#include "ptoc.h" #include "graph.h" /*#include "Tommys.h"*/ /*#include "Crt.h"*/ enum flavourtype {ch_ega,ch_bgi, last_flavourtype}; struct chunkblocktype { flavourtype flavour; integer x,y; integer xl,yl; longint size; boolean natural; boolean memorise; /* Hold it in memory? */ }; const array<1,44,char> chunkheader = string("Chunk-type AVD file, for an Avvy game.")+'\32'+'\261'+'\x30'+'\x1'+'\x75'+'\261'; const integer arraysize = 12000; array<1,30,longint> offsets; byte num_chunks,this_chunk; integer gd,gm; untyped_file f; array<0,arraysize,byte> aa; void finder() { char r; integer x,y; ; setfillstyle(0,0); setcolor(14); x=320; y=100; setwritemode(xorput); do { bar(0,0,200,10); outtextxy(0,0,strf(x)+','+strf(y)); line(x-20,y,x+20,y); line(x,y-20,x,y+20); do {; } while (!keypressed()); line(x-20,y,x+20,y); line(x,y-20,x,y+20); switch (readkey()) { case '\15': return; break; case '8': y -= 10; break; case '4': x -= 10; break; case '6': x += 10; break; case '2': y += 10; break; case '\0': switch (readkey()) { case cup: y -= 1; break; case cdown: y += 1; break; case cleft: x -= 1; break; case cright: x += 1; break; } break; } } while (!false); } void load() { byte a1 /*absolute $A400:800*/; byte bit; untyped_file f; ; assign(f,"v:place1.avd"); reset(f,1); seek(f,177); for( bit=0; bit <= 3; bit ++) {; port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3ce]=4; port[0x3c5]=1 << bit; port[0x3cf]=bit; blockread(f,a1,12080); } close(f); bit=getpixel(0,0); setvisualpage(1); setactivepage(1); finder(); } void loadtemp() { byte a0 /*absolute $A000:800*/; byte bit; untyped_file f; ; assign(f,"chunkbi9.avd"); reset(f,1); seek(f,177); for( bit=0; bit <= 3; bit ++) {; port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3ce]=4; port[0x3c5]=1 << bit; port[0x3cf]=bit; blockread(f,a0,12080); } close(f); bit=getpixel(0,0); setvisualpage(0); setactivepage(0); finder(); } void open_chunk() {; assign(f,"chunk1.avd"); rewrite(f,1); blockwrite(f,chunkheader,sizeof(chunkheader)); blockwrite(f,num_chunks,1); blockwrite(f,offsets,num_chunks*4); this_chunk=0; } void close_chunk() {; seek(f,45); blockwrite(f,offsets,num_chunks*4); /* make sure they're right! */ close(f); } void mgrab(integer x1,integer y1,integer x2,integer y2, word size) { integer yy; word aapos; byte length,bit; ; if (size>arraysize) {; restorecrtmode(); output << "*** SORRY! *** Increase the arraysize constant to be greater" << NL; output << " than " << size << '.' << NL; exit(0); } aapos=0; length=x2-x1; for( bit=0; bit <= 3; bit ++) {; port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3ce]=4; port[0x3c5]=1 << bit; port[0x3cf]=bit; for( yy=y1; yy <= y2; yy ++) {; move(mem[0xa400*yy*80+x1],aa[aapos],length); aapos += length; } } bit=getpixel(0,0); } void grab(integer x1,integer y1,integer x2,integer y2,integer realx,integer realy, flavourtype flav, boolean mem,boolean nat) /* yes, I *do* know how to spell "really"! */ { word s; pointer p; chunkblocktype ch; ; /* rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2); exit;*/ this_chunk += 1; offsets[this_chunk]=filepos(f); s=imagesize(x1,y1,x2,y2); getmem(p,s); getimage(x1,y1,x2,y2,p); {; ch.flavour=flav; ch.x=realx; ch.y=realy; ch.xl=x2-x1; ch.yl=y2-y1; ch.size=s; ch.memorise=mem; ch.natural=nat; } setvisualpage(1); setactivepage(1); input >> NL; if (! nat) putimage(ch.x,ch.y,p,0); if (flav==ch_ega) {; freemem(p,s); s=4*(((x2+7) / 8)-(x1 / 8))*(y2-y1+1); {; ch.size=s; ch.x=ch.x / 8; ch.xl=(ch.xl+7) / 8; mgrab(ch.x,ch.y,ch.x+ch.xl,ch.y+ch.yl,s); } } else {; ch.x=ch.x / 8; ch.xl=(ch.xl+7) / 8; ch.size=imagesize(ch.x*8,ch.y,(ch.x+ch.xl)*8,ch.y+ch.yl); } input >> NL; setvisualpage(0); setactivepage(0); blockwrite(f,ch,sizeof(ch)); switch (flav) { case ch_ega : if (! nat) blockwrite(f,aa,s); break; case ch_bgi : {; if (! nat) blockwrite(f,p,s); freemem(p,s); } break; } /* rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2);*/ } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {pio_initialize(argc, argv); ; gd=3; gm=0; initgraph(gd,gm,"c:\\bp\\bgi"); load(); loadtemp(); setwritemode(xorput); num_chunks=9; open_chunk(); grab( 48, 42, 94, 66,400,105,ch_ega, true,false); /*1 Avvy asleep. */ grab(100, 42,146, 66,400,105,ch_ega, true,false); /*2 Avvy asleep again. */ grab(152, 42,198, 66,400,105,ch_ega,false,false); /*3 Avvy awake in bed. */ grab(106,113,152,137,400,105,ch_bgi,true ,true ); /*4 No Avvy in bed. */ grab(206, 42,279, 75,150, 91,ch_ega,false,false); /*5 Open trunk. */ grab(206, 42,287, 75,150, 91,ch_bgi,true, true); /*6 Shut trunk. */ grab( 69, 70,102, 88,431,100,ch_ega,false,false); /*7 Arkata 1. */ grab(118, 70,151, 88,431,100,ch_ega,false,false); /*8 Arkata 2. */ grab(167, 70,200, 88,431,100,ch_ega,false,false); /*9 Arkata 3. */ close_chunk(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }