/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "common/events.h" #include "agi/agi.h" #include "agi/graphics.h" #include "agi/keyboard.h" #include "agi/menu.h" #include "agi/text.h" namespace Agi { // // IBM-PC keyboard scancodes // const uint8 scancodeTable[26] = { 30, // A 48, // B 46, // C 32, // D 18, // E 33, // F 34, // G 35, // H 23, // I 36, // J 37, // K 38, // L 50, // M 49, // N 24, // O 25, // P 16, // Q 19, // R 31, // S 20, // T 22, // U 47, // V 17, // W 45, // X 21, // Y 44 // Z }; void AgiEngine::processEvents() { Common::Event event; int key = 0; while (_eventMan->pollEvent(event)) { switch (event.type) { case Common::EVENT_PREDICTIVE_DIALOG: showPredictiveDialog(); break; case Common::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: if (_game.mouseEnabled) { key = AGI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT; _mouse.button = kAgiMouseButtonLeft; keyEnqueue(key); _mouse.pos.x = event.mouse.x; _mouse.pos.y = event.mouse.y; } break; case Common::EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: if (_game.mouseEnabled) { key = AGI_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT; _mouse.button = kAgiMouseButtonRight; keyEnqueue(key); _mouse.pos.x = event.mouse.x; _mouse.pos.y = event.mouse.y; } break; case Common::EVENT_WHEELUP: if (_game.mouseEnabled) { key = AGI_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP; keyEnqueue(key); } break; case Common::EVENT_WHEELDOWN: if (_game.mouseEnabled) { key = AGI_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN; keyEnqueue(key); } break; case Common::EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: if (_game.mouseEnabled) { _mouse.pos.x = event.mouse.x; _mouse.pos.y = event.mouse.y; if (!_game.mouseFence.isEmpty()) { if (_mouse.pos.x < _game.mouseFence.left) _mouse.pos.x = _game.mouseFence.left; if (_mouse.pos.x > _game.mouseFence.right) _mouse.pos.x = _game.mouseFence.right; if (_mouse.pos.y < _game.mouseFence.top) _mouse.pos.y = _game.mouseFence.top; if (_mouse.pos.y > _game.mouseFence.bottom) _mouse.pos.y = _game.mouseFence.bottom; g_system->warpMouse(_mouse.pos.x, _mouse.pos.y); } } break; case Common::EVENT_LBUTTONUP: case Common::EVENT_RBUTTONUP: if (_game.mouseEnabled) { _mouse.button = kAgiMouseButtonUp; _mouse.pos.x = event.mouse.x; _mouse.pos.y = event.mouse.y; } break; case Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN: if (event.kbd.hasFlags(Common::KBD_CTRL) && event.kbd.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_d) { _console->attach(); break; } key = event.kbd.ascii; if (event.kbd.keycode >= Common::KEYCODE_KP0 && event.kbd.keycode <= Common::KEYCODE_KP9) { if (!(event.kbd.flags & Common::KBD_NUM)) { // HACK: Num-Lock not enabled // We shouldn't get a valid ascii code in these cases. We fix it here, so that cursor keys // on the numpad work properly. key = 0; } } if ((key) && (key <= 0xFF)) { // No special key, directly accept it // Is ISO-8859-1, we need lower 128 characters only, which is plain ASCII, so no mapping required if (Common::isAlpha(key)) { // Key is A-Z. // Map Ctrl-A to 1, Ctrl-B to 2, etc. if (event.kbd.flags & Common::KBD_CTRL) { key = toupper(key) - 'A' + 1; } else if (event.kbd.flags & Common::KBD_ALT) { // Map Alt-A, Alt-B etc. to special scancode values according to an internal scancode table. key = scancodeTable[toupper(key) - 'A'] << 8; } } } else { key = 0; switch (event.kbd.keycode) { case Common::KEYCODE_LEFT: case Common::KEYCODE_KP4: if (_allowSynthetic || !event.synthetic) key = AGI_KEY_LEFT; break; case Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT: case Common::KEYCODE_KP6: if (_allowSynthetic || !event.synthetic) key = AGI_KEY_RIGHT; break; case Common::KEYCODE_UP: case Common::KEYCODE_KP8: if (_allowSynthetic || !event.synthetic) key = AGI_KEY_UP; break; case Common::KEYCODE_DOWN: case Common::KEYCODE_KP2: if (_allowSynthetic || !event.synthetic) key = AGI_KEY_DOWN; break; case Common::KEYCODE_PAGEUP: case Common::KEYCODE_KP9: if (_allowSynthetic || !event.synthetic) key = AGI_KEY_UP_RIGHT; break; case Common::KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN: case Common::KEYCODE_KP3: if (_allowSynthetic || !event.synthetic) key = AGI_KEY_DOWN_RIGHT; break; case Common::KEYCODE_HOME: case Common::KEYCODE_KP7: if (_allowSynthetic || !event.synthetic) key = AGI_KEY_UP_LEFT; break; case Common::KEYCODE_END: case Common::KEYCODE_KP1: if (_allowSynthetic || !event.synthetic) key = AGI_KEY_DOWN_LEFT; break; case Common::KEYCODE_KP5: key = AGI_KEY_STATIONARY; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F1: key = AGI_KEY_F1; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F2: key = AGI_KEY_F2; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F3: key = AGI_KEY_F3; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F4: key = AGI_KEY_F4; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F5: key = AGI_KEY_F5; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F6: key = AGI_KEY_F6; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F7: key = AGI_KEY_F7; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F8: key = AGI_KEY_F8; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F9: key = AGI_KEY_F9; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F10: key = AGI_KEY_F10; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F11: key = AGI_KEY_F11; break; case Common::KEYCODE_F12: key = AGI_KEY_F12; break; case Common::KEYCODE_KP_ENTER: key = AGI_KEY_ENTER; break; default: break; } } if (key) keyEnqueue(key); break; case Common::EVENT_KEYUP: if (_egoHoldKey) _game.screenObjTable[SCREENOBJECTS_EGO_ENTRY].direction = 0; default: break; } } } /** * Raw key grabber. * poll_keyboard() is the raw key grabber (above the gfx driver, that is). * It handles console keys and insulates AGI from the console. In the main * loop, handle_keys() handles keyboard input and ego movement. */ int AgiEngine::doPollKeyboard() { int key = 0; // If a key is ready, rip it if (isKeypress()) { key = getKeypress(); debugC(3, kDebugLevelInput, "key %02x pressed", key); } return key; } bool AgiEngine::handleMouseClicks(uint16 &key) { // No mouse click? -> exit if (key != AGI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) return false; if (!cycleInnerLoopIsActive()) { // Only do this, when no inner loop is currently active Common::Rect displayLineRect(DISPLAY_WIDTH, FONT_DISPLAY_HEIGHT); if (displayLineRect.contains(_mouse.pos)) { // Mouse is inside first line of the screen if (getFlag(VM_FLAG_MENUS_ACCESSIBLE) && _menu->isAvailable()) { _menu->delayedExecuteViaMouse(); key = 0; // eat event return true; } } if (_text->promptIsEnabled()) { // Prompt is currently enabled int16 promptRow = _text->promptRow_Get(); displayLineRect.moveTo(0, promptRow * FONT_DISPLAY_HEIGHT); if (displayLineRect.contains(_mouse.pos)) { // and user clicked within the line of the prompt showPredictiveDialog(); key = 0; // eat event return true; } } } if (cycleInnerLoopIsActive()) { // inner loop active, check what kind of loop it is. Then process / forward it switch (_game.cycleInnerLoopType) { case CYCLE_INNERLOOP_GETSTRING: case CYCLE_INNERLOOP_GETNUMBER: { // process in here int16 stringRow, stringColumn, stringMaxLen; _text->stringPos_Get(stringRow, stringColumn); stringMaxLen = _text->stringGetMaxLen(); Common::Rect displayRect(stringMaxLen * FONT_DISPLAY_WIDTH, FONT_DISPLAY_HEIGHT); displayRect.moveTo(stringColumn * FONT_DISPLAY_WIDTH, stringRow * FONT_DISPLAY_HEIGHT); if (displayRect.contains(_mouse.pos)) { // user clicked inside the input space showPredictiveDialog(); key = 0; // eat event return true; } break; } case CYCLE_INNERLOOP_INVENTORY: // TODO: forward break; case CYCLE_INNERLOOP_MENU_VIA_KEYBOARD: _menu->mouseEvent(key); key = 0; // eat event break; case CYCLE_INNERLOOP_SYSTEMUI_SELECTSAVEDGAMESLOT: // TODO: forward break; default: break; } } return false; } bool AgiEngine::handleController(uint16 key) { ScreenObjEntry *screenObjEgo = &_game.screenObjTable[SCREENOBJECTS_EGO_ENTRY]; if (key == 0) // nothing pressed return false; // This previously skipped processing, when ESC was pressed and called menu directly. // This original approach was bad, because games check different flags before actually allowing the // user to enter the menu. We checked a few common flags, like for example the availability of the prompt. // But this stopped the user being able to enter the menu, when the original interpreter actually allowed it. // We now instead implement this feature using another way for those platforms. if (key == AGI_KEY_ESCAPE) { // Escape pressed, user probably wants to trigger the menu // For PC, just passing ASCII code for ESC will normally trigger a controller // and the scripts will then trigger the menu switch (getPlatform()) { case Common::kPlatformAmiga: case Common::kPlatformApple2GS: case Common::kPlatformAtariST: // For these platforms, the button ESC normally triggered "pause" // But users could at the same time trigger the menu by clicking on the status line // We check, if menu is currently available and supposed to be accessible. // If yes, we do a delayed trigger now, otherwise we continue processing the key just like normal. // // This is probably the solution with the highest compatibility. // Several games also look for special keys see AGI_MENU_TRIGGER_* // And then there's also Mixed Up Mother Goose, which actually hooks the ESC key for the regular menu // // We risk in here of course, that we let the user access the menu, when it shouldn't be possible. // I'm not 100% sure if those other interpreters really only check VM_FLAG_MENUS_ACCESSIBLE // Needs further investigation. if (getFlag(VM_FLAG_MENUS_ACCESSIBLE) && _menu->isAvailable()) { // menu is supposed to be accessible and is also available _menu->delayedExecuteViaKeyboard(); return true; } default: break; } // Otherwise go on and look for the ESC controller } // AGI 3.149 games, The Black Cauldron and King's Quest 4 need KEY_ESCAPE to use menus // Games with the GF_ESCPAUSE flag need KEY_ESCAPE to pause the game // (key == KEY_ESCAPE && getVersion() != 0x3149 && getGameID() != GID_BC && getGameID() != GID_KQ4 && !(getFeatures() & GF_ESCPAUSE)) ) // return false; if ((getGameID() == GID_MH1 || getGameID() == GID_MH2) && (key == AGI_KEY_ENTER) && (_game.inputMode == INPUTMODE_NONE)) { key = 0x20; // Set Enter key to Space in Manhunter when there's no text input } debugC(3, kDebugLevelInput, "key = %04x", key); for (uint16 curMapping = 0; curMapping < MAX_CONTROLLER_KEYMAPPINGS; curMapping++) { if (_game.controllerKeyMapping[curMapping].keycode == key) { debugC(3, kDebugLevelInput, "event %d: key press", _game.controllerKeyMapping[curMapping].controllerSlot); _game.controllerOccured[_game.controllerKeyMapping[curMapping].controllerSlot] = true; return true; } } int16 newDirection = 0; switch (key) { case AGI_KEY_UP: newDirection = 1; break; case AGI_KEY_DOWN: newDirection = 5; break; case AGI_KEY_LEFT: newDirection = 7; break; case AGI_KEY_RIGHT: newDirection = 3; break; case AGI_KEY_UP_RIGHT: newDirection = 2; break; case AGI_KEY_DOWN_RIGHT: newDirection = 4; break; case AGI_KEY_UP_LEFT: newDirection = 8; break; case AGI_KEY_DOWN_LEFT: newDirection = 6; break; default: break; } if (_game.playerControl) { if (!