/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on the original source code of Lord Avalot d'Argent version 1.3. * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Mike, Mark and Thomas Thurman. */ #include "avalanche/avalanche.h" #include "avalanche/nim.h" namespace Avalanche { const char * const Nim::kNames[2] = {"Avalot", "Dogfood"}; Nim::Nim(AvalancheEngine *vm) { _vm = vm; resetVariables(); } void Nim::resetVariables() { _playedNim = 0; _turns = 0; _dogfoodsTurn = false; _stonesLeft = 0; _clicked = false; _row = 0; _number = 0; _squeak = false; _lmo = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { _old[i] = 0; _stones[i] = 0; _inAp[i] = 0; _r[i] = 0; } } void Nim::synchronize(Common::Serializer &sz) { if (sz.isLoading() && sz.getVersion() < 2) return; sz.syncAsByte(_playedNim); } void Nim::playNim() { if (_vm->_wonNim) { // Already won the game. _vm->_dialogs->displayScrollChain('Q', 6); return; } if (!_vm->_askedDogfoodAboutNim) { _vm->_dialogs->displayScrollChain('Q', 84); return; } _vm->_dialogs->displayScrollChain('Q', 3); _playedNim++; _vm->_graphics->saveScreen(); _vm->fadeOut(); CursorMan.showMouse(false); setup(); board(); //CursorMan.showMouse(true); do { startMove(); if (_dogfoodsTurn) dogFood(); else { CursorMan.showMouse(true); takeSome(); CursorMan.showMouse(false); } _stones[_row] -= _number; showChanges(); } while (_stonesLeft != 0); endOfGame(); // Winning sequence is A1, B3, B1, C1, C1, btw. _vm->fadeOut(); _vm->_graphics->restoreScreen(); _vm->_graphics->removeBackup(); _vm->fadeIn(); CursorMan.showMouse(true); if (_dogfoodsTurn) { // Dogfood won - as usual. if (_playedNim == 1) // Your first game. _vm->_dialogs->displayScrollChain('Q', 4); // Goody! Play me again? else _vm->_dialogs->displayScrollChain('Q', 5); // Oh, look at that! I've won again! _vm->decreaseMoney(4); // And you've just lost 4d! } else { // You won - strange! _vm->_dialogs->displayScrollChain('Q', 7); _vm->_objects[kObjectLute - 1] = true; _vm->refreshObjectList(); _vm->_wonNim = true; _vm->_background->draw(-1, -1, 0); // Show the settle with no lute on it. // 7 points for winning! _vm->incScore(7); } if (_playedNim == 1) { // 3 points for playing your 1st game. _vm->incScore(3); } } void Nim::chalk(int x, int y, Common::String text) { const Color greys[] = { kColorBlack, kColorDarkgray, kColorLightgray, kColorWhite }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { _vm->_graphics->drawNormalText(text, _vm->_font, 8, x - i, y, greys[i]); _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); int freq = i * 100 * text.size(); if (freq == 0) _vm->_system->delayMillis(3); else _vm->_sound->playNote(freq, 3); _vm->_system->delayMillis(30); } } void Nim::setup() { _vm->fadeIn(); _vm->_graphics->nimLoad(); _vm->_graphics->drawFilledRectangle(Common::Rect(0, 0, 639, 199), kColorBlack); // Upper left rectangle. _vm->_graphics->drawRectangle(Common::Rect(10, 5, 380, 70), kColorRed); _vm->_graphics->drawFilledRectangle(Common::Rect(11, 6, 379, 69), kColorBrown); // Bottom right rectangle. _vm->_graphics->drawRectangle(Common::Rect(394, 50, 634, 197), kColorRed); _vm->_graphics->drawFilledRectangle(Common::Rect(395, 51, 633, 196), kColorBrown); _vm->_graphics->nimDrawLogo(); _vm->_graphics->nimDrawInitials(); _vm->_graphics->drawNormalText("SCOREBOARD:", _vm->_font, 8, 475, 45, kColorWhite); _vm->_graphics->drawNormalText("Turn:", _vm->_font, 8, 420, 55, kColorYellow); _vm->_graphics->drawNormalText("Player:", _vm->_font, 8, 490, 55, kColorYellow); _vm->_graphics->drawNormalText("Move:", _vm->_font, 8, 570, 55, kColorYellow); chalk(27, 7, "Take pieces away with:"); chalk(77, 17, "1) the mouse (click leftmost)"); chalk(53, 27, "or 2) the keyboard:"); chalk(220, 27, Common::String(24) + '/' + 25 + ": choose row,"); chalk(164, 37, Common::String("+/- or ") + 27 + '/' + 26 + ": more/fewer,"); chalk(204, 47, "Enter: take stones."); _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) _stones[i] = i + 3; _stonesLeft = 12; _turns = 0; _dogfoodsTurn = true; _row = 0; _number = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) _old[i] = 0; } void Nim::board() { _vm->_graphics->drawFilledRectangle(Common::Rect(57, 72, 393, 200), kColorBlack); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < _stones[i]; j++) _vm->_graphics->nimDrawStone(64 + j * 8 * 8, 75 + i * 35); // It's practically the body of the Pascal function "plotstone()", reimplemented. // It's the only place where we use it, so there's no reason to keep it separated as a function. _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); } void Nim::startMove() { _turns++; Common::String turnsStr = Common::String::format("%d", _turns); int y = 55 + _turns * 10; _dogfoodsTurn = !_dogfoodsTurn; chalk(433, y, turnsStr); chalk(493, y, kNames[_dogfoodsTurn]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) _old[i] = _stones[i]; } void Nim::showChanges() { chalk(573, 55 + _turns * 10, Common::String('A' + _row) + Common::String('0' + _number)); board(); _stonesLeft -= _number; } void Nim::blip() { _vm->_sound->playNote(1771, 3); } void Nim::findNextUp() { while (_stones[_row] == 0) { _row--; if (_row < 0) _row = 2; } if (_number > _stones[_row]) _number = _stones[_row]; } void Nim::findNextDown() { while (_stones[_row] == 0) { _row++; if (_row > 2) _row = 0; } if (_number > _stones[_row]) _number = _stones[_row]; } bool Nim::checkInput() { while (!_vm->shouldQuit()) { _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); Common::Event event; while (_vm->getEvent(event)) { if (event.type == Common::EVENT_LBUTTONUP) { Common::Point cursorPos = _vm->getMousePos(); int8 newRow = (cursorPos.y / 2 - 38) / 35 - 1; if ((newRow < 0) || (newRow > 2)) { blip(); return false; } int8 newNum = _stones[newRow] - ((cursorPos.x - 64) / 64); if ((newNum < 1) || (newNum > _stones[newRow])) { blip(); return false; } _number = newNum; _row = newRow; return true; } else if (event.type == Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN) { switch (event.kbd.keycode) { case Common::KEYCODE_LEFT: case Common::KEYCODE_KP_PLUS: if (_stones[_row] > _number) _number++; return false; case Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT: case Common::KEYCODE_KP_MINUS: if (_number > 1) _number--; return false; case Common::KEYCODE_1: _number = 1; return false; case Common::KEYCODE_2: if (_stones[_row] >= 2) _number = 2; return false; case Common::KEYCODE_3: if (_stones[_row] >= 3) _number = 3; else _number = _stones[_row]; return false; case Common::KEYCODE_4: if (_stones[_row] >= 4) _number = 4; else _number = _stones[_row]; return false; case Common::KEYCODE_5: if (_stones[_row] == 5) _number = 5; else _number = _stones[_row]; return false; case Common::KEYCODE_HOME: _number = _stones[_row]; return false; case Common::KEYCODE_END: _number = 1; return false; case Common::KEYCODE_UP: _row--; if (_row < 0) _row = 2; findNextUp(); return false; case Common::KEYCODE_DOWN: _row++; if (_row > 2) _row = 0; findNextDown(); return false; case Common::KEYCODE_a: if (_stones[0] != 0) { _row = 0; if (_number > _stones[_row]) _number = _stones[_row]; } return false; case Common::KEYCODE_b: if (_stones[1] != 0) { _row = 1; if (_number > _stones[_row]) _number = _stones[_row]; } return false; case Common::KEYCODE_c: if (_stones[2] != 0) { _row = 2; if (_number > _stones[_row]) _number = _stones[_row]; } return false; case Common::KEYCODE_PAGEUP: _row = 0; findNextDown(); return false; case Common::KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN: _row = 2; findNextUp(); return false; case Common::KEYCODE_RETURN: return true; default: break; } } } } return false; } void Nim::takeSome() { _number = 1; do { byte sr; do { sr = _stones[_row]; if (sr == 0) { if (_row == 2) _row = 0; else _row++; _number = 1; } } while (sr == 0); if (_number > sr) _number = sr; int x1 = 63 + (_stones[_row] - _number) * 64; int y1 = 38 + 35 * (_row + 1); int x2 = 54 + _stones[_row] * 64; int y2 = 63 + 35 * (_row + 1); _vm->_graphics->drawRectangle(Common::Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2), kColorBlue); // Draw the selection rectangle. _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); bool