/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on original Soltys source code * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Janus B. Wisniewski and L.K. Avalon */ #include "common/scummsys.h" #include "common/memstream.h" #include "common/serializer.h" #include "cge/general.h" #include "cge/sound.h" #include "cge/startup.h" #include "cge/config.h" #include "cge/vga13h.h" #include "cge/snail.h" #include "cge/text.h" #include "cge/game.h" #include "cge/events.h" #include "cge/cfile.h" #include "cge/vol.h" #include "cge/talk.h" #include "cge/vmenu.h" #include "cge/gettext.h" #include "cge/mixer.h" #include "cge/cge_main.h" #include "cge/cge.h" #include "common/str.h" namespace CGE { #define STACK_SIZ (K(2)) #define SVGCHKSUM (1956 + _now + _oldLev + _game + _music + _demoText) #define SVG0NAME ("{{INIT}}" SVG_EXT) #define SVG0FILE INI_FILE uint16 _stklen = (STACK_SIZ * 2); Vga *_vga; Heart *_heart; WALK *_hero; System *_sys; Sprite *_pocLight; EventManager *_eventManager; Keyboard *_keyboard; MOUSE *_mouse; Sprite *_pocket[POCKET_NX]; Sprite *_sprite; Sprite *_miniCave; Sprite *_shadow; Sprite *_horzLine; InfoLine *_infoLine; Sprite *_cavLight; InfoLine *_debugLine; BMP_PTR MB[2]; BMP_PTR HL[2]; BMP_PTR MC[3]; BMP_PTR PR[2]; BMP_PTR SP[3]; BMP_PTR LI[5]; Snail *_snail; Snail *_snail_; // 0.75 - 17II95 - full sound support // 0.76 - 18II95 - small MiniEMS in DEMO, // unhide CavLight in SNLEVEL // keyclick suppress in startup // keyclick on key service in: SYSTEM, GET_TEXT // 1.01 - 17VII95 - default savegame with sound ON // coditionals EVA for 2-month evaluation version static char _usrFnam[15] = "\0ɱ%^þúȼ´ ÇÉ"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static Ems *_mini = _miniEmm.alloc((uint16)MINI_EMM_SIZE); static BMP_PTR *_miniShpList = NULL; static BMP_PTR _miniShp[] = { NULL, NULL }; static bool _finis = false; int _offUseCount; uint16 *_intStackPtr = false; Hxy _heroXY[CAVE_MAX] = {{0, 0}}; Bar _barriers[1 + CAVE_MAX] = { { 0xFF, 0xFF } }; extern Dac _stdPal[58]; uint8 Cluster::_map[MAP_ZCNT][MAP_XCNT]; uint8 &Cluster::cell() { return _map[_b][_a]; } bool Cluster::Protected() { /* if (A == Barriers[Now]._vert || B == Barriers[Now]._horz) return true; _DX = (MAP_ZCNT << 8) + MAP_XCNT; _BX = (uint16) this; asm mov ax,1 asm mov cl,[bx].(COUPLE)A asm mov ch,[bx].(COUPLE)B asm test cx,0x8080 // (A < 0) || (B < 0) asm jnz xit asm cmp cl,dl asm jge xit asm cmp ch,dh asm jge xit // if (A < 0 || A >= MAP_XCNT || B < 0 || B >= MAP_ZCNT) return true; asm mov al,dl asm mul ch asm xor ch,ch asm add ax,cx asm mov bx,ax _BX += (uint16) Map; //asm add bx,offset CLUSTER::Map asm mov al,[bx] asm and ax,0xFF asm jz xit asm mov ax,1 // return Map[B][A] != 0; xit: return _AX; */ warning("STUB: CLUSTER::Protected()"); return true; } Cluster XZ(int x, int y) { if (y < MAP_TOP) y = MAP_TOP; if (y > MAP_TOP + MAP_HIG - MAP_ZGRID) y = MAP_TOP + MAP_HIG - MAP_ZGRID; return Cluster(x / MAP_XGRID, (y - MAP_TOP) / MAP_ZGRID); } Cluster XZ(Couple xy) { signed char x, y; xy.split(x, y); return XZ(x, y); } void CGEEngine::loadGame(XFile &file, bool tiny = false) { SavTab *st; Sprite *spr; int i; // Read the data into a data buffer int size = file.size() - file.mark(); byte *dataBuffer = new byte[size]; file.read(dataBuffer, size); Common::MemoryReadStream readStream(dataBuffer, size, DisposeAfterUse::YES); Common::Serializer s(&readStream, NULL); // Synchronise header data s.syncAsUint16LE(_now); s.syncAsUint16LE(_oldLev); s.syncAsUint16LE(_demoText); for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) s.syncAsUint16LE(_game); s.syncAsSint16LE(i); // unused VGA::Mono variable s.syncAsUint16LE(_music); s.syncBytes(_volume, 2); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) s.syncAsUint16LE(_flag[i]); for (i = 0; i < CAVE_MAX; ++i) { s.syncAsSint16LE(_heroXY[i]._x); s.syncAsUint16LE(_heroXY[i]._y); } for (i = 0; i < 1 + CAVE_MAX; ++i) { s.syncAsByte(_barriers[i]._horz); s.syncAsByte(_barriers[i]._vert); } for (i = 0; i < POCKET_NX; ++i) s.syncAsUint16LE(_pocref[i]); uint16 checksum; s.syncAsUint16LE(checksum); if (checksum != SVGCHKSUM) error("%s", _text->getText(BADSVG_TEXT)); if (Startup::_core < CORE_HIG) _music = false; if (Startup::_soundOk == 1 && Startup::_mode == 0) { _sndDrvInfo.Vol2._d = _volume[0]; _sndDrvInfo.Vol2._m = _volume[1]; sndSetVolume(); } if (! tiny) { // load sprites & pocket while (readStream.pos() < readStream.size()) { Sprite S(this, NULL); S.sync(s); S._prev = S._next = NULL; spr = (scumm_stricmp(S._file + 2, "MUCHA") == 0) ? new Fly(this, NULL) : new Sprite(this, NULL); if (spr == NULL) error("No core"); *spr = S; _vga->_spareQ->append(spr); } for (i = 0; i < POCKET_NX; i++) { register int r = _pocref[i]; _pocket[i] = (r < 0) ? NULL : _vga->_spareQ->locate(r); } } } void CGEEngine::saveSound() { CFile cfg(usrPath(progName(CFG_EXT)), WRI); if (!cfg._error) cfg.write(&_sndDrvInfo, sizeof(_sndDrvInfo) - sizeof(_sndDrvInfo.Vol2)); } void CGEEngine::saveGame(XFile &file) { SavTab *st; Sprite *spr; int i; for (i = 0; i < POCKET_NX; i++) { register Sprite *s = _pocket[i]; _pocref[i] = (s) ? s->_ref : -1; } _volume[0] = _sndDrvInfo.Vol2._d; _volume[1] = _sndDrvInfo.Vol2._m; for (st = _savTab; st->_ptr; st++) { if (file._error) error("Bad SVG"); file.write((uint8 *) st->_ptr, st->_len); } file.write((uint8 *) & (i = SVGCHKSUM), sizeof(i)); for (spr = _vga->_spareQ->first(); spr; spr = spr->_next) if (spr->_ref >= 1000) if (!file._error) file.write((uint8 *)spr, sizeof(*spr)); } void CGEEngine::heroCover(int cvr) { SNPOST(SNCOVER, 1, cvr, NULL); } void CGEEngine::trouble(int seq, int txt) { _hero->park(); SNPOST(SNWAIT, -1, -1, _hero); SNPOST(SNSEQ, -1, seq, _hero); SNPOST(SNSOUND, -1, 2, _hero); SNPOST(SNWAIT, -1, -1, _hero); SNPOST(SNSAY, 1, txt, _hero); } void CGEEngine::offUse() { trouble(OFF_USE, OFF_USE_TEXT + new_random(_offUseCount)); } void CGEEngine::tooFar() { trouble(TOO_FAR, TOO_FAR_TEXT); } // Used in stubbed function, do not remove! void CGEEngine::noWay() { trouble(NO_WAY, NO_WAY_TEXT); } void CGEEngine::loadHeroXY() { INI_FILE cf(progName(".HXY")); memset(_heroXY, 0, sizeof(_heroXY)); if (!cf._error) cf.CFREAD(&_heroXY); } void CGEEngine::loadMapping() { if (_now <= CAVE_MAX) { INI_FILE cf(progName(".TAB")); if (!cf._error) { memset(Cluster::_map, 0, sizeof(Cluster::_map)); cf.seek((_now - 1) * sizeof(Cluster::_map)); cf.read((uint8 *) Cluster::_map, sizeof(Cluster::_map)); } } } Cluster Trace[MAX_FIND_LEVEL]; int FindLevel; WALK::WALK(CGEEngine *vm, BMP_PTR *shpl) : Sprite(vm, shpl), Dir(NO_DIR), _tracePtr(-1), _vm(vm) { } void WALK::tick() { if (_flags._hide) return; _here = XZ(_x + _w / 2, _y + _h); if (Dir != NO_DIR) { Sprite *spr; _sys->funTouch(); for (spr = _vga->_showQ->first(); spr; spr = spr->_next) { if (distance(spr) < 2) { if (!spr->_flags._near) { _vm->feedSnail(spr, NEAR); spr->_flags._near = true; } } else { spr->_flags._near = false; } } } if (_flags._hold || _tracePtr < 0) park(); else { if (_here == Trace[_tracePtr]) { if (--_tracePtr < 0) park(); } else { signed char dx, dz; (Trace[_tracePtr] - _here).split(dx, dz); DIR d = (dx) ? ((dx > 0) ? EE : WW) : ((dz > 0) ? SS : NN); turn(d); } } step(); if ((Dir == WW && _x <= 0) || (Dir == EE && _x + _w >= SCR_WID) || (Dir == SS && _y + _w >= WORLD_HIG - 2)) park(); else { signed char x; // dummy var _here.split(x, _z); // take current Z position SNPOST_(SNZTRIM, -1, 0, this); // update Hero's pos in show queue } } int WALK::distance(Sprite *spr) { int dx, dz; dx = spr->_x - (_x + _w - WALKSIDE); if (dx < 0) dx = (_x + WALKSIDE) - (spr->_x + spr->_w); if (dx < 0) dx = 0; dx /= MAP_XGRID; dz = spr->_z - _z; if (dz < 0) dz = - dz; dx = dx * dx + dz * dz; for (dz = 1; dz * dz < dx; dz++) ; return dz - 1; } void WALK::turn(DIR d) { DIR dir = (Dir == NO_DIR) ? SS : Dir; if (d != Dir) { step((d == dir) ? (1 + dir + dir) : (9 + 4 * dir + d)); Dir = d; } } void WALK::park() { if (_time == 0) ++_time; if (Dir != NO_DIR) { step(9 + 4 * Dir + Dir); Dir = NO_DIR; _tracePtr = -1; } } void WALK::findWay(Cluster c) { warning("STUB: WALK::findWay"); /* bool Find1Way(); extern uint16 Target; if (c != Here) { for (FindLevel = 1; FindLevel <= MAX_FIND_LEVEL; FindLevel++) { signed char x, z; Here.Split(x, z); Target = (z << 8) | x; c.Split(x, z); _CX = (z << 8) | x; if (Find1Way()) break; } TracePtr = (FindLevel > MAX_FIND_LEVEL) ? -1 : (FindLevel - 1); if (TracePtr < 0) NoWay(); Time = 1; } */ } void WALK::findWay(Sprite *spr) { if (spr && spr != this) { int x = spr->_x; int z = spr->_z; if (spr->_flags._east) x += spr->_w + _w / 2 - WALKSIDE; else x -= _w / 2 - WALKSIDE; findWay(Cluster((x / MAP_XGRID), ((z < MAP_ZCNT - MAX_DISTANCE) ? (z + 1) : (z - 1)))); } } bool WALK::lower(Sprite *spr) { return (spr->_y > _y + (_h * 3) / 5); } void WALK::reach(Sprite *spr, int mode) { if (spr) { _hero->findWay(spr); if (mode < 0) { mode = spr->_flags._east; if (lower(spr)) mode += 2; } } // note: insert SNAIL commands in reverse order SNINSERT(SNPAUSE, -1, 64, NULL); SNINSERT(SNSEQ, -1, TSEQ + mode, this); if (spr) { SNINSERT(SNWAIT, -1, -1, _hero); /////--------$$$$$$$ //SNINSERT(SNWALK, -1, -1, spr); } // sequence is not finished, // now it is just at sprite appear (disappear) point } class SQUARE : public Sprite { public: SQUARE(CGEEngine *vm); virtual void touch(uint16 mask, int x, int y); private: CGEEngine *_vm; }; SQUARE::SQUARE(CGEEngine *vm) : Sprite(vm, MB), _vm(vm) { _flags._kill = true; _flags._bDel = false; } void SQUARE::touch(uint16 mask, int x, int y) { Sprite::touch(mask, x, y); if (mask & L_UP) { XZ(_x + x, _y + y).cell() = 0; SNPOST_(SNKILL, -1, 0, this); } } void CGEEngine::setMapBrick(int x, int z) { SQUARE *s = new SQUARE(this); if (s) { static char n[] = "00:00"; s->gotoxy(x * MAP_XGRID, MAP_TOP + z * MAP_ZGRID); wtom(x, n + 0, 10, 2); wtom(z, n + 3, 10, 2); Cluster::_map[z][x] = 1; s->setName(n); _vga->_showQ->insert(s, _vga->_showQ->first()); } } //static void switchColorMode(); //static void switchDebug(); //static void pullSprite(); //static void NextStep(); void CGEEngine::keyClick() { SNPOST_(SNSOUND, -1, 5, NULL); } void CGEEngine::resetQSwitch() { SNPOST_(SNSEQ, 123, 0, NULL); keyClick(); } void CGEEngine::quit() { static Choice QuitMenu[] = { { NULL, &CGEEngine::startCountDown }, { NULL, &CGEEngine::resetQSwitch }, { NULL, &CGEEngine::dummy } }; if (_snail->idle() && !_hero->_flags._hide) { if (Vmenu::_addr) { SNPOST_(SNKILL, -1, 0, Vmenu::_addr); resetQSwitch(); } else { QuitMenu[0]._text = _text->getText(QUIT_TEXT); QuitMenu[1]._text = _text->getText(NOQUIT_TEXT); (new Vmenu(this, QuitMenu, -1, -1))->setName(_text->getText(QUIT_TITLE)); SNPOST_(SNSEQ, 123, 1, NULL); keyClick(); } } } static void AltCtrlDel() { SNPOST_(SNSAY, -1, A_C_D_TEXT, _hero); } // Used in stubbed function, do not remove! static void miniStep(int stp) { if (stp < 0) _miniCave->_flags._hide = true; else { &*_mini; *_miniShp[0] = *_miniShpList[stp]; if (_fx._current) &*(_fx._current->eAddr()); _miniCave->_flags._hide = false; } } static void postMiniStep(int stp) { //static int recent = -2; //TODO Change the SNPOST message send to a special way to send function pointer //if (MiniCave && stp != recent) SNPOST_(SNEXEC, -1, recent = stp, (void *)&MiniStep); warning("STUB: PostMiniStep()"); } void System::setPal() { uint i; Dac *p = Vga::_sysPal + 256 - ArrayCount(_stdPal); for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(_stdPal); i++) { p[i]._r = _stdPal[i]._r >> 2; p[i]._g = _stdPal[i]._g >> 2; p[i]._b = _stdPal[i]._b >> 2; } } void System::funTouch() { uint16 n = (PAIN) ? HEROFUN1 : HEROFUN0; if (_talk == NULL || n > _funDel) _funDel = n; } static void ShowBak(int ref) { Sprite *spr = _vga->_spareQ->locate(ref); if (spr) { Bitmap::_pal = Vga::_sysPal; spr->expand(); Bitmap::_pal = NULL; spr->show(2); _vga->copyPage(1, 2); _sys->setPal(); spr->contract(); } } void CGEEngine::caveUp() { int BakRef = 1000 * _now; if (_music) loadMidi(_now); ShowBak(BakRef); loadMapping(); _text->preload(BakRef, BakRef + 1000); Sprite *spr = _vga->_spareQ->first(); while (spr) { Sprite *n = spr->_next; if (spr->_cave == _now || spr->_cave == 0) if (spr->_ref != BakRef) { if (spr->_flags._back) spr->backShow(); else expandSprite(spr); } spr = n; } if (_sndDrvInfo._dDev) { _sound.stop(); _fx.clear(); _fx.preload(0); _fx.preload(BakRef); } if (_hero) { _hero->gotoxy(_heroXY[_now - 1]._x, _heroXY[_now - 1]._y); // following 2 lines trims Hero's Z position! _hero->tick(); _hero->_time = 1; _hero->_flags._hide = false; } if (!_dark) _vga->sunset(); _vga->copyPage(0, 1); selectPocket(-1); if (_hero) _vga->_showQ->insert(_vga->_showQ->remove(_hero)); if (_shadow) { _vga->_showQ->remove(_shadow); _shadow->makeXlat(glass(Vga::_sysPal, 204, 204, 204)); _vga->_showQ->insert(_shadow, _hero); _shadow->_z = _hero->_z; } feedSnail(_vga->_showQ->locate(BakRef + 999), TAKE); _vga->show(); _vga->copyPage(1, 0); _vga->show(); _vga->sunrise(Vga::_sysPal); _dark = false; if (!_startupMode) _mouse->On(); _heart->_enable = true; } void CGEEngine::caveDown() { Sprite *spr; if (!_horzLine->_flags._hide) switchMapping(); for (spr = _vga->_showQ->first(); spr;) { Sprite *n = spr->_next; if (spr->_ref >= 1000 /*&& spr->_cave*/) { if (spr->_ref % 1000 == 999) feedSnail(spr, TAKE); _vga->_spareQ->append(_vga->_showQ->remove(spr)); } spr = n; } _text->clear(1000); } void CGEEngine::xCave() { caveDown(); caveUp(); } void CGEEngine::qGame() { caveDown(); _oldLev = _lev; saveSound(); CFile file = CFile(usrPath(_usrFnam), WRI, RCrypt); saveGame(file); _vga->sunset(); _finis = true; } void CGEEngine::switchCave(int cav) { if (cav != _now) { _heart->_enable = false; if (cav < 0) { SNPOST(SNLABEL, -1, 0, NULL); // wait for repaint //TODO Change the SNPOST message send to a special way to send function pointer //SNPOST(SNEXEC, -1, 0, (void *)&QGame); // switch cave warning("SwitchCave() - SNPOST"); } else { _now = cav; _mouse->Off(); if (_hero) { _hero->park(); _hero->step(0); if (!_isDemo) ///// protection: auto-destruction on! ---------------------- _vga->_spareQ->_show = Startup::_summa * (cav <= CAVE_MAX); /////-------------------------------------------------------- } _cavLight->gotoxy(CAVE_X + ((_now - 1) % CAVE_NX) * CAVE_DX + CAVE_SX, CAVE_Y + ((_now - 1) / CAVE_NX) * CAVE_DY + CAVE_SY); killText(); if (!_startupMode) keyClick(); SNPOST(SNLABEL, -1, 0, NULL); // wait for repaint //TODO Change the SNPOST message send to a special way to send function pointer //SNPOST(SNEXEC, 0, 0, (void *)&XCave); // switch cave warning("SwitchCave() - SNPOST"); } } } System::System(CGEEngine *vm) : Sprite(vm, NULL), _vm(vm) { _funDel = HEROFUN0; setPal(); tick(); } void System::touch(uint16 mask, int x, int y) { static int pp = 0; funTouch(); if (mask & KEYB) { int pp0; _vm->keyClick(); killText(); if (_vm->_startupMode == 1) { SNPOST(SNCLEAR, -1, 0, NULL); return; } pp0 = pp; switch (x) { case Del: if (_keyboard->_key[ALT] && _keyboard->_key[CTRL]) AltCtrlDel(); else _vm->killSprite(); break; case 'F': if (_keyboard->_key[ALT]) { Sprite *m = _vga->_showQ->locate(17001); if (m) { m->step(1); m->_time = 216; // 3s } } break; case PgUp: _vm->pushSprite(); break; case PgDn: _vm->pullSprite(); break; case '+': _vm->nextStep(); break; case '`': if (_keyboard->_key[ALT]) _vm->saveMapping(); else _vm->switchMapping(); break; case F1: _vm->switchDebug(); break; case F3: _hero->step(TSEQ + 4); break; case F4: _hero->step(TSEQ + 5); break; case F5: _hero->step(TSEQ + 0); break; case F6: _hero->step(TSEQ + 1); break; case F7: _hero->step(TSEQ + 2); break; case F8: _hero->step(TSEQ + 3); break; case F9: _sys->_funDel = 1; break; case 'X': if (_keyboard->_key[ALT]) _finis = true; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': if (_keyboard->_key[ALT]) { SNPOST(SNLEVEL, -1, x - '0', NULL); break; } case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (_sprite) _sprite->step(x - '0'); break; case F10 : if (_snail->idle() && !_hero->_flags._hide) _vm->startCountDown(); break; case 'J': if (pp == 0) pp++; break; case 'B': if (pp == 1) pp++; break; case 'W': if (pp == 2) _vm->_jbw = !_vm->_jbw; break; } if (pp == pp0) pp = 0; } else { if (_vm->_startupMode) return; int cav = 0; _infoLine->update(NULL); if (y >= WORLD_HIG) { if (x < BUTTON_X) { // select cave? if (y >= CAVE_Y && y < CAVE_Y + CAVE_NY * CAVE_DY && x >= CAVE_X && x < CAVE_X + CAVE_NX * CAVE_DX && !_vm->_game) { cav = ((y - CAVE_Y) / CAVE_DY) * CAVE_NX + (x - CAVE_X) / CAVE_DX + 1; if (cav > _vm->_maxCave) cav = 0; } else { cav = 0; } } else if (mask & L_UP) { if (y >= POCKET_Y && y < POCKET_Y + POCKET_NY * POCKET_DY && x >= POCKET_X && x < POCKET_X + POCKET_NX * POCKET_DX) { int n = ((y - POCKET_Y) / POCKET_DY) * POCKET_NX + (x - POCKET_X) / POCKET_DX; _vm->selectPocket(n); } } } postMiniStep(cav - 1); if (mask & L_UP) { if (cav && _snail->idle() && _hero->_tracePtr < 0) _vm->switchCave(cav); if (!_horzLine->_flags._hide) { if (y >= MAP_TOP && y < MAP_TOP + MAP_HIG) { int8 x1, z1; XZ(x, y).split(x1, z1); Cluster::_map[z1][x1] = 1; _vm->setMapBrick(x1, z1); } } else { if (!_talk && _snail->idle() && _hero && y >= MAP_TOP && y < MAP_TOP + MAP_HIG && !_vm->_game) { _hero->findWay(XZ(x, y)); } } } } } void System::tick() { if (!_vm->_startupMode) if (--_funDel == 0) { killText(); if (_snail->idle()) { if (PAIN) _vm->heroCover(9); else if (Startup::_core >= CORE_MID) { int n = new_random(100); if (n > 96) _vm->heroCover(6 + (_hero->_x + _hero->_w / 2 < SCR_WID / 2)); else { if (n > 90) _vm->heroCover(5); else { if (n > 60) _vm->heroCover(4); else _vm->heroCover(3); } } } } funTouch(); } _time = SYSTIMERATE; } /* static void SpkOpen() { asm in al,0x61 asm or al,0x03 asm out 0x61,al asm mov al,0x90 asm out 0x43,al } static void SpkClose() { asm in al,0x61 asm and al,0xFC asm out 0x61,al } */ void CGEEngine::switchColorMode() { SNPOST_(SNSEQ, 121, _vga->_mono = !_vga->_mono, NULL); keyClick(); _vga->setColors(Vga::_sysPal, 64); } void CGEEngine::switchMusic() { if (_keyboard->_key[ALT]) { if (Vmenu::_addr) SNPOST_(SNKILL, -1, 0, Vmenu::_addr); else { SNPOST_(SNSEQ, 122, (_music = false), NULL); //TODO Change the SNPOST message send to a special way to send function pointer // SNPOST(SNEXEC, -1, 0, (void *)&selectSound); warning("SwitchMusic() - SNPOST"); } } else { if (Startup::_core < CORE_HIG) SNPOST(SNINF, -1, NOMUSIC_TEXT, NULL); else { SNPOST_(SNSEQ, 122, (_music = !_music), NULL); keyClick(); } } if (_music) loadMidi(_now); else killMidi(); } void CGEEngine::startCountDown() { //SNPOST(SNSEQ, 123, 0, NULL); switchCave(-1); } void CGEEngine::takeName() { if (GetText::_ptr) SNPOST_(SNKILL, -1, 0, GetText::_ptr); else { GetText *tn = new GetText(this, _text->getText(GETNAME_PROMPT), _usrFnam, 8); if (tn) { tn->setName(_text->getText(GETNAME_TITLE)); tn->center(); tn->gotoxy(tn->_x, tn->_y - 10); tn->_z = 126; _vga->_showQ->insert(tn); } } } void CGEEngine::switchMapping() { if (_horzLine->_flags._hide) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAP_ZCNT; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < MAP_XCNT; j++) { if (Cluster::_map[i][j]) setMapBrick(j, i); } } } else { Sprite *s; for (s = _vga->_showQ->first(); s; s = s->_next) if (s->_w == MAP_XGRID && s->_h == MAP_ZGRID) SNPOST_(SNKILL, -1, 0, s); } _horzLine->_flags._hide = !_horzLine->_flags._hide; } void CGEEngine::killSprite() { _sprite->_flags._kill = true; _sprite->_flags._bDel = true; SNPOST_(SNKILL, -1, 0, _sprite); _sprite = NULL; } void CGEEngine::pushSprite() { Sprite *spr = _sprite->_prev; if (spr) { _vga->_showQ->insert(_vga->_showQ->remove(_sprite), spr); while (_sprite->_z > _sprite->_next->_z) _sprite->_z--; } else SNPOST_(SNSOUND, -1, 2, NULL); } void CGEEngine::pullSprite() { bool ok = false; Sprite *spr = _sprite->_next; if (spr) { spr = spr->_next; if (spr) ok = (!spr->_flags._slav); } if (ok) { _vga->_showQ->insert(_vga->_showQ->remove(_sprite), spr); if (_sprite->_prev) while (_sprite->_z < _sprite->_prev->_z) _sprite->_z++; } else SNPOST_(SNSOUND, -1, 2, NULL); } void CGEEngine::nextStep() { SNPOST_(SNSTEP, 0, 0, _sprite); } void CGEEngine::saveMapping() { { IoHand cf(progName(".TAB"), UPD); if (!cf._error) { cf.seek((_now - 1) * sizeof(Cluster::_map)); cf.write((uint8 *) Cluster::_map, sizeof(Cluster::_map)); } } { IoHand cf(progName(".HXY"), WRI); if (!cf._error) { _heroXY[_now - 1]._x = _hero->_x; _heroXY[_now - 1]._y = _hero->_y; cf.write((uint8 *) _heroXY, sizeof(_heroXY)); } } } // 1111111111222222222233333333 334444444444555555555566666666667777777777 // 01234567890123456789012345678901234567 890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 static char DebugText[] = " N=00000 F=000000 X=000 Y=000 FPS=0000\0S=00:00 000:000:000 000:000 00 "; #define NFRE (DebugText + 3) #define FFRE (DebugText + 11) #define ABSX (DebugText + 20) #define ABSY (DebugText + 26) #define FRPS (DebugText + 34) #define XSPR (DebugText + 38) #define SP_N (DebugText + 41) #define SP_S (DebugText + 44) #define SP_X (DebugText + 47) #define SP_Y (DebugText + 51) #define SP_Z (DebugText + 55) #define SP_W (DebugText + 59) #define SP_H (DebugText + 63) #define SP_F (DebugText + 67) #define SP__ (DebugText + 70) void CGEEngine::sayDebug() { if (!_debugLine->_flags._hide) { static long t = -1L; long t1 = timer(); if (t1 - t >= 18) { static uint32 old = 0L; uint32 now = _vga->_frmCnt; dwtom(now - old, FRPS, 10, 4); old = now; t = t1; } dwtom(_mouse->_x, ABSX, 10, 3); dwtom(_mouse->_y, ABSY, 10, 3); // dwtom(coreleft(), NFRE, 10, 5); // dwtom(farcoreleft(), FFRE, 10, 6); // sprite queue size uint16 n = 0; Sprite *spr; for (spr = _vga->_showQ->first(); spr; spr = spr->_next) { ++ n; if (spr == _sprite) { *XSPR = ' '; dwtom(n, SP_N, 10, 2); dwtom(_sprite->_x, SP_X, 10, 3); dwtom(_sprite->_y, SP_Y, 10, 3); dwtom(_sprite->_z, SP_Z, 10, 3); dwtom(_sprite->_w, SP_W, 10, 3); dwtom(_sprite->_h, SP_H, 10, 3); dwtom(*(uint16 *)(&_sprite->_flags), SP_F, 16, 2); } } dwtom(n, SP_S, 10, 2); // *SP__ = (heapcheck() < 0) ? '!' : ' '; _debugLine->update(DebugText); } } void CGEEngine::switchDebug() { _debugLine->_flags._hide = !