/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on the original source code of Lord Avalot d'Argent version 1.3. * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Mike, Mark and Thomas Thurman. */ /* TRIP5 Trippancy V - the sprite animation subsystem */ #include "avalanche/avalanche.h" #include "avalanche/animation.h" #include "avalanche/scrolls2.h" #include "avalanche/lucerna2.h" #include "avalanche/visa2.h" #include "avalanche/gyro2.h" #include "avalanche/celer2.h" #include "avalanche/sequence2.h" #include "avalanche/timer.h" #include "avalanche/enid2.h" #include "common/scummsys.h" #include "common/textconsole.h" #include "common/file.h" namespace Avalanche { void AnimationType::init(byte spritenum, bool doCheck, Animation *anim) { _anim = anim; const int32 idshould = -1317732048; if (spritenum == 177) return; // Already running! Common::String filename; Common::File inf; filename = filename.format("sprite%d.avd", spritenum); if (!inf.open(filename)) { warning("AVALANCHE: Trip: File not found: %s", filename.c_str()); return; } inf.seek(177); int32 id = inf.readSint32LE(); if (id != idshould) { //output << '\7'; inf.close(); return; } inf.skip(2); // Replace variable named 'soa' in the original code. if (!_stat._name.empty()) _stat._name.clear(); byte nameSize = inf.readByte(); for (byte i = 0; i < nameSize; i++) _stat._name += inf.readByte(); inf.skip(12 - nameSize); //inf.skip(1); // Same as above. byte commentSize = inf.readByte(); for (byte i = 0; i < commentSize; i++) _stat._comment += inf.readByte(); inf.skip(16 - commentSize); _stat._frameNum = inf.readByte(); _info._xLength = inf.readByte(); _info._yLength = inf.readByte(); _stat._seq = inf.readByte(); _info._size = inf.readUint16LE(); _stat._fgBubbleCol = inf.readByte(); _stat._bgBubbleCol = inf.readByte(); _stat._acciNum = inf.readByte(); _animCount = 0; // = 1; _info._xWidth = _info._xLength / 8; if ((_info._xLength % 8) > 0) _info._xWidth++; for (byte i = 0; i < _stat._frameNum; i++) { _info._sil[_animCount] = new SilType[11 * (_info._yLength + 1)]; //getmem(sil[totalnum-1], 11 * (a.yl + 1)); _info._mani[_animCount] = new ManiType[_info._size - 6]; //getmem(mani[totalnum-1], a.size - 6); for (byte j = 0; j <= _info._yLength; j++) inf.read((*_info._sil[_animCount])[j], _info._xWidth); //blockread(inf, (*sil[totalnum-1])[fv], xw); inf.read(*_info._mani[_animCount], _info._size - 6); //blockread(inf, *mani[totalnum-1], a.size - 6); _animCount++; } _animCount++; // on; _x = 0; _y = 0; _quick = true; _visible = false; _speedX = 3; _speedY = 1; if (spritenum == 1) _anim->updateSpeed(); // Just for the lights. _homing = false; _moveX = 0; _moveY = 0; _stepNum = 0; _doCheck = doCheck; _count = 0; _id = spritenum; _vanishIfStill = false; _callEachStepFl = false; inf.close(); } void AnimationType::original() { _quick = false; _id = 177; } void AnimationType::draw() { if ((_vanishIfStill) && (_moveX == 0) && (_moveY == 0)) return; byte picnum = _facingDir * _stat._seq + _stepNum; // There'll maybe problem because of the different array indexes in Pascal (starting from 1). _anim->_vm->_graphics->drawSprite(_info, picnum, _x, _y); } void AnimationType::turn(byte whichway) { if (whichway == 8) _facingDir = Animation::kDirUp; else _facingDir = whichway; } void AnimationType::appear(int16 wx, int16 wy, byte wf) { _x = (wx / 8) * 8; _y = wy; _oldX[_anim->_vm->_gyro->_cp] = wx; _oldY[_anim->_vm->_gyro->_cp] = wy; turn(wf); _visible = true; _moveX = 0; _moveY = 0; } /** * Check collision * @remarks Originally called 'collision_check' */ bool AnimationType::checkCollision() { for (int16 i = 0; i < _anim->kSpriteNumbMax; i++) { if (_anim->_sprites[i]._quick && (_anim->_sprites[i]._id != _id) && ((_x + _info._xLength) > _anim->_sprites[i]._x) && (_x < (_anim->_sprites[i]._x + _anim->_sprites[i]._info._xLength)) && (_anim->_sprites[i]._y == _y)) return true; } return false; } void AnimationType::walk() { if (_visible) { ByteField r; r._x1 = (_x / 8) - 1; if (r._x1 == 255) r._x1 = 0; r._y1 = _y - 2; r._x2 = ((_x + _info._xLength) / 8) + 1; r._y2 = _y + _info._yLength + 2; } if (!_anim->_vm->_gyro->_doingSpriteRun) { _oldX[_anim->_vm->_gyro->_cp] = _x; _oldY[_anim->_vm->_gyro->_cp] = _y; if (_homing) homeStep(); _x += _moveX; _y += _moveY; } if (_doCheck) { if (checkCollision()) { bounce(); return; } byte tc = _anim->checkFeet(_x, _x + _info._xLength, _oldY[_anim->_vm->_gyro->_cp], _y, _info._yLength) - 1; // -1 is because the modified array indexes of magics[] compared to Pascal . if ((tc != 255) & (!_anim->_vm->_gyro->_doingSpriteRun)) { switch (_anim->_vm->_gyro->_magics[tc]._operation) { case Gyro::kMagicExclaim: { bounce(); _anim->_mustExclaim = true; _anim->_sayWhat = _anim->_vm->_gyro->_magics[tc]._data; } break; case Gyro::kMagicBounce: bounce(); break; case Gyro::kMagicTransport: _anim->flipRoom(_anim->_vm->_gyro->_magics[tc]._data >> 8, _anim->_vm->_gyro->_magics[tc]._data & 0xff); break; case Gyro::kMagicUnfinished: { bounce(); _anim->_vm->_scrolls->displayText("\7Sorry.\3\rThis place is not available yet!"); } break; case Gyro::kMagicSpecial: _anim->callSpecial(_anim->_vm->_gyro->_magics[tc]._data); break; case Gyro::kMagicOpenDoor: _anim->openDoor(_anim->_vm->_gyro->_magics[tc]._data >> 8, _anim->_vm->_gyro->_magics[tc]._data & 0xff, tc); break; } } } if (!_anim->_vm->_gyro->_doingSpriteRun) { _count++; if (((_moveX != 0) || (_moveY != 0)) && (_count > 1)) { _stepNum++; if (_stepNum == _stat._seq) _stepNum = 0; _count = 0; } } } void AnimationType::bounce() { _x = _oldX[_anim->_vm->_gyro->_cp]; _y = _oldY[_anim->_vm->_gyro->_cp]; if (_doCheck) _anim->stopWalking(); else stopWalk(); _anim->_vm->_gyro->_onCanDoPageSwap = false; _anim->_vm->_lucerna->drawDirection(); _anim->_vm->_gyro->_onCanDoPageSwap = true; } int8 AnimationType::getSign(int16 val) { if (val > 0) return 1; else if (val < 0) return -1; else return 0; } void AnimationType::walkTo(byte pednum) { pednum--; // Pascal -> C conversion: different array indexes. setSpeed(getSign(_anim->_vm->_gyro->_peds[pednum]._x - _x) * 4, getSign(_anim->_vm->_gyro->_peds[pednum]._y - _y)); _homingX = _anim->_vm->_gyro->_peds[pednum]._x - _info._xLength / 2; _homingY = _anim->_vm->_gyro->_peds[pednum]._y - _info._yLength; _homing = true; } void AnimationType::stopHoming() { _homing = false; } void AnimationType::homeStep() { int16 temp; if ((_homingX == _x) && (_homingY == _y)) { // touching the target stopWalk(); return; } _moveX = 0; _moveY = 0; if (_homingY != _y) { temp = _homingY - _y; if (temp > 4) _moveY = 4; else if (temp < -4) _moveY = -4; else _moveY = temp; } if (_homingX != _x) { temp = _homingX - _x; if (temp > 4) _moveX = 4; else if (temp < -4) _moveX = -4; else _moveX = temp; } } void AnimationType::setSpeed(int8 xx, int8 yy) { _moveX = xx; _moveY = yy; if ((_moveX == 0) && (_moveY == 0)) return; // no movement if (_moveX == 0) { // No horz movement if (_moveY < 0) turn(_anim->kDirUp); else turn(_anim->kDirDown); } else { if (_moveX < 0) turn(_anim->kDirLeft); else turn(_anim->kDirRight); } } void AnimationType::stopWalk() { _moveX = 0; _moveY = 0; _homing = false; } void AnimationType::chatter() { _anim->_vm->_gyro->_talkX = _x + _info._xLength / 2; _anim->_vm->_gyro->_talkY = _y; _anim->_vm->_gyro->_talkFontColor = _stat._fgBubbleCol; _anim->_vm->_gyro->_talkBackgroundColor = _stat._bgBubbleCol; } void AnimationType::remove() { _animCount--; _info._xWidth = _info._xLength / 8; if ((_info._xLength % 8) > 0) _info._xWidth++; for (byte i = 0; i < _stat._frameNum; i++) { _animCount--; assert(_animCount >= 0); delete[] _info._mani[_animCount]; delete[] _info._sil[_animCount]; } _quick = false; _id = 177; } Animation::Animation(AvalancheEngine *vm) { _vm = vm; _mustExclaim = false; } Animation::~Animation() { for (int16 i = 0; i < kSpriteNumbMax; i++) { if (_sprites[i]._quick) _sprites[i].remove(); } } void Animation::loadAnims() { for (int16 i = 0; i < kSpriteNumbMax; i++) _sprites[i].original(); } byte Animation::checkFeet(int16 x1, int16 x2, int16 oy, int16 y, byte yl) { // if not alive then begin checkfeet:=0; exit; end; byte a = 0; //setactivepage(2); if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x2 > 639) x2 = 639; if (oy < y) { for (int16 i = x1; i <= x2; i++) { for (int16 j = oy + yl; j <= y + yl; j++) { byte c = *(byte *)_vm->_graphics->_magics.getBasePtr(i, j); if (c > a) a = c; } } } else { for (int16 i = x1; i <= x2; i++) { for (int16 j = y + yl; j <= oy + yl; j++) { byte c = *(byte *)_vm->_graphics->_magics.getBasePtr(i, j); if (c > a) a = c; } } } //setactivepage(1 - cp); return a; } byte Animation::geidaPed(byte which) { switch (which) { case 1: return 7; case 2: case 6: return 8; case 3: case 5: return 9; case 4: return 10; default: return 0; } } void Animation::catacombMove(byte ped) { int32 here; uint16 xy_uint16; byte fv; // XY_uint16 is cat_x+cat_y*256. Thus, every room in the // catacombs has a different number for it. xy_uint16 = _vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombX + _vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombY * 256; _vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaSpin = 0; switch (xy_uint16) { case 1801: // Exit catacombs flipRoom(r__lustiesroom, 4); _vm->_scrolls->displayText("Phew! Nice to be out of there!"); return; case 1033: // Oubliette flipRoom(r__oubliette, 1); _vm->_scrolls->displayText(Common::String("Oh, NO!") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlRegister + '1' + _vm->_scrolls->kControlSpeechBubble); return; case 4: flipRoom(r__geidas, 1); return; case 2307: flipRoom(r__lusties, 5); _vm->_scrolls->displayText("Oh no... here we go again..."); _vm->_gyro->_dna._userMovesAvvy = false; _sprites[0]._moveY = 1; _sprites[0]._moveX = 0; return; } if (!_vm->_gyro->_dna._enterCatacombsFromLustiesRoom) _vm->_lucerna->loadRoom(29); here = _vm->_gyro->kCatacombMap[_vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombY - 1][_vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombX - 1]; switch (here & 0xf) { // West. case 0: // no connection (wall) _vm->_gyro->_magics[1]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[2]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 28); break; case 0x1: // no connection (wall + shield), _vm->_gyro->_magics[1]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[2]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 28); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 29); // ...shield. break; case 0x2: // wall with door _vm->_gyro->_magics[1]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[2]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 28); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 30); // ...door. break; case 0x3: // wall with door and shield _vm->_gyro->_magics[1]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[2]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 28); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 30); // ...door, and... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 29); // ...shield. break; case 0x4: // no connection (wall + window), _vm->_gyro->_magics[1]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[2]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 28); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 5); // ...window. break; case 0x5: // wall with door and window _vm->_gyro->_magics[1]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[2]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 28); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 30); // ...door, and... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 5); // ...window. break; case 0x6: // no connection (wall + torches), _vm->_gyro->_magics[1]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[2]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // No door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 28); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 7); // ...torches. break; case 0x7: // wall with door and torches _vm->_gyro->_magics[1]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[2]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 28); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 30); // ...door, and... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 7); // ...torches. break; case 0xf: // straight-through corridor. _vm->_gyro->_magics[1]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[2]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Straight wall. break; } /* ---- */ switch ((here & 0xf0) >> 4) { // East case 0: // no connection (wall) _vm->_gyro->_magics[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[5]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 19); break; case 0x1: // no connection (wall + window), _vm->_gyro->_magics[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[5]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 19); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 20); // ...window. break; case 0x2: // wall with door _vm->_gyro->_magics[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[5]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 19); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 21); // ...door. break; case 0x3: // wall with door and window _vm->_gyro->_magics[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[5]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 19); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 20); // ...door, and... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 21); // ...window. break; case 0x6: // no connection (wall + torches), _vm->_gyro->_magics[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[5]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // No door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 19); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 18); // ...torches. break; case 0x7: // wall with door and torches _vm->_gyro->_magics[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[5]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 19); // Wall, plus... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 21); // ...door, and... _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 18); // ...torches. break; case 0xf: // straight-through corridor. _vm->_gyro->_magics[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Sloping wall. _vm->_gyro->_magics[5]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Straight wall. _vm->_gyro->_portals[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door. break; } /* ---- */ switch ((here & 0xf00) >> 8) { // South case 0: // No connection. _vm->_gyro->_magics[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; _vm->_gyro->_magics[11]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; _vm->_gyro->_magics[12]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; break; case 0x1: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 22); if ((xy_uint16 == 2051) && (_vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaFollows)) _vm->_gyro->_magics[12]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicExclaim; else _vm->_gyro->_magics[12]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Right exit south. _vm->_gyro->_magics[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; _vm->_gyro->_magics[11]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; break; case 0x2: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 23); _vm->_gyro->_magics[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Middle exit south. _vm->_gyro->_magics[11]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; _vm->_gyro->_magics[12]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; break; case 0x3: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 24); _vm->_gyro->_magics[11]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Left exit south. _vm->_gyro->_magics[6]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; _vm->_gyro->_magics[12]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; break; } switch ((here & 0xf000) >> 12) { // North case 0: // No connection _vm->_gyro->_magics[0]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; _vm->_gyro->_portals[3]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door. break; // LEFT handles: #if 0 case 0x1: _vm->_celer->show_one(-1, -1, 4); _vm->_gyro->magics[1].op = _vm->_gyro->bounces; // { Left exit north. } { Change magic number! } _vm->_gyro->portals[12].op = _vm->_gyro->special; // { Door. } break; #endif case 0x2: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 4); _vm->_gyro->_magics[0]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Middle exit north. _vm->_gyro->_portals[3]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Door. break; #if 0 case 0x3: _vm->_celer->show_one(-1, -1, 4); _vm->_gyro->magics[1].op = _vm->_gyro->bounces; // { Right exit north. } { Change magic number! } _vm->_gyro->portals[12].op = _vm->_gyro->special; // { Door. } break; // RIGHT handles: case 0x4: _vm->_celer->show_one(-1, -1, 3); _vm->_gyro->magics[1].op = _vm->_gyro->bounces; // { Left exit north. } { Change magic number! } _vm->_gyro->portals[12].op = _vm->_gyro->special; // { Door. } break; #endif case 0x5: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 3); _vm->_gyro->_magics[0]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Middle exit north. _vm->_gyro->_portals[3]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Door. break; #if 0 case 0x6: _vm->_celer->show_one(-1, -1, 3); _vm->_gyro->magics[1].op = _vm->_gyro->bounces; // { Right exit north. } _vm->_gyro->portals[12].op = _vm->_gyro->special; // { Door. } break; #endif // ARCHWAYS: case 0x7: case 0x8: case 0x9: { _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 6); if (((here & 0xf000) >> 12) > 0x7) _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 31); if (((here & 0xf000) >> 12) == 0x9) _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 32); _vm->_gyro->_magics[0]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Middle arch north. _vm->_gyro->_portals[3]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door. } break; // DECORATIONS: case 0xd: // No connection + WINDOW _vm->_gyro->_magics[0]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; _vm->_gyro->_portals[3]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 14); break; case 0xe: // No connection + TORCH _vm->_gyro->_magics[0]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; _vm->_gyro->_portals[3]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 8); break; // Recessed door: case 0xf: _vm->_gyro->_magics[0]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; // Door to Geida's room. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 1); _vm->_gyro->_portals[3]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicSpecial; // Door. break; } switch (xy_uint16) { case 514: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 17); break; // [2,2] : "Art Gallery" sign over door. case 264: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 9); break; // [8,1] : "The Wrong Way!" sign. case 1797: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 2); break; // [5,7] : "Ite Mingite" sign. case 258: for (fv = 0; fv <= 2; fv++) { // [2,1] : Art gallery - pictures _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(130 + fv * 120, 70, 15); _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(184 + fv * 120, 78, 16); } break; case 1287: for (fv = 10; fv <= 13; fv++) _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, fv); break; // [7,5] : 4 candles. case 776: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 10); break; // [8,3] : 1 candle. case 2049: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 11); break; // [1,8] : another candle. case 257: _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 12); _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 13); break; // [1,1] : the other two. } if ((_vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaFollows) && (ped > 0)) { if (!_sprites[1]._quick) // If we don't already have her... _sprites[1].init(5, true, this); // ...Load Geida. appearPed(2, geidaPed(ped)); _sprites[1]._callEachStepFl = true; _sprites[1]._eachStepProc = kProcGeida; } } // This proc gets called whenever you touch a line defined as _vm->_gyro->special. void Animation::dawnDelay() { _vm->_timer->addTimer(2, _vm->_timer->kProcDawnDelay, _vm->_timer->kReasonDawndelay); } void Animation::callSpecial(uint16 which) { switch (which) { case 1: // _vm->_gyro->special 1: Room 22: top of stairs. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 1); _vm->_gyro->_dna._brummieStairs = 1; _vm->_gyro->_magics[9]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; _vm->_timer->addTimer(10, _vm->_timer->kProcStairs, _vm->_timer->kReasonBrummieStairs); stopWalking(); _vm->_gyro->_dna._userMovesAvvy = false; break; case 2: // _vm->_gyro->special 2: Room 22: bottom of stairs. _vm->_gyro->_dna._brummieStairs = 3; _vm->_gyro->_magics[10]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; _vm->_gyro->_magics[11]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicExclaim; _vm->_gyro->_magics[11]._data = 5; _vm->_gyro->_magics[3]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Now works as planned! stopWalking(); _vm->_visa->displayScrollChain('q', 26); _vm->_gyro->_dna._userMovesAvvy = true; break; case 3: // _vm->_gyro->special 3: Room 71: triggers dart. _sprites[0].bounce(); // Must include that. if (!