/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on original Sfinx source code * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Janus B. Wisniewski and L.K. Avalon */ #include "cge2/hero.h" #include "cge2/text.h" #include "cge2/map.h" namespace CGE2 { Hero::Hero(CGE2Engine *vm) : Sprite(vm), _contact(nullptr), _dir(kNoDir), _curDim(0), _tracePtr(-1), _ignoreMap(false) { for (int i = 0; i < kDimMax; i++) { _dim[i] = nullptr; } } Sprite *Hero::expand() { // It's very similar to Sprite's expand, but doesn't bother with "labels" for example. TODO: Try to unify the two later! if (_ext) return this; Common::String str(_vm->_text->getText(_ref + 100)); char text[kLineMax + 1]; strcpy(text, str.c_str()); char fname[kMaxPath]; _vm->mergeExt(fname, _file, kSprExt); if (_ext != nullptr) delete _ext; _ext = new SprExt(_vm); if (_ext == nullptr) error("No core %s", fname); if (*_file) { int cnt[kActions]; Seq *seq; int section = kIdPhase; for (int i = 0; i < kDimMax; i++) { _dim[i] = new Bitmap[_shpCnt]; for (int j = 0; j < _shpCnt; j++) _dim[i][j].setVM(_vm); } if (_seqCnt) { seq = new Seq[_seqCnt]; if (seq == nullptr) error("No core %s", fname); } else seq = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < kActions; i++) cnt[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kActions; i++) { byte n = _actionCtrl[i]._cnt; if (n) { _ext->_actions[i] = new CommandHandler::Command[n]; if (_ext->_actions[i] == nullptr) error("No core %s", fname); } else _ext->_actions[i] = nullptr; } if (_vm->_resman->exist(fname)) { // sprite description file exist EncryptedStream sprf(_vm, fname); if (sprf.err()) error("Bad SPR [%s]", fname); ID id; Common::String line; char tmpStr[kLineMax + 1]; int shpcnt = 0; int seqcnt = 0; int maxnow = 0; int maxnxt = 0; for (line = sprf.readLine(); !sprf.eos(); line = sprf.readLine()) { if (line.empty()) continue; Common::strlcpy(tmpStr, line.c_str(), sizeof(tmpStr)); char *p = _vm->token(tmpStr); id = _vm->ident(p); switch (id) { case kIdNear: case kIdMTake: case kIdFTake: case kIdPhase: case kIdSeq: section = id; break; case kIdName: Common::strlcpy(tmpStr, line.c_str(), sizeof(tmpStr)); for (p = tmpStr; *p != '='; p++); // We search for the = setName(_vm->tail(p)); break; default: if (id >= kIdNear) break; Seq *s; switch (section) { case kIdNear: case kIdMTake: case kIdFTake: id = (ID)_vm->_commandHandler->getComId(p); if (_actionCtrl[section]._cnt) { CommandHandler::Command *c = &_ext->_actions[section][cnt[section]++]; c->_commandType = CommandType(id); c->_ref = _vm->number(nullptr); c->_val = _vm->number(nullptr); c->_spritePtr = nullptr; } break; case kIdSeq: s = &seq[seqcnt++]; s->_now = atoi(p); if (s->_now > maxnow) maxnow = s->_now; s->_next = _vm->number(nullptr); switch (s->_next) { case 0xFF: s->_next = seqcnt; break; case 0xFE: s->_next = seqcnt - 1; break; } if (s->_next > maxnxt) maxnxt = s->_next; s->_dx = _vm->number(nullptr); s->_dy = _vm->number(nullptr); s->_dz = _vm->number(nullptr); s->_dly = _vm->number(nullptr); break; case kIdPhase: for (int i = 0; i < kDimMax; i++) { char *q = p; q[1] = '0' + i; Bitmap b(_vm, q); if (!b.moveHi()) error("No EMS %s", q); _dim[i][shpcnt] = b; if (!shpcnt) _hig[i] = b._h; } ++shpcnt; break; } } } if (seq) { if (maxnow >= shpcnt) error("Bad PHASE in SEQ %s", fname); if (maxnxt >= seqcnt) error("Bad JUMP in SEQ %s", fname); setSeq(seq); } else setSeq(_stdSeq8); setShapeList(_dim[0], shpcnt); } } _reachStart = atoi(_vm->token(text)); _reachCycle = atoi(_vm->token(nullptr)); _sayStart = atoi(_vm->token(nullptr)); _funStart = atoi(_vm->token(nullptr)); _funDel = _funDel0 = (72 / _ext->_seq[0]._dly) * atoi(_vm->token(nullptr)); int i = stepSize() / 2; _maxDist = sqrt(double(i * i * 2)); setCurrent(); return this; } Sprite *Hero::contract() { /* TODO: Recheck this later! for (int i = 0; i < kDimMax; i++) { if (_dim[i] != nullptr) delete[] _dim[i]; } */ return this; } void Hero::setCurrent() { FXP m = _vm->_eye->_z / (_pos3D._z - _vm->_eye->_z); FXP tmp = m * _siz.y; int h = -(tmp.trunc()); int i = 0; for (; i < kDimMax - 1; i++) { if (h >= (_hig[i] + _hig[i + 1]) / 2) break; } _ext->_shpList = _dim[_curDim = i]; } void Hero::hStep() { if (!_ignoreMap && _ext) { Seq *seq = _ext->_seq; int ptr = seq[_seqPtr]._next; seq += ptr; if (seq->_dx | seq->_dz) { V2D p0(_vm, _pos3D._x.round(), _pos3D._z.round()); V2D p1(_vm, p0.x + seq->_dx, p0.y + seq->_dz); if (mapCross(p0, p1)) { park(); return; } } } step(); } Sprite *Hero::setContact() { Sprite *spr; int md = _maxDist << 1; for (spr = _vm->_vga->_showQ->first(); spr; spr = spr->_next) { if (spr->_actionCtrl[kNear]._cnt && (spr->_ref & 255) != 255) { if (distance(spr) <= md) { if (spr == _contact) return nullptr; else break; } } } return (_contact = spr); } void Hero::tick() { int z = _pos3D._z.trunc(); //-- maybe not exactly wid/2, but wid/3 ? int d = ((_siz.x / 2) * _vm->_eye->_z.trunc()) / (_vm->_eye->_z.trunc() - z); if (_dir != kNoDir) { // just walking... if (_flags._hold || _tracePtr < 0) park(); else { Sprite *spr = setContact(); if (spr) _vm->feedSnail(spr, kNear, this); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- if (_tracePtr >= 0) { if (distance(_trace[_tracePtr]) <= _maxDist) --_tracePtr; if (_tracePtr < 0) park(); else { int stp = stepSize() / 2; int dx = _trace[_tracePtr]._x.round() - _pos3D._x.round(); int dz = _trace[_tracePtr]._z.round() - _pos3D._z.round(); Dir dir = (dx > stp) ? kEE : ((-dx > stp) ? kWW : ((dz > stp) ? kNN : kSS)); turn(dir); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- hStep(); setCurrent(); switch (_dir) { case kSS: if (_pos3D._z < stepSize() / 2) park(); break; case kWW: if (_pos2D.x <= d) park(); break; case kNN: if (_pos3D._z > kScrDepth) park(); break; case kEE: if (_pos2D.x >= kScrWidth - 1 - d) park(); break; default: break; } if (_flags._trim) gotoxyz_(_pos2D); if (_pos3D._z.trunc() != z) _flags._zmov = true; if (--_funDel == 0) fun(); } int Hero::distance(V3D pos) { V3D di = _pos3D - pos; int x = di._x.round(); int z = di._z.round(); int retval = (int)sqrt((long double)x * x + z * z); return retval; } int Hero::distance(Sprite *spr) { V3D pos = spr->_pos3D; int mdx = (spr->_siz.x >> 1) + (_siz.x >> 1); int dx = (_pos3D._x - spr->_pos3D._x).round(); if (dx < 0) { mdx = -mdx; if (dx > mdx) pos._x = _pos3D._x; else pos._x += mdx; } else { if (dx < mdx) pos._x = _pos3D._x; else pos._x += mdx; } return distance(pos); } void Hero::turn(Dir d) { Dir dir = (_dir == kNoDir) ? kSS : _dir; if (d != _dir) { step((d == dir) ? 