_debugLine->_flags._hide; } void CGEEngine::optionTouch(int opt, uint16 mask) { switch (opt) { case 1 : if (mask & L_UP) switchColorMode(); break; case 2 : if (mask & L_UP) switchMusic(); else if (mask & R_UP) if (!Mixer::_appear) { Mixer::_appear = true; new Mixer(this, BUTTON_X, BUTTON_Y); } break; case 3 : if (mask & L_UP) quit(); break; } } #pragma argsused void Sprite::touch(uint16 mask, int x, int y) { _sys->funTouch(); if ((mask & ATTN) == 0) { _infoLine->update(name()); if (mask & (R_DN | L_DN)) _sprite = this; if (_ref / 10 == 12) { _vm->optionTouch(_ref % 10, mask); return; } if (_flags._syst) return; // cannot access system sprites if (_vm->_game) if (mask & L_UP) { mask &= ~L_UP; mask |= R_UP; } if ((mask & R_UP) && _snail->idle()) { Sprite *ps = (_pocLight->_seqPtr) ? _pocket[_vm->_pocPtr] : NULL; if (ps) { if (_flags._kept || _hero->distance(this) < MAX_DISTANCE) { if (works(ps)) { _vm->feedSnail(ps, TAKE); } else _vm->offUse(); _vm->selectPocket(-1); } else _vm->tooFar(); } else { if (_flags._kept) mask |= L_UP; else { if (_hero->distance(this) < MAX_DISTANCE) { /// if (_flags._port) { if (_vm->findPocket(NULL) < 0) _vm->pocFul(); else { SNPOST(SNREACH, -1, -1, this); SNPOST(SNKEEP, -1, -1, this); _flags._port = false; } } else { if (_takePtr != NO_PTR) { if (snList(TAKE)[_takePtr]._com == SNNEXT) _vm->offUse(); else _vm->feedSnail(this, TAKE); } else _vm->offUse(); } }/// else _vm->tooFar(); } } } if ((mask & L_UP) && _snail->idle()) { if (_flags._kept) { int n; for (n = 0; n < POCKET_NX; n++) { if (_pocket[n] == this) { _vm->selectPocket(n); break; } } } else SNPOST(SNWALK, -1, -1, this); // Hero->FindWay(this); } } } void CGEEngine::loadSprite(const char *fname, int ref, int cav, int col = 0, int row = 0, int pos = 0) { static const char *Comd[] = { "Name", "Type", "Phase", "East", "Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom", "Seq", "Near", "Take", "Portable", "Transparent", NULL }; static const char *Type[] = { "DEAD", "AUTO", "WALK", "NEWTON", "LISSAJOUS", "FLY", NULL }; char line[LINE_MAX]; int shpcnt = 0; int type = 0; // DEAD bool east = false; bool port = false; bool tran = false; int i, lcnt = 0; uint16 len; mergeExt(line, fname, SPR_EXT); if (INI_FILE::exist(line)) { // sprite description file exist INI_FILE sprf(line); if (sprf._error) error("Bad SPR [%s]", line); while ((len = sprf.read((uint8 *)line)) != 0) { ++ lcnt; if (len && line[len - 1] == '\n') line[-- len] = '\0'; if (len == 0 || *line == '.') continue; if ((i = takeEnum(Comd, strtok(line, " =\t"))) < 0) error("Bad line %d [%s]", lcnt, fname); switch (i) { case 0 : // Name - will be taken in Expand routine break; case 1 : // Type if ((type = takeEnum(Type, strtok(NULL, " \t,;/"))) < 0) error("Bad line %d [%s]", lcnt, fname); break; case 2 : // Phase ++ shpcnt; break; case 3 : // East east = (atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")) != 0); break; case 11 : // Portable port = (atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")) != 0); break; case 12 : // Transparent tran = (atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")) != 0); break; } } if (! shpcnt) error("No shapes [%s]", fname); } else { // no sprite description: mono-shaped sprite with only .BMP file ++shpcnt; } // make sprite of choosen type switch (type) { case 1 : { // AUTO _sprite = new Sprite(this, NULL); if (_sprite) { _sprite->gotoxy(col, row); //Sprite->Time = 1;//-----------$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ } break; } case 2 : { // WALK WALK *w = new WALK(this, NULL); if (w && ref == 1) { w->gotoxy(col, row); if (_hero) error("2nd HERO [%s]", fname); _hero = w; } _sprite = w; break; } /* case 3 : // NEWTON NEWTON * n = new NEWTON(NULL); if (n) { n->Ay = (bottom-n->H); n->By = 90; n->Cy = 3; n->Bx = 99; n->Cx = 3; n->Goto(col, row); } _sprite = n; break; */ case 4 : { // LISSAJOUS error("Bad type [%s]", fname); /* LISSAJOUS * l = new LISSAJOUS(NULL); if (l) { l->Ax = SCR_WID/2; l->Ay = SCR_HIG/2; l->Bx = 7; l->By = 13; l->Cx = 300; l->Cy = 500; *(long *) &l->Dx = 0; // movex * cnt l->Goto(col, row); } _sprite = l; */ break; } case 5 : { // FLY Fly *f = new Fly(this, NULL); _sprite = f; //////Sprite->Time = 1;//-----------$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ break; } default: { // DEAD _sprite = new Sprite(this, NULL); if (_sprite) _sprite->gotoxy(col, row); break; } } if (_sprite) { _sprite->_ref = ref; _sprite->_cave = cav; _sprite->_z = pos; _sprite->_flags._east = east; _sprite->_flags._port = port; _sprite->_flags._tran = tran; _sprite->_flags._kill = true; _sprite->_flags._bDel = true; // Extract the filename, without the extension strcpy(_sprite->_file, fname); char *p = strchr(_sprite->_file, '.'); if (p) *p = '\0'; _sprite->_shpCnt = shpcnt; _vga->_spareQ->append(_sprite); } } void