/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on the original source code of Lord Avalot d'Argent version 1.3. * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Mike, Mark and Thomas Thurman. */ /* ÛßÜ ÛßÜ ÜßßÜ ßÛß Ûßß Üß ßÛß ÜßÛßÜ ßÛß ÛÜ Û ÜÛßß ßÛß ÛßÜ Ûßß Û Ûß ÛÛ Û Û Ü Û Ûßß ßÜ Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÜÛ ßßßÜ Û ÛÛ Ûßß Û ß ß ß ßß ßß ßßß ß ß ß ß ß ßßß ß ßß ßßß ß ß ß ßßß ßßß ENID Edna's manager. */ #define __enid_implementation__ /* Loads/ saves files. */ /*$V-*/ #include "enid.h" /*#include "Dos.h"*/ #include "scrolls.h" #include "lucerna.h" #include "trip5.h" #include "timeout.h" #include "Celer.h" #include "sequence.h" #include "fileunit.h" #include "basher.h" namespace Avalanche { const string crlf = string('\15') + '\12'; const char tab = '\11'; const char eof_ = '\32'; const array<1, 177, char> ednafirst = string("This is an EDNA-based file, saved by a Thorsoft game. Good luck!") + /*64*/ crlf + eof_ + crlf + crlf + /*7*/ tab + "Glory to God in the highest," + crlf + /*31*/ tab + "and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." + /*42*/ crlf + tab + tab + tab + tab + /*6*/ "Luke 2:14." + /*10*/ crlf + crlf + crlf + /* 6 */ "1234567890" +crlf; /*11*/ const string ednaid = string("TT") + '\261' + '\60' + '\1' + '\165' + '\261' + '\231' + '\261'; const integer ttage = 18; const array<1, 16, char> ttwashere = "Thomas was here "; boolean bug; string expanddate(byte d, byte m, word y); const array<1, 12, varying_string<7> > months = { { "Jan#", "Febr#", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "Septem*", "Octo*", "Novem*", "Decem*" } }; static varying_string<10> month; static void addon(string x) { month[0] -= 1; month = month + x; } string expanddate(byte d, byte m, word y) { varying_string<4> day; string expanddate_result; month = months[m]; switch (month[length(month)]) { case '#': addon("uary"); break; case '*': addon("ber"); break; } day = strf(d); if (set::of(range(1, 9), range(21, 31), eos).has(d)) switch (d % 10) { case 1: day = day + "st"; break; case 2: day = day + "nd"; break; case 3: day = day + "rd"; break; default: day = day + "th"; } expanddate_result = day + ' ' + month + ' ' + strf(y); return expanddate_result; } void edna_save(string name); static void show_bug(char icon, string strn) { display(string("\7\6\23") + icon + "\26\r" + strn + '\15'); } static boolean test_bug(byte what) { boolean test_bug_result; if (what == 0) { test_bug_result = false; return test_bug_result; } switch (what) { case 2: show_bug('7', "Error in filename!"); break; case 101: show_bug('6', "Disk full!"); break; case 150: show_bug('4', "Disk is write-protected!"); break; default: show_bug('B', "Saving error!"); } test_bug_result = true; return test_bug_result; } void edna_save(string name) { untyped_file f; ednahead eh; word groi; string groi2, path; word tempd, tempm; if (name == "") { /* We were given no name. Do we have a default? */ if (enid_filename == "") { /* No */ filename_edit(); /* Request one. */ return; } else /* Yes */ name = enid_filename; } wait(); /* Put up hourglass pointer */ fillchar(eh, sizeof(eh), '\261'); /* Fill up the edhead */ dna.saves += 1; /* It's been saved one more time... */ { /* Info about this program */ eh.id = ednaid; /* Edna's signature */ eh.revision = thisgamecode; /* 2- second revision of .ASG format */ eh.game = "Lord Avalot d'Argent"; /* Title of game */ eh.shortname = "Avalot"; eh.number = 2; /* Second Avvy game */ eh.ver = thisvercode; /* Version 1.00 */ eh.verstr = vernum; /* ditto */ eh.filename = "AVALOT.EXE"; /* program's filename */ eh.osbyte = 1; /* Saved under DOS */ eh.os = "DOS"; /* Info on this particular game */ fsplit(name, path, eh.fn, groi2); /* fn = filename of this game */ getdate(eh.y, tempm, tempd, groi); /* Day, month & year when the game was saved */ eh.d = tempd; eh.m = tempm; eh.desc = roomname; /* Description of game (same as in Avaricius!) */ eh.len = sizeof(dna); /* Length of DNA. */ /* Quick reference & miscellaneous */ eh.saves = dna.saves; /* no. of times this game has been saved */ eh.cash = dna.pence; /* contents of your