/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "bladerunner/ui/esper.h" #include "bladerunner/actor.h" #include "bladerunner/ambient_sounds.h" #include "bladerunner/audio_player.h" #include "bladerunner/bladerunner.h" #include "bladerunner/debugger.h" #include "bladerunner/decompress_lcw.h" #include "bladerunner/font.h" #include "bladerunner/game_info.h" #include "bladerunner/mouse.h" #include "bladerunner/scene.h" #include "bladerunner/shape.h" #include "bladerunner/script/esper_script.h" #include "bladerunner/text_resource.h" #include "bladerunner/time.h" #include "bladerunner/ui/ui_image_picker.h" #include "bladerunner/vqa_player.h" #include "bladerunner/subtitles.h" #include "common/rect.h" #include "common/str.h" namespace BladeRunner { ESPER::ESPER(BladeRunnerEngine *vm) { _vm = vm; _screen = Common::Rect(135, 123, 435, 387); _isWaiting = false; _shapeButton = nullptr; _shapeThumbnail = nullptr; _regionSelectedAck = false; _isDrawingSelection = false; _isOpen = false; _shapeButton = nullptr; _shapeThumbnail = nullptr; _vqaPlayerMain = nullptr; _vqaPlayerPhoto = nullptr; _script = nullptr; reset(); _buttons = new UIImagePicker(vm, kPhotoCount + 4); } ESPER::~ESPER() { delete _buttons; reset(); } void ESPER::open(Graphics::Surface *surface) { // CD-changing logic has been removed while (!_vm->playerHasControl()) { _vm->playerGainsControl(); } while (_vm->_mouse->isDisabled()) { _vm->_mouse->enable(); } _vm->_time->pause(); _ambientVolume = _vm->_ambientSounds->getVolume(); _vm->_ambientSounds->setVolume(_ambientVolume / 2); reset(); if (!_vm->openArchive("MODE.MIX")) { return; } _surfacePhoto.create(kPhotoWidth, kPhotoHeight, gameDataPixelFormat()); _surfaceViewport.create(_screen.width(), _screen.height(), screenPixelFormat()); _viewportNext = _viewport; _shapeButton = new Shape(_vm); if (!_shapeButton->open("ESPBUTTN.SHP", 0)) { return; } _shapesPhotos.resize(10); _vqaPlayerMain = new VQAPlayer(_vm, &_vm->_surfaceBack, "ESPER.VQA"); if (!_vqaPlayerMain->open()) { return; } _vqaPlayerMain->setLoop(2, -1, kLoopSetModeJustStart, nullptr, nullptr); _isOpen = true; _flash = false; _script = new ESPERScript(_vm); activate(true); } void ESPER::close() { // CD-changing logic has been removed delete _script; _script = nullptr; _vm->_audioPlayer->playAud(_vm->_gameInfo->getSfxTrack(kSfxBR035_7B), 25, 0, 0, 50, 0); unloadPhotos(); _shapesPhotos.clear(); delete _shapeThumbnail; _shapeThumbnail = nullptr; _buttons->deactivate(); _buttons->resetImages(); delete _shapeButton; _shapeButton = nullptr; _surfacePhoto.free(); _surfaceViewport.free(); if (_vqaPlayerMain) { _vqaPlayerMain->close(); delete _vqaPlayerMain; _vqaPlayerMain= nullptr; } _vm->closeArchive("MODE.MIX"); _vm->_time->resume(); _vm->_ambientSounds->setVolume(_ambientVolume); _vm->_scene->resume(); reset(); } bool ESPER::isOpen() const { return _isOpen; } void ESPER::handleMouseUp(int x, int y, bool mainButton) { bool actionHandled = _buttons->handleMouseAction(x, y, false, true, false); if (mainButton) { _isMouseDown = false; if (!actionHandled) { if (_isScrolling) { scrollingStop(); } else if (_isDrawingSelection && _mouseOverScroll == 4) { _isDrawingSelection = false; resetSelectionRect(); } } } else if (_statePhoto == kEsperPhotoStatePhotoZoomOut) { zoomOutStop(); } } void ESPER::handleMouseDown(int x, int y, bool mainButton) { bool actionHandled = _buttons->handleMouseAction(x, y, true, false, false); if (actionHandled || _vm->_mouse->isDisabled()) { return; } if (mainButton) { if (_statePhoto != kEsperPhotoStateVideoZoomOut) { if (_screen.contains(x, y)) { _isMouseDown = true; playSound(kSfxBRTARGET, 100); } if (_mouseOverScroll >= 0 && _mouseOverScroll <= 3 && !_isScrolling) { scrollingStart(_mouseOverScroll); } tick(); } } else { if (_statePhoto == kEsperPhotoStateShow || _statePhoto == kEsperPhotoStateVideoShow) { zoomOutStart(); } } } void ESPER::tick() { if (!_vm->_windowIsActive) { return; } tickSound(); blit(_vm->_surfaceBack, _vm->_surfaceFront); int mouseX, mouseY; _vm->_mouse->getXY(&mouseX, &mouseY); if (!_vm->_mouse->isDisabled()) { _buttons->handleMouseAction(mouseX, mouseY, false, false, false); } if (!_isOpen) { return; } draw(_vm->_surfaceFront); _buttons->draw(_vm->_surfaceFront); drawMouse(_vm->_surfaceFront); tickSound(); _vm->_subtitles->tick(_vm->_surfaceFront); _vm->blitToScreen(_vm->_surfaceFront); // TODO: implement 60hz lock for smoother experience _vm->_system->delayMillis(10); if (_statePhoto == kEsperPhotoStateVideoShow) { if (_regionSelectedAck) { _regionSelectedAck = false; _script->specialRegionSelected(_photoIdSelected, _regions[_regionSelected].regionId); } } } void ESPER::addPhoto(const char *name, int photoId, int shapeId) { int i = findEmptyPhoto(); if (i >= 0) { _photos[i].shapeId = shapeId; _photos[i].isPresent = true; _photos[i].photoId = photoId; _photos[i].name = name; assert((uint)shapeId < _shapesPhotos.size()); _shapesPhotos[shapeId] = new Shape(_vm); _shapesPhotos[shapeId]->open("ESPTHUMB.SHP", shapeId); _buttons->defineImage(i, Common::Rect( 100 * (i % 3) + _screen.left + 3, 66 * (i / 3) + _screen.top + 3, 100 * (i % 3) + _screen.left + 100 - 3, 66 * (i / 3) + _screen.top + 66 - 3 ), _shapesPhotos[shapeId], _shapesPhotos[shapeId], _shapesPhotos[shapeId], nullptr); } playSound(kSfxBR028_2A, 25); wait(300); tick(); } void ESPER::defineRegion(int regionId, Common::Rect inner, Common::Rect outer, Common::Rect selection, const char *name) { int i = findEmptyRegion(); if (i >= 0) { _regions[i].isPresent = true; _regions[i].regionId = regionId; _regions[i].rectInner = inner; _regions[i].rectOuter = outer; _regions[i].rectSelection = selection; _regions[i].name = name; } } void ESPER::mouseDownCallback(int buttonId, void *callbackData) { ESPER *self = ((ESPER *)callbackData); if (self->_statePhoto != kEsperPhotoStateVideoZoomOut && buttonId == kPhotoCount + 2) { self->zoomOutStart(); } } void ESPER::mouseUpCallback(int buttonId, void *callbackData) { ESPER *self = (ESPER *)callbackData; if (buttonId < kPhotoCount) { self->selectPhoto(buttonId); } else if (self->_statePhoto != kEsperPhotoStateVideoZoomOut) { if (buttonId == kPhotoCount + 2) { self->zoomOutStop(); } else if (buttonId == kPhotoCount + 3) { self->goBack(); } } } void ESPER::reset() { _surfacePhoto.free(); _surfaceViewport.free(); delete _shapeButton; _shapeButton = nullptr; delete _shapeThumbnail; _shapeThumbnail = nullptr; delete _vqaPlayerMain; _vqaPlayerMain = nullptr; delete _vqaPlayerPhoto; _vqaPlayerPhoto = nullptr; delete _script; _script = nullptr; _isOpen = false; _shapesPhotos.clear(); resetData(); } void ESPER::resetData() { if (_vqaPlayerPhoto) { _vqaPlayerPhoto->close(); delete _vqaPlayerPhoto; _vqaPlayerPhoto = nullptr; } if (_shapeThumbnail) { delete _shapeThumbnail; _shapeThumbnail = nullptr; } _viewport = Common::Rect(); _viewportNext = Common::Rect(); _selection = Common::Rect(-1, -1, -1, -1); _regionSelectedAck = false; _mouseOverScroll = -1; _scrollingDirection = -1; _selectionCrosshairX = -1; _selectionCrosshairY = -1; _stateMain = kEsperMainStatePhoto; _statePhoto = kEsperPhotoStateShow; _isMouseDown = false; _isDrawingSelection = false; _flash = false; _isScrolling = false; _timeScrollNextStart = 0u; resetPhotos(); resetRegions(); resetViewport(); resetSelectionBlinking(); prepareZoom(); resetPhotoZooming(); resetPhotoOpening(); _soundId1 = -1; _soundId2 = -1; _soundId3 = -1; } void ESPER::resetPhotos() { for (int i = 0; i < kPhotoCount; ++i) { _photos[i].isPresent = false; _photos[i].photoId = -1; } } void ESPER::resetRegions() { for (int i = 0; i < kRegionCount; ++i) { _regions[i].isPresent = false; _regions[i].regionId = -1; } } void ESPER::resetViewport() { _zoomHorizontal = (float)(_screen.width()) / (float)kPhotoWidth; _zoomVertical = (float)(_screen.height()) / (float)kPhotoHeight; _zoom = _zoomVertical; _zoomMin = _zoom; _timeZoomOutNextStart = 0u; _viewportPositionX = kPhotoWidth / 2; _viewportPositionY = kPhotoHeight / 2; updateViewport(); _screenHalfWidth = _screen.width() / 2; _screenHalfHeight = _screen.height() / 2; } void ESPER::resetSelectionRect() { _selection = _screen; _selectionCrosshairX = -1; _selectionCrosshairY = -1; } void ESPER::resetSelectionBlinking() { _selectionBlinkingCounter = 0; _selectionBlinkingStyle = 0; _timeSelectionBlinkingNextStart = 0u; } void ESPER::resetPhotoZooming() { _zoomStep = 0; _timeZoomNextDiff = 0u; _timeZoomNextStart = 0u; } void ESPER::resetPhotoOpening() { _photoOpeningWidth = _screen.left + 1; _photoOpeningHeight = _screen.top + 1; _timePhotoOpeningNextDiff = 0u; _timePhotoOpeningNextStart = 0u; } void ESPER::updateViewport() { float halfWidth = (1.0f / 2.0f) * ((float)kPhotoWidth * (_zoomHorizontal / _zoom)); _viewport.left = _viewportPositionX - halfWidth; _viewport.right = _viewportPositionX + halfWidth; if (_viewport.left < 0) { _viewport.right -= _viewport.left; _viewport.left = 0; } if (_viewport.right >= kPhotoWidth) { _viewport.left -= _viewport.right - (kPhotoWidth - 1); if (_viewport.left < 0) { _viewport.left = 0; } _viewport.right = kPhotoWidth - 1; } float halfHeight = 1.0f / 2.0f * ((float)kPhotoHeight * (_zoomVertical / _zoom)); _viewport.top = _viewportPositionY - halfHeight; _viewport.bottom = _viewportPositionY + halfHeight; if (_viewport.top < 0) { _viewport.bottom -= _viewport.top; _viewport.top = 0; } if (_viewport.bottom >= kPhotoHeight) { _viewport.top -= _viewport.bottom - (kPhotoHeight - 1); if (_viewport.top < 0) { _viewport.top = 0; } _viewport.bottom = kPhotoHeight - 1; } _viewportWidth = _viewport.right + 1 - _viewport.left; _viewportHeight = _viewport.bottom + 1 - _viewport.top; int centerX = (_viewport.left + _viewport.right ) / 2; int centerY = (_viewport.top + _viewport.bottom) / 2; float range = _zoom / _zoomHorizontal * 1.0f; if ((_viewportPositionX > centerX + range) || (_viewportPositionX < centerX - range)) { _viewportPositionX = centerX; } range = _zoom / _zoomVertical * 1.0f; if ((_viewportPositionY > centerY + range) || (_viewportPositionY < centerY - range)) { _viewportPositionY = centerY; } } void ESPER::activate(bool withOpening) { _vm->_mouse->disable(); _buttons->resetImages(); if (withOpening) { setStateMain(kEsperMainStateOpening); playSound(kSfxBR025_5A, 25); wait(1000); playSound(kSfxBR027_1P, 25); wait(2000); } else { _buttons->deactivate(); setStateMain(kEsperMainStateClear); } _buttons->activate(nullptr, nullptr, mouseDownCallback, mouseUpCallback, this); _buttons->defineImage(kPhotoCount + 3, Common::Rect(42, 403, 76, 437), nullptr, nullptr, _shapeButton, nullptr); playSound(kSfxBR024_4B, 25); wait(1000); setStateMain(kEsperMainStateList); resetPhotos(); _script->initialize(); _vm->_mouse->enable(); } void ESPER::setStateMain(EsperMainStates state) { if (_isOpen) { _stateMain = state; } } void ESPER::setStatePhoto(EsperPhotoStates state) { _statePhoto = state; } void ESPER::wait(uint32 timeout) { if (!_isWaiting) { _isWaiting = true; // int timeEnd = timeout + _vm->_time->current(); uint32 timeStart = _vm->_time->current(); // unsigned difference is intentional while (_vm->_gameIsRunning && (_vm->_time->current() - timeStart < timeout)) { _vm->gameTick(); } _isWaiting = false; } } void ESPER::playSound(int soundId, int volume) { if (_soundId1 == -1) { _soundId1 = soundId; _volume1 = volume; } else if (_soundId2 == -1) { _soundId2 = soundId; _volume2 = volume; } else if (_soundId3 == -1) { _soundId3 = soundId; _volume3 = volume; } } void ESPER::draw(Graphics::Surface &surface) { if (!_isOpen) { return; } _vqaPlayerMain->update(false); switch (_stateMain) { case kEsperMainStateOpening: case kEsperMainStateList: return; case kEsperMainStatePhotoOpening: drawPhotoOpening(surface); break; case kEsperMainStateClear: surface.fillRect(_screen, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 0, 0)); break; case kEsperMainStatePhoto: if (_isScrolling) { tickScroll(); } switch (_statePhoto) { case kEsperPhotoStateShow: drawPhotoWithGrid(surface); if (_isDrawingSelection) { drawSelection(surface, true, 1); } if (_vm->_debugger->_viewUI) { for (int i = 0; i < kRegionCount; ++i) { if (_regions[i].isPresent) { surface.frameRect( Common::Rect( viewportXToScreenX(_regions[i].rectInner.left), viewportYToScreenY(_regions[i].rectInner.top), viewportXToScreenX(_regions[i].rectInner.right), viewportYToScreenY(_regions[i].rectInner.bottom) ), surface.format.RGBToColor(248, 248, 0) ); surface.frameRect( Common::Rect( viewportXToScreenX(_regions[i].rectOuter.left), viewportYToScreenY(_regions[i].rectOuter.top), viewportXToScreenX(_regions[i].rectOuter.right), viewportYToScreenY(_regions[i].rectOuter.bottom) ), surface.format.RGBToColor(248, 248, 0) ); } } } break; case kEsperPhotoStateScrolling: scrollUpdate(); drawPhotoWithGrid(surface); break; case kEsperPhotoStateSelectionZooming: drawPhotoWithGrid(surface); if (!drawSelectionZooming(surface)) { setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateSelectionBlinking); playSound(kSfxBR030_3A, 25); } break; case kEsperPhotoStateSelectionBlinking: drawPhotoWithGrid(surface); if (!drawSelectionBlinking(surface)) { setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStatePhotoZooming); } break; case kEsperPhotoStatePhotoZooming: drawPhotoZooming(surface); break; case kEsperPhotoStatePhotoSharpening: drawPhotoSharpening(surface); break; case kEsperPhotoStatePhotoZoomOut: drawPhotoZoomOut(surface); break; case kEsperPhotoStateVideoZooming: drawVideoZooming(surface); break; case kEsperPhotoStateVideoShow: drawVideoFrame(surface); drawGrid(surface); break; case kEsperPhotoStateVideoZoomOut: drawVideoZoomOut(surface); break; default: break; } drawTextCoords(surface); break; } } void ESPER::drawPhotoOpening(Graphics::Surface &surface) { bool needMoreZooming = true; uint32 timeNow = _vm->_time->current(); // unsigned difference is intentional if (timeNow - _timePhotoOpeningNextStart >= _timePhotoOpeningNextDiff) { _photoOpeningWidth = MIN(_photoOpeningWidth + 8, _screen.right - 1); _photoOpeningHeight = MIN(_photoOpeningHeight + 7, _screen.bottom - 1); if (_photoOpeningWidth == _screen.right - 1 && _photoOpeningHeight == _screen.bottom - 1) { needMoreZooming = false; } _timePhotoOpeningNextDiff = 20u; _timePhotoOpeningNextStart = timeNow; } copyImageScale(&_surfacePhoto, _viewport, &surface, Common::Rect(_screen.left, _screen.top, _photoOpeningWidth, _photoOpeningHeight)); surface.hLine(_screen.left, _photoOpeningHeight, _screen.right - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0)); surface.vLine(_photoOpeningWidth, _screen.top, _screen.bottom - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0)); surface.hLine(_screen.left, _photoOpeningHeight - 1, _screen.right - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 144, 0)); surface.vLine(_photoOpeningWidth - 1, _screen.top, _screen.bottom - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 144, 0)); drawGrid(surface); if (!needMoreZooming) { setStateMain(kEsperMainStatePhoto); setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateShow); _vm->_mouse->enable(); } } bool ESPER::drawSelectionZooming(Graphics::Surface &surface) { bool zooming = false; bool needMoreZooming = true; uint32 timeNow = _vm->_time->current(); // unsigned difference is intentional if (timeNow - _timeSelectionZoomNextStart > 150u) { zooming = true; _selection.left += _selectionDelta.left; _selection.top += _selectionDelta.top; _selection.right += _selectionDelta.right; _selection.bottom += _selectionDelta.bottom; ++_selectionZoomStep; _timeSelectionZoomNextStart = timeNow; if (_selectionZoomStep > kSelectionZoomSteps) { needMoreZooming = false; _selection.left = _selectionTarget.left; _selection.top = _selectionTarget.top; _selection.right = _selectionTarget.right; _selection.bottom = _selectionTarget.bottom; } } drawSelection(surface, false, 1); if (!needMoreZooming) { _statePhoto = kEsperPhotoStatePhotoZooming; resetPhotoZooming(); zooming = false; } if (zooming) { playSound(kSfxBR029_3A, 20); } return needMoreZooming; } bool ESPER::drawSelectionBlinking(Graphics::Surface &surface) { bool needMoreBlinking = true; uint32 timeNow = _vm->_time->current(); // unsigned difference is intentional if (timeNow - _timeSelectionBlinkingNextStart > 100u) { _timeSelectionBlinkingNextStart = timeNow; _selectionBlinkingStyle ^= 1; ++_selectionBlinkingCounter; if (_selectionBlinkingCounter > 10) { needMoreBlinking = false; _selectionBlinkingStyle = 0; } } drawSelection(surface, false, _selectionBlinkingStyle); if (!needMoreBlinking) { resetSelectionBlinking(); } return needMoreBlinking; } void ESPER::drawPhotoZooming(Graphics::Surface &surface) { uint32 timeNow = _vm->_time->current(); // unsigned difference is intentional if ((timeNow - _timeZoomNextStart > _timeZoomNextDiff) && (_zoomStep < _zoomSteps)) { _flash = true; _viewportPositionXCurrent += _viewportPositionXDelta; _viewportPositionYCurrent += _viewportPositionYDelta; _viewportPositionX = _viewportPositionXCurrent; _viewportPositionY = _viewportPositionYCurrent; _zoom += _zoomDelta; if (_zoomDelta > 0.0f) { if (_zoom > _zoomTarget) { _zoom = _zoomTarget; _zoomStep = _zoomSteps; } else { _blur += _zoomDelta * 2.0f; } } else if (_zoomDelta < 0.0f) { if (_zoom < _zoomTarget) { _zoom = _zoomTarget; _zoomStep = _zoomSteps; } } ++_zoomStep; if (_zoomStep >= _zoomSteps) { _zoom = _zoomTarget; _viewportPositionX = _viewportPositionXTarget; _viewportPositionY = _viewportPositionYTarget; } updateViewport(); _timeZoomNextDiff = 300u; _timeZoomNextStart = timeNow; } if (_zoomDelta >= 0.0f) { drawPhoto(surface); } else { drawPhotoWithGrid(surface); } drawGrid(surface); // unsigned difference is intentional if ((timeNow - _timeZoomNextStart > _timeZoomNextDiff) && (_zoomStep >= _zoomSteps)) { if (_regionSelectedAck) { if (!