/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on original Sfinx source code * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Janus B. Wisniewski and L.K. Avalon */ #include "sound.h" #include "cge2/cge2_main.h" #include "cge2/cge2.h" #include "cge2/vga13h.h" #include "cge2/text.h" #include "cge2/snail.h" #include "cge2/hero.h" #include "cge2/spare.h" #include "cge2/events.h" namespace CGE2 { System::System(CGE2Engine *vm) : Sprite(vm), _vm(vm) { warning("STUB: System::System()"); } void System::touch(uint16 mask, int x, int y, Common::KeyCode keyCode) { warning("STUB: System::touch()"); } void System::tick() { warning("STUB: System::tick()"); } int CGE2Engine::number(char *s) { // TODO: Rework it later to include the preceding token() call! int r = atoi(s); char *pp = strchr(s, ':'); if (pp) r = (r << 8) + atoi(pp + 1); return r; } char *CGE2Engine::token(char *s) { return strtok(s, " =\t,;/()"); } char *CGE2Engine::tail(char *s) { if (s && (*s == '=')) s++; return s; } int CGE2Engine::takeEnum(const char **tab, const char *text) { if (text) { for (const char **e = tab; *e; e++) { if (scumm_stricmp(text, *e) == 0) { return e - tab; } } } return -1; } ID CGE2Engine::ident(const char *s) { return ID(takeEnum(EncryptedStream::kIdTab, s)); } bool CGE2Engine::testBool(char *s) { return number(s) != 0; } void CGE2Engine::badLab(const char *fn) { error("Misplaced label in %s!", fn); } void CGE2Engine::loadSprite(const char *fname, int ref, int scene, V3D &pos) { int shpcnt = 0; int seqcnt = 0; int cnt[kActions]; for (int i = 0; i < kActions; i++) cnt[i] = 0; ID section = kIdPhase; bool frnt = true; bool east = false; bool port = false; bool tran = false; Hero *h; ID id; char tmpStr[kLineMax + 1]; mergeExt(tmpStr, fname, kSprExt); if (_resman->exist(tmpStr)) { // sprite description file exist EncryptedStream sprf(this, tmpStr); if (sprf.err()) error("Bad SPR [%s]", tmpStr); int label = kNoByte; Common::String line; for (line = sprf.readLine(); !sprf.eos(); line = sprf.readLine()){ int len = line.size(); Common::strlcpy(tmpStr, line.c_str(), sizeof(tmpStr)); if (len == 0 || *tmpStr == ';') continue; char *p; p = token(tmpStr); if (*p == '@') { if (label != kNoByte) badLab(fname); label = atoi(p + 1); continue; } id = ident(p); switch (id) { case kIdName: // will be taken in Expand routine if (label != kNoByte) badLab(fname); break; case kIdType: if (label != kNoByte) badLab(fname); break; case kIdNear: case kIdMTake: case kIdFTake: case kIdPhase: case kIdSeq: if (label != kNoByte) badLab(fname); section = id; break; case kIdFront: if (label != kNoByte) badLab(fname); p = token(nullptr); frnt = testBool(p); break; case kIdEast: if (label != kNoByte) badLab(fname); p = token(nullptr); east = testBool(p); break; case kIdPortable: if (label != kNoByte) badLab(fname); p = token(nullptr); port = testBool(p); break; case kIdTransparent: if (label != kNoByte) badLab(fname); p = token(nullptr); tran = testBool(p); break; default: if (id >= kIdNear) break; switch (section) { case kIdNear: case kIdMTake: case kIdFTake: if (_commandHandler->com(p) >= 0) ++cnt[section]; else error("Bad line %d [%s]", sprf.getLineCount(), tmpStr); break; case kIdPhase: if (label != kNoByte) badLab(fname); ++shpcnt; break; case kIdSeq: if (label != kNoByte) badLab(fname); ++seqcnt; break; } break; } label = kNoByte; } if (!shpcnt) { error("No shapes - %s", fname); } } else // No sprite description: mono-shaped sprite with only .BMP file. ++shpcnt; // Make sprite of choosen type: char c = *fname | 0x20; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' && fname[1] == '0' && fname[2] == '\0') { h = new Hero(this); if (h) { h->gotoxyz(pos); _sprite = h; } } else { if (_sprite) delete _sprite; _sprite = new Sprite(this); if (_sprite) _sprite->gotoxyz(pos); } if (_sprite) { _sprite->_ref = ref; _sprite->_scene = scene; _sprite->_flags._frnt = frnt; _sprite->_flags._east = east; _sprite->_flags._port = port; _sprite->_flags._tran = tran; _sprite->_flags._kill = true; // Extract the filename, without the extension Common::strlcpy(_sprite->_file, fname, sizeof(_sprite->_file)); char *p = strchr(_sprite->_file, '.'); if (p) *p = '\0'; _sprite->_shpCnt = shpcnt; _sprite->_seqCnt = seqcnt; for (int i = 0; i < kActions; i++) _sprite->_actionCtrl[i]._cnt = cnt[i]; } } void CGE2Engine::loadScript(const char *fname) { EncryptedStream scrf(this, fname); if (scrf.err()) return; bool ok = true; int lcnt = 0; char tmpStr[kLineMax + 1]; Common::String line; for (line = scrf.readLine(); !scrf.eos(); line = scrf.readLine()) { char *p; lcnt++; Common::strlcpy(tmpStr, line.c_str(), sizeof(tmpStr)); if ((line.size() == 0) || (*tmpStr == ';')) // Comments start with ';' - don't bother with them. continue; ok = false; // not OK if break V3D P; // sprite ident number if ((p = token(tmpStr)) == NULL) break; int SpI = number(p); // sprite file name char *SpN; if ((SpN = token(nullptr)) == NULL) break; // sprite scene if ((p = token(nullptr)) == NULL) break; int SpA = number(p); // sprite column if ((p = token(nullptr)) == NULL) break; P._x = number(p); // sprite row if ((p = token(nullptr)) == NULL) break; P._y = number(p); // sprite Z pos if ((p = token(nullptr)) == NULL) break; P._z = number(p); // sprite life if ((p = token(nullptr)) == NULL) break; bool BkG = number(p) == 0; ok = true; // no break: OK _sprite = NULL; loadSprite(SpN, SpI, SpA, P); if (_sprite) { if (BkG) _sprite->_flags._back = true; int n = _spare->count(); if (_spare->locate(_sprite->_ref) == nullptr) _spare->store(_sprite); _sprite = nullptr; if (_spare->count() == n) error("Durplicated reference! %s", SpN); } } if (!ok) error("Bad INI line %d [%s]", scrf.getLineCount(), fname); } void CGE2Engine::movie(const char *ext) { assert(ext); if (_quitFlag) return; char fn[12]; sprintf(fn, "CGE.%s", (*ext == '.') ? ext + 1 : ext); if (_resman->exist(fn)) { int now = _now; _now = atoi(ext + 2); loadScript(fn); caveUp(_now); while (!_commandHandler->idle() && !_quitFlag) mainLoop(); warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::movie()"); _commandHandler->addCommand(kCmdClear, -1, 0, nullptr); _commandHandlerTurbo->addCommand(kCmdClear, -1, 0, nullptr); _vga->_showQ->clear(); _spare->clear(); _now = now; } } void CGE2Engine::caveUp(int cav) { _now = cav; int bakRef = _now << 8; if (_music) _midiPlayer->loadMidi(bakRef); showBak(bakRef); _eye = _eyeTab[_now]; _mouseTop = V2D(this, V3D(0, 1, kScrDepth)).y; _spare->takeCave(_now); openPocket(); warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::caveUp()"); // TODO: Implement "Hero" things here! _sound->stop(); _fx->clear(); selectPocket(-1); _infoLine->setText(nullptr); busy(false); if (!_dark) _vga->sunset(); _vga->show(); _vga->copyPage(1, 0); _vga->show(); _sprite = _vga->_showQ->first(); if (_startupMode) _vga->sunrise(_vga->_sysPal); feedSnail(_vga->_showQ->locate(bakRef + 255), kNear, _heroTab[_sex]->_ptr); //setDrawColors(); - It's only for debugging purposes. Can be left out for now. } void CGE2Engine::switchCave(int cav) { warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::switchCave()"); } void CGE2Engine::showBak(int ref) { Sprite *spr = _spare->locate(ref); if (spr != nullptr) { _bitmapPalette = _vga->_sysPal; spr->expand(); _bitmapPalette = NULL; spr->show(2); _vga->copyPage(1, 2); _spare->dispose(spr); } } void CGE2Engine::mainLoop() { _vga->show(); _commandHandlerTurbo->runCommand(); _commandHandler->runCommand(); // Handle a delay between game frames handleFrame(); // Handle any pending events //_eventManager->poll(); warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::mainLoop() - Event handling is missing!"); // Check shouldQuit() _quitFlag = shouldQuit(); } void CGE2Engine::handleFrame() { // Game frame delay uint32 millis = g_system->getMillis(); while (!_quitFlag && (millis < (_lastFrame + kGameFrameDelay))) { // Handle any pending events //_eventManager->poll(); warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::handleFrame() - Event handling is missing!"); if (millis >= (_lastTick + kGameTickDelay)) { // Dispatch the tick to any active objects tick(); _lastTick = millis; } // Slight delay g_system->delayMillis(5); millis = g_system->getMillis(); } _lastFrame = millis; if (millis >= (_lastTick + kGameTickDelay)) { // Dispatch the tick to any active objects tick(); _lastTick = millis; } } Sprite *CGE2Engine::locate(int ref) { _taken = false; Sprite *spr = _vga->_showQ->locate(ref); if (!spr) { spr = _spare->locate(ref); if (spr) _taken = true; } return spr; } bool CGE2Engine::isHero(Sprite *spr) { return spr && spr->_ref / 10 == 14; } void CGE2Engine::tick() { for (Sprite *spr = _vga->_showQ->first(); spr; spr = spr->_next) { if (spr->_time) { if (--spr->_time == 0) spr->tick(); } if (_waitRef) { if (_waitRef == _sprite->_ref) if (spr->seqTest(_waitSeq)) _waitRef = 0; } } //Mouse->Tick(); warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::tick() - Mouse"); } void CGE2Engine::loadMap(int cav) { warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::loadMap()"); } void CGE2Engine::openPocket() { warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::openPocket()"); } void CGE2Engine::selectPocket(int n) { warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::selectPocket()"); } void CGE2Engine::busy(bool on) { warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::selectPocket()"); } void CGE2Engine::runGame() { if (_quitFlag) return; selectPocket(-1); loadUser(); _commandHandlerTurbo->addCommand(kCmdSeq, kMusicRef, _music, nullptr); if (!_music) _midiPlayer->killMidi(); checkSaySwitch(); _infoLine->gotoxyz(V3D(kInfoX, kInfoY, 0)); _infoLine->setText(nullptr); _vga->_showQ->insert(_infoLine); caveUp(_now); _startupMode = 0; _mouse->center(); _mouse->off(); _mouse->on(); _keyboard->setClient(_sys); _commandHandler->addCommand(kCmdSeq, kPowerRef, 1, nullptr); _busyPtr = _vga->_showQ->locate(kBusyRef); _vol[0] = _vga->_showQ->locate(kDvolRef); _vol[1] = _vga->_showQ->locate(kMvolRef); // these sprites are loaded with SeqPtr==0 (why?!) if (_vol[0]) _vol[0]->step((/*(int)SNDDrvInfo.VOL4.DL * */ _vol[0]->_seqCnt + _vol[0]->_seqCnt / 2) >> 4); if (_vol[1]) _vol[1]->step((/*(int)SNDDrvInfo.VOL4.ML * */ _vol[1]->_seqCnt + _vol[1]->_seqCnt / 2) >> 4); // TODO: Recheck these! ^ // main loop while (!_endGame && !_quitFlag) { if (_flag[3]) // Flag FINIS _commandHandler->addCallback(kCmdExec, -1, 0, kQGame); mainLoop(); } // If finishing game due to closing ScummVM window, explicitly save the game if (!