/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on original Soltys source code * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Janus B. Wisniewski and L.K. Avalon */ #include "common/rect.h" #include "graphics/palette.h" #include "cge/general.h" #include "cge/vga13h.h" #include "cge/bitmap.h" #include "cge/vol.h" #include "cge/text.h" #include "cge/cge_main.h" #include "cge/cge.h" namespace CGE { #define FADE_STEP 2 #define TMR_DIV ((0x8000/TMR_RATE)*2) #define NREP 9 #define FREP 24 static VgaRegBlk VideoMode[] = { { 0x04, VGASEQ, 0x08, 0x04 }, // memory mode { 0x03, VGAGRA, 0xFF, 0x00 }, // data rotate = 0 { 0x05, VGAGRA, 0x03, 0x00 }, // R/W mode = 0 { 0x06, VGAGRA, 0x02, 0x00 }, // misc { 0x14, VGACRT, 0x40, 0x00 }, // underline { 0x13, VGACRT, 0xFF, 0x28 }, // screen width { 0x17, VGACRT, 0xFF, 0xC3 }, // mode control { 0x11, VGACRT, 0x80, 0x00 }, // vert retrace end { 0x09, VGACRT, 0xEF, 0x01 }, // max scan line { 0x30, VGAATR, 0x00, 0x20 }, // 256 color mode // { 0x12, VGACRT, 0xFF, 0x6E }, // vert display end // { 0x15, VGACRT, 0xFF, 0x7F }, // start vb // { 0x10, VGACRT, 0xFF, 0x94 }, // start vr { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } }; bool SpeedTest = false; Seq _seq1[] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; Seq _seq2[] = { { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; extern "C" void SNDMIDIPlay(void); /* static void Video() { static uint16 SP_S; asm push bx asm push bp asm push si asm push di asm push es asm xor bx,bx // video page #0 SP_S = _SP; asm int VIDEO _SP = SP_S; asm pop es asm pop di asm pop si asm pop bp asm pop bx } */ uint16 *SaveScreen(void) { /* uint16 cxy, cur, siz, * scr = NULL, * sav; // horizontal size of text mode screen asm mov ah,0x0F // get current video mode Video(); // BIOS video service asm xchg ah,al // answer in ah asm push ax // preserve width // vertical size of text mode screen asm mov dl,24 // last row on std screen asm xor bx,bx // valid request in BH asm mov ax,0x1130 // get EGA's last row # Video(); // BIOS video service asm inc dl // # of rows = last+1 // compute screen size in words asm pop ax // restore width asm mul dl // width * height siz = _AX; asm mov ax,0x40 // system data segment asm mov es,ax asm mov ax,0B000H // Mono asm cmp byte ptr es:[0x49],0x07 asm je sto asm mov ax,0B800H // Color sto: // store screen address asm mov word ptr scr+2,ax _AH = 0x0F; Video(); // active page // take cursor shape _AH = 0x03; Video(); // get cursor size cur = _CX; // take cursor position _DH = 0; _AH = 0x03; Video(); // get cursor cxy = _DX; sav = farnew(uint16, siz+3); // +3 extra uint16s for size and cursor if (sav) { sav[0] = siz; sav[1] = cur; sav[2] = cxy; memcpy(sav+3, scr, siz * 2); } return sav; */ warning("STUB: SaveScreen"); return 0; } void RestoreScreen(uint16 * &sav) { /* uint16 * scr = NULL; asm mov ax,0x40 // system data segment asm mov es,ax asm mov ax,0B000H // Mono asm cmp byte ptr es:[0x49],0x07 asm je sto asm mov ax,0B800H // Color sto: // store screen address asm mov word ptr scr+2,ax memcpy(scr, sav+3, sav[0] * 2); _AH = 0x0F; Video(); // active page // set cursor shape _CX = sav[1]; _AH = 0x01; Video(); // set cursor size // set cursor position _DX = sav[2]; _AH = 0x02; Video(); // set cursor free(sav); sav = NULL; */ warning("STUB: RestoreScreen"); } Dac MkDAC(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b) { static Dac x; x._r = r; x._g = g; x._b = b; return x; } Rgb MkRGB(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b) { static TRGB x; x.dac._r = r; x.dac._g = g; x.dac._b = b; return x.rgb; } Sprite *Locate(int ref) { Sprite *spr = Vga->ShowQ->Locate(ref); return (spr) ? spr : Vga->SpareQ->Locate(ref); } Heart::Heart(void) : Engine_(TMR_DIV) { _enable = false; _xTimer = NULL; } /* extern "C" void TimerProc() { static SPRITE * spr; static uint8 run = 0; // decrement external timer uint16 if (_heart->_xTimer) { if (*_heart->_xTimer) *_heart->_xTimer--; else _heart->_xTimer = NULL; } if (!run && _heart->_enable) { // check overrun flag static uint16 oldSP, oldSS; run++; // disable 2nd call until current lasts asm mov ax,ds asm mov oldSS,ss asm mov oldSP,sp asm mov ss,ax asm mov sp,0xFF80 // system pseudo-sprite if (Sys) { if (Sys->Time) { if (--Sys->Time == 0) Sys->Tick(); } } for (spr = VGA::ShowQ.First(); spr; spr = spr->Next) { if (spr->Time) { if (!spr->_flags.Hide) { if (-- spr->Time == 0) spr->Tick(); } } } asm mov ss,oldSS asm mov sp,oldSP run--; } } */ void Engine_::newTimer(...) { /* static SPRITE *spr; static uint8 run = 0, cntr1 = TMR_RATE1, cntr2 = TMR_RATE2; ___1152_Hz___: SNDMIDIPlay(); asm dec cntr1 asm jz ___72_Hz___ asm mov al,0x20 // send... asm out 0x020,al // ...e-o-i return; ___72_Hz___: asm mov cntr1,TMR_RATE1 asm dec cntr2 asm jnz my_eoi ___18_Hz___: OldTimer(); asm mov cntr2,TMR_RATE2 asm jmp short my_int // send E-O-I my_eoi: asm mov al,0x20 asm out 0x020,al asm sti // enable interrupts my_int: //------72Hz-------// // decrement external timer uint16 if (_heart->XTimer) { if (*_heart->XTimer) *_heart->XTimer--; else _heart->XTimer = NULL; } if (! run && _heart->Enable) { // check overrun flag static uint16 oldSP, oldSS; run++; // disable 2nd call until current lasts asm mov ax,ds asm mov oldSS,ss asm mov oldSP,sp asm mov ss,ax asm mov sp,0xFF80 // system pseudo-sprite if (Sys) { if (Sys->Time) { if (--Sys->Time == 0) Sys->Tick(); } } for (spr = VGA::ShowQ.First(); spr; spr = spr->Next) { if (spr->Time) { if (!spr->_flags.Hide) { if (--spr->Time == 0) spr->Tick(); } } } asm mov ss,oldSS asm mov sp,oldSP run--; } */ warning("STUB: Engine_::NewTimer"); } void Heart::setXTimer(uint16 *ptr) { if (_xTimer && ptr != _xTimer) *_xTimer = 0; _xTimer = ptr; } void Heart::setXTimer(uint16 *ptr, uint16 time) { setXTimer(ptr); *ptr = time; } Sprite::Sprite(CGEEngine *vm, BMP_PTR *shpP) : _x(0), _y(0), _z(0), _nearPtr(0), _takePtr(0), _next(NULL), _prev(NULL), _seqPtr(NO_SEQ), _time(0), //Delay(0), _ext(NULL), _ref(-1), _cave(0), _vm(vm) { memset(_file, 0, sizeof(_file)); *((uint16 *)&_flags) = 0; setShapeList(shpP); } Sprite::~Sprite() { if (_sprite == this) _sprite = NULL; contract(); } BMP_PTR Sprite::shp() { register SprExt *e = _ext; if (e) if (e->_seq) { int i = e->_seq[_seqPtr].Now; if (i >= _shpCnt) { //char s[256]; //sprintf(s, "Seq=%p ShpCnt=%d SeqPtr=%d Now=%d Next=%d", // Seq, ShpCnt, SeqPtr, Seq[SeqPtr].Now, Seq[SeqPtr].Next); //VGA::Exit(s, File); error("Invalid PHASE in SPRITE::Shp() %s", _file); } return e->_shpList[i]; } return NULL; } BMP_PTR *Sprite::setShapeList(BMP_PTR *shpP) { BMP_PTR *r = (_ext) ? _ext->_shpList : NULL; _shpCnt = 0; _w = 0; _h = 0; if (shpP) { BMP_PTR *p; for (p = shpP; *p; p++) { BMP_PTR b = (*p); // ->Code(); if (b->_w > _w) _w = b->_w; if (b->_h > _h) _h = b->_h; _shpCnt++; } expand(); _ext->_shpList = shpP; if (!_ext->_seq) setSeq((_shpCnt < 2) ? _seq1 : _seq2); } return r; } void Sprite::moveShapes(uint8 *buf) { BMP_PTR *p; for (p = _ext->_shpList; *p; p++) { buf += (*p)->moveVmap(buf); } } bool Sprite::works(Sprite *spr) { if (spr) if (spr->_ext) { Snail::Com *c = spr->_ext->_take; if (c != NULL) { c += spr->_takePtr; if (c->_ref == _ref) if (c->_com != SNLABEL || (c->_val == 0 || c->_val == _now)) return true; } } return false; } Seq *Sprite::setSeq(Seq *seq) { expand(); register Seq *s = _ext->_seq; _ext->_seq = seq; if (_seqPtr == NO_SEQ) step(0); else if (_time == 0) step(_seqPtr); return s; } bool Sprite::seqTest(int n) { if (n >= 0) return (_seqPtr == n); if (_ext) return (_ext->_seq[_seqPtr].Next == _seqPtr); return true; } Snail::Com *Sprite::snList(SNLIST type) { register SprExt *e = _ext; if (e) return (type == NEAR) ? e->_near : e->_take; return NULL; } void Sprite::setName(char *n) { if (_ext) { if (_ext->_name) { delete[] _ext->_name; _ext->_name = NULL; } if (n) { if ((_ext->_name = new char[strlen(n) + 1]) != NULL) strcpy(_ext->_name, n); else error("No core [%s]", n); } } } Sprite *Sprite::expand() { if (!_ext) { bool enbl = _heart->_enable; _heart->_enable = false; if ((_ext = new SprExt) == NULL) error("No core"); if (*_file) { static const char *Comd[] = { "Name", "Phase", "Seq", "Near", "Take", NULL }; char line[LINE_MAX], fname[MAXPATH]; BMP_PTR *shplist = new BMP_PTR[_shpCnt + 1]; Seq *seq = NULL; int shpcnt = 0, seqcnt = 0, neacnt = 0, takcnt = 0, maxnow = 0, maxnxt = 0; Snail::Com *nea = NULL; Snail::Com *tak = NULL; mergeExt(fname, _file, SPR_EXT); if (INI_FILE::exist(fname)) { // sprite description file exist INI_FILE sprf(fname); if (!(sprf._error==0)) error("Bad SPR [%s]", fname); int len = 0, lcnt = 0; while ((len = sprf.read((uint8 *)line)) != 0) { ++lcnt; if (len && line[len - 1] == '\n') line[-- len] = '\0'; if (len == 0 || *line == '.') continue; switch (takeEnum(Comd, strtok(line, " =\t"))) { case 0 : { // Name setName(strtok(NULL, "")); break; } case 1 : { // Phase shplist[shpcnt++] = new Bitmap(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/"), true); break; } case 2 : { // Seq seq = (Seq *) realloc(seq, (seqcnt + 1) * sizeof(*seq)); if (seq == NULL) error("No core [%s]", fname); Seq *s = &seq[seqcnt++]; s->Now = atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")); if (s->Now > maxnow) maxnow = s->Now; s->Next = atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")); switch (s->Next) { case 0xFF : s->Next = seqcnt; break; case 0xFE : s->Next = seqcnt - 1; break; } if (s->Next > maxnxt) maxnxt = s->Next; s->Dx = atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")); s->Dy = atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")); s->Dly = atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")); break; } case 3 : { // Near if (_nearPtr != NO_PTR) { nea = (Snail::Com *) realloc(nea, (neacnt + 1) * sizeof(*nea)); if (nea == NULL) error("No core [%s]", fname); else { Snail::Com *c = &nea[neacnt++]; if ((c->_com = (SNCOM)takeEnum(Snail::_comTxt, strtok(NULL, " \t,;/"))) < 0) error("Bad NEAR in %d [%s]", lcnt, fname); c->_ref = atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")); c->_val = atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")); c->_ptr = NULL; } } } break; case 4 : { // Take if (_takePtr != NO_PTR) { tak = (Snail::Com *) realloc(tak, (takcnt + 1) * sizeof(*tak)); if (tak == NULL) error("No core [%s]", fname); else { Snail::Com *c = &tak[takcnt++]; if ((c->_com = (SNCOM)takeEnum(Snail::_comTxt, strtok(NULL, " \t,;/"))) < 0) error("Bad NEAR in %d [%s]", lcnt, fname); c->_ref = atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")); c->_val = atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t,;/")); c->_ptr = NULL; } } break; } } } } else { // no sprite description: try to read immediately from .BMP shplist[shpcnt++] = new Bitmap(_file, true); } shplist[shpcnt] = NULL; if (seq) { if (maxnow >= shpcnt) error("Bad PHASE in SEQ [%s]", fname); if (maxnxt >= seqcnt) error("Bad JUMP in SEQ [%s]", fname); setSeq(seq); } else setSeq((_shpCnt == 1) ? _seq1 : _seq2); //disable(); // disable interupt setShapeList(shplist); //enable(); // enable interupt if (nea) nea[neacnt - 1]._ptr = _ext->_near = nea; else _nearPtr = NO_PTR; if (tak) tak[takcnt - 1]._ptr = _ext->_take = tak; else _takePtr = NO_PTR; } _heart->_enable = enbl; } return this; } Sprite *Sprite::contract() { register SprExt *e = _ext; if (e) { if (e->_name) delete[] e->_name; if (_flags._bDel && e->_shpList) { int i; for (i = 0; e->_shpList[i]; i++) delete e->_shpList[i]; if (memType(e->_shpList) == NEAR_MEM) delete[] e->_shpList; } if (memType(e->_seq) == NEAR_MEM) free(e->_seq); if (e->_near) free(e->_near); if (e->_take) free(e->_take); delete e; _ext = NULL; } return this; } Sprite *Sprite::backShow(bool fast) { expand(); show(2); show(1); if (fast) show(0); contract(); return this; } void Sprite::step(int nr) { if (nr >= 0) _seqPtr = nr; if (_ext) { Seq *seq; if (nr < 0) _seqPtr = _ext->_seq[_seqPtr].Next; seq = _ext->_seq + _seqPtr; if (seq->Dly >= 0) { gotoxy(_x + (seq->Dx), _y + (seq->Dy)); _time = seq->Dly; } } } void Sprite::tick() { step(); } void Sprite::makeXlat(uint8 *x) { if (_ext) { BMP_PTR *b; if (_flags._xlat) killXlat(); for (b = _ext->_shpList; *b; b++) (*b)->_m = x; _flags._xlat = true; } } void Sprite::killXlat() { if (_flags._xlat && _ext) { BMP_PTR *b; uint8 *m = (*_ext->_shpList)->_m; switch (memType(m)) { case NEAR_MEM : delete[](uint8 *) m; break; case FAR_MEM : free(m); break; default: warning("Unhandled MemType in Sprite::KillXlat()"); break; } for (b = _ext->_shpList; *b; b++) (*b)->_m = NULL; _flags._xlat = false; } } void Sprite::gotoxy(int x, int y) { int xo = _x, yo = _y; if (_x < SCR_WID) { if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x + _w > SCR_WID) x = (SCR_WID - _w); _x = x; } if (_h < SCR_HIG) { if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y + _h > SCR_HIG) y = (SCR_HIG - _h); _y = y; } if (_next) if (_next->_flags._slav) _next->gotoxy(_next->_x - xo + _x, _next->_y - yo + _y); if (_flags._shad) _prev->gotoxy(_prev->_x - xo + _x, _prev->_y - yo + _y); } void Sprite::center() { gotoxy((SCR_WID - _w) / 2, (SCR_HIG - _h) / 2); } void Sprite::show() { register SprExt *e; // asm cli // critic section... e = _ext; e->_x0 = e->_x1; e->_y0 = e->_y1; e->_b0 = e->_b1; e->_x1 = _x; e->_y1 = _y; e->_b1 = shp(); // asm sti // ...done! if (!_flags._hide) { if (_flags._xlat) e->_b1->xShow(e->_x1, e->_y1); else e->_b1->show(e->_x1, e->_y1); } } void Sprite::show(uint16 pg) { Graphics::Surface *a = VGA::Page[1]; VGA::Page[1] = VGA::Page[pg & 3]; shp()->show(_x, _y); VGA::Page[1] = a; } void Sprite::hide() { register SprExt *e = _ext; if (e->_b0) e->_b0->hide(e->_x0, e->_y0); } BMP_PTR Sprite::ghost() { register SprExt *e = _ext; if (e->_b1) { BMP_PTR bmp = new Bitmap(0, 0, (uint8 *)NULL); if (bmp == NULL) error("No core"); bmp->_w = e->_b1->_w; bmp->_h = e->_b1->_h; if ((bmp->_b = farnew(HideDesc, bmp->_h)) == NULL) error("No Core"); bmp->_v = (uint8 *) memcpy(bmp->_b, e->_b1->_b, sizeof(HideDesc) * bmp->_h); // TODO offset correctly in the surface using y1 pitch and x1 and not via offset segment //bmp->_m = (uint8 *) MK_FP(e->y1, e->x1); warning("FIXME: SPRITE::Ghost"); return bmp; } return NULL; } Sprite *SpriteAt(int x, int y) { Sprite *spr = NULL, * tail = Vga->ShowQ->Last(); if (tail) { for (spr = tail->_prev; spr; spr = spr->_prev) { if (! spr->_flags._hide && ! spr->_flags._tran) { if (spr->shp()->solidAt(x - spr->_x, y - spr->_y)) break; } } } return spr; } QUEUE::QUEUE(bool show) : Head(NULL), Tail(NULL), Show(show) { } QUEUE::~QUEUE(void) { Clear(); } void QUEUE::Clear(void) { while (Head) { Sprite *s = Remove(Head); if (s->_flags._kill) delete s; } } void QUEUE::ForAll(void (*fun)(Sprite *)) { Sprite *s = Head; while (s) { Sprite *n = s->_next; fun(s); s = n; } } void QUEUE::Append(Sprite *spr) { if (Tail) { spr->_prev = Tail; Tail->_next = spr; } else Head = spr; Tail = spr; if (Show) spr->expand(); else spr->contract(); } void QUEUE::Insert(Sprite *spr, Sprite *nxt) { if (nxt == Head) { spr->_next = Head; Head = spr; if (! Tail) Tail = spr; } else { spr->_next = nxt; spr->_prev = nxt->_prev; if (spr->_prev) spr->_prev->_next = spr; } if (spr->_next) spr->_next->_prev = spr; if (Show) spr->expand(); else spr->contract(); } void QUEUE::Insert(Sprite *spr) { Sprite *s; for (s = Head; s; s = s->_next) if (s->_z > spr->_z) break; if (s) Insert(spr, s); else Append(spr); if (Show) spr->expand(); else spr->contract(); } Sprite *QUEUE::Remove(Sprite *spr) { if (spr == Head) Head = spr->_next; if (spr == Tail) Tail = spr->_prev; if (spr->_next) spr->_next->_prev = spr->_prev; if (spr->_prev) spr->_prev->_next = spr->_next; spr->_prev = NULL; spr->_next = NULL; return spr; } Sprite *QUEUE::Locate(int ref) { Sprite *spr; for (spr = Head; spr; spr = spr->_next) { if (spr->_ref == ref) return spr; } return NULL; } //extern const char Copr[]; Graphics::Surface *VGA::Page[4]; Dac *VGA::SysPal; void VGA::init() { for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; ++idx) { Page[idx] = new Graphics::Surface(); Page[idx]->create(320, 200, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8()); } SysPal = new Dac[PAL_CNT]; } void VGA::deinit() { for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; ++idx) delete Page[idx]; delete[] SysPal; } VGA::VGA(int mode) : FrmCnt(0), OldMode(0), OldScreen(NULL), StatAdr(VGAST1_), Msg(NULL), Nam(NULL), SetPal(false), Mono(0) { OldColors = NULL; NewColors = NULL; ShowQ = new QUEUE(true); SpareQ = new QUEUE(false); bool std = true; int i; for (i = 10; i < 20; i++) { char *txt = Text->getText(i); if (txt) { warning("%s", txt); std = false; } } if (std) // warning(Copr); warning("TODO: Fix Copr"); SetStatAdr(); if (StatAdr != VGAST1_) ++Mono; if (isVga()) { OldColors = farnew(Dac, 256); NewColors = farnew(Dac, 256); OldScreen = SaveScreen(); GetColors(OldColors); Sunset(); OldMode = SetMode(mode); SetColors(); Setup(VideoMode); Clear(0); } } VGA::~VGA(void) { Mono = 0; if (isVga()) { Common::String buffer = ""; /* Clear(0); SetMode(OldMode); SetColors(); RestoreScreen(OldScreen); Sunrise(OldColors); */ if (OldColors) free(OldColors); if (NewColors) free(NewColors); if (Msg) buffer = Common::String(Msg); if (Nam) buffer = buffer + " [" + Nam + "]"; warning("%s", buffer.c_str()); } } void VGA::SetStatAdr(void) { /* asm mov dx,VGAMIr_ asm in al,dx asm test al,1 // CGA addressing mode flag asm mov ax,VGAST1_ // CGA addressing asm jnz set_mode_adr asm xor al,0x60 // MDA addressing set_mode_adr: StatAdr = _AX; */ warning("STUB: VGA::SetStatADR"); } #pragma argsused void VGA::WaitVR(bool on) { // Since some of the game parts rely on using vertical sync as a delay mechanism, // we're introducing a short delay to simulate it g_system->delayMillis(10); } void VGA::Setup(VgaRegBlk *vrb) { /* WaitVR(); // *--LOOK!