_regions[_regionSelected].name.empty()) { if (_zoomDelta < 0.0f) { _blur = 1.0f; _zoomDelta = (_zoom * 1.5f - _zoom) / (float)_zoomSteps; // 0.5f * _zoom ??? } setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateVideoZooming); _timeZoomNextDiff += 300u; } else { _regionSelectedAck = false; _selection.left = viewportXToScreenX(_regions[_regionSelected].rectInner.left); _selection.right = viewportXToScreenX(_regions[_regionSelected].rectInner.right); _selection.top = viewportYToScreenY(_regions[_regionSelected].rectInner.top); _selection.bottom = viewportYToScreenY(_regions[_regionSelected].rectInner.bottom); prepareZoom(); resetPhotoZooming(); updateSelection(); setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStatePhotoZooming); } } else { setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStatePhotoSharpening); } resetPhotoOpening(); } } void ESPER::drawPhotoSharpening(Graphics::Surface &surface) { uint32 timeNow = _vm->_time->current(); bool needMoreSharpening = true; // unsigned difference is intentional if (timeNow - _timePhotoOpeningNextStart >= _timePhotoOpeningNextDiff) { _photoOpeningWidth = MIN(_photoOpeningWidth + 8, _screen.right - 1); _photoOpeningHeight = MIN(_photoOpeningHeight + 7, _screen.bottom - 1); if (_photoOpeningWidth == _screen.right - 1 && _photoOpeningHeight == _screen.bottom - 1) { needMoreSharpening = false; } _timePhotoOpeningNextDiff = 50u; _timePhotoOpeningNextStart = timeNow; } if (_regionSelectedAck && !_regions[_regionSelected].name.empty()) { _vqaPlayerPhoto->update(true, false); copyImageBlur(&_surfaceViewport, Common::Rect(0, 0, 299, 263), &surface, _screen, _blur); copyImageBlit(&_surfaceViewport, Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), &surface, Common::Rect(_screen.left, _screen.top, _photoOpeningWidth, _photoOpeningHeight)); } else { drawPhoto(surface); copyImageScale(&_surfacePhoto, _viewport, &_surfaceViewport, Common::Rect(0, 0, _screen.width(), _screen.height())); copyImageBlit(&_surfaceViewport, Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), &surface, Common::Rect(_screen.left, _screen.top, _photoOpeningWidth, _photoOpeningHeight)); } drawGrid(surface); surface.hLine(_screen.left, _photoOpeningHeight, _screen.right - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0)); surface.vLine(_photoOpeningWidth, _screen.top, _screen.bottom - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0)); surface.hLine(_screen.left, _photoOpeningHeight - 1, _screen.right - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 144, 0)); surface.vLine(_photoOpeningWidth - 1, _screen.top, _screen.bottom - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 144, 0)); if (!needMoreSharpening) { if (_regionSelectedAck && !_regions[_regionSelected].name.empty()) { setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateVideoShow); } else { setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateShow); } resetPhotoZooming(); resetPhotoOpening(); _vm->_mouse->enable(); } } void ESPER::drawPhotoZoomOut(Graphics::Surface &surface) { uint32 timeNow = _vm->_time->current(); // unsigned difference is intentional if (timeNow - _timeZoomOutNextStart >= 300u) { _timeZoomOutNextStart = timeNow; if (_zoom > _zoomMin) { _zoom /= 1.3f; _flash = true; if (_zoomHorizontal <= _zoomVertical) { if (_zoom < _zoomVertical) { _zoom = _zoomVertical; } } else { if (_zoom < _zoomHorizontal) { _zoom = _zoomHorizontal; } } updateViewport(); } else { _statePhoto = kEsperPhotoStateShow; } } drawPhotoWithGrid(surface); } void ESPER::drawVideoZooming(Graphics::Surface &surface) { if (_vqaPlayerPhoto == nullptr) { _vqaPlayerPhoto = new VQAPlayer(_vm, &_surfaceViewport, Common::String(_regions[_regionSelected].name) + ".VQA"); if (!_vqaPlayerPhoto->open()) { setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateShow); _vm->_mouse->enable(); delete _vqaPlayerPhoto; _vqaPlayerPhoto = nullptr; return; } _timeZoomNextDiff = 0u; _timeZoomNextStart = 0u; } bool flash = false; bool advanceFrame = false; uint32 timeNow = _vm->_time->current(); // unsigned difference is intentional if (timeNow - _timeZoomNextStart > _timeZoomNextDiff) { _timeZoomNextDiff = 300u; _timeZoomNextStart = timeNow; playSound(kSfxBR031_1P, 25); flash = true; advanceFrame = true; _blur += _zoomDelta * 5.0f; } int frame = _vqaPlayerPhoto->update(true, advanceFrame); if (frame == _vqaPlayerPhoto->getFrameCount() - 1) { _vqaLastFrame = frame; setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStatePhotoSharpening); } else if (flash) { // TODO? Temporary workaround for very noticeable blue tint in the first frame during zoom-out: // Don't flash for the last frame of the photo (which is the starting frame when zooming out) flashViewport(); } copyImageBlur(&_surfaceViewport, Common::Rect(0, 0, 299, 263), &surface, _screen, _blur); drawGrid(surface); } void ESPER::drawVideoZoomOut(Graphics::Surface &surface) { bool flash = false; bool advanceFrame = false; uint32 timeNow = _vm->_time->current(); // unsigned difference is intentional if (timeNow - _timeZoomNextStart > _timeZoomNextDiff && _vqaLastFrame > 0) { _timeZoomNextDiff = 300u; _timeZoomNextStart = timeNow; playSound(kSfxBR031_1P, 25); _vqaPlayerPhoto->seekToFrame(_vqaLastFrame); int nextFrame = _vqaPlayerPhoto->getFrameCount() / 4; if (nextFrame <= 0) { nextFrame = 1; } else if (nextFrame > 4) { nextFrame = 4; } if (_vqaLastFrame < _vqaPlayerPhoto->getFrameCount() - 1) { // TODO? Temporary workaround for persistent blue tint in the last frame: // Don't flash for the last frame of the photo (starting frame when zooming out) flash = true; } advanceFrame = true; _vqaLastFrame -= nextFrame; } _vqaPlayerPhoto->update(true, advanceFrame); if (flash) { flashViewport(); } copyImageBlit(&_surfaceViewport, Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), &surface, _screen); drawGrid(surface); // unsigned difference is intentional if (timeNow - _timeZoomNextStart > _timeZoomNextDiff && _vqaLastFrame <= 0) { _vqaPlayerPhoto->close(); delete _vqaPlayerPhoto; _vqaPlayerPhoto = nullptr; if (_vm->isMouseButtonDown()) { zoomOutStart(); } else { zoomOutStop(); } } } void ESPER::drawPhoto(Graphics::Surface &surface) { copyImageBlur(&_surfacePhoto, _viewport, &surface, _screen, _blur); } void ESPER::drawGrid(Graphics::Surface &surface) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { surface.drawLine(_screen.left + i * 50, _screen.top, _screen.left + i * 50, _screen.bottom - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(32, 32, 224)); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { surface.drawLine(_screen.left, _screen.top + i * 44, _screen.right - 1, _screen.top + i * 44, surface.format.RGBToColor(32, 32, 224)); } } void ESPER::drawPhotoWithGrid(Graphics::Surface &surface) { copyImageScale(&_surfacePhoto, _viewport, &surface, _screen); drawGrid(surface); } void ESPER::drawSelection(Graphics::Surface &surface, bool crosshair, int style) { int left = CLIP(_selection.left, _screen.left, (int16)(_screen.right - 1)); int top = CLIP(_selection.top, _screen.top, (int16)(_screen.bottom - 1)); int right = CLIP(_selection.right, _screen.left, (int16)(_screen.right - 1)); int bottom = CLIP(_selection.bottom, _screen.top, (int16)(_screen.bottom - 1)); int color = surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 144, 0); if (style) { color = surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0); } // selection rectangle Common::Rect selectedRect(MIN(left, right), MIN(top, bottom), MAX(left, right) + 1, MAX(top, bottom) + 1); Common::Rect selectedRect2 = selectedRect; selectedRect2.grow(-1); surface.frameRect(selectedRect, color); surface.frameRect(selectedRect2, color); if (crosshair) { if (_selectionCrosshairX == -1) { if (_selection.left < (_screen.left + _screen.right) / 2) { _selectionCrosshairX = _screen.left; } else { _selectionCrosshairX = _screen.right - 1; } } if (_selectionCrosshairY == -1) { if (_selection.top < (_screen.top + _screen.bottom) / 2) { _selectionCrosshairY = _screen.top; } else { _selectionCrosshairY = _screen.bottom - 1; } } // ghosting if (_selectionCrosshairX != right) { surface.vLine(_selectionCrosshairX, _screen.top, _screen.bottom - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 144, 0)); if (abs(_selectionCrosshairX - right) <= 1) { _selectionCrosshairX = right; } else { _selectionCrosshairX = (_selectionCrosshairX + right) / 2; } } if (_selectionCrosshairY != bottom) { surface.hLine(_screen.left, _selectionCrosshairY, _screen.right - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 144, 0)); if (abs(_selectionCrosshairY - bottom) <= 1) { _selectionCrosshairY = bottom; } else { _selectionCrosshairY = (_selectionCrosshairY + bottom) / 2; } } surface.vLine(right, _screen.top, _screen.bottom - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0)); surface.hLine(_screen.left, bottom, _screen.right - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0)); } } void ESPER::drawVideoFrame(Graphics::Surface &surface) { _vqaPlayerPhoto->update(true, false); copyImageBlit(&_surfaceViewport, Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), &surface, _screen); } void ESPER::drawTextCoords(Graphics::Surface &surface) { if (_vm->_language == Common::RU_RUS) { _vm->_mainFont->drawString(&surface, Common::String::format("gh %04.0f", _zoom / _zoomMin * 2.0f ), 155, 364, surface.w, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 0, 255)); _vm->_mainFont->drawString(&surface, Common::String::format("dh %04d", 12 * _viewport.top + 98), 260, 364, surface.w, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 0, 255)); _vm->_mainFont->drawString(&surface, Common::String::format("uh %04d", 12 * _viewport.left + 167), 364, 364, surface.w, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 0, 255)); } else { _vm->_mainFont->drawString(&surface, Common::String::format("ZM %04.0f", _zoom / _zoomMin * 2.0f ), 155, 364, surface.w, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 0, 255)); _vm->_mainFont->drawString(&surface, Common::String::format("NS %04d", 12 * _viewport.top + 98), 260, 364, surface.w, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 0, 255)); _vm->_mainFont->drawString(&surface, Common::String::format("EW %04d", 12 * _viewport.left + 167), 364, 364, surface.w, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 0, 255)); } } void ESPER::drawMouse(Graphics::Surface &surface) { if (_vm->_mouse->isDisabled()) { return; } int cursor = -1; Common::Point p = _vm->getMousePos(); _mouseOverScroll = 4; if (_stateMain == kEsperMainStatePhoto) { if (_screen.contains(p)) { if ((_statePhoto == kEsperPhotoStateShow) && ( _zoom != 2.0f)) { if (_isMouseDown) { if (_isDrawingSelection) { _selection.right = p.x; _selection.bottom = p.y; } else { _selection.left = p.x; _selection.top = p.y; _selection.right = p.x + 1; _selection.bottom = p.y + 1; _isDrawingSelection = true; } } else { if (_isDrawingSelection) { _selection.right = p.x; _selection.bottom = p.y; if (_selection.right < _selection.left) { SWAP(_selection.left, _selection.right); } if (_selection.bottom < _selection.top) { SWAP(_selection.bottom, _selection.top); } if (_selection.right >= _selection.left + 3) { updateSelection(); _vm->_mouse->disable(); zoomingStart(); } else { resetSelectionRect(); } } _isDrawingSelection = false; } } surface.vLine(p.x, p.y - 8, p.y - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0)); surface.vLine(p.x, p.y + 8, p.y + 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0)); surface.hLine(p.x - 8, p.y, p.x - 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0)); surface.hLine(p.x + 8, p.y, p.x + 1, surface.format.RGBToColor(0, 248, 0)); _mouseOverScroll = -1; } else if (p.x >= 85 && p.y >= 73 && p.x <= 484 && p.y <= 436) { if (!_isDrawingSelection && _statePhoto != kEsperPhotoStateVideoShow && _zoom != 2.0f) { _mouseOverScroll = (angle_1024((_screen.left + _screen.right) / 2, (_screen.top + _screen.bottom) / 2, p.x, p.y) + 128) / 256; if (_mouseOverScroll >= 4) { _mouseOverScroll = 0; } if (_mouseOverScroll == 0 && this->_viewport.top == 0) { _mouseOverScroll = 4; } else if (_mouseOverScroll == 1 && this->_viewport.right == kPhotoWidth - 1) { _mouseOverScroll = 4; } else if (_mouseOverScroll == 2 && this->_viewport.bottom == kPhotoHeight - 1) { _mouseOverScroll = 4; } else if (_mouseOverScroll == 3 && this->_viewport.left == 0) { _mouseOverScroll = 4; } if (_mouseOverScroll != 4) { cursor = _mouseOverScroll + 2; } } } } if (_mouseOverScroll == 4) { cursor = _buttons->hasHoveredImage() ? 