/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "agi/agi.h" #include "common/md5.h" #define SECTOR_OFFSET(s) ((s) * 512) #define BASE_SECTOR 0x1C2 #define LOGDIR_SEC SECTOR_OFFSET(171) + 5 #define LOGDIR_NUM 43 #define PICDIR_SEC SECTOR_OFFSET(180) + 5 #define PICDIR_NUM 30 #define VIEWDIR_SEC SECTOR_OFFSET(189) + 5 #define VIEWDIR_NUM 171 #define SNDDIR_SEC SECTOR_OFFSET(198) + 5 #define SNDDIR_NUM 64 namespace Agi { AgiLoader_v1::AgiLoader_v1(AgiEngine *vm) { _vm = vm; // Find filenames for the disk images Common::String md5Disk0, md5Disk1; getBooterMD5Sums((AgiGameID)_vm->getGameID(), md5Disk0, md5Disk1); diskImageExists(md5Disk0, _filenameDisk0); if (!md5Disk1.empty()) diskImageExists(md5Disk1, _filenameDisk1); } int AgiLoader_v1::detectGame() { return _vm->setupV2Game(_vm->getVersion()); } int AgiLoader_v1::loadDir(AgiDir *agid, int offset, int num) { Common::File fp; if (!fp.open(_filenameDisk0)) return errBadFileOpen; // Cleanup for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DIRS; i++) { agid[i].volume = 0xFF; agid[i].offset = _EMPTY; } fp.seek(offset, SEEK_SET); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int b0 = fp.readByte(); int b1 = fp.readByte(); int b2 = fp.readByte(); if (b0 == 0xFF && b1 == 0xFF && b2 == 0xFF) { agid[i].volume = 0xFF; agid[i].offset = _EMPTY; } else { int sec = (BASE_SECTOR + (((b0 & 0xF) << 8) | b1)) >> 1; int off = ((b1 & 0x1) << 8) | b2; agid[i].volume = 0; agid[i].offset = (sec << 16) | off; } } fp.close(); return errOK; } int AgiLoader_v1::init() { int ec = errOK; ec = loadDir(_vm->_game.dirLogic, LOGDIR_SEC, LOGDIR_NUM); if (ec == errOK) ec = loadDir(_vm->_game.dirPic, PICDIR_SEC, PICDIR_NUM); if (ec == errOK) ec = loadDir(_vm->_game.dirView, VIEWDIR_SEC, VIEWDIR_NUM); if (ec == errOK) ec = loadDir(_vm->_game.dirSound, SNDDIR_SEC, SNDDIR_NUM); return ec; } int AgiLoader_v1::deinit() { int ec = errOK; return ec; } uint8 *AgiLoader_v1::loadVolRes(struct AgiDir *agid) { uint8 *data = NULL; Common::File fp; if (agid->offset == _EMPTY) return NULL; int sec = agid->offset >> 16; int off = agid->offset & 0xFFFF; fp.open(_filenameDisk0); fp.seek(SECTOR_OFFSET(sec) + off, SEEK_SET); int signature = fp.readUint16BE(); if (signature != 0x1234) { warning("AgiLoader_v1::loadVolRes: bad signature %04x", signature); return NULL; } fp.readByte(); agid->len = fp.readUint16LE(); data = (uint8 *)calloc(1, agid->len + 32); fp.read(data, agid->len); fp.close(); return data; } int AgiLoader_v1::loadResource(int t, int n) { int ec = errOK; uint8 *data = NULL; debugC(3, kDebugLevelResources, "(t = %d, n = %d)", t, n); if (n > MAX_DIRS) return errBadResource; switch (t) { case rLOGIC: if (~_vm->_game.dirLogic[n].flags & RES_LOADED) { debugC(3, kDebugLevelResources, "loading logic resource %d", n); unloadResource(rLOGIC, n); // load raw resource into data data = loadVolRes(&_vm->_game.dirLogic[n]); _vm->_game.logics[n].data = data; ec = data ? _vm->decodeLogic(n) : errBadResource; _vm->_game.logics[n].sIP = 2; } // if logic was cached, we get here // reset code pointers incase it was cached _vm->_game.logics[n].cIP = _vm->_game.logics[n].sIP; break; case rPICTURE: // if picture is currently NOT loaded *OR* cacheing is off, // unload the resource (caching == off) and reload it debugC(3, kDebugLevelResources, "loading picture resource %d", n); if (_vm->_game.dirPic[n].flags & RES_LOADED) break; // if loaded but not cached, unload it // if cached but not loaded, etc unloadResource(rPICTURE, n); data = loadVolRes(&_vm->_game.dirPic[n]); if (data != NULL) { _vm->_game.pictures[n].rdata = data; _vm->_game.dirPic[n].flags |= RES_LOADED; } else { ec = errBadResource; } break; case rSOUND: debugC(3, kDebugLevelResources, "loading sound resource %d", n); if (_vm->_game.dirSound[n].flags & RES_LOADED) break; data = loadVolRes(&_vm->_game.dirSound[n]); if (data != NULL) { // Freeing of the raw resource from memory is delegated to the createFromRawResource-function _vm->_game.sounds[n] = AgiSound::createFromRawResource(data, _vm->_game.dirSound[n].len, n, *_vm->_sound, _vm->_soundemu); _vm->_game.dirSound[n].flags |= RES_LOADED; } else { ec = errBadResource; } break; case rVIEW: // Load a VIEW resource into memory... // Since VIEWS alter the view table ALL the time // can we cache the view? or must we reload it all // the time? if (_vm->_game.dirView[n].flags & RES_LOADED) break; debugC(3, kDebugLevelResources, "loading view resource %d", n); unloadResource(rVIEW, n); data = loadVolRes(&_vm->_game.dirView[n]); if (data) { _vm->_game.views[n].rdata = data; _vm->_game.dirView[n].flags |= RES_LOADED; ec = _vm->decodeView(n); } else { ec = errBadResource; } break; default: ec = errBadResource; break; } return ec; } int AgiLoader_v1::unloadResource(int t, int n) { switch (t) { case rLOGIC: _vm->unloadLogic(n); break; case rPICTURE: _vm->_picture->unloadPicture(n); break; case rVIEW: _vm->unloadView(n); break; case rSOUND: _vm->_sound->unloadSound(n); break; } return errOK; } // TODO: Find the disk image equivalent. int AgiLoader_v1::loadObjects(const char *fname) { return _vm->loadObjects(fname); } // TODO: Find the disk image equivalent. int AgiLoader_v1::loadWords(const char *fname) { return _vm->loadWords(fname); } }