(getFeatures() & GF_AGIMOUSE)) { // Handle mouse button events if (!_game.mouseHidden) { if (key == AGI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) { if (getGameID() == GID_PQ1 && getVar(VM_VAR_CURRENT_ROOM) == 116) { // WORKAROUND: Special handling for mouse clicks in the newspaper // screen of PQ1. Fixes bug #3018770. newDirection = 3; // fake a right arrow key (next page) } else { // Click-to-walk mouse interface //v->flags |= fAdjEgoXY; // setting fAdjEgoXY here will at least break "climbing the log" in SQ2 // in case you walked to the log by using the mouse, so don't!!! int16 egoDestinationX = _mouse.pos.x; int16 egoDestinationY = _mouse.pos.y; adjustPosToGameScreen(egoDestinationX, egoDestinationY); screenObjEgo->motionType = kMotionEgo; if (egoDestinationX < (screenObjEgo->xSize / 2)) { screenObjEgo->move_x = -1; } else { screenObjEgo->move_x = egoDestinationX - (screenObjEgo->xSize / 2); } screenObjEgo->move_y = egoDestinationY; screenObjEgo->move_stepSize = screenObjEgo->stepSize; return true; } } } } } if (newDirection || key == AGI_KEY_STATIONARY) { // TODO: not sure, what original AGI did with AdjEgoXY screenObjEgo->flags &= ~fAdjEgoXY; if (screenObjEgo->direction == newDirection) { setVar(VM_VAR_EGO_DIRECTION, 0); } else { setVar(VM_VAR_EGO_DIRECTION, newDirection); } if (_game.playerControl) { screenObjEgo->motionType = kMotionNormal; } return true; } return false; } bool AgiEngine::showPredictiveDialog() { GUI::PredictiveDialog predictiveDialog; inGameTimerPause(); predictiveDialog.runModal(); inGameTimerResume(); Common::String predictiveResult(predictiveDialog.getResult()); uint16 predictiveResultLen = predictiveResult.size(); if (predictiveResult.size()) { // User actually entered something for (int16 resultPos = 0; resultPos < predictiveResultLen; resultPos++) { keyEnqueue(predictiveResult[resultPos]); } if (!cycleInnerLoopIsActive()) { if (_text->promptIsEnabled()) { // add ENTER, when the input is probably meant for the prompt keyEnqueue(AGI_KEY_ENTER); } } else { switch (_game.cycleInnerLoopType) { case CYCLE_INNERLOOP_GETSTRING: case CYCLE_INNERLOOP_GETNUMBER: // add ENTER, when the input is probably meant for GetString/GetNumber keyEnqueue(AGI_KEY_ENTER); break; default: break; } } return true; } return false; } int AgiEngine::waitKey() { int key = 0; clearKeyQueue(); debugC(3, kDebugLevelInput, "waiting..."); while (!(shouldQuit() || _restartGame || getFlag(VM_FLAG_RESTORE_JUST_RAN))) { pollTimer(); key = doPollKeyboard(); if (key == AGI_KEY_ENTER || key == AGI_KEY_ESCAPE || key == AGI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) break; pollTimer(); g_system->updateScreen(); } // Have to clear it as original did not set this variable, and we do it in doPollKeyboard() // Fixes bug #2823759 _game.keypress = 0; return key; } int AgiEngine::waitAnyKey() { int key = 0; clearKeyQueue(); debugC(3, kDebugLevelInput, "waiting... (any key)"); while (!(shouldQuit() || _restartGame)) { pollTimer(); key = doPollKeyboard(); if (key) break; g_system->updateScreen(); } // Have to clear it as original did not set this variable, and we do it in doPollKeyboard() _game.keypress = 0; return key; } bool AgiEngine::isKeypress() { processEvents(); return _keyQueueStart != _keyQueueEnd; } int AgiEngine::getKeypress() { int k; while (_keyQueueStart == _keyQueueEnd) // block pollTimer(); keyDequeue(k); return k; } void AgiEngine::clearKeyQueue() { while (isKeypress()) { getKeypress(); } } } // End of namespace Agi