_endGame && canSaveGameStateCurrently()) qGame(); _keyboard->setClient(nullptr); _commandHandler->addCommand(kCmdClear, -1, 0, nullptr); _commandHandlerTurbo->addCommand(kCmdClear, -1, 0, nullptr); _mouse->off(); _vga->_showQ->clear(); _vga->_spareQ->clear(); } void CGE2Engine::loadUser() { warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::loadUser()"); // Missing loading from file. TODO: Implement it with the saving/loading! loadScript("CGE.INI"); loadPos(); } void CGE2Engine::loadPos() { if (_resman->exist("CGE.HXY")) { for (int cav = 0; cav < kCaveMax; cav++) _heroTab[1]->_posTab[cav] = new V2D(this, 180, 10); EncryptedStream file(this, "CGE.HXY"); for (int cav = 0; cav < kCaveMax; cav++) { _heroTab[0]->_posTab[cav]->x = file.readSint16LE(); _heroTab[0]->_posTab[cav]->y = file.readSint16LE(); } for (int cav = 0; cav < 41; cav++) { // (564 - 400) / 4 = 41 _heroTab[1]->_posTab[cav]->x = file.readSint16LE(); _heroTab[1]->_posTab[cav]->y = file.readSint16LE(); } } else error("Missing file: CGE.HXY"); } void CGE2Engine::checkSaySwitch() { warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::checkSaySwitch()"); } void CGE2Engine::qGame() { warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::qGame()"); _endGame = true; } void CGE2Engine::loadTab() { setEye(_text->getText(240)); for (int i = 0; i < kCaveMax; i++) _eyeTab[i] == _eye; if (_resman->exist(kTabName)) { EncryptedStream f(this, kTabName); for (int i = 0; i < kCaveMax; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { signed b = f.readSint16BE(); unsigned a = f.readUint16BE(); uint16 round = uint16((long(a) << 16) / 100); if (round > 0x7FFF) b++; switch (j) { case 0: _eyeTab[i]->_x = b; break; case 1: _eyeTab[i]->_y = b; break; case 2: _eyeTab[i]->_z = b; break; } } } } warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::loadTab() - Recheck this"); } void CGE2Engine::cge2_main() { warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::cge2_main()"); loadTab(); _mode++; if (showTitle("WELCOME")) { #if 0 if (_mode == 1) movie(kIntroExt); #endif if (_text->getText(255) != NULL) { runGame(); _startupMode = 2; } else _vga->sunset(); } else _vga->sunset(); } char *CGE2Engine::mergeExt(char *buf, const char *name, const char *ext) { strcpy(buf, name); char *dot = strrchr(buf, '.'); if (!dot) strcat(buf, ext); return buf; } void CGE2Engine::setEye(V3D &e) { _eye = &e; } void CGE2Engine::setEye(const V2D& e2, int z) { _eye->_x = e2.x; _eye->_y = e2.y; _eye->_z = z; } void CGE2Engine::setEye(const char *s) { char tempStr[kLineMax]; strcpy(tempStr, s); _eye->_x = atoi(token(tempStr)); _eye->_y = atoi(token(NULL)); _eye->_z = atoi(token(NULL)); } int CGE2Engine::newRandom(int range) { if (!range) return 0; return _randomSource.getRandomNumber(range - 1); } bool CGE2Engine::showTitle(const char *name) { if (_quitFlag) return false; _bitmapPalette = _vga->_sysPal; BitmapPtr *LB = new BitmapPtr[2]; LB[0] = new Bitmap(this, name); LB[1] = NULL; _bitmapPalette = NULL; Sprite D(this, LB, 1); D._flags._kill = true; warning("STUB: Sprite::showTitle() - Flags changed compared to CGE1's Sprite type."); D.gotoxyz(kScrWidth >> 1, -(kPanHeight >> 1)); _vga->sunset(); D.show(2); _vga->copyPage(1, 2); _vga->copyPage(0, 1); _vga->sunrise(_vga->_sysPal); _vga->update(); warning("STUB: CGE2Engine::showTitle()"); return true; } int CGE2Engine::freePockets(int sx) { int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kPocketMax; i++){ if (_heroTab[sx]->_pocket[i] == nullptr) ++n; } return n; } int CGE2Engine::findActivePocket(int ref) { for (int i = 0; i < kPocketMax; i++) { Sprite *spr = _heroTab[_sex]->_pocket[i]; if (ref >= 0) { if (spr && spr->_ref == ref) return i; } else if (!spr) return i; } return -1; } void CGE2Engine::pocFul() { Hero *h = _heroTab[_sex]->_ptr; h->park(); _commandHandler->addCommand(kCmdWait, -1, -1, h); _commandHandler->addCommand(kCmdSound, -1, 2, h); _commandHandler->addCommand(kCmdSay, -1, kPocketFull + _sex, h); } void CGE2Engine::killText() { if (!_talk) return; _commandHandlerTurbo->addCommand(kCmdKill, -1, 0, _talk); _talk = NULL; } } // End of namespace CGE2