/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on the original source code of Lord Avalot d'Argent version 1.3. * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Mike, Mark and Thomas Thurman. */ /* DROPDOWN A customized version of Oopmenu (qv). */ #include "avalanche/avalanche.h" #include "avalanche/dropdown2.h" #include "avalanche/lucerna2.h" #include "avalanche/gyro2.h" #include "avalanche/acci2.h" #include "avalanche/trip6.h" #include "avalanche/enid2.h" #include "common/textconsole.h" namespace Avalanche { headtype *headtype::init(char trig, char alttrig, Common::String name, byte p, func dw, func dc, Dropdown *dr) { _dr = dr; trigger = trig; alttrigger = alttrig; title = name; position = p; xpos = position * _dr->spacing + _dr->indent; xright = (position + 1) * _dr->spacing + _dr->indent; do_setup = dw; do_choose = dc; return this; } void headtype::display() { CursorMan.showMouse(false); /*MT*/ _dr->chalk(xpos, 1, trigger, title, true); CursorMan.showMouse(true); /*MT*/ } void headtype::highlight() { CursorMan.showMouse(false); //nosound(); //setactivepage(cp); warning("STUB: Dropdown::headytpe::highlight()"); _dr->hlchalk(xpos, 1, trigger, title, true); _dr->ddm_o.left = xpos; _dr->ddm_o.menunow = true; _dr->_vm->_gyro->ddmnow = true; _dr->ddm_o.menunum = position; _dr->_vm->_gyro->cmp = 177; /* Force redraw of cursor. */ } bool headtype::extdparse(char c) { if (c != alttrigger) return true; return false; } void onemenu::init(Dropdown *dr) { _dr = dr; menunow = false; _dr->_vm->_gyro->ddmnow = false; menunum = 1; } void onemenu::start_afresh() { number = 0; width = 0; firstlix = false; oldy = 0; highlightnum = 0; } void onemenu::opt(Common::String n, char tr, Common::String key, bool val) { uint16 l = (n + key).size() + 3; if (width < l) width = l; oo[number].title = n; oo[number].trigger = tr; oo[number].shortcut = key; oo[number].valid = val; number++; } void onemenu::displayopt(byte y, bool highlit) { byte backgroundColor; if (highlit) backgroundColor = 0; else backgroundColor = 7; _dr->_vm->_graphics->_surface.fillRect(Common::Rect((flx1 + 1) * 8, 3 + (y + 1) * 10, (flx2 + 1) * 8, 13 + (y + 1) * 10), backgroundColor); //bar((flx1 + 1) * 8, 3 + y * 10, (flx2 + 1) * 8, 12 + y * 10); Common::String data = oo[y].title; while (data.size() + oo[y].shortcut.size() < width) data += ' '; /* Pad oo[y] spaces. */ data += oo[y].shortcut; if (highlit) _dr->hlchalk(left, 4 + (y + 1) * 10, oo[y].trigger, data, oo[y].valid); else _dr->chalk(left, 4 + (y + 1) * 10, oo[y].trigger, data, oo[y].valid); } void onemenu::display() { CursorMan.showMouse(false); /*setactivepage(cp); setvisualpage(cp); setfillstyle(1, menu_b); setcolor(menu_border);*/ firstlix = true; flx1 = left - 2; flx2 = left + width; fly = 15 + number * 10; menunow = true; _dr->_vm->_gyro->ddmnow = true; _dr->_vm->_graphics->_surface.fillRect(Common::Rect((flx1 + 1) * 8, 12, (flx2 + 1) * 8, fly), _dr->menu_b); _dr->_vm->_graphics->_surface.frameRect(Common::Rect((flx1 + 1) * 8 - 1, 11, (flx2 + 1) * 8 + 1, fly + 1), _dr->menu_border); /*bar((flx1 + 1) * 8, 12, (flx2 + 1) * 8, fly); rectangle((flx1 + 1) * 8 - 1, 11, (flx2 + 1) * 8 + 1, fly + 1);*/ displayopt(0, true); for (byte y = 1; y < number; y++) displayopt(y, false); _dr->_vm->_gyro->defaultled = 1; _dr->_vm->_gyro->cmp = 177; //mousepage(cp); CursorMan.showMouse(true); // 4 = fletch } void onemenu::wipe() { //setactivepage(cp); CursorMan.showMouse(false); _dr->chalk(_dr->ddm_m.ddms[_dr->ddm_o.menunum].xpos, 1, _dr->ddm_m.ddms[_dr->ddm_o.menunum].trigger, _dr->ddm_m.ddms[_dr->ddm_o.menunum].title, true); /*mblit(flx1, 11, flx2 + 1, fly + 1, 3, cp); blitfix();*/ menunow = false; _dr->_vm->_gyro->ddmnow = false; firstlix = false; _dr->_vm->_gyro->defaultled = 2; CursorMan.showMouse(true); } void onemenu::movehighlight(int8 add) { int8 hn; if (add != 0) { hn = highlightnum + add; if ((hn < 0) || (hn >= number)) return; highlightnum = hn; } //setactivepage(cp); CursorMan.showMouse(false); displayopt(oldy, false); displayopt(highlightnum, true); //setactivepage(1 - cp); oldy = highlightnum; CursorMan.showMouse(true); } void onemenu::lightup(Common::Point cursorPos) { if ((cursorPos.x < flx1 * 8) || (cursorPos.x > flx2 * 8) || (cursorPos.y <= 25) || (cursorPos.y > ((fly - 3) * 2 + 1))) return; highlightnum = (cursorPos.y - 26) / 20; if (highlightnum == oldy) return; movehighlight(0); } void onemenu::select(byte n) { /* Choose which one you want. */ if (!oo[n].valid) return; choicenum = n; wipe(); if (choicenum == number) choicenum--; /* Off the bottom. */ if (choicenum > number) choicenum = 0; /* Off the top, I suppose. */ (_dr->*_dr->ddm_m.ddms[menunum].do_choose)(); } void onemenu::keystroke(char c) { byte fv; bool found; c = toupper(c); found = false; for (fv = 0; fv < number; fv++) { if ((toupper(oo[fv].trigger) == c) && oo[fv].valid) { select(fv); found = true; } } if (!found) _dr->_vm->_gyro->blip(); } void menuset::init(Dropdown *dr) { _dr = dr; howmany = 0; } void menuset::create(char t, Common::String n, char alttrig, func dw, func dc) { ddms[howmany].init(t, alttrig, n, howmany, dw, dc, _dr); howmany++; } void menuset::update() { const bytefield menuspace = {0, 0, 80, 9}; byte fv, page_, savecp; /*setactivepage(3); setfillstyle(1, _dr->menu_b); bar(0, 0, 640, 9);*/ _dr->_vm->_graphics->drawBar(0, 0, 640, 10, _dr->menu_b); savecp = _dr->_vm->_gyro->cp; _dr->_vm->_gyro->cp = 3; for (fv = 0; fv < howmany; fv++) ddms[fv].display(); for (page_ = 0; page_ <= 1; page_++) _dr->_vm->_trip->getset[page_].remember(menuspace); _dr->_vm->_gyro->cp = savecp; } void menuset::extd(char c) { byte fv; fv = 0; while ((fv < howmany) && (ddms[fv].extdparse(c))) fv ++; if (fv == howmany) return; getcertain(fv); } void menuset::getcertain(byte fv) { if (_dr->ddm_o.menunow) { _dr->ddm_o.wipe(); // Get rid of menu. if (_dr->ddm_o.menunum == ddms[fv].position) return; // Clicked on own highlight. } ddms[fv].highlight(); (_dr->*ddms[fv].do_setup)(); } void menuset::getmenu(int16 x) { byte fv; fv = 0; do { if ((x > ddms[fv].xpos * 8) && (x < ddms[fv].xright * 8)) { getcertain(fv); return; } fv++; } while (fv < howmany); } Dropdown::Dropdown(AvalancheEngine *vm) { _vm = vm; ddm_o.init(this); ddm_m.init(this); } void Dropdown::find_what_you_can_do_with_it() { switch (_vm->_gyro->thinks) { case Gyro::wine: case Gyro::potion: case Gyro::ink: _vm->_gyro->verbstr = Common::String(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeExam) + _vm->_acci->kVerbCodeDrink; break; case Gyro::bell: _vm->_gyro->verbstr = Common::String(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeExam) + _vm->_acci->kVerbCodeRing; break; case Gyro::chastity: _vm->_gyro->verbstr = Common::String(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeExam) + _vm->_acci->kVerbCodeWear; break; case Gyro::lute: _vm->_gyro->verbstr = Common::String(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeExam) + _vm->_acci->kVerbCodePlay; break; case Gyro::mushroom: case Gyro::onion: _vm->_gyro->verbstr = Common::String(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeExam) + _vm->_acci->kVerbCodeEat; break; case Gyro::clothes: _vm->_gyro->verbstr = Common::String(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeExam) + _vm->_acci->kVerbCodeWear; break; default: _vm->_gyro->verbstr = _vm->_acci->kVerbCodeExam; /* anything else */ } } void Dropdown::chalk(int16 x, int16 y, char t, Common::String z, bool valid) { byte ander; if (valid) ander = 255; else ander = 170; fontType font; for (byte fv = 0; fv < z.size(); fv++) for (byte ff = 0; ff < 8; ff++) { font[z[fv]][ff] = _vm->_gyro->characters[z[fv]][ff] & ander; for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) *(byte *)_vm->_graphics->_surface.getBasePtr(x * 8 + fv * 8 + i, y + ff) = lightgray; } _vm->_graphics->drawText(_vm->_graphics->_surface, z, font, 8, x * 8, y, black); // Underline the selected character. if (! z.contains(t)) return; else { byte fv; for (fv = 0; z[fv] != t; fv++); // Search for the character in the string. byte pixel = ander; for (byte bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) { byte pixelBit = (pixel >> bit) & 1; if (pixelBit) *_vm->_graphics->getPixel(x * 8 + fv * 8 + 7 - bit, y + 8) = black; } } _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); } void Dropdown::hlchalk(int16 x, int16 y, char t, Common::String z, bool valid) { byte ander; if (valid) ander = 255; else ander = 170; fontType font; for (byte fv = 0; fv < z.size(); fv++) for (byte ff = 0; ff < 8; ff++) { font[z[fv]][ff] = _vm->_gyro->characters[z[fv]][ff] & ander; // Set the font. // And set the background of the text to black. for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) *(byte *)_vm->_graphics->_surface.getBasePtr(x * 8 + fv * 8 + i, y + ff) = black; } _vm->_graphics->drawText(_vm->_graphics->_surface, z, font, 8, x * 8, y, white); // Underline the selected character. if (z.contains(t)) { byte fv; for (fv = 0; z[fv] != t; fv++); // Search for the character in the string. byte pixel = ander; for (byte bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) { byte pixelBit = (pixel >> bit) & 1; if (pixelBit) *_vm->_graphics->getPixel(x * 8 + fv * 8 + 7 - bit, y + 8) = white; } } _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); } /*funcedure say(x,y:int16; t:char; z:Common::String; f,b:byte); begin; settextjustify(0,2); setfillstyle(1,b); setcolor(f); bar(x-3,y-1,x+textwidth(z)+3,y+textheight(z)); chalk(x,y,t,z); end;*/ void Dropdown::bleep() { warning("STUB: Dropdown::bleep()"); } void Dropdown::parsekey(char r, char re) { switch (r) { case 0: case 224: { switch (re) { case 'K': if (ddm_o.menunum > 1) { ddm_o.wipe(); ddm_m.getcertain(ddm_o.menunum - 1); } else { // Get menu on the left-hand side. ddm_o.wipe(); ddm_m.getmenu((ddm_m.howmany - 1) * spacing + indent); } break; case 'M': if (ddm_o.menunum < ddm_m.howmany) { ddm_o.wipe(); ddm_m.getcertain(ddm_o.menunum + 1); } else { // Get menu on the far right-hand side. ddm_o.wipe(); ddm_m.getmenu(indent); } break; case 'H': ddm_o.movehighlight(-1); break; case 'P': ddm_o.movehighlight(1); break; default: ddm_m.extd(re); } } break; case 13: ddm_o.select(ddm_o.highlightnum); break; default: { if (ddm_o.menunow) ddm_o.keystroke(r); } } } /*$F+ *** Here follow all the ddm__ and do__ funcedures for the DDM system. */ void Dropdown::ddm__game() { ddm_o.start_afresh(); ddm_o.opt("Help...", 'H', "f1", true); ddm_o.opt("Boss Key", 'B', "alt-B", true); ddm_o.opt("Untrash screen", 'U', "ctrl-f7", true); ddm_o.opt("Score and rank", 'S', "f9", true); ddm_o.opt("About Avvy...", 'A', "shift-f10", true); ddm_o.display(); } void Dropdown::ddm__file() { ddm_o.start_afresh(); ddm_o.opt("New game", 'N', "f4", true); ddm_o.opt("Load...", 'L', "^f3", true); ddm_o.opt("Save", 'S', "^f2", _vm->_gyro->alive); ddm_o.opt("Save As...", 'v', "", _vm->_gyro->alive); ddm_o.opt("DOS Shell", 'D', _vm->_gyro->atkey + '1', true); ddm_o.opt("Quit", 'Q', "alt-X", true); ddm_o.display(); } void Dropdown::ddm__action() { ddm_o.start_afresh(); Common::String n = _vm->_gyro->f5_does(); for (byte i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (!n.empty()) n.deleteChar(0); if (n.empty()) ddm_o.opt("Do something", 'D', "f5", false); else ddm_o.opt(n, n[0], "f5", true); ddm_o.opt("Pause game", 'P', "f6", true); if (_vm->_gyro->dna.room == 99) ddm_o.opt("Journey thither", 'J', "f7", _vm->_trip->neardoor()); else ddm_o.opt("Open the door", 'O', "f7", _vm->_trip->neardoor()); ddm_o.opt("Look around", 'L', "f8", true); ddm_o.opt("Inventory", 'I', "Tab", true); if (_vm->_trip->tr[0].xs == _vm->_gyro->walk) ddm_o.opt("Run fast", 'R', "^R", true); else ddm_o.opt("Walk slowly", 'W', "^W", true); ddm_o.display(); } void Dropdown::ddm__people() { if (!people.empty()) people.clear(); byte here = _vm->_gyro->dna.room; ddm_o.start_afresh(); for (byte fv = 150; fv <= 178; fv++) if (_vm->_gyro->whereis[fv - 150] == here) { ddm_o.opt(_vm->_gyro->getname(fv), _vm->_gyro->getnamechar(fv), "", true); people = people + fv; } ddm_o.display(); } void Dropdown::ddm__objects() { ddm_o.start_afresh(); for (byte fv = 0; fv < numobjs; fv++) { if (_vm->_gyro->dna.obj[fv]) ddm_o.opt(_vm->_gyro->get_thing(fv + 1), _vm->_gyro->get_thingchar(fv + 1), "", true); } ddm_o.display(); } Common::String Dropdown::himher(byte x) { if (x < 175) return "im"; else return "er"; } void Dropdown::ddm__with() { byte fv; Common::String verb; char vbchar; bool n; ddm_o.start_afresh(); if (_vm->_gyro->thinkthing) { find_what_you_can_do_with_it(); for (fv = 0; fv < _vm->_gyro->verbstr.size(); fv++) { _vm->_acci->verbOpt(_vm->_gyro->verbstr[fv], verb, vbchar); ddm_o.opt(verb, vbchar, "", true); } // We disable the "give" option if: (a), you haven't selected anybody, (b), the _person you've selected isn't in the room, or (c), the _person you've selected is YOU! if ((_vm->_gyro->last_person == _vm->_gyro->pavalot) || (_vm->_gyro->last_person == _vm->_acci->kNothing) || (_vm->_gyro->whereis[_vm->_gyro->last_person - 150] != _vm->_gyro->dna.room)) ddm_o.opt("Give to...", 'G', "", false); /* Not here. */ else { ddm_o.opt(Common::String("Give to ") + _vm->_gyro->getname(_vm->_gyro->last_person), 'G', "", true); _vm->_gyro->verbstr = _vm->_gyro->verbstr + _vm->_acci->kVerbCodeGive; } } else { ddm_o.opt("Examine", 'x', "", true); ddm_o.opt(Common::String("Talk to h") + himher(_vm->_gyro->thinks), 'T', "", true); _vm->_gyro->verbstr = Common::String(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeExam) + _vm->_acci->kVerbCodeTalk; switch (_vm->_gyro->thinks) { case Gyro::pgeida: case Gyro::parkata: { ddm_o.opt("Kiss her", 'K', "", true); _vm->_gyro->verbstr = _vm->_gyro->verbstr + _vm->_acci->kVerbCodeKiss; } break; case Gyro::pdogfood: { ddm_o.opt("Play his game", 'P', "", !_vm->_gyro->dna.wonnim); /* True if you HAVEN'T won. */ _vm->_gyro->verbstr = _vm->_gyro->verbstr + _vm->_acci->kVerbCodePlay; } break; case Gyro::pmalagauche: { n = !_vm->_gyro->dna.teetotal; ddm_o.opt("Buy some wine", 'w', "", !_vm->_gyro->dna.obj[_vm->_gyro->wine - 1]); ddm_o.opt("Buy some beer", 'b', "", n); ddm_o.opt("Buy some whisky", 'h', "", n); ddm_o.opt("Buy some cider", 'c', "", n); ddm_o.opt("Buy some mead", 'm', "", n); _vm->_gyro->verbstr = _vm->_gyro->verbstr + '\145' + '\144' + '\146' + '\147' + '\150'; } break; case Gyro::ptrader: { ddm_o.opt("Buy an onion", 'o', "", !_vm->_gyro->dna.obj[_vm->_gyro->onion - 1]); _vm->_gyro->verbstr = _vm->_gyro->verbstr + '\151'; } break; } } ddm_o.display(); } /*funcedure ddm__map; begin; with ddm_o do begin; ddm_o.start_afresh; opt('Cancel map','G','f5',true); opt('Pause game','P','f6',true); opt('Journey thither','J','f7',neardoor); opt('Explanation','L','f8',true); display; end; end; funcedure ddm__town; begin; with ddm_o do begin; ddm_o.start_afresh; opt('Argent','A','',true); opt('Birmingham','B','',true); opt('Nottingham','N','',true); opt('Cardiff','C','',true); display; end; end;*/ void Dropdown::do__game() { switch (ddm_o.choicenum) { /* Help, boss, untrash screen. */ case 0: _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeHelp); break; case 1: _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeBoss); break; case 2: _vm->_lucerna->major_redraw(); break; case 3: _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeScore); break; case 4: _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeInfo); break; } } void Dropdown::do__file() { switch (ddm_o.choicenum) { /* New game, load, save, save as, DOS shell, about, quit. */ case 0: _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeRestart); break; case 1: { if (!_vm->_acci->_realWords[1].empty()) _vm->_acci->_realWords[1].clear(); _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeLoad); } break; case 2: { if (!_vm->_acci->_realWords[1].empty()) _vm->_acci->_realWords[1].clear(); _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeSave); } break; case 3: //_vm->_basher->filename_edit(); break; case 4: _vm->_enid->back_to_bootstrap(2); break; case 5: _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeQuit); break; } } void Dropdown::do__action() { Common::String n; switch (ddm_o.choicenum) { /* Get up/pause game/open door/look/inv/walk-run */ case 0: { _vm->_acci->_person = _vm->_acci->kPardon; _vm->_acci->_thing = _vm->_acci->kPardon; n = _vm->_gyro->f5_does(); _vm->_lucerna->callverb(n[0]); } break; case 1: _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodePause); break; case 2: _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeOpen); break; case 3: _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeLook); break; case 4: _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeInv); break; case 5: { if (_vm->_trip->tr[0].xs == _vm->_gyro->walk) _vm->_trip->tr[0].xs = _vm->_gyro->run; else _vm->_trip->tr[0].xs = _vm->_gyro->walk; _vm->_trip->newspeed(); } break; } } void Dropdown::do__objects() { _vm->_lucerna->thinkabout(_vm->_gyro->objlist[ddm_o.choicenum + 1], _vm->_gyro->a_thing); } void Dropdown::do__people() { _vm->_lucerna->thinkabout(people[ddm_o.choicenum], _vm->_gyro->a_person); _vm->_gyro->last_person = people[ddm_o.choicenum]; } void Dropdown::do__with() { _vm->_acci->_thing = _vm->_gyro->thinks; if (_vm->_gyro->thinkthing) { _vm->_acci->_thing += 49; if (_vm->_gyro->verbstr[ddm_o.choicenum] == _vm->_acci->kVerbCodeGive) _vm->_acci->_person = _vm->_gyro->last_person; else _vm->_acci->_person = 254; } else { switch (_vm->_gyro->verbstr[ddm_o.choicenum]) { case 100: { // Beer _vm->_acci->_thing = 100; _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeBuy); return; } break; case 101: { // Wine _vm->_acci->_thing = 50; _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeBuy); return; } break; case 102: { // Whisky _vm->_acci->_thing = 102; _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeBuy); return; } break; case 103: { // Cider _vm->_acci->_thing = 103; _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeBuy); return; } break; case 104: { // Mead _vm->_acci->_thing = 107; _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeBuy); return; } break; case 105: { // Onion (trader) _vm->_acci->_thing = 67; _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_acci->kVerbCodeBuy); return; } break; default: { _vm->_acci->_person = _vm->_acci->_thing; _vm->_acci->_thing = 254; _vm->_gyro->subjnumber = 0; } } } _vm->_lucerna->callverb(_vm->_gyro->verbstr[ddm_o.choicenum]); } // That's all. Now for the ...bar funcs. void Dropdown::standard_bar() { /* Standard menu bar */ ddm_m.init(this); ddm_o.init(this); /* Set up menus */ ddm_m.create('F', "File", '!', &Avalanche::Dropdown::ddm__file, &Avalanche::Dropdown::do__file); // same ones in map_bar, below, ddm_m.create('G', "Game", 34, &Avalanche::Dropdown::ddm__game, &Avalanche::Dropdown::do__game); // Don't forget to change the ddm_m.create('A', "Action", 30, &Avalanche::Dropdown::ddm__action, &Avalanche::Dropdown::do__action); // if you change them ddm_m.create('O', "Objects", 24, &Avalanche::Dropdown::ddm__objects, &Avalanche::Dropdown::do__objects); // here... ddm_m.create('P', "People", 25, &Avalanche::Dropdown::ddm__people, &Avalanche::Dropdown::do__people); ddm_m.create('W', "With", 17, &Avalanche::Dropdown::ddm__with, &Avalanche::Dropdown::do__with); ddm_m.update(); } /*funcedure map_bar; { Special menu bar for the map (screen 99) } begin; ddm_m.init; ddm_o.init; with ddm_m do begin; { Set up menus } create('G','Game','#',ddm__game,do__game); create('F','File','!',ddm__file,do__test); create('M','Map','2',ddm__map,do__test); create('T','Town',#20,ddm__town,do__test); update; end; end;*/ void Dropdown::checkclick(Common::Point cursorPos) { warning("STUB: Dropdown::checkclick()"); } void Dropdown::menu_link() { // TODO: Optimize it ASAP!!! It really needs it... Common::Point cursorPos = _vm->getMousePos(); ::Graphics::Surface backup; backup.copyFrom(_vm->_graphics->_surface); while (!ddm_o.menunow && (cursorPos.y <= 21) && _vm->_lucerna->holdLeftMouse) { ddm_m.getmenu(cursorPos.x); do _vm->updateEvents(); while (_vm->_lucerna->holdLeftMouse); while (!_vm->shouldQuit()) { do { _vm->updateEvents(); // We updadte the cursor's picture. cursorPos = _vm->getMousePos(); // Change arrow... if ((0 <= cursorPos.y) && (cursorPos.y <= 21)) _vm->_gyro->newpointer(1); // Up arrow else if ((22 <= cursorPos.y) && (cursorPos.y <= 339)) { if ((cursorPos.x >= ddm_o.flx1 * 8) && (cursorPos.x <= ddm_o.flx2 * 8) && (cursorPos.y > 21) && (cursorPos.y <= ddm_o.fly * 2 + 1)) _vm->_gyro->newpointer(3); // Right-arrow else _vm->_gyro->newpointer(4); // Fletch } else if ((340 <= cursorPos.y) && (cursorPos.y <= 399)) _vm->_gyro->newpointer(2); // Screwdriver ddm_o.lightup(cursorPos); _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); } while (!_vm->_lucerna->holdLeftMouse); if (_vm->_lucerna->holdLeftMouse) { if (cursorPos.y > 21) { if (!((ddm_o.firstlix) && ((cursorPos.x >= ddm_o.flx1 * 8) && (cursorPos.x <= ddm_o.flx2 * 8) && (cursorPos.y >= 24) && (cursorPos.y <= (ddm_o.fly * 2 + 1))))) { // Clicked OUTSIDE the menu. if (ddm_o.menunow) { ddm_o.wipe(); _vm->_lucerna->holdLeftMouse = false; return; } // No "else"- clicking on menu has no effect (only releasing). } } else { // Clicked on menu bar. if (ddm_o.menunow) { ddm_o.wipe(); _vm->_graphics->_surface.copyFrom(backup); _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); if (((ddm_o.left * 8) <= cursorPos.x) && (cursorPos.x <= (ddm_o.left * 8 + 80))) { // 80: the width of one menu item on the bar in pixels. // If we clicked on the same menu item (the one that is already active) on the bar... _vm->_lucerna->holdLeftMouse = false; return; } else { _vm->_lucerna->holdLeftMouse = true; break; } } } // NOT clicked button... if ((ddm_o.firstlix) && ((cursorPos.x >= ddm_o.flx1 * 8) && (cursorPos.x <= ddm_o.flx2 * 8) && (cursorPos.y >= 12) && (cursorPos.y <= (ddm_o.fly * 2 + 1)))) { // We act only if the button is released over a menu item. while (!_vm->shouldQuit()) { cursorPos = _vm->getMousePos(); ddm_o.lightup(cursorPos); _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); _vm->updateEvents(); if (!_vm->_lucerna->holdLeftMouse) break; } uint16 which = (cursorPos.y - 26) / 20; ddm_o.select(which); if (ddm_o.oo[which].valid) // If the menu item wasn't active, we do nothing. return; } } } } } } // End of namespace Avalanche.