57 : (8 + 4 * dir + d)); _dir = d; } resetFun(); } void Hero::park() { if (_dir != kNoDir) { step(8 + 5 * _dir); _dir = kNoDir; _trace[0] = _pos3D; _tracePtr = -1; setCurrent(); _flags._zmov = true; } _ignoreMap = false; if (_time == 0) ++_time; } bool Hero::lower(Sprite * spr) { return (spr->_pos3D._y + (spr->_siz.y >> 2) < 10); } void Hero::reach(int mode) { Sprite *spr = nullptr; if (mode >= 4) { spr = _vm->_vga->_showQ->locate(mode); if (spr) { mode = !spr->_flags._east; // 0-1 if (lower(spr)) // 2-3 mode += 2; } } // note: insert SNAIL commands in reverse order _vm->_commandHandler->insertCommand(kCmdPause, -1, 24, nullptr); _vm->_commandHandler->insertCommand(kCmdSeq, -1, _reachStart + _reachCycle * mode, this); if (spr) { _vm->_commandHandler->insertCommand(kCmdWait, -1, -1, this); _vm->_commandHandler->insertCommand(kCmdWalk, -1, spr->_ref, this); } // sequence is not finished, // now it is just at sprite appear (disappear) point resetFun(); } void Hero::fun() { if (_vm->_commandHandler->idle()) { park(); _vm->_commandHandler->addCommand(kCmdWait, -1, -1, this); _vm->_commandHandler->addCommand(kCmdSeq, -1, _funStart, this); } _funDel = _funDel0 >> 2; } int Hero::len(V2D v) { return sqrt(double(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y)); } bool Hero::findWay(){ V2D p0(_vm, _pos3D._x.round(), _pos3D._z.round()); V2D p1(_vm, _trace[_tracePtr]._x.round(), _trace[_tracePtr]._z.round()); bool pvOk; bool phOk; V2D ph(_vm, p1.x, p0.y); V2D pv(_vm, p0.x, p1.y); pvOk = (!mapCross(p0, pv) && !mapCross(pv, p1)); phOk = (!mapCross(p0, ph) && !mapCross(ph, p1)); int md = (_maxDist >> 1); if (pvOk && (len(ph - p0) <= md || len(p1 - ph) <= md)) return true; if (phOk && (len(pv - p0) <= md || len(p1 - pv) <= md)) return true; if (pvOk) { _trace[++_tracePtr] = V3D(pv.x, 0, pv.y); return true; } if (phOk) { _trace[++_tracePtr] = V3D(ph.x, 0, ph.y); return true; } return false; } int Hero::snap(int p, int q, int grid) { int d = q - p; d = ((d >= 0) ? d : -d) % grid; if (d > (grid >> 1)) d -= grid; return (q >= p) ? (q - d) : (q + d); } void Hero::walkTo(V3D pos) { if (distance(pos) <= _maxDist) return; int stp = stepSize(); pos._x = snap(_pos3D._x.round(), pos._x.round(), stp); pos._y = 0; pos._z = snap(_pos3D._z.round(), pos._z.round(), stp); V2D p0(_vm, _pos3D._x.round(), _pos3D._z.round()); V2D p1(_vm, pos._x.round(), pos._z.round()); resetFun(); int cnt = mapCross(p0, p1); if ((cnt & 1) == 0) { // even == way exists _trace[_tracePtr = 0] = pos; if (!findWay()) { int i; ++_tracePtr; for (i = stp; i < kMaxTry; i += stp) { _trace[_tracePtr] = pos + V3D(i, 0, 0); if (!mapCross(_trace[_tracePtr - 1], _trace[_tracePtr]) && findWay()) break; _trace[_tracePtr] = pos + V3D(-i, 0, 0); if (!mapCross(_trace[_tracePtr - 1], _trace[_tracePtr]) && findWay()) break; _trace[_tracePtr] = pos + V3D(0, 0, i); if (!mapCross(_trace[_tracePtr - 1], _trace[_tracePtr]) && findWay()) break; _trace[_tracePtr] = pos + V3D(0, 0, -i); if (!mapCross(_trace[_tracePtr - 1], _trace[_tracePtr]) && findWay()) break; } if (i >= kMaxTry) _trace[_tracePtr] = V3D(_pos3D._x, 0, pos._z); // not found } } } void Hero::walkTo(Sprite *spr) { int mdx = _siz.x >> 1; int stp = (stepSize() + 1) / 2; if (!spr->_flags._east) mdx = -mdx; walkTo(spr->_pos3D + V3D(mdx, 0, (!spr->_flags._frnt || spr->_pos3D._z < 8) ? stp : -stp)); } V3D Hero::screenToGround(V2D pos) { FXP z = _vm->_eye->_z + (_vm->_eye->_y * _vm->_eye->_z) / (FXP(pos.y) - _vm->_eye->_y); FXP x = _vm->_eye->_x - ((FXP(pos.x) - _vm->_eye->_x) * (z - _vm->_eye->_z)) / _vm->_eye->_z; return V3D(x.round(), 0, z.round()); } int Hero::cross(const V2D &a, const V2D &b) { int x = _pos3D._x.trunc(); int z = _pos3D._z.trunc(); int r = ((_siz.x / 3) * _vm->_eye->_z.trunc()) / (_vm->_eye->_z.trunc() - z); return _vm->cross(a, b, V2D(_vm, x - r, z), V2D(_vm, x + r, z)) << 1; } bool CGE2Engine::cross(const V2D &a, const V2D &b, const V2D &c, const V2D &d) { if (contain(a, b, c)) return true; if (contain(a, b, d)) return true; if (contain(c, d, a)) return true; if (contain(c, d, b)) return true; return sgn(det(a, b, c)) != sgn(det(a, b, d)) && sgn(det(c, d, a)) != sgn(det(c, d, b)); } bool CGE2Engine::contain(const V2D &a, const V2D &b, const V2D &p) { if (det(a, b, p)) return false; return ((long)(a.x - p.x) * (p.x - b.x) >= 0 && (long)(a.y - p.y) * (p.y - b.y) >= 0); } long CGE2Engine::det(const V2D &a, const V2D &b, const V2D &c) { long n = ((long)a.x * b.y + (long)b.x * c.y + (long)c.x * a.y) - ((long)c.x * b.y + (long)b.x * a.y + (long)a.x * c.y); return n; } int CGE2Engine::sgn(long n) { return (n == 0) ? 0 : ((n > 0) ? 1 : -1); } int Hero::mapCross(const V2D &a, const V2D &b) { Hero *o = other(); int n = (o->_scene == _scene) ? o->cross(a, b) : 0; if (!_ignoreMap) n += _vm->mapCross(a, b); return n; } int Hero::mapCross(const V3D &a, const V3D &b) { return mapCross(V2D(_vm, a._x.round(), a._z.round()), V2D(_vm, b._x.round(), b._z.round())); } int CGE2Engine::mapCross(const V2D &a, const V2D &b) { int cnt = 0; V2D *n0 = nullptr; V2D *p = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < _map->size(); i++) { V2D *n = _map->getCoord(i); if (p) { if (cross(a, b, *n0, *n)) ++cnt; if (*n == *p) p = nullptr; } else { p = n; } n0 = n; } return cnt; } void Hero::setScene(int c) { Sprite::setScene(c); resetFun(); } void Hero::operator++() { if (_curDim > 0) _ext->_shpList = _dim[--_curDim]; } void Hero::operator--() { if (_curDim < kDimMax - 1) _ext->_shpList = _dim[++_curDim]; } bool Sprite::works(Sprite *spr) { if (!spr || !spr->_ext) return false; bool ok = false; Action a = _vm->_heroTab[_vm->_sex]->_ptr->action(); CommandHandler::Command *ct = spr->_ext->_actions[a]; if (ct) { int i = spr->_actionCtrl[a]._ptr; int n = spr->_actionCtrl[a]._cnt; while (i < n && !ok) { CommandHandler::Command *c = &ct[i++]; if (c->_commandType != kCmdUse) break; ok = (c->_ref == _ref); if (c->_val > 255) { if (ok) { int p = spr->labVal(a, c->_val >> 8); if (p >= 0) spr->_actionCtrl[a]._ptr = p; else ok = false; } } else { if (c->_val && c->_val != _vm->_now) ok = false; break; } } } return ok; } } // End of namespace CGE2