_vm->_gyro->_dna._arrowTriggered) { _vm->_gyro->_dna._arrowTriggered = true; appearPed(2, 4); // The dart starts at ped 4, and... _sprites[1].walkTo(5); // flies to ped 5. _sprites[1]._facingDir = kDirUp; // Only face. // Should call some kind of Eachstep procedure which will deallocate // the sprite when it hits the wall, and replace it with the chunk // graphic of the arrow buried in the plaster. */ // OK! _sprites[1]._callEachStepFl = true; _sprites[1]._eachStepProc = kProcArrow; } break; case 4: // This is the ghost room link. _vm->_lucerna->dusk(); _sprites[0].turn(kDirRight); // you'll see this after we get back from bootstrap _vm->_timer->addTimer(1, _vm->_timer->kProcGhostRoomPhew, _vm->_timer->kReasonGhostRoomPhew); _vm->_enid->backToBootstrap(3); break; case 5: if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._friarWillTieYouUp) { // _vm->_gyro->special 5: Room 42: touched tree, and get tied up. _vm->_gyro->_magics[4]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicBounce; // Boundary effect is now working again. _vm->_visa->displayScrollChain('q', 35); _sprites[0].remove(); //tr[1].vanishifstill:=true; _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 2); _vm->_visa->displayScrollChain('q', 36); _vm->_gyro->_dna._tiedUp = true; _vm->_gyro->_dna._friarWillTieYouUp = false; _sprites[1].walkTo(3); _sprites[1]._vanishIfStill = true; _sprites[1]._doCheck = true; // One of them must have Check_Me switched on. _vm->_gyro->_whereIs[_vm->_gyro->kPeopleFriarTuck - 150] = 177; // Not here, then. _vm->_timer->addTimer(364, _vm->_timer->kProcHangAround, _vm->_timer->kReasonHangingAround); } break; case 6: // _vm->_gyro->special 6: fall down oubliette. _vm->_gyro->_dna._userMovesAvvy = false; _sprites[0]._moveX = 3; _sprites[0]._moveY = 0; _sprites[0]._facingDir = kDirRight; _vm->_timer->addTimer(1, _vm->_timer->kProcFallDownOubliette, _vm->_timer->kReasonFallingDownOubliette); break; case 7: // _vm->_gyro->special 7: stop falling down oubliette. _sprites[0]._visible = false; _vm->_gyro->_magics[9]._operation = _vm->_gyro->kMagicNothing; stopWalking(); _vm->_timer->loseTimer(_vm->_timer->kReasonFallingDownOubliette); //_vm->_lucerna->mblit(12, 80, 38, 160, 3, 0); //_vm->_lucerna->mblit(12, 80, 38, 160, 3, 1); _vm->_scrolls->displayText("Oh dear, you seem to be down the bottom of an oubliette."); _vm->_timer->addTimer(200, _vm->_timer->kProcMeetAvaroid, _vm->_timer->kReasonMeetingAvaroid); break; case 8: // _vm->_gyro->special 8: leave du Lustie's room. if ((_vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaFollows) && (!_vm->_gyro->_dna._lustieIsAsleep)) { _vm->_visa->displayScrollChain('q', 63); _sprites[1].turn(kDirDown); _sprites[1].stopWalk(); _sprites[1]._callEachStepFl = false; // Geida _vm->_lucerna->gameOver(); } break; case 9: // _vm->_gyro->special 9: lose Geida to Robin Hood... if (!_vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaFollows) return; // DOESN'T COUNT: no Geida. _sprites[1]._callEachStepFl = false; // She no longer follows Avvy around. _sprites[1].walkTo(4); // She walks to somewhere... _sprites[0].remove(); // Lose Avvy. _vm->_gyro->_dna._userMovesAvvy = false; _vm->_timer->addTimer(40, _vm->_timer->kProcRobinHoodAndGeida, _vm->_timer->kReasonRobinHoodAndGeida); break; case 10: // _vm->_gyro->special 10: transfer north in catacombs. if ((_vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombX == 4) && (_vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombY == 1)) { // Into Geida's room. if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._objects[_vm->_gyro->kObjectKey - 1]) _vm->_visa->displayScrollChain('q', 62); else { _vm->_visa->displayScrollChain('q', 61); return; } } _vm->_lucerna->dusk(); _vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombY--; catacombMove(4); if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._room != r__catacombs) return; switch ((_vm->_gyro->kCatacombMap[_vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombY - 1][_vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombX - 1] & 0xf00) >> 8) { case 0x1: appearPed(1, 12); break; case 0x3: appearPed(1, 11); break; default: appearPed(1, 4); } dawnDelay(); break; case 11: // _vm->_gyro->special 11: transfer east in catacombs. _vm->_lucerna->dusk(); _vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombX++; catacombMove(1); if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._room != r__catacombs) return; appearPed(1, 1); dawnDelay(); break; case 12: // _vm->_gyro->special 12: transfer south in catacombs. _vm->_lucerna->dusk(); _vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombY += 1; catacombMove(2); if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._room != r__catacombs) return; appearPed(1, 2); dawnDelay(); break; case 13: // _vm->_gyro->special 13: transfer west in catacombs. _vm->_lucerna->dusk(); _vm->_gyro->_dna._catacombX--; catacombMove(3); if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._room != r__catacombs) return; appearPed(1, 3); dawnDelay(); break; } } /** * Open the Door. * This slides the door open. The data really ought to be saved in * the Also file, and will be next time. However, for now, they're * here. * @remarks Originally called 'open_the_door' */ void Animation::openDoor(byte whither, byte ped, byte magicnum) { switch (_vm->_gyro->_dna._room) { case r__outsideyours: case r__outsidenottspub: case r__outsideducks: _vm->_sequence->firstShow(1); _vm->_sequence->thenShow(2); _vm->_sequence->thenShow(3); break; case r__insidecardiffcastle: _vm->_sequence->firstShow(1); _vm->_sequence->thenShow(5); break; case r__avvysgarden: case r__entrancehall: case r__insideabbey: case r__yourhall: _vm->_sequence->firstShow(1); _vm->_sequence->thenShow(2); break; case r__musicroom: case r__outsideargentpub: _vm->_sequence->firstShow(5); _vm->_sequence->thenShow(6); break; case r__lusties: switch (magicnum) { case 14: if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._avvysInTheCupboard) { hideInCupboard(); _vm->_sequence->firstShow(8); _vm->_sequence->thenShow(7); _vm->_sequence->startToClose(); return; } else { appearPed(1, 6); _sprites[0]._facingDir = kDirRight; // added by TT 12/3/1995 _vm->_sequence->firstShow(8); _vm->_sequence->thenShow(9); } break; case 12: _vm->_sequence->firstShow(4); _vm->_sequence->thenShow(5); _vm->_sequence->thenShow(6); break; } break; } _vm->_sequence->thenFlip(whither, ped); _vm->_sequence->startToOpen(); } void Animation::updateSpeed() { // Given that you've just changed the speed in triptype._speedX, this adjusts _moveX. _sprites[0]._moveX = (_sprites[0]._moveX / 3) * _sprites[0]._speedX; //setactivepage(3); if (_sprites[0]._speedX == _vm->_gyro->kRun) _vm->_graphics->_surface.drawLine(371, 199, 373, 199, kColorYellow); else _vm->_graphics->_surface.drawLine(336, 199, 338, 199, kColorYellow); if (_sprites[0]._speedX == _vm->_gyro->kRun) _vm->_graphics->_surface.drawLine(336, 199, 338, 199, kColorLightblue); else _vm->_graphics->_surface.drawLine(371, 199, 373, 199, kColorLightblue); //setactivepage(1 - cp); } void Animation::changeDirection(byte t, byte dir) { switch (dir) { case kDirUp: _sprites[t].setSpeed(0, -_sprites[t]._speedY); break; case kDirDown: _sprites[t].setSpeed(0, _sprites[t]._speedY); break; case kDirLeft: _sprites[t].setSpeed(-_sprites[t]._speedX, 0); break; case kDirRight: _sprites[t].setSpeed(_sprites[t]._speedX, 0); break; case kDirUpLeft: _sprites[t].setSpeed(-_sprites[t]._speedX, -_sprites[t]._speedY); break; case kDirUpRight: _sprites[t].setSpeed(_sprites[t]._speedX, -_sprites[t]._speedY); break; case kDirDownLeft: _sprites[t].setSpeed(-_sprites[t]._speedX, _sprites[t]._speedY); break; case kDirDownRight: _sprites[t].setSpeed(_sprites[t]._speedX, _sprites[t]._speedY); break; } } void Animation::appearPed(byte trn, byte np) { trn--; np--; _sprites[trn].appear(_vm->_gyro->_peds[np]._x - _sprites[trn]._info._xLength / 2, _vm->_gyro->_peds[np]._y - _sprites[trn]._info._yLength, _vm->_gyro->_peds[np]._direction); changeDirection(trn, _vm->_gyro->_peds[np]._direction); } // Eachstep procedures: void Animation::followAvalotY(byte tripnum) { if (_sprites[0]._facingDir == kDirLeft) return; if (_sprites[tripnum]._homing) _sprites[tripnum]._homingY = _sprites[1]._y; else { if (_sprites[tripnum]._y < _sprites[1]._y) _sprites[tripnum]._y += 1; else if (_sprites[tripnum]._y > _sprites[1]._y) _sprites[tripnum]._y -= 1; else return; if (_sprites[tripnum]._moveX == 0) { _sprites[tripnum]._stepNum += 1; if (_sprites[tripnum]._stepNum == _sprites[tripnum]._stat._seq) _sprites[tripnum]._stepNum = 0; _sprites[tripnum]._count = 0; } } } void Animation::backAndForth(byte tripnum) { if (!_sprites[tripnum]._homing) { if (_sprites[tripnum]._facingDir == kDirRight) _sprites[tripnum].walkTo(4); else _sprites[tripnum].walkTo(5); } } void Animation::faceAvvy(byte tripnum) { if (!_sprites[tripnum]._homing) { if (_sprites[0]._x >= _sprites[tripnum]._x) _sprites[tripnum]._facingDir = kDirRight; else _sprites[tripnum]._facingDir = kDirLeft; } } void Animation::arrowProcs(byte tripnum) { if (_sprites[tripnum]._homing) { // Arrow is still in flight. // We must check whether or not the arrow has collided tr[tripnum] Avvy's head. // This is so if: a) the bottom of the arrow is below Avvy's head, // b) the left of the arrow is left of the right of Avvy's head, and // c) the right of the arrow is right of the left of Avvy's head. if (((_sprites[tripnum]._y + _sprites[tripnum]._info._yLength) >= _sprites[0]._y) // A && (_sprites[tripnum]._x <= (_sprites[0]._x + _sprites[0]._info._xLength)) // B && ((_sprites[tripnum]._x + _sprites[tripnum]._info._xLength) >= _sprites[0]._x)) { // C // OK, it's hit him... what now? _sprites[1]._callEachStepFl = false; // prevent recursion. _vm->_visa->displayScrollChain('Q', 47); // Complaint! _sprites[tripnum].remove(); // Deallocate the arrow. #if 0 tr[1].done; { Deallocate normal pic of Avvy. } off; for byte fv:=0 to 1 do begin cp:=1-cp; getback; end; on; #endif _vm->_lucerna->gameOver(); _vm->_gyro->_dna._userMovesAvvy = false; // Stop the user from moving him. _vm->_timer->addTimer(55, _vm->_timer->kProcNaughtyDuke, _vm->_timer->kReasonNaughtyDuke); } } else { // Arrow has hit the wall! _sprites[tripnum].remove(); // Deallocate the arrow. _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 3); // Show pic of arrow stuck into the door. _vm->_gyro->_dna._arrowInTheDoor = true; // So that we can pick it up. } } #if 0 procedure Spludwick_procs(tripnum:byte); var fv:byte; begin with tr[tripnum] do if not homing then { We only need to do anything if Spludwick *stops* walking. } with _vm->_gyro->dna do begin inc(DogfoodPos); if DogfoodPos=8 then DogfoodPos:=1; walkto(DogfoodPos); end; end; #endif void Animation::grabAvvy(byte tripnum) { // For Friar Tuck, in Nottingham. int16 tox = _sprites[0]._x + 17; int16 toy = _sprites[0]._y - 1; if ((_sprites[tripnum]._x == tox) && (_sprites[tripnum]._y == toy)) { _sprites[tripnum]._callEachStepFl = false; _sprites[tripnum]._facingDir = kDirLeft; _sprites[tripnum].stopWalk(); // ... whatever ... } else { // Still some way to go. if (_sprites[tripnum]._x < tox) { _sprites[tripnum]._x += 5; if (_sprites[tripnum]._x > tox) _sprites[tripnum]._x = tox; } if (_sprites[tripnum]._y < toy) _sprites[tripnum]._y++; _sprites[tripnum]._stepNum++; if (_sprites[tripnum]._stepNum == _sprites[tripnum]._stat._seq) _sprites[tripnum]._stepNum = 0; } } void Animation::takeAStep(byte &tripnum) { if (_sprites[tripnum]._moveX == 0) { _sprites[tripnum]._stepNum++; if (_sprites[tripnum]._stepNum == _sprites[tripnum]._stat._seq) _sprites[tripnum]._stepNum = 0; _sprites[tripnum]._count = 0; } } void Animation::spin(byte whichway, byte &tripnum) { if (_sprites[tripnum]._facingDir != whichway) { _sprites[tripnum]._facingDir = whichway; if (_sprites[tripnum]._id == 2) return; // Not for Spludwick _vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaSpin += 1; _vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaTime = 20; if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaSpin == 5) { _vm->_scrolls->displayText("Steady on, Avvy, you'll make the poor girl dizzy!"); _vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaSpin = 0; _vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaTime = 0; // knock out records } } } void Animation::geidaProcs(byte tripnum) { if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaTime > 0) { _vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaTime--; if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaTime == 0) _vm->_gyro->_dna._geidaSpin = 0; } if (_sprites[tripnum]._y < (_sprites[0]._y - 2)) { // Geida is further from the screen than Avvy. spin(kDirDown, tripnum); _sprites[tripnum]._moveY = 1; _sprites[tripnum]._moveX = 0; takeAStep(tripnum); return; } else if (_sprites[tripnum]._y > (_sprites[0]._y + 2)) { // Avvy is further from the screen than Geida. spin(kDirUp, tripnum); _sprites[tripnum]._moveY = -1; _sprites[tripnum]._moveX = 0; takeAStep(tripnum); return; } _sprites[tripnum]._moveY = 0; // These 12-s are not in the original, I added them to make the following method more "smooth". // Now the NPC which is following Avvy won't block his way and will walk next to him properly. if (_sprites[tripnum]._x < _sprites[0]._x - _sprites[0]._speedX * 8 - 12) { _sprites[tripnum]._moveX = _sprites[0]._speedX; spin(kDirRight, tripnum); takeAStep(tripnum); } else if (_sprites[tripnum]._x > _sprites[0]._x + _sprites[0]._speedX * 8 + 12) { _sprites[tripnum]._moveX = -_sprites[0]._speedX; spin(kDirLeft, tripnum); takeAStep(tripnum); } else _sprites[tripnum]._moveX = 0; } // That's all... void Animation::drawSprites() { int8 order[5]; byte temp; bool ok; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) order[i] = -1; for (int16 i = 0; i < kSpriteNumbMax; i++) { if (_sprites[i]._quick && _sprites[i]._visible) order[i] = i; } do { ok = true; for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (((order[i] != -1) && (order[i + 1] != -1)) && (_sprites[order[i]]._y > _sprites[order[i + 1]]._y)) { // Swap them! temp = order[i]; order[i] = order[i + 1]; order[i + 1] = temp; ok = false; } } } while (!ok); _vm->_graphics->refreshBackground(); for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (order[i] > -1) _sprites[order[i]].draw(); } } /** * Animation links * @remarks Originally called 'trippancy_link' */ void Animation::animLink() { if (_vm->_gyro->_dropdownActive | _vm->_gyro->_onToolbar | _vm->_gyro->_seeScroll) return; for (int16 i = 0; i < kSpriteNumbMax; i++) { if (_sprites[i]._quick && _sprites[i]._visible) _sprites[i].walk(); } drawSprites(); for (int16 i = 0; i < kSpriteNumbMax; i++) { if (_sprites[i]._quick && _sprites[i]._callEachStepFl) { switch (_sprites[i]._eachStepProc) { case kProcFollowAvvyY : followAvalotY(i); break; case kProcBackAndForth : backAndForth(i); break; case kProcFaceAvvy : faceAvvy(i); break; case kProcArrow : arrowProcs(i); break; // PROCSpludwick_procs : spludwick_procs(fv); case kProcGrabAvvy : grabAvvy(i); break; case kProcGeida : geidaProcs(i); break; } } } if (_mustExclaim) { _mustExclaim = false; _vm->_visa->displayScrollChain('x', _sayWhat); } } void Animation::stopWalking() { _sprites[0].stopWalk(); _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction = kDirStopped; if (_vm->_gyro->_alive) _sprites[0]._stepNum = 1; } /** * Hide in the cupboard * @remarks Originally called 'hide_in_the_cupboard' */ void Animation::hideInCupboard() { if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._avvysInTheCupboard) { if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._wearing == Acci::kNothing) _vm->_scrolls->displayText(Common::String(_vm->_scrolls->kControlItalic) + "AVVY!" + _vm->_scrolls->kControlRoman + "Get dressed first!"); else { _sprites[0]._visible = true; _vm->_gyro->_dna._userMovesAvvy = true; appearPed(1, 3); // Walk out of the cupboard. _vm->_scrolls->displayText("You leave the cupboard. Nice to be out of there!"); _vm->_gyro->_dna._avvysInTheCupboard = false; _vm->_sequence->firstShow(8); _vm->_sequence->thenShow(7); _vm->_sequence->startToClose(); } } else { // Not hiding in the cupboard _sprites[0]._visible = false; _vm->_gyro->_dna._userMovesAvvy = false; _vm->_scrolls->displayText(Common::String("You walk into the room...") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlParagraph + "It seems to be an empty, but dusty, cupboard. Hmmmm... you leave the door slightly open to avoid suffocation."); _vm->_gyro->_dna._avvysInTheCupboard = true; _vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 8); } } void Animation::flipRoom(byte room, byte ped) { if (!_vm->_gyro->_alive) { // You can't leave the room if you're dead. _sprites[0]._moveX = 0; _sprites[0]._moveY = 0; // Stop him from moving. return; } if ((room == 177) && (_vm->_gyro->_dna._room == r__lusties)) { hideInCupboard(); return; } if ((_vm->_gyro->_dna._jumpStatus > 0) && (_vm->_gyro->_dna._room == r__insidecardiffcastle)) { // You can't *jump* out of Cardiff Castle! _sprites[0]._moveX = 0; return; } _vm->_lucerna->exitRoom(_vm->_gyro->_dna._room); _vm->_lucerna->dusk(); for (int16 i = 1; i < kSpriteNumbMax; i++) { if (_sprites[i]._quick) _sprites[i].remove(); } // Deallocate sprite if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._room == r__lustiesroom) _vm->_gyro->_dna._enterCatacombsFromLustiesRoom = true; _vm->_lucerna->enterRoom(room, ped); appearPed(1, ped); _vm->_gyro->_dna._enterCatacombsFromLustiesRoom = false; _vm->_gyro->_oldDirection = _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction; _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction = _sprites[0]._facingDir; _vm->_lucerna->drawDirection(); _vm->_lucerna->dawn(); // Tidy up after mouse. I know it's a kludge... // tidy_after_mouse; } bool Animation::inField(byte which) { which--; // Pascal -> C: different array indexes. int16 yy = _sprites[0]._y + _sprites[0]._info._yLength; return (_sprites[0]._x >= _vm->_gyro->_fields[which]._x1) && (_sprites[0]._x <= _vm->_gyro->_fields[which]._x2) && (yy >= _vm->_gyro->_fields[which]._y1) && (yy <= _vm->_gyro->_fields[which]._y2); } bool Animation::nearDoor() { if (_vm->_gyro->_fieldNum < 8) { // there ARE no doors here! return false; } int16 ux = _sprites[0]._x; int16 uy = _sprites[0]._y + _sprites[0]._info._yLength; bool nd = false; for (byte fv = 8; fv < _vm->_gyro->_fieldNum; fv++) if ((ux >= _vm->_gyro->_fields[fv]._x1) && (ux <= _vm->_gyro->_fields[fv]._x2) && (uy >= _vm->_gyro->_fields[fv]._y1) && (uy <= _vm->_gyro->_fields[fv]._y2)) nd = true; return nd; } void Animation::handleMoveKey(const Common::Event &event) { if (!_vm->_gyro->_dna._userMovesAvvy) return; if (_vm->_dropdown->_activeMenuItem._activeNow) _vm->_parser->tryDropdown(); else { switch (event.kbd.keycode) { case Common::KEYCODE_UP: if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._direction != kDirUp) { _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction = kDirUp; changeDirection(0, _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction); } else stopWalking(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_DOWN: if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._direction != kDirDown) { _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction = kDirDown; changeDirection(0, _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction); } else stopWalking(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_LEFT: if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._direction != kDirLeft) { _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction = kDirLeft; changeDirection(0, _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction); } else stopWalking(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT: if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._direction != kDirRight) { _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction = kDirRight; changeDirection(0, _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction); } else stopWalking(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_PAGEUP: if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._direction != kDirUpRight) { _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction = kDirUpRight; changeDirection(0, _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction); } else stopWalking(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN: if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._direction != kDirDownRight) { _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction = kDirDownRight; changeDirection(0, _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction); } else stopWalking(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_END: if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._direction != kDirDownLeft) { _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction = kDirDownLeft; changeDirection(0, _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction); } else stopWalking(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_HOME: if (_vm->_gyro->_dna._direction != kDirUpLeft) { _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction = kDirUpLeft; changeDirection(0, _vm->_gyro->_dna._direction); } else stopWalking(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_KP5: stopWalking(); break; default: break; } } } } // End of namespace Avalanche.