#include "ptoc.h" #include "graph.h" integer gd,gm; int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {pio_initialize(argc, argv); ; gd=3; gm=0; initgraph(gd,gm,""); setactivepage(1); setcolor(9); settextstyle(0,0,2); outtextxy(0, 0,"This is a test to see whether you can"); outtextxy(0, 20,"scroll text over the top of a picture."); outtextxy(0, 40,"I was wondering whether it would work."); outtextxy(0, 60,"Well, does it, or not?"); outtextxy(0, 80,"If so, it could be useful for the"); outtextxy(0,100,"Avalot title sequence."); outtextxy(0,120,"Good, isn't it?"); outtextxy(0,140,"The quick brown fox jumps over the"); outtextxy(0,160,"lazy dog..."); outtextxy(0,180,"This is the last line..."); setactivepage(0); gm=0; for( gd=0; gd <= 640; gd ++) {; gm += 1; if (gm==8) gm=1; setcolor(gm); line(gd,0,gm,350); line(640-gd,0,640-gm,350); } /* for gd:=1 to 15 do begin; setfillstyle(1,gd); bar(gd*20,10,gd*20+19,100); end;*/ /* setfillstyle(1,6); bar(100,100,500,100);*/ gd=getpixel(0,0); for( gm=8; gm <= 15; gm ++) setpalette(gm,egayellow); for( gd=0; gd <= 199; gd ++) {; port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3cf]=4; port[0x3c5]=8; port[0x3cf]=0; move(mem[0xa000*80],mem[0xa000*0],16000); port[0x3c4]=2; port[0x3cf]=4; port[0x3c5]=8; port[0x3cf]=0; move(mem[0xa000*gd*80+16384],mem[0xa000*15920],80); } /* for gd:=0 to 199 do begin; port[$3C4]:=2; port[$3CF]:=4; port[$3C5]:=8; port[$3CF]:=0; move(mem[$A000*160],mem[$A000*0],15920); port[$3C4]:=2; port[$3CF]:=4; port[$3C5]:=8; port[$3CF]:=0; move(mem[$A000*gd*80+16384],mem[$A000*15920],80); move(mem[$A000*15920],mem[$A000*15840],80); end;*/ return EXIT_SUCCESS; }