/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "bladerunner/script/ai_script.h" namespace BladeRunner { AIScriptGuzza::AIScriptGuzza(BladeRunnerEngine *vm) : AIScriptBase(vm) { _frameDelta = 0; _counter = 0; _state = 0; _flag = false; } void AIScriptGuzza::Initialize() { _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 0; _animationStateNext = 0; _animationNext = 0; _frameDelta = 1; _counter = 0; _state = 0; _flag = false; #if BLADERUNNER_ORIGINAL_BUGS // Guzza begins with -1 as a goal number in the original, it is unset until Act 2 #else Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaDefault); #endif // BLADERUNNER_ORIGINAL_BUGS } bool AIScriptGuzza::Update() { if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 2) { if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagGuzzaIsMovingAround)) { Game_Flag_Set(kFlagGuzzaIsMovingAround); Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorGuzza, kSetFreeSlotC); Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(kActorGuzza, 35, 0); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaLeftOffice); return true; } if ( Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza) != kGoalGuzzaGoToHawkersCircle1 && !Game_Flag_Query(kFlagHC01GuzzaWalk) && Game_Flag_Query(kFlagHC01GuzzaPrepare) ) { Game_Flag_Set(kFlagHC01GuzzaWalk); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaGoToHawkersCircle2); return true; } } return false; } void AIScriptGuzza::TimerExpired(int timer) { //return false; } void AIScriptGuzza::CompletedMovementTrack() { // For Guzza, his movement tracks and goals are used to make him move around // If McCoy enters his office (PS04) his movement is paused (and unpaused when McCoy exits), // so ,while McCoy is there, Guzza won't blink in or out of the office. // Guzza starts moving around from Act 2. In Act 1 he has no movement tracks and stays in his office -- and in original his goal is -1 (undefined). // // In Act 2, he may appear at HC01 when McCoy enters HC01 from AR01 (goal (if he hasn't been there already // After that he can be there by 50% after he leaves the office (if his goal is set to kGoalGuzzaGoToHawkersCircle1) // // In Acts 2, 3: if McCoy enters the Police Elevator from ground floor, Guzza's goal is reset to "kGoalGuzzaLeftOffice" // so Guzza can't get "stuck" away from his office forever during those Acts // // TODO Check if in Act 4: is it possible (albeit highly unlikely) that he will be at Hawker's Circle (but hidden at final waypoint of kGoalGuzzaGoToHawkersCircle1) (before UG18 meeting)? // // In Act 4, after his scene in UG18, he goes to kSetFreeSlotI and stays there switch (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza)) { case kGoalGuzzaLeftOffice: // This puts Guzza back to his office, when his time away (track) is complete // Guzza stays in his office for 600 seconds (10 minutes) Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaAtOffice); // return true; break; case kGoalGuzzaAtOffice: // after his time in the office is complete: if (Random_Query(1, 2) == 1) { // Guzza goes to Hawker's Circle // (and stays at final way point awaiting a goal change) Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaGoToHawkersCircle1); } else { // Guzza goes "away" for 60 seconds (1 minute) // (and stays at final way point awaiting a goal change) Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaGoToFreeSlotB); } // return true; break; case kGoalGuzzaGoToHawkersCircle2: // After the short walk in Hawker's Circle: // Guzza will "leave his office", stay for 90 seconds in kSetFreeSlotC // (after that he'll be back in his office) Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaLeftOffice); // return true; break; case kGoalGuzzaGoToFreeSlotG: // bug? when does this happen? // Guzza will "leave his office", stay for 90 seconds in kSetFreeSlotC // (after that he'll be back in his office) Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaLeftOffice); // return true; break; } // return false; } void AIScriptGuzza::ReceivedClue(int clueId, int fromActorId) { //return false; } void AIScriptGuzza::ClickedByPlayer() { if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 2 && Game_Flag_Query(kFlagGuzzaIsMovingAround) ) { Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorGuzza, true); #if BLADERUNNER_ORIGINAL_BUGS if (Actor_Query_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorGordo, kActorMcCoy) < 48) { // a bug? shouldn't this be Gordo? Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 3970, 13); Actor_Says(kActorGuzza, 780, -1); } // TODO: test this, looks like a bug in game // At the very least Random_Query(1, 4) should only be calculated once // and clicking on Guzza should probably always produce a quote? if (Random_Query(1, 4) == 1) { AI_Movement_Track_Pause(kActorGuzza); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 4005, 15); Actor_Says(kActorGuzza, 780, -1); AI_Movement_Track_Unpause(kActorGuzza); } else if (Random_Query(1, 4) == 2) { AI_Movement_Track_Pause(kActorGuzza); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 3970, 14); Actor_Says(kActorGuzza, 780, -1); AI_Movement_Track_Unpause(kActorGuzza); } else if (Random_Query(1, 4) == 3) { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 3970, 16); } else if (Random_Query(1, 4) == 4) { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 3970, 13); } #else if (Actor_Query_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorGuzza, kActorMcCoy) < 48) { Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 3970, 13); // Hey Actor_Says(kActorGuzza, 780, -1); // Get lost } else { // At the very least Random_Query(1, 4) should only be calculated once switch (Random_Query(1, 4)) { case 1: AI_Movement_Track_Pause(kActorGuzza); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 4005, 15); Actor_Says(kActorGuzza, 780, -1); AI_Movement_Track_Unpause(kActorGuzza); break; case 2: AI_Movement_Track_Pause(kActorGuzza); Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 3970, 14); Actor_Says(kActorGuzza, 780, -1); AI_Movement_Track_Unpause(kActorGuzza); break; case 3: Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 3970, 16); break; case 4: // fall through default: Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 3970, 13); break; } } #endif // BLADERUNNER_ORIGINAL_BUGS } // return false; } void AIScriptGuzza::EnteredScene(int sceneId) { // return false; } void AIScriptGuzza::OtherAgentEnteredThisScene(int otherActorId) { // return false; } void AIScriptGuzza::OtherAgentExitedThisScene(int otherActorId) { // return false; } void AIScriptGuzza::OtherAgentEnteredCombatMode(int otherActorId, int combatMode) { // return false; } void AIScriptGuzza::ShotAtAndMissed() { if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza) == kGoalGuzzaUG18Target) { Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, kAnimationModeCombatHit); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaUG18MissedByMcCoy); } // return false; } bool AIScriptGuzza::ShotAtAndHit() { if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza) == kGoalGuzzaUG18Target) { Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, kAnimationModeCombatHit); Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaUG18HitByMcCoy); } return false; } void AIScriptGuzza::Retired(int byActorId) { Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorGuzza, kGoalGuzzaGone); // return false; } int AIScriptGuzza::GetFriendlinessModifierIfGetsClue(int otherActorId, int clueId) { return 0; } bool AIScriptGuzza::GoalChanged(int currentGoalNumber, int newGoalNumber) { switch (newGoalNumber) { case kGoalGuzzaLeftOffice: // Guzza stays for a few seconds in his office (waypoint 263) then goes to kSetFreeSlotC (waypoint 35) for 90 seconds AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorGuzza); AI_Movement_Track_Append_With_Facing(kActorGuzza, 263, 0, 150); AI_Movement_Track_Append_With_Facing(kActorGuzza, 263, 5, 150); AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorGuzza, 35, 90); AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorGuzza); return true; case kGoalGuzzaGoToHawkersCircle1: // walk around in kSetHC01_HC02_HC03_HC04 for a short while AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorGuzza); AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorGuzza, 258, 0); AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorGuzza, 260, 8); AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorGuzza, 261, 5); AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorGuzza, 262, 0); AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorGuzza); return true; case kGoalGuzzaAtOffice: // stay for 600 seconds in office AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorGuzza); AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorGuzza); // a bug? is this needed twice? AI_Movement_Track_Append_With_Facing(kActorGuzza, 263, 600, 150); AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorGuzza); return true; case kGoalGuzzaGoToHawkersCircle2: // walk around in kSetHC01_HC02_HC03_HC04 for few seconds AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorGuzza); AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorGuzza, 258, 0); AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorGuzza, 259, 1); AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorGuzza, 258, 0); AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorGuzza); return true; case kGoalGuzzaGoToFreeSlotB: // stay in kSetFreeSlotB for 60 seconds AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorGuzza); AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorGuzza, 34, 60); AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorGuzza); return true; case kGoalGuzzaGoToFreeSlotG: // stay in kSetFreeSlotG for 39 seconds // a bug? this goal is never set AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorGuzza); AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorGuzza, 39, 120); AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorGuzza); return true; case kGoalGuzzaSitAtNR03: Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, kAnimationModeSit); _animationState = 1; _animationFrame = 0; Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorGuzza, kSetNR03); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorGuzza, -229.0f, -70.19f, -469.0f, 400); return true; case kGoalGuzzaUG18Wait: Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorGuzza, kSetUG18); Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorGuzza, 10.79f, 0.0f, -354.17f, 400); Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, kAnimationModeIdle); return true; case kGoalGuzzaUG18Target: Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorGuzza, true); return true; case kGoalGuzzaUG18WillGetShotBySadik: case kGoalGuzzaUG18HitByMcCoy: case kGoalGuzzaUG18MissedByMcCoy: Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorGuzza, false); return true; case kGoalGuzzaUG18ShotByMcCoy: case kGoalGuzzaUG18ShootMcCoy: case kGoalGuzzaUG18FallDown: case kGoalGuzzaUG18ShotBySadik: return true; } return false; } bool AIScriptGuzza::UpdateAnimation(int *animation, int *frame) { switch (_animationState) { case 0: switch (_state) { case 0: *animation = 197; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(197)) { _animationFrame = 0; if (Random_Query(0, 5) == 0) { _state = Random_Query(1, 2); } } break; case 1: *animation = 198; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(198)) { *animation = 197; _animationFrame = 0; _state = 0; } break; case 2: *animation = 199; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(199)) { *animation = 197; _animationFrame = 0; _state = 0; } break; } break; case 1: switch (_state) { case 0: *animation = 189; if (_counter) { _counter--; if (Random_Query(0, 6) == 0) { _frameDelta = -_frameDelta; } } else { _animationFrame += _frameDelta; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(*animation)) { _animationFrame = 0; if (Random_Query(0, 2) == 0) { _state = 2 * Random_Query(0, 1); } } if (_animationFrame < 0) { _animationFrame = Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(*animation) - 1; } _counter = Random_Query(0, 1); if (_animationFrame == 2 || _animationFrame == 15) { _counter = Random_Query(5, 12); } if (_animationFrame == 8) { _counter = Random_Query(3, 7); } } break; case 1: *animation = 190; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(190)) { *animation = 189; _animationFrame = 0; _state = 0; } break; case 2: *animation = 191; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(191)) { if (Random_Query(0, 2) == 0) { *animation = 189; _animationFrame = 0; _state = 0; } else { *animation = 190; _animationFrame = 0; _state = 1; } } break; } break; case 2: if (_state == 0) { *animation = _animationNext; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = _animationStateNext; } else { if (_state == 1) { *animation = 198; } else if (_state == 2) { *animation = 199; } _animationFrame += 2; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(*animation)) { *animation = _animationNext; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = _animationStateNext; } } break; case 3: switch (_state) { case 0: *animation = 189; break; case 1: *animation = 190; break; case 2: *animation = 191; break; } _animationFrame += 4; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(*animation)) { *animation = _animationNext; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = _animationStateNext; } break; case 4: *animation = 185; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(185)) { _animationFrame = 0; } break; case 5: *animation = 186; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(186)) { _animationFrame = 0; } break; case 6: *animation = 176; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(176)) { _animationFrame = 0; } break; case 7: *animation = 177; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(177)) { _animationFrame = 0; } break; case 8: *animation = 181; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(181)) { _animationFrame = 0; } break; case 9: *animation = 187; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(187)) { _animationFrame = 0; } break; case 10: *animation = 188; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(188)) { _animationFrame = 0; } break; case 11: if (_animationFrame == 0 && _flag) { *animation = 197; _animationState = 0; _flag = false; _state = 0; _counter = 0; _frameDelta = 1; } else { *animation = 201; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(201)) { _animationFrame = 0; } } break; case 12: *animation = 202; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(202)) { *animation = 201; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 11; } break; case 13: *animation = 203; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(203)) { *animation = 201; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 11; } break; case 14: *animation = 204; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(204)) { *animation = 201; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 11; } break; case 15: *animation = 205; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(205)) { *animation = 201; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 11; } break; case 16: *animation = 206; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(206)) { *animation = 201; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 11; } break; case 17: if (_animationFrame == 0 && _flag) { *animation = 189; _animationState = 1; _flag = false; Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, 53); _state = 0; _counter = 0; _frameDelta = 1; } else { *animation = 192; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(192)) { _animationFrame = 0; } } break; case 18: *animation = 193; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(193)) { *animation = 192; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 17; } break; case 19: *animation = 194; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(194)) { *animation = 192; _animationState = 17; _animationFrame = 0; } break; case 20: *animation = 195; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(195)) { *animation = 192; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 17; } break; case 21: *animation = 196; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(196)) { *animation = 192; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 17; } break; case 22: if (_animationFrame == 0 && _flag) { *animation = 172; _animationState = 24; _flag = false; Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, kAnimationModeCombatIdle); _state = 0; _counter = 0; _frameDelta = 1; } else { *animation = 179; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(179)) { _animationFrame = 0; } } break; case 23: if (_animationFrame == 0 && _flag) { *animation = 172; _animationState = 24; _flag = false; Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, kAnimationModeCombatIdle); _state = 0; _counter = 0; _frameDelta = 1; } else { *animation = 180; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(180)) { _animationFrame = 0; } } break; case 24: *animation = 172; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(172)) { _animationFrame = 0; } break; case 25: *animation = 173; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(173)) { _animationFrame = 0; } break; case 26: *animation = 174; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(174)) { *animation = 172; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 24; Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, kAnimationModeCombatIdle); } break; case 27: *animation = 175; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(175)) { *animation = 172; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 24; Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, kAnimationModeCombatIdle); } break; case 29: *animation = 182; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(182)) { *animation = 172; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 24; } break; case 30: *animation = 183; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(183)) { *animation = 197; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 0; } break; case 31: *animation = 184; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(184)) { *animation = 172; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 24; Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, kAnimationModeCombatIdle); } break; case 32: *animation = 200; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(200)) { *animation = 197; _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 0; Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorGuzza, kAnimationModeIdle); } break; case 33: *animation = 207; _animationFrame++; if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(207)) { _animationFrame = Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(*animation) - 1; float x, y, z; Actor_Query_XYZ(kActorGuzza, &x, &y, &z); // TODO: test if (-180.0f <= y) { y -= 15.0f; x += 6.0f; z -= 12.0f; Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorGuzza, x, y, z, 729); } else { _animationState = 34; } } break; case 34: *animation = 207; _animationFrame = Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(207) - 1; break; default: *animation = 399; break; } *frame = _animationFrame; return true; } bool AIScriptGuzza::ChangeAnimationMode(int mode) { switch (mode) { case kAnimationModeIdle: switch (_animationState) { case 0: case 30: case 32: case 33: break; case 6: case 7: _animationState = 24; _animationFrame = 0; break; case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: _flag = true; break; case 24: case 31: _animationState = 30; _animationFrame = 0; break; default: _animationState = 0; _animationFrame = 0; _state = 0; _counter = 0; _frameDelta = 1; break; } break; case kAnimationModeWalk: _animationState = 4; _animationFrame = 0; break; case kAnimationModeRun: _animationState = 5; _animationFrame = 0; break; case kAnimationModeTalk: if (_animationState) { _animationState = 11; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } else { _animationState = 2; _animationFrame = 0; _animationStateNext = 11; _animationNext = 201; } break; case kAnimationModeCombatIdle: if (_animationState == 0) { _animationState = 29; _animationFrame = 0; } else if (_animationState != 24 && _animationState != 29 ) { _animationState = 24; _animationFrame = 0; } break; case kAnimationModeCombatAttack: _animationState = 31; _animationFrame = 0; break; case kAnimationModeCombatWalk: _animationState = 6; _animationFrame = 0; break; case kAnimationModeCombatRun: _animationState = 7; _animationFrame = 0; break; case 12: if (_animationState) { _animationState = 12; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } else { _animationState = 2; _animationFrame = 0; _animationStateNext = 12; _animationNext = 202; } break; case 13: if (_animationState) { _animationState = 13; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } else { _animationState = 2; _animationFrame = 0; _animationStateNext = 13; _animationNext = 203; } break; case 14: if (_animationState) { _animationState = 14; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } else { _animationState = 2; _animationFrame = 0; _animationStateNext = 14; _animationNext = 204; } break; case 15: if (_animationState) { _animationState = 15; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } else { _animationState = 2; _animationFrame = 0; _animationStateNext = 15; _animationNext = 205; } break; case 16: if (_animationState) { _animationState = 16; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } else { _animationState = 2; _animationFrame = 0; _animationStateNext = 16; _animationNext = 206; } break; case kAnimationModeCombatHit: if (Random_Query(0, 1)) { _animationState = 26; } else { _animationState = 27; } _animationFrame = 0; break; case 23: _animationState = 32; _animationFrame = 0; break; case 30: if (_animationState == 1) { _animationState = 3; _animationStateNext = 17; _animationNext = 192; } else { _animationState = 17; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } break; case 31: if (_animationState == 1) { _animationState = 3; _animationStateNext = 18; _animationNext = 193; } else { _animationState = 18; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } break; case 32: if (_animationState == 1) { _animationState = 3; _animationStateNext = 19; _animationNext = 194; } else { _animationState = 19; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } break; case 33: if (_animationState == 1) { _animationState = 3; _animationStateNext = 20; _animationNext = 195; } else { _animationState = 20; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } break; case 34: if (_animationState == 1) { _animationState = 3; _animationStateNext = 21; _animationNext = 196; } else { _animationState = 21; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; } break; case kAnimationModeWalkUp: _animationState = 9; _animationFrame = 0; break; case kAnimationModeWalkDown: _animationState = 10; _animationFrame = 0; break; case kAnimationModeDie: _animationState = 28; _animationFrame = 0; break; case 53: _animationState = 1; _animationFrame = 0; break; case 58: _animationState = 22; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; break; case 59: _animationState = 23; _animationFrame = 0; _flag = false; break; case 61: _animationState = 33; _animationFrame = 0; break; } return true; } void AIScriptGuzza::QueryAnimationState(int *animationState, int *animationFrame, int *animationStateNext, int *animationNext) { *animationState = _animationState; *animationFrame = _animationFrame; *animationStateNext = _animationStateNext; *animationNext = _animationNext; } void AIScriptGuzza::SetAnimationState(int animationState, int animationFrame, int animationStateNext, int animationNext) { _animationState = animationState; _animationFrame = animationFrame; _animationStateNext = animationStateNext; _animationNext = animationNext; } bool AIScriptGuzza::ReachedMovementTrackWaypoint(int waypointId) { if (waypointId == 263) { _animationFrame = 0; _animationState = 1; return false; } return true; } void AIScriptGuzza::FledCombat() { // return false; } } // End of namespace BladeRunner