--* resets VGAATR logic asm cld asm mov si, vrb // take address of parameter table asm mov dh,0x03 // higher byte of I/O address is always 3 s: asm lodsw // take lower byte of I/O address and index asm or ah,ah // 0 = end of table asm jz xit // no more: exit asm or al,al // indexed register? asm js single // 7th bit set means single register asm mov dl,ah // complete I/O address asm out dx,al // put index into control register asm inc dx // data register is next to control asm in al,dx // take old data write: asm mov cl,al // preserve old data asm lodsw // take 2 masks from table asm xor al,0xFF // invert mask bits asm and al,cl // clear bits with "clr" mask asm or al,ah // set bits with "set" mask asm cmp dl,0xC1 // special case? asm jne std2 // no: standard job, otherwise... asm dec dx // data out reg shares address with index std2: asm out dx,al // write new value to register asm jmp s single: // read address in al, write address in ah asm mov dl,al // complete I/O read address asm in al,dx // take old data asm mov dl,ah // complete I/O write address asm jmp write // continue standard routine xit: */ warning("STUB: VGA::Setup"); } int VGA::SetMode(int mode) { // ScummVM provides it's own vieo services return 0; } void VGA::GetColors(Dac *tab) { byte palData[PAL_SIZ]; g_system->getPaletteManager()->grabPalette(palData, 0, PAL_CNT); pal2DAC(palData, tab); } void VGA::pal2DAC(const byte *palData, Dac *tab) { const byte *colP = palData; for (int idx = 0; idx < PAL_CNT; ++idx, colP += 3) { tab[idx]._r = *colP >> 2; tab[idx]._g = *(colP + 1) >> 2; tab[idx]._b = *(colP + 2) >> 2; } } void VGA::DAC2pal(const Dac *tab, byte *palData) { for (int idx = 0; idx < PAL_CNT; ++idx, palData += 3) { *palData = tab[idx]._r << 2; *(palData + 1) = tab[idx]._g << 2; *(palData + 2) = tab[idx]._b << 2; } } void VGA::SetColors(Dac *tab, int lum) { Dac *palP = tab, *destP = NewColors; for (int idx = 0; idx < PAL_CNT; ++idx, ++palP, ++destP) { destP->_r = (palP->_r * lum) >> 6; destP->_g = (palP->_g * lum) >> 6; destP->_b = (palP->_b * lum) >> 6; } if (Mono) { destP = NewColors; for (int idx = 0; idx < PAL_CNT; ++idx, ++palP) { // Form a greyscalce colour from 30% R, 59% G, 11% B uint8 intensity = (destP->_r * 77) + (destP->_g * 151) + (destP->_b * 28); destP->_r = intensity; destP->_g = intensity; destP->_b = intensity; } } SetPal = true; } void VGA::SetColors(void) { memset(NewColors, 0, PAL_SIZ); UpdateColors(); } void VGA::Sunrise(Dac *tab) { for (int i = 0; i <= 64; i += FADE_STEP) { SetColors(tab, i); WaitVR(true); UpdateColors(); } } void VGA::Sunset(void) { Dac tab[256]; GetColors(tab); for (int i = 64; i >= 0; i -= FADE_STEP) { SetColors(tab, i); WaitVR(true); UpdateColors(); } } void VGA::Show(void) { Sprite *spr = ShowQ->First(); for (spr = ShowQ->First(); spr; spr = spr->_next) spr->show(); Update(); for (spr = ShowQ->First(); spr; spr = spr->_next) spr->hide(); ++ FrmCnt; } void VGA::UpdateColors(void) { byte palData[PAL_SIZ]; DAC2pal(NewColors, palData); g_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(palData, 0, 256); } void VGA::Update(void) { SWAP(VGA::Page[0], VGA::Page[1]); if (SetPal) { UpdateColors(); SetPal = false; } g_system->copyRectToScreen((const byte *)VGA::Page[0]->getBasePtr(0, 0), SCR_WID, 0, 0, SCR_WID, SCR_HIG); g_system->updateScreen(); } void VGA::Clear(uint8 color) { for (int paneNum = 0; paneNum < 4; ++paneNum) Page[paneNum]->fillRect(Common::Rect(0, 0, SCR_WID, SCR_HIG), color); } void VGA::CopyPage(uint16 d, uint16 s) { Page[d]->copyFrom(*Page[s]); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Bitmap::xShow(int x, int y) { /* uint8 rmsk = x % 4, mask = 1 << rmsk, *scr = VGA::Page[1] + y * (SCR_WID / 4) + x / 4; uint8 *m = (char *) M; uint8 *v = V; asm push bx asm push si asm push ds asm cld asm les di,scr asm lds si,v asm mov bx,m asm mov al,0x02 // map mask register asm mov ah,mask plane: // enable output plane asm mov dx,VGASEQ_ asm out dx,ax asm push ax // select input plane asm mov dx,VGAGRA_ asm mov al,0x04 // read map select register asm mov ah,rmsk asm out dx,ax asm push di block: asm lodsw asm mov cx,ax asm and ch,0x3F asm test ah,0xC0 asm jz endpl asm jns skip asm jnp incsi // replicate? asm add si,cx // skip over data block asm dec si // fix it before following inc incsi: asm inc si tint: asm mov al,es:[di] //----------------------------------------------- // asm xlat ss:0 // unsupported with BASM! __emit__(0x36, 0xD7); // this stands for above! //----------------------------------------------- asm stosb asm loop tint asm jmp block skip: asm add di,cx asm jmp block endpl: asm pop di asm pop ax asm inc rmsk asm shl ah,1 asm test ah,0x10 asm jz x_chk asm mov ah,0x01 asm mov rmsk,0 asm inc di x_chk: asm cmp ah,mask asm jne plane asm pop ds asm pop si asm pop bx */ warning("STUB: BITMAP::xShow"); } void Bitmap::show(int x, int y) { const byte *srcP = (const byte *)_v; byte *destEndP = (byte *)VGA::Page[1]->pixels + (SCR_WID * SCR_HIG); // Loop through processing data for each plane. The game originally ran in plane mapped mode, where a // given plane holds each fourth pixel sequentially. So to handle an entire picture, each plane's data // must be decompressed and inserted into the surface for (int planeCtr = 0; planeCtr < 4; ++planeCtr) { byte *destP = (byte *)VGA::Page[1]->getBasePtr(x + planeCtr, y); for (;;) { uint16 v = READ_LE_UINT16(srcP); srcP += 2; int cmd = v >> 14; int count = v & 0x3FFF; if (cmd == 0) { // End of image break; } assert(destP < destEndP); // Handle a set of pixels while (count-- > 0) { // Transfer operation switch (cmd) { case 1: // SKIP break; case 2: // REPEAT *destP = *srcP; break; case 3: // COPY *destP = *srcP++; break; } // Move to next dest position destP += 4; } if (cmd == 2) ++srcP; } } /* DEBUG code to display image immediately // Temporary g_system->copyRectToScreen((const byte *)VGA::Page[1]->getBasePtr(0, 0), SCR_WID, 0, 0, SCR_WID, SCR_HIG); byte palData[PAL_SIZ]; VGA::DAC2pal(VGA::SysPal, palData); g_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(palData, 0, PAL_CNT); g_system->updateScreen(); g_system->delayMillis(5000); */ } void Bitmap::hide(int x, int y) { for (int yp = y; yp < y + _h; ++yp) { const byte *srcP = (const byte *)VGA::Page[2]->getBasePtr(x, yp); byte *destP = (byte *)VGA::Page[1]->getBasePtr(x, yp); Common::copy(srcP, srcP + _w, destP); } } } // End of namespace CGE