confirm = false; do { confirm = checkInput(); if (!confirm) { _vm->_graphics->drawRectangle(Common::Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2), kColorBlack); // Erase the previous selection. x1 = 63 + (_stones[_row] - _number) * 64; y1 = 38 + 35 * (_row + 1); x2 = 54 + _stones[_row] * 64; y2 = 63 + 35 * (_row + 1); _vm->_graphics->drawRectangle(Common::Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2), kColorBlue); // Draw the new one. _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); } } while (!confirm); return; } while (true); } void Nim::endOfGame() { chalk(595, 55 + _turns * 10, "Wins!"); _vm->_graphics->drawNormalText("- - - Press any key... - - -", _vm->_font, 8, 100, 190, kColorWhite); Common::Event event; bool escape = false; while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && !escape) { _vm->_graphics->refreshScreen(); while (_vm->getEvent(event)) { if ((event.type == Common::EVENT_LBUTTONUP) || (event.type == Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN)) { escape = true; break; } } } _vm->_graphics->nimFree(); } bool Nim::find(byte x) { bool ret = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (_stones[i] == x) { ret = true; _inAp[i] = true; } } return ret; } void Nim::findAp(byte start, byte stepSize) { byte thisOne = 0; byte matches = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) _inAp[i] = 0; // Blank 'em all! for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (find(start + i * stepSize)) matches++; else thisOne = i; } // Now... Matches must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. // 0 / 1 mean there are no A.P.s here, so we'll keep looking, // 2 means there is a potential A.P.that we can create (ideal!), and // 3 means that we're already in an A.P. (Trouble!) byte ooo = 0; // Odd one out. switch (matches) { case 2: for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Find which one didn't fit the A.P. if (!_inAp[i]) ooo = i; } if (_stones[ooo] > (start + thisOne * stepSize)) { // Check if it's possible! // Create an A.P. _row = ooo; // Already calculated. // Start + thisone * stepsize will give the amount we SHOULD have here. _number = _stones[_row] - (start + thisOne * stepSize); _lmo = true; return; } break; case 3: // We're actually IN an A.P! Trouble! Oooh dear. // Take 1 from the largest pile. _row = _r[2]; _number = 1; _lmo = true; return; default: break; } } void Nim::dogFood() { _lmo = false; byte live = 0; byte sr[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (_stones[i] > 0) { _r[live] = i; sr[live] = _stones[i]; live++; } } switch (live) { case 1: // Only one is free - so take 'em all! _row = _r[0]; _number = _stones[_r[0]]; return; case 2: // Two are free - make them equal! if (sr[0] > sr[1]) { // T > b _row = _r[0]; _number = sr[0] - sr[1]; } else if (sr[0] < sr[1]) { // B > t _row = _r[1]; _number = sr[1] - sr[0]; } else { // B = t... oh no, we've lost! _row = _r[0]; _number = 1; } return; case 3: { // Ho hum... this'll be difficult! // There are three possible courses of action when we have 3 lines left: // 1) Look for 2 equal lines, then take the odd one out. // 2) Look for A.P.s, and capitalise on them. // 3) Go any old where. const byte other[3][2] = { { 2, 3 }, { 1, 3 }, { 1, 2 } }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Look for 2 equal lines. if (_stones[other[i][0]] == _stones[other[i][1]]) { _row = i; // This row. _number = _stones[i]; // All of 'em. return; } } bool sorted; do { sorted = true; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (sr[i] > sr[i + 1]) { byte temp = sr[i + 1]; sr[i + 1] = sr[i]; sr[i] = temp; temp = _r[i + 1]; _r[i + 1] = _r[i]; _r[i] = temp; sorted = false; } } } while (!sorted); // Now we look for A.P.s... for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { findAp(i, 1); // There are 3 "1"s. if (_lmo) return; // Cut - out. } findAp(1, 2); // Only "2" possible. if (_lmo) return; // A.P.search must have failed - use the default move. _row = _r[2]; _number = 1; return; } default: break; } } } // End of namespace Avalanche