CGEEngine::loadScript(const char *fname) { char line[LINE_MAX]; char *SpN; int SpI, SpA, SpX, SpY, SpZ; bool BkG = false; INI_FILE scrf(fname); int lcnt = 0; bool ok = true; if (scrf._error) return; while (scrf.read((uint8 *)line) != 0) { char *p; lcnt++; if (*line == 0 || *line == '\n' || *line == '.') continue; ok = false; // not OK if break // sprite ident number if ((p = strtok(line, " \t\n")) == NULL) break; SpI = atoi(p); // sprite file name if ((SpN = strtok(NULL, " ,;/\t\n")) == NULL) break; // sprite cave if ((p = strtok(NULL, " ,;/\t\n")) == NULL) break; SpA = atoi(p); // sprite column if ((p = strtok(NULL, " ,;/\t\n")) == NULL) break; SpX = atoi(p); // sprite row if ((p = strtok(NULL, " ,;/\t\n")) == NULL) break; SpY = atoi(p); // sprite Z pos if ((p = strtok(NULL, " ,;/\t\n")) == NULL) break; SpZ = atoi(p); // sprite life if ((p = strtok(NULL, " ,;/\t\n")) == NULL) break; BkG = atoi(p) == 0; ok = true; // no break: OK _sprite = NULL; loadSprite(SpN, SpI, SpA, SpX, SpY, SpZ); if (_sprite && BkG) _sprite->_flags._back = true; } if (! ok) error("Bad INI line %d [%s]", lcnt, fname); } #define GAME_FRAME_DELAY (1000 / 50) void CGEEngine::mainLoop() { sayDebug(); if (_isDemo) { // static uint32 tc = 0; if (/* FIXME: TimerCount - tc >= ((182L * 6L) * 5L) && */ _talk == NULL && _snail->idle()) { if (_text->getText(_demoText)) { SNPOST(SNSOUND, -1, 4, NULL); // drumla SNPOST(SNINF, -1, _demoText, NULL); SNPOST(SNLABEL, -1, -1, NULL); if (_text->getText(++_demoText) == NULL) _demoText = DEMO_TEXT + 1; } //FIXME: tc = TimerCount; } } _vga->show(); _snail_->runCom(); _snail->runCom(); // Game frame delay uint32 millis = g_system->getMillis(); while (!_eventManager->_quitFlag && (millis < (_lastFrame + GAME_FRAME_DELAY))) { // Handle any pending events _eventManager->poll(); // Slight delay g_system->delayMillis(10); millis = g_system->getMillis(); } _lastFrame = millis; // Dispatch the tick to any active objects tick(); } void CGEEngine::tick() { for (Sprite *spr = _vga->_showQ->first(); spr; spr = spr->_next) { if (spr->_time) { if (!spr->_flags._hide) { if (--spr->_time == 0) spr->tick(); } } } } void CGEEngine::loadUser() { // set scene if (Startup::_mode == 0) { // user .SVG file found CFile cfile = CFile(usrPath(_usrFnam), REA, RCrypt); loadGame(cfile); } else { if (Startup::_mode == 1) { SVG0FILE file = SVG0FILE(SVG0NAME); loadGame(file); } else { loadScript(progName(INI_EXT)); _music = true; CFile file = CFile(SVG0NAME, WRI); saveGame(file); error("Ok [%s]", SVG0NAME); } } loadScript(progName(IN0_EXT)); } void CGEEngine::runGame() { if (_eventManager->_quitFlag) return; _text->clear(); _text->preload(100, 1000); loadHeroXY(); _cavLight->_flags._tran = true; _vga->_showQ->append(_cavLight); _cavLight->_flags._hide = true; static Seq pocSeq[] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0, 20 }, { 1, 2, 0, 0, 4 }, { 2, 3, 0, 0, 4 }, { 3, 4, 0, 0, 16 }, { 2, 5, 0, 0, 4 }, { 1, 6, 0, 0, 4 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0, 16 }, }; _pocLight->setSeq(pocSeq); _pocLight->_flags._tran = true; _pocLight->_time = 1; _pocLight->_z = 120; _vga->_showQ->append(_pocLight); selectPocket(-1); // FIXME: Allow ScummVM to handle mouse display // Vga->ShowQ->Append(Mouse); // ___________ loadUser(); // ~~~~~~~~~~~ if ((_sprite = _vga->_spareQ->locate(121)) != NULL) SNPOST_(SNSEQ, -1, _vga->_mono, _sprite); if ((_sprite = _vga->_spareQ->locate(122)) != NULL) _sprite->step(_music); SNPOST_(SNSEQ, -1, _music, _sprite); if (!_music) killMidi(); if (_mini && INI_FILE::exist("MINI.SPR")) { uint8 *ptr = (uint8 *) &*_mini; if (ptr != NULL) { loadSprite("MINI", -1, 0, MINI_X, MINI_Y); expandSprite(_miniCave = _sprite); // NULL is ok if (_miniCave) { _miniCave->_flags._hide = true; _miniCave->moveShapes(ptr); _miniShp[0] = new Bitmap(*_miniCave->shp()); _miniShpList = _miniCave->setShapeList(_miniShp); postMiniStep(-1); } } } if (_hero) { expandSprite(_hero); _hero->gotoxy(_heroXY[_now - 1]._x, _heroXY[_now - 1]._y); if (INI_FILE::exist("00SHADOW.SPR")) { loadSprite("00SHADOW", -1, 0, _hero->_x + 14, _hero->_y + 51); if ((_shadow = _sprite) != NULL) { _shadow->_ref = 2; _shadow->_flags._tran = true; _hero->_flags._shad = true; _vga->_showQ->insert(_vga->_spareQ->remove(_shadow), _hero); } } } _infoLine->gotoxy(INFO_X, INFO_Y); _infoLine->_flags._tran = true; _infoLine->update(NULL); _vga->_showQ->insert(_infoLine); _debugLine->_z = 126; _vga->_showQ->insert(_debugLine); _horzLine->_y = MAP_TOP - (MAP_TOP > 0); _horzLine->_z = 126; _vga->_showQ->insert(_horzLine); _mouse->Busy = _vga->_spareQ->locate(BUSY_REF); if (_mouse->Busy) expandSprite(_mouse->Busy); _startupMode = 0; SNPOST(SNLEVEL, -1, _oldLev, &_cavLight); _cavLight->gotoxy(CAVE_X + ((_now - 1) % CAVE_NX) * CAVE_DX + CAVE_SX, CAVE_Y + ((_now - 1) / CAVE_NX) * CAVE_DY + CAVE_SY); caveUp(); _keyboard->setClient(_sys); // main loop while (!_finis && !_eventManager->_quitFlag) { //TODO Change the SNPOST message send to a special way to send function pointer // if (FINIS) SNPOST(SNEXEC, -1, 0, (void *)&QGame); warning("RunGame: problematic use of SNPOST"); mainLoop(); } _keyboard->setClient(NULL); _heart->_enable = false; SNPOST(SNCLEAR, -1, 0, NULL); SNPOST_(SNCLEAR, -1, 0, NULL); _mouse->Off(); _vga->_showQ->clear(); _vga->_spareQ->clear(); _hero = NULL; _shadow = NULL; } void CGEEngine::movie(const char *ext) { if (_eventManager->_quitFlag) return; const char *fn = progName(ext); if (INI_FILE::exist(fn)) { loadScript(fn); expandSprite(_vga->_spareQ->locate(999)); feedSnail(_vga->_showQ->locate(999), TAKE); // FIXME: Allow ScummVM to handle mouse display //Vga->ShowQ->Append(Mouse); _heart->_enable = true; _keyboard->setClient(_sys); while (!_snail->idle() && !_eventManager->_quitFlag) mainLoop(); _keyboard->setClient(NULL); _heart->_enable = false; SNPOST(SNCLEAR, -1, 0, NULL); SNPOST_(SNCLEAR, -1, 0, NULL); _vga->_showQ->clear(); _vga->_spareQ->clear(); } } bool CGEEngine::showTitle(const char *name) { if (_eventManager->_quitFlag) return false; Bitmap::_pal = Vga::_sysPal; BMP_PTR LB[] = { new Bitmap(name, true), NULL }; Bitmap::_pal = NULL; bool usr_ok = false; Sprite D(this, LB); D._flags._kill = true; D._flags._bDel = true; D.center(); D.show(2); if (Startup::_mode == 2) { inf(SVG0NAME); _talk->show(2); } _vga->sunset(); _vga->copyPage(1, 2); _vga->copyPage(0, 1); selectPocket(-1); _vga->sunrise(Vga::_sysPal); if (Startup::_mode < 2 && !Startup::_soundOk) { _vga->copyPage(1, 2); _vga->copyPage(0, 1); _vga->_showQ->append(_mouse); _heart->_enable = true; _mouse->On(); for (selectSound(); !_snail->idle() || Vmenu::_addr;) { mainLoop(); if (_eventManager->_quitFlag) return false; } _mouse->Off(); _heart->_enable = false; _vga->_showQ->clear(); _vga->copyPage(0, 2); Startup::_soundOk = 2; if (_music) loadMidi(0); } if (Startup::_mode < 2) { if (_isDemo) { strcpy(_usrFnam, progName(SVG_EXT)); usr_ok = true; } else { //----------------------------------------- #ifndef EVA #ifdef CD Startup::_summa |= (0xC0 + (DriveCD(0) << 6)) & 0xFF; #else // At this point the game originally read the boot sector to get // the serial number for it's copy protection check #endif //----------------------------------------- movie("X00"); // paylist _vga->copyPage(1, 2); _vga->copyPage(0, 1); _vga->_showQ->append(_mouse); //Mouse.On(); _heart->_enable = true; for (takeName(); GetText::_ptr;) { mainLoop(); if (_eventManager->_quitFlag) return false; } _heart->_enable = false; if (_keyboard->last() == Enter && *_usrFnam) usr_ok = true; if (usr_ok) strcat(_usrFnam, SVG_EXT); //Mouse.Off(); _vga->_showQ->clear(); _vga->copyPage(0, 2); #endif } if (usr_ok && Startup::_mode == 0) { const char *n = usrPath(_usrFnam); if (CFile::exist(n)) { CFile file = CFile(n, REA, RCrypt); loadGame(file, true); // only system vars _vga->setColors(Vga::_sysPal, 64); _vga->update(); if (_flag[3]) { //flag FINIS Startup::_mode++; _flag[3] = false; } } else Startup::_mode++; } } if (Startup::_mode < 2) movie("X01"); // wink _vga->copyPage(0, 2); if (_isDemo) return true; else return (Startup::_mode == 2 || usr_ok); } /* void StkDump () { CFILE f("!STACK.DMP", BFW); f.Write((uint8 *) (intStackPtr-STACK_SIZ/2), STACK_SIZ*2); } */ void CGEEngine::cge_main() { uint16 intStack[STACK_SIZ / 2]; _intStackPtr = intStack; //Debug( memset((void *) (-K(2)), 0, K(1)); ) //Debug( memset((void *) (-K(4)), 0, K(1)); ) memset(_barriers, 0xFF, sizeof(_barriers)); if (!_mouse->Exist) error("%s", _text->getText(NO_MOUSE_TEXT)); if (!SVG0FILE::exist(SVG0NAME)) Startup::_mode = 2; _debugLine->_flags._hide = true; _horzLine->_flags._hide = true; //srand((uint16) Timer()); _sys = new System(this); if (_music && Startup::_soundOk) loadMidi(0); if (Startup::_mode < 2) movie(LGO_EXT); if (showTitle("WELCOME")) { if ((!_isDemo) && (Startup::_mode == 1)) movie("X02"); // intro runGame(); _startupMode = 2; if (_flag[3]) // Flag FINIS movie("X03"); } else _vga->sunset(); } } // End of namespace CGE