1 : 0; } if (cursor != -1) { _vm->_mouse->setCursor(cursor); _vm->_mouse->draw(surface, p.x, p.y); } } void ESPER::flashViewport() { uint16 *ptr = (uint16 *)_surfaceViewport.getPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < _surfaceViewport.w * _surfaceViewport.h; ++i, ++ptr) { uint8 r, g, b; _surfaceViewport.format.colorToRGB(*ptr, r, g, b); b *= 2; *ptr = _surfaceViewport.format.RGBToColor(r, g, b); } } void ESPER::copyImageScale(Graphics::Surface *src, Common::Rect srcRect, Graphics::Surface *dst, Common::Rect dstRect) { if (_flash) { playSound(kSfxBR031_1P, 25); } int srcDstWidthRatio = srcRect.width() / dstRect.width(); int srcDstWidthRest = srcRect.width() % dstRect.width(); int srcDstHeightRatio = srcRect.height() / dstRect.height(); int srcDstHeightRest = srcRect.height() % dstRect.height(); if (srcRect.width() > dstRect.width() && srcRect.height() > dstRect.height()) { // reduce int srcY = srcRect.top; int srcYCounter = 0; for (int dstY = dstRect.top; dstY < dstRect.bottom; ++dstY) { int srcX = srcRect.left; int srcXCounter = 0; for (int dstX = dstRect.left; dstX < dstRect.right; ++dstX) { uint16 *srcPtr = (uint16 *)src->getBasePtr(srcX, srcY); uint16 *dstPtr = (uint16 *)dst->getBasePtr(dstX, dstY); uint8 r, g, b; src->format.colorToRGB(*srcPtr, r, g, b); if (_flash) { // add blue-ish tint b *= 2; } *dstPtr = dst->format.RGBToColor(r, g, b); srcX += srcDstWidthRatio; srcXCounter += srcDstWidthRest; if (srcXCounter >= dstRect.width()) { srcXCounter -= dstRect.width(); ++srcX; } } srcY += srcDstHeightRatio; srcYCounter += srcDstHeightRest; if (srcYCounter >= dstRect.height()) { srcYCounter -= dstRect.height(); ++srcY; } } } else { // enlarge int srcY = srcRect.top; int srcYCounter = 0; for (int dstY = dstRect.top; dstY < dstRect.bottom; ++dstY) { int srcX = srcRect.left; int srcXCounter = 0; for (int dstX = dstRect.left; dstX < dstRect.right; ++dstX) { srcXCounter += srcRect.width(); if (srcXCounter >= dstRect.width()) { srcXCounter -= dstRect.width(); ++srcX; } uint16 *srcPtr = (uint16 *)src->getBasePtr(srcX, srcY); uint16 *dstPtr = (uint16 *)dst->getBasePtr(dstX, dstY); uint8 r, g, b; src->format.colorToRGB(*srcPtr, r, g, b); if (_flash) { // add blue-ish tint b *= 2; } *dstPtr = dst->format.RGBToColor(r, g, b); } srcYCounter += srcRect.height(); if (srcYCounter >= dstRect.height()) { srcYCounter -= dstRect.height(); ++srcY; } } } _flash = false; } void ESPER::copyImageBlur(Graphics::Surface *src, Common::Rect srcRect, Graphics::Surface *dst, Common::Rect dstRect, float blur) { if (_flash) { playSound(kSfxBR031_1P, 25); } int srcDstWidthRatio = srcRect.width() / dstRect.width(); int srcDstWidthRest = srcRect.width() % dstRect.width(); int srcDstHeightRatio = srcRect.height() / dstRect.height(); int srcDstHeightRest = srcRect.height() % dstRect.height(); int skipStep = (blur - (int)blur) * 1000.0f; if (srcRect.width() > dstRect.width() && srcRect.height() > dstRect.height()) { // reduce int srcY = srcRect.top; int dstY = dstRect.top; int srcYCounter = 0; int skipYMaxCounter = 0; while (dstY < dstRect.bottom) { skipYMaxCounter += skipStep; int skipYMax = blur; if (skipYMaxCounter >= 1000) { skipYMaxCounter -= 1000; ++skipYMax; } int skipY = 0; while (dstY < dstRect.bottom && skipY < skipYMax) { int srcX = srcRect.left; int dstX = dstRect.left; int srcXCounter = 0; int skipXMaxCounter = 0; while (dstX < dstRect.right) { skipXMaxCounter += skipStep; int skipXMax = blur; if (skipXMaxCounter >= 1000) { skipXMaxCounter -= 1000; ++skipXMax; } int skipX = 0; while (dstX < dstRect.right && skipX < skipXMax) { uint16 *srcPtr = (uint16 *)src->getBasePtr(srcX, srcY); uint16 *dstPtr = (uint16 *)dst->getBasePtr(dstX, dstY); uint8 r, g, b; src->format.colorToRGB(*srcPtr, r, g, b); if (_flash) { // add blue-ish tint b *= 2; } *dstPtr = dst->format.RGBToColor(r, g, b); ++dstX; ++skipX; } srcXCounter += srcDstWidthRest; srcX += srcDstWidthRatio * skipX; if (srcXCounter >= dstRect.width()) { srcXCounter -= dstRect.width(); srcX += skipX; } } ++dstY; ++skipY; } srcYCounter += srcDstHeightRest; srcY += srcDstHeightRatio * skipY; if (srcYCounter >= dstRect.height()) { srcYCounter -= dstRect.height(); srcY += skipY; } } } else { // enlarge int srcY = srcRect.top; int dstY = dstRect.top; int srcYCounter = srcRect.height(); // TODO: look at this again because in original source this is 0, but then first line is doubled int skipYMaxCounter = 0; while (dstY < dstRect.bottom) { skipYMaxCounter += skipStep; int skipYMax = blur; if (skipYMaxCounter >= 1000) { skipYMaxCounter -= 1000; ++skipYMax; } int skipY = 0; while (dstY < dstRect.bottom && skipY < skipYMax) { int srcX = srcRect.left; int dstX = dstRect.left; int srcXCounter = 0; int skipXMaxCounter = 0; while (dstX < dstRect.right) { skipXMaxCounter += skipStep; int skipXMax = blur; if (skipXMaxCounter >= 1000) { skipXMaxCounter -= 1000; ++skipXMax; } int skipX = 0; while (dstX < dstRect.right && skipX < skipXMax) { srcXCounter += srcRect.width(); if (srcXCounter >= dstRect.width()) { srcXCounter -= dstRect.width(); srcX += 1; // bug in original game? Is using 1 instead of skipX as for Y } uint16 *srcPtr = (uint16 *)src->getBasePtr(srcX, srcY); uint16 *dstPtr = (uint16 *)dst->getBasePtr(dstX, dstY); uint8 r, g, b; src->format.colorToRGB(*srcPtr, r, g, b); if (_flash) { // add blue-ish tint b *= 2; } *dstPtr = dst->format.RGBToColor(r, g, b); ++dstX; ++skipX; } } ++dstY; ++skipY; } srcYCounter += srcRect.height(); if (srcYCounter >= dstRect.height()) { srcYCounter -= dstRect.height(); srcY += skipY; } } } _flash = false; } void ESPER::copyImageBlit(Graphics::Surface *src, Common::Rect srcRect, Graphics::Surface *dst, Common::Rect dstRect) { for (int y = 0; y < dstRect.height(); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < dstRect.width(); ++x) { uint16 *srcPtr = (uint16 *)src->getBasePtr(srcRect.left + x, srcRect.top + y); uint16 *dstPtr = (uint16 *)dst->getBasePtr(dstRect.left + x, dstRect.top + y); *dstPtr = *srcPtr; } } } void ESPER::tickSound() { if (_soundId1 != -1) { _vm->_audioPlayer->playAud(_vm->_gameInfo->getSfxTrack(_soundId1), _volume1, 0, 0, 50, 0); _soundId1 = -1; } if (_soundId2 != -1) { _vm->_audioPlayer->playAud(_vm->_gameInfo->getSfxTrack(_soundId2), _volume2, 0, 0, 50, 0); _soundId2 = -1; } if (_soundId3 != -1) { _vm->_audioPlayer->playAud(_vm->_gameInfo->getSfxTrack(_soundId3), _volume3, 0, 0, 50, 0); _soundId3 = -1; } } void ESPER::tickScroll() { uint32 timeNow = _vm->_time->current(); // unsigned difference is intentional if (timeNow - _timeScrollNextStart <= 300u) { return; } _timeScrollNextStart = timeNow; if (_scrollingDirection == 0) { scrollUp(); } else if (_scrollingDirection == 1) { scrollRight(); } else if (_scrollingDirection == 2) { scrollDown(); } else if (_scrollingDirection == 3) { scrollLeft(); } } int ESPER::findEmptyPhoto() { for (int i = 0; i < kPhotoCount; ++i) { if (!_photos[i].isPresent) { return i; } } return -1; } void ESPER::selectPhoto(int photoId) { _vm->_mouse->disable(); _photoIdSelected = _photos[photoId].photoId; unloadPhotos(); _script->photoSelected(_photoIdSelected); Common::ScopedPtr s(_vm->getResourceStream(_photos[photoId].name)); if (!s) { reset(); } uint photoSize = _surfacePhoto.w * _surfacePhoto.h * _surfacePhoto.format.bytesPerPixel; s->skip(3); // not used, but there is compression type uint width = s->readUint32LE(); uint height = s->readUint32LE(); uint photoCompressedSize = s->size() - s->pos(); uint8 *photoCompressed = (uint8 *)_surfacePhoto.getPixels() + photoSize - photoCompressedSize; s->read(photoCompressed, photoCompressedSize); decompress_lcw(photoCompressed, photoCompressedSize, (uint8 *)_surfacePhoto.getPixels(), photoSize); #ifdef SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN // As the compression is working with 8-bit data, on big-endian architectures we have to switch order of bytes in uncompressed data uint8 *rawData = (uint8 *)_surfacePhoto.getPixels(); for (size_t i = 0; i < photoSize - 1; i += 2) { SWAP(rawData[i], rawData[i + 1]); } #endif // apply palette for (uint j = 0; j < width * height; ++j) { // _surfacePhoto[j] = Palette[_surfacePhoto[j]]; } _shapeThumbnail = new Shape(_vm); _shapeThumbnail->open("ESPTHUMB.SHP", _photos[photoId].shapeId); _buttons->resetImages(); _buttons->defineImage(kPhotoCount + 2, Common::Rect(480, 350, 578, 413), _shapeThumbnail, _shapeThumbnail, _shapeThumbnail, nullptr); _buttons->defineImage(kPhotoCount + 3, Common::Rect(42, 403, 76, 437), nullptr, nullptr, _shapeButton, nullptr); resetPhotoOpening(); resetViewport(); setStateMain(kEsperMainStatePhotoOpening); setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateOpening); playSound(kSfxBR032_7B, 25); playSound(kSfxBR033_4B, 25); } void ESPER::unloadPhotos() { for (int i = 0; i < kPhotoCount; ++i) { if (_photos[i].isPresent) { _buttons->resetImage(i); delete _shapesPhotos[i]; _shapesPhotos[i] = nullptr; _photos[i].isPresent = false; } } } int ESPER::findEmptyRegion() { for (int i = 0; i < kRegionCount; ++i) { if (!_regions[i].isPresent) { return i; } } return -1; } int ESPER::findRegion(Common::Rect where) { for (int i = 0; i < kRegionCount; ++i) { if (_regions[i].isPresent && _regions[i].rectOuter.contains(where) && where.contains(_regions[i].rectInner)) { return i; } } return -1; } void ESPER::zoomingStart() { prepareZoom(); setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateSelectionZooming); } void ESPER::zoomOutStart() { if (_statePhoto == kEsperPhotoStateVideoShow) { resetPhotoZooming(); setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateVideoZoomOut); } else { zoomOutStop(); if (_zoomMin < _zoom) { _isZoomingOut = true; setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStatePhotoZoomOut); } } } void ESPER::zoomOutStop() { _isZoomingOut = false; _statePhoto = kEsperPhotoStateShow; } void ESPER::scrollingStart(int direction) { scrollingStop(); if ((direction != 3 || _viewport.left > 0) && (direction != 0 || _viewport.top > 0) && (direction != 1 || _viewport.right != kPhotoWidth - 1) && (direction != 2 || _viewport.bottom != kPhotoHeight - 1)) { _isScrolling = true; _scrollingDirection = direction; } } void ESPER::scrollingStop() { _isScrolling = false; _scrollingDirection = -1; } void ESPER::scrollUpdate() { if ((_viewport.left == _viewportNext.left) && (_viewportNext.top == _viewport.top)) { setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateShow); return; } if (_viewport.left != _viewportNext.left) { _viewport.left = _viewportNext.left; _viewport.right = _viewportNext.right; _viewportPositionX = (_viewportNext.left + _viewportNext.right) / 2; } if (_viewport.top != _viewportNext.top) { _viewport.top = _viewportNext.top; _viewport.bottom = _viewportNext.bottom; _viewportPositionY = (_viewportNext.top + _viewportNext.bottom) / 2; } } void ESPER::scrollLeft() {this->_flash = 1; _flash = true; setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateScrolling); _viewportNext.left = _viewport.left - 40; _viewportNext.right = _viewport.right - 40; if (_viewportNext.left < 0) { _viewportNext.right -= _viewportNext.left; _viewportNext.left = 0; scrollingStop(); } _viewportNext.top = _viewport.top; _viewportNext.bottom = _viewport.bottom; } void ESPER::scrollUp() { _flash = true; setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateScrolling); _viewportNext.top = _viewport.top - 40; _viewportNext.bottom = _viewport.bottom - 40; if (_viewportNext.top < 0) { _viewportNext.bottom -= _viewportNext.top; _viewportNext.top = 0; scrollingStop(); } _viewportNext.left = _viewport.left; _viewportNext.right = _viewport.right; } void ESPER::scrollRight() { if (_viewport.right < kPhotoWidth - 1) { _flash = true; setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateScrolling); _viewportNext.left = _viewport.left + 40; _viewportNext.right = _viewport.right + 40; _viewportNext.top = _viewport.top; _viewportNext.bottom = _viewport.bottom; if (_viewportNext.right > kPhotoWidth - 1) { _viewportNext.left -= _viewportNext.right - (kPhotoWidth - 1); _viewportNext.right = kPhotoWidth - 1; scrollingStop(); } } } void ESPER::scrollDown() { if (_viewport.bottom < kPhotoHeight - 1) { _flash = true; setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStateScrolling); _viewportNext.top = _viewport.top + 40; _viewportNext.bottom = _viewport.bottom + 40; _viewportNext.left = _viewport.left; _viewportNext.right = _viewport.right; if (_viewportNext.bottom > kPhotoHeight - 1) { _viewportNext.top -= _viewportNext.bottom - (kPhotoHeight - 1); _viewportNext.bottom = kPhotoHeight - 1; scrollingStop(); } } } void ESPER::goBack() { // CD-changing logic has been removed if (_stateMain == kEsperMainStateList) { close(); } else { resetData(); activate(false); } } void ESPER::prepareZoom() { _selectionZoomStep = 0; _timeSelectionZoomNextStart = 0u; _selectionTarget = _selection; resetSelectionRect(); _selectionDelta.left = (_selectionTarget.left - _selection.left) / kSelectionZoomSteps; _selectionDelta.top = (_selectionTarget.top - _selection.top) / kSelectionZoomSteps; _selectionDelta.right = (_selectionTarget.right - _selection.right) / kSelectionZoomSteps; _selectionDelta.bottom = (_selectionTarget.bottom - _selection.bottom) / kSelectionZoomSteps; Common::Rect rect = _selectionTarget; if (_regionSelectedAck) { rect.left = viewportXToScreenX(_regions[_regionSelected].rectSelection.left); rect.top = viewportYToScreenY(_regions[_regionSelected].rectSelection.top); rect.right = viewportXToScreenX(_regions[_regionSelected].rectSelection.right); rect.bottom = viewportYToScreenY(_regions[_regionSelected].rectSelection.bottom); } _zoomSteps = 10; float ratio = (rect.width() + 1.0f) / (float)_screen.width(); if (ratio == 0.0f) { _zoomTarget = ratio; _zoomDelta = 0.0f; } else { _zoomTarget = CLIP(_zoom / ratio, _zoomMin, 2.0f); _zoomSteps = CLIP((int)(_zoomTarget / _zoom) - 1, 0, 5) + 5; _zoomDelta = (_zoomTarget - _zoom) / (float)_zoomSteps; } _blur = 1.0f; _viewportPositionXTarget = _viewport.left + ((rect.left + rect.right) / 2 - _screen.left) * _viewport.width() / _screen.width(); _viewportPositionYTarget = _viewport.top + ((rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2 - _screen.top ) * _viewport.height() / _screen.height(); _viewportPositionXDelta = (_viewportPositionXTarget - _viewportPositionX) / (float)_zoomSteps; _viewportPositionYDelta = (_viewportPositionYTarget - _viewportPositionY) / (float)_zoomSteps; _viewportPositionXCurrent = _viewportPositionX; _viewportPositionYCurrent = _viewportPositionY; } void ESPER::updateSelection() { int selectionWidth = abs(_selection.right + 1 - _selection.left); int selectionHeight = abs(_selection.bottom + 1 - _selection.top); int photoSelectedWidth = _viewport.width() * selectionWidth / _screen.width(); if (photoSelectedWidth < _screenHalfWidth) { // minimal width of selection selectionWidth = _screen.width() * _screenHalfWidth / _viewport.width(); } photoSelectedWidth = _viewport.height() * selectionHeight / _screen.height(); if (photoSelectedWidth < _screenHalfHeight) { // minimal height of selection selectionHeight = _screen.height() * _screenHalfHeight / _viewport.height(); } // correct aspect ratio if (selectionWidth / (float)_screen.width() <= selectionHeight / (float)_screen.height()) { while (selectionWidth / (float)_screen.width() <= selectionHeight / (float)_screen.height()) { ++selectionWidth; } } else { while (selectionHeight / (float)_screen.height() <= selectionWidth / (float)_screen.width()) { ++selectionHeight; } } if (selectionWidth > _screen.width()) { selectionWidth = _screen.width(); } if (selectionHeight > _screen.height()) { selectionHeight = _screen.height(); } int left = _viewport.right - (_screen.right - 1 - _selection.left) * _viewport.width() / _screen.width(); int right = _viewport.left + (_selection.right - _screen.left ) * _viewport.width() / _screen.width(); int top = _viewport.bottom - (_screen.bottom - 1 - _selection.top ) * _viewport.height() / _screen.height(); int bottom = _viewport.top + (_selection.bottom - _screen.top ) * _viewport.height() / _screen.height(); bool stop = false; bool alternate = false; while (selectionWidth > abs(_selection.right + 1 - _selection.left)) { if (alternate) { --_selection.left; if (_selection.left < 0) { left = _viewport.right - (_screen.right - 1 + 100 - _selection.left) * _viewport.width() / _screen.width(); if (left < 0) { left = 0; ++_selection.left; if (stop) { break; } stop = true; alternate = false; } } } else { ++_selection.right; if (_selection.right > _screen.right - 1) { right = _viewport.left + (_selection.right - _screen.left) * _viewport.width() / _screen.width(); if (right > kPhotoWidth - 1) { right = kPhotoWidth - 1; --_selection.right; if (stop) { break; } stop = true; alternate = true; } } } if (!stop) { alternate = !alternate; } } alternate = false; stop = false; while (selectionHeight > abs(_selection.bottom + 1 - _selection.top)) { if (alternate) { --_selection.top; if (_selection.top < 0) { top = _viewport.bottom - (_screen.bottom - 1 - _selection.top) * _viewport.height() / _screen.height(); if (top < 0) { top = 0; ++_selection.top; if (stop) { break; } stop = true; alternate = false; } } } else { ++_selection.bottom; if (_selection.bottom > _screen.bottom - 1) { bottom = _viewport.top + (_selection.bottom - _screen.top) * _viewport.height() / _screen.height(); if (bottom > kPhotoHeight - 1) { bottom = kPhotoHeight - 1; --_selection.bottom; if (stop) { break; } alternate = true; stop = true; } } } if (!stop) { alternate = !alternate; } } if (left > right) { SWAP(left, right); } if (top > bottom) { SWAP(top, bottom); } _regionSelected = findRegion(Common::Rect(left, top, right, bottom)); if (_regionSelected >= 0) { _regionSelectedAck = true; setStatePhoto(kEsperPhotoStatePhotoZooming); } } int ESPER::viewportXToScreenX(int x) { return _screen.width() * (x - _viewport.left) / _viewport.width() + _screen.left; } int ESPER::viewportYToScreenY(int y) { return _screen.height() * (y - _viewport.top) / _viewport.height() + _screen.top; } } // End of namespace BladeRunner