if (chapter > 16) chapter = 16; if (!_clearSummaryFlag && (chapter == _updateChapter)) return; _clearSummaryFlag = false; int celSubFile = 0; _updateChapter = chapter; Common::Array summaryCells; loadCells(summaryCells); for (int i = celSubFile; i < 16; ++i) { if (i > 7) warning("TODO: DRAWOBJECT"); else warning("TODO: DRAWOBJECT"); } delete _objectsTable[93]; _objectsTable[93] = nullptr; for (int i = 1; i <= _updateChapter; ++i) { celSubFile = i; loadCells(summaryCells); if (i > 8) warning("TODO: DRAWOBJECT"); else warning("TODO: DRAWOBJECT"); delete _objectsTable[93]; _objectsTable[93] = nullptr; } } void AmazonEngine::drawHelp() { error("TODO: drawHelp"); } } // End of namespace Amazon } // End of namespace Access