/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include "bladerunner/archive.h"

#include "common/array.h"
#include "common/cosinetables.h"
#include "common/random.h"
#include "common/sinetables.h"
#include "common/stream.h"

#include "engines/engine.h"

#include "graphics/surface.h"

//TODO: change this to debugflag

namespace Common {
struct Event;

namespace GUI {
class Debugger;

struct ADGameDescription;

namespace BladeRunner {

enum DebugLevels {
	kDebugScript = 1 << 0

class Actor;
class ActorDialogueQueue;
class ScreenEffects;
class AIScripts;
class AmbientSounds;
class AudioCache;
class AudioMixer;
class AudioPlayer;
class AudioSpeech;
class Chapters;
class CrimesDatabase;
class Combat;
class Debugger;
class DialogueMenu;
class Elevator;
class EndCredits;
class ESPER;
class Framelimiter;
class Font;
class GameFlags;
class GameInfo;
class ItemPickup;
class Items;
class KIA;
class Lights;
class Mouse;
class Music;
class Obstacles;
class Overlays;
class PoliceMaze;
class Scene;
class SceneObjects;
class SceneScript;
class Scores;
class Settings;
class Shapes;
class SliceAnimations;
class SliceRenderer;
class Spinner;
class Subtitles;
class SuspectsDatabase;
class TextResource;
class Time;
class Vector3;
class View;
class VK;
class Waypoints;
class ZBuffer;

class BladeRunnerEngine : public Engine {
	static const int kArchiveCount = 12; // +2 to original value (10) to accommodate for SUBTITLES.MIX and one extra resource file, to allow for capability of loading all VQAx.MIX and the MODE.MIX file (debug purposes)
	static const int kActorCount =  100;
	static const int kActorVoiceOver = kActorCount - 1;
	// Incremental number to keep track of significant revisions of the ScummVM bladerunner engine
	// that could potentially introduce incompatibilities with old save files or require special actions to restore compatibility
	// This is stored in game global variable "kVariableGameVersion"
	// Original (classic) save game files will have version number of 0
	// Values:
	// 1: alpha testing (from May 15, 2019 to July 17, 2019)
	// 2: all time code uses uint32 (since July 17 2019),
	static const int kBladeRunnerScummVMVersion = 2;

	bool _gameIsRunning;
	bool _windowIsActive;
	int  _playerLosesControlCounter;

	Common::String   _languageCode;
	Common::Language _language;
	bool             _russianCP1251;

	ActorDialogueQueue *_actorDialogueQueue;
	ScreenEffects      *_screenEffects;
	AIScripts          *_aiScripts;
	AmbientSounds      *_ambientSounds;
	AudioCache         *_audioCache;
	AudioMixer         *_audioMixer;
	AudioPlayer        *_audioPlayer;
	AudioSpeech        *_audioSpeech;
	Chapters           *_chapters;
	CrimesDatabase     *_crimesDatabase;
	Combat             *_combat;
	DialogueMenu       *_dialogueMenu;
	Elevator           *_elevator;
	EndCredits         *_endCredits;
	ESPER              *_esper;
	GameFlags          *_gameFlags;
	GameInfo           *_gameInfo;
	ItemPickup         *_itemPickup;
	Items              *_items;
	KIA                *_kia;
	Lights             *_lights;
	Font               *_mainFont;
	Subtitles          *_subtitles;
	Mouse              *_mouse;
	Music              *_music;
	Obstacles          *_obstacles;
	Overlays           *_overlays;
	PoliceMaze         *_policeMaze;
	Scene              *_scene;
	SceneObjects       *_sceneObjects;
	SceneScript        *_sceneScript;
	Scores             *_scores;
	Settings           *_settings;
	SliceAnimations    *_sliceAnimations;
	SliceRenderer      *_sliceRenderer;
	Spinner            *_spinner;
	SuspectsDatabase   *_suspectsDatabase;
	Time               *_time;
	View               *_view;
	Framelimiter       *_framelimiter;
	VK                 *_vk;
	Waypoints          *_waypoints;
	int                *_gameVars;

	TextResource       *_textActorNames;
	TextResource       *_textCrimes;
	TextResource       *_textClueTypes;
	TextResource       *_textKIA;
	TextResource       *_textSpinnerDestinations;
	TextResource       *_textVK;
	TextResource       *_textOptions;

	Shapes *_shapes;

	Actor *_actors[kActorCount];
	Actor *_playerActor;

	Graphics::PixelFormat _screenPixelFormat;

	Graphics::Surface  _surfaceFront;
	Graphics::Surface  _surfaceBack;

	ZBuffer           *_zbuffer;

	Common::RandomSource _rnd;

	Debugger *_debugger;

	Common::CosineTable *_cosTable1024;
	Common::SineTable   *_sinTable1024;

	bool _isWalkingInterruptible;
	bool _interruptWalking;
	bool _playerActorIdle;
	bool _playerDead;
	bool _actorIsSpeaking;
	bool _actorSpeakStopIsRequested;
	bool _gameOver;
	int  _gameAutoSaveTextId;
	bool _gameIsAutoSaving;
	bool _gameIsLoading;
	bool _sceneIsLoading;
	bool _vqaIsPlaying;
	bool _vqaStopIsRequested;
	bool _subtitlesEnabled;  // tracks the state of whether subtitles are enabled or disabled from ScummVM GUI option or KIA checkbox (the states are synched)
	bool _sitcomMode;
	bool _shortyMode;
	bool _noDelayMillisFramelimiter;
	bool _framesPerSecondMax;
	bool _cutContent;

	int _walkSoundId;
	int _walkSoundVolume;
	int _walkSoundPan;
	int _runningActorId;

	uint32 _mouseClickTimeLast;
	uint32 _mouseClickTimeDiff;

	int  _walkingToExitId;
	bool _isInsideScriptExit;
	int  _walkingToRegionId;
	bool _isInsideScriptRegion;
	int  _walkingToObjectId;
	bool _isInsideScriptObject;
	int  _walkingToItemId;
	bool _isInsideScriptItem;
	bool _walkingToEmpty;
	int  _walkingToEmptyX;
	int  _walkingToEmptyY;
	bool _isInsideScriptEmpty;
	int  _walkingToActorId;
	bool _isInsideScriptActor;

	int    _actorUpdateCounter;
	uint32 _actorUpdateTimeLast;

	uint32 _timeOfMainGameLoopTickPrevious;

	MIXArchive _archives[kArchiveCount];

	BladeRunnerEngine(OSystem *syst, const ADGameDescription *desc);

	bool hasFeature(EngineFeature f) const override;
	bool canLoadGameStateCurrently() override;
	Common::Error loadGameState(int slot) override;
	bool canSaveGameStateCurrently() override;
	Common::Error saveGameState(int slot, const Common::String &desc) override;
	void pauseEngineIntern(bool pause) override;

	Common::Error run() override;

	bool checkFiles(Common::Array<Common::String> &missingFiles);

	bool startup(bool hasSavegames = false);
	void initChapterAndScene();
	void shutdown();

	bool loadSplash();

	Common::Point getMousePos() const;
	bool isMouseButtonDown() const;

	void gameLoop();
	void gameTick();

	void actorsUpdate();

	void walkingReset();

	void handleEvents();
	void handleKeyUp(Common::Event &event);
	void handleKeyDown(Common::Event &event);
	void handleMouseAction(int x, int y, bool mainButton, bool buttonDown, int scrollDirection = 0);
	void handleMouseClickExit(int exitId, int x, int y, bool buttonDown);
	void handleMouseClickRegion(int regionId, int x, int y, bool buttonDown);
	void handleMouseClickItem(int itemId, bool buttonDown);
	void handleMouseClickActor(int actorId, bool mainButton, bool buttonDown, Vector3 &scenePosition, int x, int y);
	void handleMouseClick3DObject(int objectId, bool buttonDown, bool isClickable, bool isTarget);
	void handleMouseClickEmpty(int x, int y, Vector3 &scenePosition, bool buttonDown);

	void gameWaitForActive();
	void loopActorSpeaking();
	void loopQueuedDialogueStillPlaying();

	void outtakePlay(int id, bool no_localization, int container = -1);

	bool openArchive(const Common::String &name);
	bool closeArchive(const Common::String &name);
	bool isArchiveOpen(const Common::String &name) const;

	void syncSoundSettings();
	bool isSubtitlesEnabled();
	void setSubtitlesEnabled(bool newVal);

	Common::SeekableReadStream *getResourceStream(const Common::String &name);

	bool playerHasControl();
	void playerLosesControl();
	void playerGainsControl(bool force = false);
	void playerDied();

	bool saveGame(Common::WriteStream &stream, Graphics::Surface &thumbnail);
	bool loadGame(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream);
	void newGame(int difficulty);
	void autoSaveGame(int textId, bool endgame);

	void ISez(const Common::String &str);

	void blitToScreen(const Graphics::Surface &src) const;
	Graphics::Surface generateThumbnail() const;

	GUI::Debugger *getDebugger();
	Common::String getTargetName() const;

static inline const Graphics::PixelFormat gameDataPixelFormat() {
	return Graphics::PixelFormat(2, 5, 5, 5, 1, 10, 5, 0, 15);

static inline void getGameDataColor(uint16 color, uint8 &a, uint8 &r, uint8 &g, uint8 &b) {
	// gameDataPixelFormat().colorToARGB(vqaColor, a, r, g, b);
	// using pixel format functions is too slow on some ports because of runtime checks
	uint8 r5 = (color >> 10) & 0x1F;
	uint8 g5 = (color >>  5) & 0x1F;
	uint8 b5 = (color      ) & 0x1F;
	a = color >> 15;
	r = (r5 << 3) | (r5 >> 2);
	g = (g5 << 3) | (g5 >> 2);
	b = (b5 << 3) | (b5 >> 2);

static inline const Graphics::PixelFormat screenPixelFormat() {
	return ((BladeRunnerEngine*)g_engine)->_screenPixelFormat;

static inline void drawPixel(Graphics::Surface &surface, void* dst, uint32 value) {
	switch (surface.format.bytesPerPixel) {
		case 1:
			*(uint8*)dst = (uint8)value;
		case 2:
			*(uint16*)dst = (uint16)value;
		case 4:
			*(uint32*)dst = (uint32)value;

void blit(const Graphics::Surface &src, Graphics::Surface &dst);

} // End of namespace BladeRunner