wallet in numerical form */ eh.money = lsd(); /* ditto in string form (eg 5/-, or 1 denarius)*/ eh.points = dna.score; /* your score */ name = path + eh.fn + ".ASG"; } assign(f, name); /*$I-*/ rewrite(f, 1); if (test_bug(ioresult)) return; blockwrite(f, ednafirst, 177); if (test_bug(ioresult)) return; blockwrite(f, eh, sizeof(eh)); if (test_bug(ioresult)) return; blockwrite(f, dna, sizeof(dna)); if (test_bug(ioresult)) return; for (groi = 1; groi <= numtr; groi ++) { triptype &with = tr[groi]; if (with.quick) { blockwrite(f, groi, 1); if (test_bug(ioresult)) return; savedata(f); if (test_bug(ioresult)) return; } } groi = 177; blockwrite(f, groi, 1); blockwrite(f, times, sizeof(times)); /* Timeout.times: Timers. */ if (test_bug(ioresult)) return; blockwrite(f, seq, sizeof(seq)); /* Sequencer information. */ if (test_bug(ioresult)) return; for (groi = 1; groi <= ttage; groi ++) blockwrite(f, ttwashere[1 - 1], 16); if (test_bug(ioresult)) return; close(f); if (test_bug(ioresult)) return; /*$I+*/ display(string('\6') + "Saved: " + '\22' + name + '.'); enid_filename = name; } void loaderror(string x, char icon) { if (holdthedawn) { holdthedawn = false; dawn(); } display(string('\7') + '\6' + '\23' + icon + '\26' + "Loading error: " + "\r\r\22" + x); bug = true; } typedef array<1, 4, char> fourtype; const fourtype avaricius_file = "Avvy"; void edna_load(string name) { untyped_file f; ednahead eh; byte fv; byte io; string path, fn, groi; fourtype id4; word len2load; if (name == "") { /* No filename specified, so let's call the filer. */ name = do_filer(); if (name == "") return; /* STILL no filename, so they must have cancelled. */ } bug = false; wait(); /* Put up hourglass pointer */ fsplit(name, path, fn, groi); name = path + fn + ".ASG"; /* Load the file into memory */ /*$I-*/ assign(f, name); reset(f, 1); io = ioresult; if (io != 0) switch (io) { case 2: loaderror("File not found!", '8'); break; case 3: loaderror("Directory not found!", '3'); break; default: loaderror(string("Error no.") + strf(io), '1'); } if (bug) return; seek(f, 11); blockread(f, id4, 4); if (id4 == avaricius_file) { loaderror("That's an Avaricius file!", '1'); close(f); return; } seek(f, 177); /* bypass ednafirst */ blockread(f, eh, sizeof(eh)); /* load ednahead */ /* Check ednahead for errors */ { if ((eh.id != ednaid) || (eh.revision != 2)) loaderror("Not an EDNA file!", '7'); else if (eh.number != 2) loaderror(string("That file was saved by ") + eh.shortname + '!', '1'); } if (bug) { close(f); return; } len2load = eh.len; if (eh.len != (cardinal)sizeof(dna)) { if (holdthedawn) { holdthedawn = false; dawn(); } display("\233\26Warning: \3\rEDNA size doesn't match.\f"); if (eh.len > (cardinal)sizeof(dna)) len2load = sizeof(dna); /* BIGGER than ours */ else fillchar(dna, sizeof(dna), '\0'); /* Otherwise, smaller. */ } blockread(f, dna, len2load); for (fv = 1; fv <= numtr; fv ++) { triptype &with = tr[fv]; if (with.quick) done(); } /* Deallocate sprite */ do { blockread(f, fv, 1); if (fv != 177) tr[fv].loaddata(f); } while (!(fv == 177)); blockread(f, times, sizeof(times)); /* Timeout.times: Timers. */ blockread(f, seq, sizeof(seq)); /* Sequencer information. */ close(f); seescroll = true; /* This prevents display of the new sprites before the new picture is loaded. */ if (holdthedawn) { holdthedawn = false; dawn(); } display(string('\6') + "Loaded: " + '\22' + name + '\3' + "\r\r" + eh.desc + "\r\r" + "saved on " + expanddate(eh.d, eh.m, eh.y) + '.'); forget_chunks(); minor_redraw(); whereis[pavalot] = dna.room; /* showscore;*/ alive = true; objectlist(); /*$I+*/ enid_filename = name; } void dir(string where); static string path, groi; static void showheader() { display(string("Dir: ") + path + "\r\r\4"); } void dir(string where) /* OK, it worked in Avaricius, let's do it in Avalot! */ { searchrec s; byte count; if ((where != "") && (!(set::of('\\', ':', eos).has(where[length(where)])))) where = where + '\\'; fsplit(where, path, groi, groi); path = path + "*.asg"; count = 0; findfirst(path, anyfile, s); showheader(); while (doserror == 0) { count += 1; if (count == 11) { display("\r\nPress Enter..."); showheader(); count = 1; } display(s.name + "\r\4"); findnext(s); } if (count == 0) display("No files found!"); else display("\nThat's all!"); } void avvy_background() /* Not really a filing procedure, but it's only called just before edna_load, so I thought I'd put it in Enid instead of, say, Lucerna. */ { /* port[$3c4]:=2; port[$3ce]:=4; port[$3C5]:=1; port[$3CF]:=1; { Blue. }*/ /* asm mov dx,$3c4; mov al,2; out dx,al; { Set up the VGA to use the "blue" } mov dx,$3ce; mov al,4; out dx,al; { register. } mov dx,$3c5; mov al,1; out dx,al; mov dx,$3cf; out dx,al; mov bx,$A000; call far ptr @drawup; mov bx,$A400; call far ptr @drawup; jmp @the_end; @drawup: mov es,bx; { The segment to copy it to... } mov di,$370; { The offset (10 pixels down, plus 1 offset.) } mov cx,10; mov ax,$AA4A; call far ptr @sameline; { Print "AVVY" } mov ax,$AEAA; call far ptr @sameline; mov ax,$A4EA; call far ptr @sameline; mov ax,$44A4; call far ptr @sameline; mov cx,9; mov ax,$AAA4; call far ptr @sameline; { Print "YAVV" } mov ax,$AAEA; call far ptr @sameline; mov ax,$AA4E; call far ptr @sameline; mov ax,$444A; call far ptr @sameline; mov ax,$4AAA; call far ptr @sameline; { Print "VYAV" } mov ax,$AAAE; call far ptr @sameline; mov ax,$EAA4; call far ptr @sameline; mov ax,$A444; call far ptr @sameline; mov ax,$A4AA; call far ptr @sameline; { Print "VVYA" } mov ax,$EAAA; call far ptr @sameline; mov ax,$4EAA; call far ptr @sameline; mov ax,$4A44; call far ptr @sameline; ret; { Replicate the same line many times. } @sameline: { Requires: what to copy in AX, how many lines in CX, and original offset in DI. } push cx; push di; @samelineloop: push cx; mov cx,40; { No. of times to repeat it on one line. } repz stosw; { Fast word-copying } pop cx; add di,1200; { The next one will be 16 lines down. } loop @samelineloop; pop di; add di,80; pop cx; ret; @the_end: end; */ blitfix(); } void to_sundry(sundry &sund) { { sund.qenid_filename = enid_filename; sund.qsoundfx = soundfx; sund.qthinks = thinks; sund.qthinkthing = thinkthing; } } void from_sundry(sundry sund) { { enid_filename = sund.qenid_filename; soundfx = sund.qsoundfx; thinks = sund.qthinks; thinkthing = sund.qthinkthing; } } void restore_dna() { word here, fv; sundry sund; move(mem[storage_seg * storage_ofs + 3], dna, sizeof(dna)); move(mem[storage_seg * storage_ofs + 3 + sizeof(dna)], times, sizeof(times)); move(mem[storage_seg * storage_ofs + 3 + sizeof(dna) + sizeof(times)], seq, sizeof(seq)); move(mem[storage_seg * storage_ofs + 3 + sizeof(dna) + sizeof(times) + sizeof(seq)], sund, sizeof(sund)); from_sundry(sund); here = storage_ofs + 3 + sizeof(dna) + sizeof(times) + sizeof(seq) + sizeof(sund); do { fv = mem[storage_seg * here]; here += 1; if (fv != 177) tr[fv].load_data_from_mem(here); } while (!(fv == 177)); } void edna_reload() { restore_dna(); seescroll = true; /* This prevents display of the new sprites before the new picture is loaded. */ major_redraw(); whereis[pavalot] = dna.room; alive = true; objectlist(); if (holdthedawn) { holdthedawn = false; dawn(); } } void back_to_bootstrap(byte what) { byte fv; word here; sundry sund; mem[storage_seg * storage_ofs] = what; /* Save the operation code. */ to_sundry(sund); /* Save the sundry information. */ /* Save the DNA, times and sequencer info: */ move(dna, mem[storage_seg * storage_ofs + 3], sizeof(dna)); move(times, mem[storage_seg * storage_ofs + 3 + sizeof(dna)], sizeof(times)); move(seq, mem[storage_seg * storage_ofs + 3 + sizeof(dna) + sizeof(times)], sizeof(seq)); move(sund, mem[storage_seg * storage_ofs + 3 + sizeof(dna) + sizeof(times) + sizeof(seq)], sizeof(sund)); here = storage_ofs + 3 + sizeof(dna) + sizeof(times) + sizeof(seq) + sizeof(sund); for (fv = 1; fv <= numtr; fv ++) { triptype &with = tr[fv]; if (with.quick) { mem[storage_seg * here] = fv; here += 1; save_data_to_mem(here); } } mem[storage_seg * here] = 177; exit(77); /* Code to return to the Bootstrap. */ } boolean there_was_a_problem() { boolean there_was_a_problem_result; there_was_a_problem_result = bug; return there_was_a_problem_result; } } // End of namespace Avalanche.