#include "ptoc.h" /*#include "Crt.h"*/ const varying_string<4> codes = " ßÜÛ"; typedef matrix<'\0','\377',0,15,byte> fonttype; byte x,xx,y; string qq; file f; fonttype font; byte code; typedef array<1,3840,byte> atype; void save() { file f; word fv; atype a /*absolute $B800:0*/; ; assign(f,"TEXT3.SCR"); rewrite(f); f << a; close(f); } void centre(byte y, string z) { byte fv; ; for( fv=1; fv <= length(z); fv ++) {; gotoxy(39-length(z) / 2+fv,y); if (z[fv]!='\40') output << z[fv]; } } void line(byte cx,byte cy, string title) {; for( y=0; y <= 4; y ++) {; qq=""; for( x=1; x <= length(title); x ++) {; for( xx=7; xx >= 0; xx --) {; code=(byte)(((1 << xx) & font[title[x]][y*2])>0)+ (byte)(((1 << xx) & font[title[x]][y*2+1])>0)*2; qq=qq+codes[code+1-1]; } } gotoxy(cx,cy+y); output << qq; } } void big_t() { text t; string x; byte y; ; assign(t,"c:\\avalot\\t.txt"); reset(t); y=1; while (! eof(t)) {; t >> x >> NL; gotoxy(1,y); output << x; y += 1; } } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {pio_initialize(argc, argv); ; textattr=4; clrscr; assign(f,"c:\\thomas\\ttsmall.fnt"); reset(f); f >> font; close(f); textattr=4; line(19,4,"hanks"); textattr=6; line(23,8,"for"); line(7,12,"playing"); textattr += 8; line(12,16,"Avalot."); textattr=12; big_t(); textattr=8; gotoxy(40,2); output << "(c) 1994, Mike, Mark and Thomas Thurman."; textattr=11; gotoxy(50,10); output << "* Goodbyte! *"; textattr=10; gotoxy(9,20); output << '\20'; textattr=12; output << " If you'd like to see yet more of these games, then don't forget to"; gotoxy(12,21); output << "register, or your"; clreol; gotoxy(12,22); output << "for the rest of your life!"; gotoxy(60,22); output << "(Only joking!)"; save(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }