#include "ptoc.h" /* Get 'em back! */ #include "graph.h" const integer picsize = 966; const integer number_of_objects = 19; const array<1,65,char> thinks_header = string("This is an Avalot file, which is subject to copyright. Have fun.")+'\32'; const array<0,19,byte> order = {{ 4, 19, 1, 18, 15, 9, 12, 13, 17, 10, 2, 6, 3, 5, 7, 14, 16, 0, 11, 8}}; /* pAvalot=#150; pSpludwick=#151; pCrapulus=#152; pDrDuck=#153; pMalagauche=#154; pFriarTuck=#155; pRobinHood=#156; pCwytalot=#157; pduLustie=#158; pDuke=#159; pDogfood=#160; pTrader=#161; pIbythneth=#162; pAyles=#163; pPort=#164; pSpurge=#165; pJacques=#166; pArkata=#175; pGeida=#176; pWiseWoman=#178; */ integer gd,gm; untyped_file f; pointer p; byte noo; void load() { byte a0 /*absolute $A000:1200*/; byte bit; untyped_file f; ; assign(f,"d:folk.avd"); reset(f,1); seek(f,177); for( bit=0; bit <= 3; bit ++) {; port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3ce]=4; port[0x3c5]=1 << bit; port[0x3cf]=bit; blockread(f,a0,12080); } close(f); bit=getpixel(0,0); } void get_one() {; gd=((order[noo] % 9)*70+10); gm=((order[noo] / 9)*40+20); getimage(gd,gm,gd+59,gm+29,p); putimage(gd,gm,p,notput); blockwrite(f,p,picsize); } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {pio_initialize(argc, argv); ; gd=3; gm=0; initgraph(gd,gm,"c:\\bp\\bgi"); load(); noo=0; assign(f,"folk.avd"); getmem(p,picsize); rewrite(f,1); blockwrite(f,thinks_header,65); for( noo=0; noo <= number_of_objects; noo ++) get_one(); close(f); freemem(p,picsize); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }