/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2006 The ScummVM project * * cinE Engine is (C) 2004-2005 by CinE Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/endian.h" #include "common/savefile.h" #include "cine/cine.h" #include "cine/main_loop.h" #include "cine/object.h" #include "cine/sfx_player.h" #include "cine/bg_list.h" #include "cine/various.h" namespace Cine { bool disableSystemMenu = false; bool inMenu; int16 commandVar3[4]; int16 commandVar1; int16 commandVar2; unk1Struct messageTable[NUM_MAX_MESSAGE]; uint32 var6; uint16 var2; uint16 var3; uint16 var4; uint16 var5; int16 buildObjectListCommand(void); void drawString(const char *string, byte param) { } void blitRawScreen(byte *frontBuffer) { gfxFlipRawPage(frontBuffer); } Common::File partFileHandle; void waitPlayerInput(void) { } void freeAnimDataTable(void) { } void setTextWindow(uint16 param1, uint16 param2, uint16 param3, uint16 param4) { } uint16 errorVar; byte menuVar; void gfxFuncGen1(byte *param1, byte *param2, byte *param3, byte *param4, int16 param5) { } byte *page0c; void ptrGfxFunc13(void) { } void gfxFuncGen2(void) { } uint16 allowPlayerInput; uint16 checkForPendingDataLoadSwitch; uint16 fadeRequired; uint16 isDrawCommandEnabled; uint16 waitForPlayerClick; uint16 menuCommandLen; uint16 var17; uint16 var18; uint16 var19; uint16 var20; byte var21; int16 playerCommand; char commandBuffer[80]; char currentPrcName[20]; char currentRelName[20]; char currentObjectName[20]; char currentMsgName[20]; char newPrcName[20]; char newRelName[20]; char newObjectName[20]; char newMsgName[20]; char currentBgName[8][15]; char currentCtName[15]; char currentPartName[15]; char currentDatName[30]; int16 saveVar2; byte isInPause = 0; uint16 defaultMenuBoxColor; byte inputVar1 = 0; uint16 inputVar2; uint16 inputVar3; selectedObjStruct currentSelectedObject; void mainLoopSub3(void) { } int16 stopObjectScript(int16 entryIdx) { prcLinkedListStruct *currentHead = &objScriptList; prcLinkedListStruct *tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; while (currentHead) { if (currentHead->scriptIdx == entryIdx) { currentHead->scriptIdx = -1; return 0; } currentHead = currentHead->next; } return -1; } void runObjectScript(int16 entryIdx) { uint16 i; prcLinkedListStruct *pNewElement; prcLinkedListStruct *currentHead = &objScriptList; prcLinkedListStruct *tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; while (currentHead) { tempHead = currentHead; assert(tempHead); currentHead = tempHead->next; } pNewElement = (prcLinkedListStruct *)malloc(sizeof(prcLinkedListStruct)); assert(pNewElement); pNewElement->next = tempHead->next; tempHead->next = pNewElement; // copy the stack into the script instance for (i = 0; i < SCRIPT_STACK_SIZE; i++) { pNewElement->stack[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { pNewElement->localVars[i] = 0; } pNewElement->compareResult = 0; pNewElement->scriptPosition = 0; pNewElement->scriptPtr = (byte *)relTable[entryIdx].data; pNewElement->scriptIdx = entryIdx; computeScriptStack(pNewElement->scriptPtr, pNewElement->stack, relTable[entryIdx].size); } void addPlayerCommandMessage(int16 cmd) { overlayHeadElement *currentHeadPtr = overlayHead.next; overlayHeadElement *tempHead = &overlayHead; overlayHeadElement *pNewElement; while (currentHeadPtr) { tempHead = currentHeadPtr; currentHeadPtr = tempHead->next; } pNewElement = (overlayHeadElement *)malloc(sizeof(overlayHeadElement)); assert(pNewElement); pNewElement->next = tempHead->next; tempHead->next = pNewElement; pNewElement->objIdx = cmd; pNewElement->type = 3; if (!currentHeadPtr) { currentHeadPtr = &overlayHead; } pNewElement->previous = currentHeadPtr->previous; currentHeadPtr->previous = pNewElement; } int16 getRelEntryForObject(uint16 param1, uint16 param2, selectedObjStruct *pSelectedObject) { int16 i; int16 di = -1; for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAX_REL; i++) { if (relTable[i].data && relTable[i].obj1Param1 == param1 && relTable[i].obj1Param2 == pSelectedObject->idx) { if (param2 == 1) { di = i; } else if (param2 == 2) { if (relTable[i].obj2Param == pSelectedObject->param) { di = i; } } } if (di != -1) break; } return di; } int16 getObjectUnderCursor(uint16 x, uint16 y) { overlayHeadElement *currentHead = overlayHead.previous; while (currentHead) { if (currentHead->type < 2) { if (objectTable[currentHead->objIdx].name[0]) { int16 objX; int16 objY; int16 frame; int16 part; int16 treshold; int16 height; int16 xdif; int16 ydif; objX = objectTable[currentHead->objIdx].x; objY = objectTable[currentHead->objIdx].y; frame = ABS((int16)(objectTable[currentHead->objIdx].frame)); part = objectTable[currentHead->objIdx].part; if (currentHead->type == 0) { treshold = animDataTable[frame].var1; } else { treshold = animDataTable[frame].width / 2; } height = animDataTable[frame].height; xdif = x - objX; ydif = y - objY; if ((xdif >= 0) && ((treshold << 4) > xdif) && (ydif > 0) && (ydif < height)) { if (animDataTable[frame].ptr1) { if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) return currentHead->objIdx; if (currentHead->type == 0) { // use generated mask if (gfxGetBit(x - objX, y - objY, animDataTable[frame].ptr2, animDataTable[frame].width)) { return currentHead->objIdx; } } else if (currentHead->type == 1) { // is mask if (gfxGetBit(x - objX, y - objY, animDataTable[frame].ptr1, animDataTable[frame].width * 4)) { return currentHead->objIdx; } } } } } } currentHead = currentHead->previous; } return -1; } static commandeType currentSaveName[10]; bool CineEngine::loadSaveDirectory(void) { Common::InSaveFile *fHandle; char tmp[80]; snprintf(tmp, 80, "%s.dir", _targetName.c_str()); fHandle = g_saveFileMan->openForLoading(tmp); if (!fHandle) { return false; } fHandle->read(currentSaveName, 10 * 20); delete fHandle; return true; } int16 currentDisk; void loadObjectScriptFromSave(Common::InSaveFile *fHandle) { int16 i; prcLinkedListStruct *newElement; prcLinkedListStruct *currentHead = &globalScriptsHead; prcLinkedListStruct *tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; while (currentHead) { tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; } newElement = (prcLinkedListStruct *)malloc(sizeof(prcLinkedListStruct)); newElement->next = tempHead->next; tempHead->next = newElement; for (i = 0; i < SCRIPT_STACK_SIZE; i++) newElement->stack[i] = fHandle->readUint16BE(); for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) newElement->localVars[i] = fHandle->readUint16BE(); newElement->compareResult = fHandle->readUint16BE(); newElement->scriptPosition = fHandle->readUint16BE(); newElement->scriptIdx = fHandle->readUint16BE(); newElement->scriptPtr = (byte *)relTable[newElement->scriptIdx].data; } void loadGlobalScriptFromSave(Common::InSaveFile *fHandle) { int16 i; prcLinkedListStruct *newElement; prcLinkedListStruct *currentHead = &globalScriptsHead; prcLinkedListStruct *tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; while (currentHead) { tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; } newElement = (prcLinkedListStruct *)malloc(sizeof(prcLinkedListStruct)); newElement->next = tempHead->next; tempHead->next = newElement; for (i = 0; i < SCRIPT_STACK_SIZE; i++) newElement->stack[i] = fHandle->readUint16BE(); for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) newElement->localVars[i] = fHandle->readUint16BE(); newElement->compareResult = fHandle->readUint16BE(); newElement->scriptPosition = fHandle->readUint16BE(); newElement->scriptIdx = fHandle->readUint16BE(); newElement->scriptPtr = scriptTable[newElement->scriptIdx].ptr; } void loadOverlayFromSave(Common::InSaveFile *fHandle) { overlayHeadElement *newElement; overlayHeadElement *currentHead = &overlayHead; overlayHeadElement *tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; while (currentHead) { tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; } newElement = (overlayHeadElement *)malloc(sizeof(overlayHeadElement)); fHandle->readUint32BE(); fHandle->readUint32BE(); newElement->objIdx = fHandle->readUint16BE(); newElement->type = fHandle->readUint16BE(); newElement->x = fHandle->readSint16BE(); newElement->y = fHandle->readSint16BE(); newElement->width = fHandle->readSint16BE(); newElement->color = fHandle->readSint16BE(); newElement->next = tempHead->next; tempHead->next = newElement; if (!currentHead) currentHead = &overlayHead; newElement->previous = currentHead->previous; currentHead->previous = newElement; } void setupGlobalScriptList(void) { prcLinkedListStruct *currentHead = globalScriptsHead.next; while (currentHead) { currentHead->scriptPtr = scriptTable[currentHead->scriptIdx].ptr; currentHead = currentHead->next; } } void setupObjectScriptList(void) { prcLinkedListStruct *currentHead = objScriptList.next; while (currentHead) { currentHead->scriptPtr = (byte *)relTable[currentHead->scriptIdx].data; currentHead = currentHead->next; } } bool CineEngine::makeLoad(char *saveName) { int16 i; int16 size; Common::InSaveFile *fHandle; fHandle = g_saveFileMan->openForLoading(saveName); if (!fHandle) { drawString(otherMessages[0], 0); waitPlayerInput(); // restoreScreen(); checkDataDisk(-1); return false; } g_sfxPlayer->stop(); freeAnimDataTable(); unloadAllMasks(); // if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) { // freeUnkList(); // } freePrcLinkedList(); releaseObjectScripts(); freeBgIncrustList(); closePart(); for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAX_REL; i++) { if (relTable[i].data) { free(relTable[i].data); relTable[i].data = NULL; relTable[i].size = 0; relTable[i].obj1Param1 = 0; relTable[i].obj1Param2 = 0; relTable[i].obj2Param = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAX_SCRIPT; i++) { if (scriptTable[i].ptr) { free(scriptTable[i].ptr); scriptTable[i].ptr = NULL; scriptTable[i].size = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAX_MESSAGE; i++) { messageTable[i].len = 0; if (messageTable[i].ptr) { free(messageTable[i].ptr); messageTable[i].ptr = NULL; } } for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAX_OBJECT; i++) { objectTable[i].part = 0; objectTable[i].name[0] = 0; objectTable[i].frame = 0; objectTable[i].mask = 0; objectTable[i].costume = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { globalVars[i] = 0; } var2 = 0; var3 = 0; var4 = 0; var5 = 0; strcpy(newPrcName, ""); strcpy(newRelName, ""); strcpy(newObjectName, ""); strcpy(newMsgName, ""); strcpy(currentBgName[0], ""); strcpy(currentCtName, ""); allowPlayerInput = 0; waitForPlayerClick = 0; playerCommand = -1; isDrawCommandEnabled = 0; strcpy(commandBuffer, ""); globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] = 0; globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS] = 0; fadeRequired = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { c_palette[i] = 0; } checkForPendingDataLoadSwitch = 0; currentDisk = fHandle->readUint16BE(); fHandle->read(currentPartName, 13); fHandle->read(currentDatName, 13); saveVar2 = fHandle->readSint16BE(); fHandle->read(currentPrcName, 13); fHandle->read(currentRelName, 13); fHandle->read(currentMsgName, 13); fHandle->read(currentBgName[0], 13); fHandle->read(currentCtName, 13); fHandle->readUint16BE(); fHandle->readUint16BE(); for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { objectTable[i].x = fHandle->readSint16BE(); objectTable[i].y = fHandle->readSint16BE(); objectTable[i].mask = fHandle->readUint16BE(); objectTable[i].frame = fHandle->readSint16BE(); objectTable[i].costume = fHandle->readSint16BE(); fHandle->read(objectTable[i].name, 20); objectTable[i].part = fHandle->readUint16BE(); } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { c_palette[i] = fHandle->readUint16BE(); } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { tempPalette[i] = fHandle->readUint16BE(); } for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { globalVars[i] = fHandle->readUint16BE(); } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { zoneData[i] = fHandle->readUint16BE(); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { commandVar3[i] = fHandle->readUint16BE(); } fHandle->read(commandBuffer, 0x50); defaultMenuBoxColor = fHandle->readUint16BE(); bgVar0 = fHandle->readUint16BE(); allowPlayerInput = fHandle->readUint16BE(); playerCommand = fHandle->readSint16BE(); commandVar1 = fHandle->readSint16BE(); isDrawCommandEnabled = fHandle->readUint16BE(); var5 = fHandle->readUint16BE(); var4 = fHandle->readUint16BE(); var3 = fHandle->readUint16BE(); var2 = fHandle->readUint16BE(); commandVar2 = fHandle->readSint16BE(); defaultMenuBoxColor2 = fHandle->readUint16BE(); fHandle->readUint16BE(); fHandle->readUint16BE(); for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAX_ANIMDATA; i++) { animDataTable[i].width = fHandle->readUint16BE(); animDataTable[i].var1 = fHandle->readUint16BE(); animDataTable[i].bpp = fHandle->readUint16BE(); animDataTable[i].height = fHandle->readUint16BE(); animDataTable[i].ptr1 = NULL; animDataTable[i].ptr2 = NULL; animDataTable[i].fileIdx = fHandle->readSint16BE(); animDataTable[i].frameIdx = fHandle->readSint16BE(); fHandle->read(animDataTable[i].name, 10); animDataTable[i].refresh = (fHandle->readByte() != 0); } // TODO: handle screen params (really required ?) fHandle->readUint16BE(); fHandle->readUint16BE(); fHandle->readUint16BE(); fHandle->readUint16BE(); fHandle->readUint16BE(); fHandle->readUint16BE(); size = fHandle->readSint16BE(); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { loadGlobalScriptFromSave(fHandle); } size = fHandle->readSint16BE(); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { loadObjectScriptFromSave(fHandle); } size = fHandle->readSint16BE(); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { loadOverlayFromSave(fHandle); } size = fHandle->readSint16BE(); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { loadBgIncrustFromSave(fHandle); } delete fHandle; checkDataDisk(currentDisk); if (strlen(currentPartName)) { loadPart(currentPartName); } if (strlen(currentPrcName)) { loadPrc(currentPrcName); setupGlobalScriptList(); } if (strlen(currentRelName)) { loadRel(currentRelName); setupObjectScriptList(); } if (strlen(currentMsgName)) { loadMsg(currentMsgName); } if (strlen(currentBgName[0])) { loadBg(currentBgName[0]); } if (strlen(currentCtName)) { loadCt(currentCtName); } loadResourcesFromSave(); reincrustAllBg(); setMouseCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_NORMAL); if (strlen(currentDatName)) { /* i = saveVar2; saveVar2 = 0; loadMusic(); if (i) { playMusic(); }*/ } return true; } void makeSave(char *saveFileName) { int16 i; Common::OutSaveFile *fHandle; fHandle = g_saveFileMan->openForSaving(saveFileName); if (!fHandle) { drawString(otherMessages[1], 0); waitPlayerInput(); // restoreScreen(); checkDataDisk(-1); return; } fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentDisk); fHandle->write(currentPartName, 13); fHandle->write(currentDatName, 13); fHandle->writeUint16BE(saveVar2); fHandle->write(currentPrcName, 13); fHandle->write(currentRelName, 13); fHandle->write(currentMsgName, 13); fHandle->write(currentBgName[0], 13); fHandle->write(currentCtName, 13); fHandle->writeUint16BE(0xFF); fHandle->writeUint16BE(0x20); for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(objectTable[i].x); fHandle->writeUint16BE(objectTable[i].y); fHandle->writeUint16BE(objectTable[i].mask); fHandle->writeUint16BE(objectTable[i].frame); fHandle->writeUint16BE(objectTable[i].costume); fHandle->write(objectTable[i].name, 20); fHandle->writeUint16BE(objectTable[i].part); } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(c_palette[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(tempPalette[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(globalVars[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(zoneData[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(commandVar3[i]); } fHandle->write(commandBuffer, 0x50); fHandle->writeUint16BE(defaultMenuBoxColor); fHandle->writeUint16BE(bgVar0); fHandle->writeUint16BE(allowPlayerInput); fHandle->writeUint16BE(playerCommand); fHandle->writeUint16BE(commandVar1); fHandle->writeUint16BE(isDrawCommandEnabled); fHandle->writeUint16BE(var5); fHandle->writeUint16BE(var4); fHandle->writeUint16BE(var3); fHandle->writeUint16BE(var2); fHandle->writeUint16BE(commandVar2); fHandle->writeUint16BE(defaultMenuBoxColor2); fHandle->writeUint16BE(0xFF); fHandle->writeUint16BE(0x1E); for (i = 0; i < NUM_MAX_ANIMDATA; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(animDataTable[i].width); fHandle->writeUint16BE(animDataTable[i].var1); fHandle->writeUint16BE(animDataTable[i].bpp); fHandle->writeUint16BE(animDataTable[i].height); fHandle->writeSint16BE(animDataTable[i].fileIdx); fHandle->writeSint16BE(animDataTable[i].frameIdx); fHandle->write(animDataTable[i].name, 10); // Horrifyingly, cinE used to dump the entire struct to the // save file, including the data pointers. While these pointers // would be invalid after loading, the loadResourcesFromSave() // function would still test if ptr1 was non-NULL, presumably // to see if the object was present in the room. fHandle->writeByte(animDataTable[i].ptr1 ? 1 : 0); } fHandle->writeUint16BE(0); // Screen params, unhandled fHandle->writeUint16BE(0); fHandle->writeUint16BE(0); fHandle->writeUint16BE(0); fHandle->writeUint16BE(0); fHandle->writeUint16BE(0); { int16 numScript = 0; prcLinkedListStruct *currentHead = globalScriptsHead.next; while (currentHead) { numScript++; currentHead = currentHead->next; } fHandle->writeUint16BE(numScript); // actual save currentHead = globalScriptsHead.next; while (currentHead) { for (i = 0; i < SCRIPT_STACK_SIZE; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->stack[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->localVars[i]); } fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->compareResult); fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->scriptPosition); fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->scriptIdx); currentHead = currentHead->next; } } { int16 numScript = 0; prcLinkedListStruct *currentHead = objScriptList.next; while (currentHead) { numScript++; currentHead = currentHead->next; } fHandle->writeUint16BE(numScript); // actual save currentHead = objScriptList.next; while (currentHead) { for (i = 0; i < SCRIPT_STACK_SIZE; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->stack[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->localVars[i]); } fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->compareResult); fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->scriptPosition); fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->scriptIdx); currentHead = currentHead->next; } } { int16 numScript = 0; overlayHeadElement *currentHead = overlayHead.next; while (currentHead) { numScript++; currentHead = currentHead->next; } fHandle->writeUint16BE(numScript); // actual save currentHead = overlayHead.next; while (currentHead) { fHandle->writeUint32BE(0); fHandle->writeUint32BE(0); fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->objIdx); fHandle->writeUint16BE(currentHead->type); fHandle->writeSint16BE(currentHead->x); fHandle->writeSint16BE(currentHead->y); fHandle->writeSint16BE(currentHead->width); fHandle->writeSint16BE(currentHead->color); currentHead = currentHead->next; } } int numBgIncrustList = 0; BGIncrustList *bgIncrustPtr = bgIncrustList; while (bgIncrustPtr) { numBgIncrustList++; bgIncrustPtr = bgIncrustPtr->next; } fHandle->writeUint16BE(numBgIncrustList); bgIncrustPtr = bgIncrustList; while (bgIncrustPtr) { fHandle->writeUint32BE(0); // next fHandle->writeUint32BE(0); // unkPtr fHandle->writeUint16BE(bgIncrustPtr->objIdx); fHandle->writeUint16BE(bgIncrustPtr->param); fHandle->writeUint16BE(bgIncrustPtr->x); fHandle->writeUint16BE(bgIncrustPtr->y); fHandle->writeUint16BE(bgIncrustPtr->frame); fHandle->writeUint16BE(bgIncrustPtr->part); bgIncrustPtr = bgIncrustPtr->next; } delete fHandle; setMouseCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_NORMAL); } void CineEngine::makeSystemMenu(void) { int16 numEntry; int16 mouseButton; int16 mouseX; int16 mouseY; int16 systemCommand; if (!disableSystemMenu) { inMenu = true; manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, (uint16 *)&mouseButton,(uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); while (mouseButton) { manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, (uint16 *)&mouseButton, (uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); } numEntry = 6; if (!allowPlayerInput) { numEntry--; } systemCommand = makeMenuChoice(systemMenu, numEntry, mouseX, mouseY, 140); switch (systemCommand) { case 0: { drawString(otherMessages[2], 0); waitPlayerInput(); break; } case 1: { getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, (uint16 *)&mouseButton, (uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); if (!makeMenuChoice(confirmMenu, 2, mouseX, mouseY + 8, 100)) { //reinitEngine(); } break; } case 2: { getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, (uint16 *)&mouseButton, (uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); if (!makeMenuChoice(confirmMenu, 2, mouseX, mouseY + 8, 100)) { exitEngine = 1; } break; } case 3: // Select save drive... change ? { break; } case 4: // load game { if (loadSaveDirectory()) { int16 selectedSave; getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, (uint16 *)&mouseButton, (uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); selectedSave = makeMenuChoice(currentSaveName, 10, mouseX, mouseY + 8, 180); if (selectedSave >= 0) { char saveNameBuffer[256]; sprintf(saveNameBuffer, "%s.%1d", _targetName.c_str(), selectedSave); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, (uint16 *)&mouseButton, (uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); if (!makeMenuChoice(confirmMenu, 2, mouseX, mouseY + 8, 100)) { char loadString[256]; sprintf(loadString, otherMessages[3], currentSaveName[selectedSave]); drawString(loadString, 0); makeLoad(saveNameBuffer); } else { drawString(otherMessages[4], 0); waitPlayerInput(); checkDataDisk(-1); } } else { drawString(otherMessages[4], 0); waitPlayerInput(); checkDataDisk(-1); } } else { drawString(otherMessages[5], 0); waitPlayerInput(); checkDataDisk(-1); } break; } case 5: { int16 selectedSave; loadSaveDirectory(); selectedSave = makeMenuChoice(currentSaveName, 10, mouseX, mouseY + 8, 180); if (selectedSave >= 0) { char saveFileName[256]; char saveName[20]; saveName[0] = 0; if (!makeTextEntryMenu(otherMessages[6], saveName, 20, 120)) break; strncpy(currentSaveName[selectedSave], saveName, 20); sprintf(saveFileName, "%s.%1d", _targetName.c_str(), selectedSave); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, (uint16 *)&mouseButton, (uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); if (!makeMenuChoice(confirmMenu, 2, mouseX, mouseY + 8, 100)) { char saveString[256], tmp[80]; Common::OutSaveFile *fHandle; snprintf(tmp, 80, "%s.dir", _targetName.c_str()); fHandle = g_saveFileMan->openForSaving(tmp); fHandle->write(currentSaveName, 200); delete fHandle; sprintf(saveString, otherMessages[3], currentSaveName[selectedSave]); drawString(saveString, 0); makeSave(saveFileName); checkDataDisk(-1); } else { drawString(otherMessages[4], 0); waitPlayerInput(); checkDataDisk(-1); } } break; } } inMenu = false; } } const int16 choiceResultTable[] = { 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 }; const int16 subObjectUseTable[] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0 }; const int16 canUseOnItemTable[] = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 }; commandeType objectListCommand[20]; int16 objListTab[20]; void makeTextEntry(const commandeType commandList[], uint16 height, uint16 X, uint16 Y, uint16 width) { byte color = 2; byte color2; int16 paramY = (height * 9) + 10; int16 currentX; int16 currentY; int16 i; uint16 j; if (X + width > 319) { X = 319 - width; } if (Y + paramY > 199) { Y = 199 - paramY; } color2 = defaultMenuBoxColor2; hideMouse(); blitRawScreen(page1Raw); gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X, Y, X + width, Y + 4, color2, page1Raw); currentX = X + 4; currentY = Y + 4; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X, currentY, X + width, currentY + 9, color2, page1Raw); currentX = X + 4; for (j = 0; j < strlen(commandList[i]); j++) { byte currentChar = commandList[i][j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { currentX += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, currentX, currentY); currentX += characterWidth + 1; } } } currentY += 9; } gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X, currentY, X + width, currentY + 4, color2, page1Raw); // bottom part gfxDrawLine(X + 1, Y + 1, X + width - 1, Y + 1, 0, page1Raw); // top gfxDrawLine(X + 1, currentY + 3, X + width - 1, currentY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // bottom gfxDrawLine(X + 1, Y + 1, X + 1, currentY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // left gfxDrawLine(X + width - 1, Y + 1, X + width - 1, currentY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // left gfxDrawLine(X, Y, X + width, Y, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(X, currentY + 4, X + width, currentY + 4, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(X, Y, X, currentY + 4, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(X + width, Y, X + width, currentY + 4, color, page1Raw); blitRawScreen(page1Raw); } void processInventory(int16 x, int16 y) { int16 listSize = buildObjectListCommand(); uint16 button; if (!listSize) return; makeTextEntry(objectListCommand, listSize, x, y, 140); do { manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &button, &dummyU16, &dummyU16); } while (!button); } int16 buildObjectListCommand(void) { int16 i; int16 j; assert(g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_FW); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { objectListCommand[i][0] = 0; } j = 0; for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (objectTable[i].name[0] && objectTable[i].costume == -2) { strcpy(objectListCommand[j], objectTable[i].name); objListTab[j] = i; j++; } } return j; } int16 buildObjectListCommand2(int16 param) { int16 i; int16 j; assert(g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { objectListCommand[i][0] = 0; } j = 0; for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (objectTable[i].name[0] && objectTable[i].costume == param) { strcpy(objectListCommand[j], objectTable[i].name); objListTab[j] = i; j++; } } return j; } int16 selectSubObject(int16 x, int16 y) { int16 listSize = buildObjectListCommand(); int16 selectedObject; if (!listSize) { return -2; } selectedObject = makeMenuChoice(objectListCommand, listSize, x, y, 140); if (selectedObject == -1) return -1; return objListTab[selectedObject]; } int16 selectSubObject2(int16 x, int16 y, int16 param) { int16 listSize = buildObjectListCommand2(param); int16 selectedObject; if (!listSize) { return -2; } selectedObject = makeMenuChoice2(objectListCommand, listSize, x, y, 140); if (selectedObject == -1) return -1; if (selectedObject >= 8000) { return objListTab[selectedObject - 8000] + 8000; } return objListTab[selectedObject]; } int16 canUseOnObject = 0; void makeCommandLine(void) { uint16 x; uint16 y; commandVar1 = 0; commandVar2 = -10; if (playerCommand != -1) { strcpy(commandBuffer, defaultActionCommand[playerCommand]); } else { strcpy(commandBuffer, ""); } if ((playerCommand != -1) && (choiceResultTable[playerCommand] == 2)) { // need object selection ? int16 si; getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &dummyU16, &x, &y); if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_FW) { si = selectSubObject(x, y + 8); } else { si = selectSubObject2(x, y + 8, -subObjectUseTable[playerCommand]); } if (si < 0) { playerCommand = -1; strcpy(commandBuffer, ""); } else { if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) { if (si >= 8000) { si -= 8000; canUseOnObject = canUseOnItemTable[playerCommand]; } else { canUseOnObject = 0; } } commandVar3[0] = si; commandVar1 = 1; strcat(commandBuffer, " "); strcat(commandBuffer, objectTable[commandVar3[0]].name); strcat(commandBuffer, " "); strcat(commandBuffer, commandPrepositionOn); } } else { if (playerCommand == 2) { getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &dummyU16, &x, &y); processInventory(x, y + 8); playerCommand = -1; commandVar1 = 0; strcpy(commandBuffer, ""); } } if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) { if (playerCommand != -1 && canUseOnObject != 0) { // call use on sub object int16 si; getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &dummyU16, &x, &y); si = selectSubObject2(x, y + 8, -subObjectUseTable[playerCommand]); if (si) { if (si >= 8000) { si -= 8000; } commandVar3[commandVar1] = si; commandVar1++; // TODO: add command message draw } isDrawCommandEnabled = 1; if (playerCommand != -1 && choiceResultTable[playerCommand] == commandVar1) { selectedObjStruct obj; obj.idx = commandVar3[0]; obj.param = commandVar3[1]; int16 di = getRelEntryForObject(playerCommand, commandVar1, &obj); if (di != -1) { runObjectScript(di); } } } } if (!disableSystemMenu) { isDrawCommandEnabled = 1; } } uint16 needMouseSave = 0; uint16 menuVar4 = 0; uint16 menuVar5 = 0; int16 makeMenuChoice(const commandeType commandList[], uint16 height, uint16 X, uint16 Y, uint16 width) { byte color = 2; byte color2; int16 paramY; int16 currentX; int16 currentY; int16 i; uint16 button; int16 var_A; int16 di; uint16 j; int16 mouseX; int16 mouseY; int16 var_16; int16 var_14; int16 currentSelection; int16 oldSelection; int16 var_4; if (disableSystemMenu) return -1; paramY = (height * 9) + 10; if (X + width > 319) { X = 319 - width; } if (Y + paramY > 199) { Y = 199 - paramY; } color2 = defaultMenuBoxColor2; hideMouse(); blitRawScreen(page1Raw); gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X, Y, X + width, Y + 4, color2, page1Raw); currentX = X + 4; currentY = Y + 4; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X, currentY, X + width, currentY + 9, color2, page1Raw); currentX = X + 4; for (j = 0; j < strlen(commandList[i]); j++) { byte currentChar = commandList[i][j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { currentX += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, currentX, currentY); currentX += characterWidth + 1; } } } currentY += 9; } gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X, currentY, X + width, currentY + 4, color2, page1Raw); // bottom part gfxDrawLine(X + 1, Y + 1, X + width - 1, Y + 1, 0, page1Raw); // top gfxDrawLine(X + 1, currentY + 3, X + width - 1, currentY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // bottom gfxDrawLine(X + 1, Y + 1, X + 1, currentY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // left gfxDrawLine(X + width - 1, Y + 1, X + width - 1, currentY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // left gfxDrawLine(X, Y, X + width, Y, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(X, currentY + 4, X + width, currentY + 4, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(X, Y, X, currentY + 4, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(X + width, Y, X + width, currentY + 4, color, page1Raw); blitRawScreen(page1Raw); do { manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &button, &dummyU16, &dummyU16); } while (button); var_A = 0; currentSelection = 0; di = currentSelection * 9 + Y + 4; gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X + 2, di - 1, X + width - 2, di + 7, 0, page1Raw); // draw black box behind selection currentX = X + 4; for (j = 0; j < strlen(commandList[currentSelection]); j++) { byte currentChar = commandList[currentSelection][j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { currentX += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, currentX, di); currentX += characterWidth + 1; } } } blitRawScreen(page1Raw); manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &button, (uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); var_16 = mouseX; var_14 = mouseY; menuVar = 0; do { manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &button, (uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); if (button) { var_A = 1; } oldSelection = currentSelection; if (needMouseSave) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { mainLoopSub6(); } if (menuVar4 && currentSelection > 0) { // go up currentSelection--; } if (menuVar5) { // go down if (height - 1 > currentSelection) { currentSelection++; } } } else { if (mouseX > X && mouseX < X + width && mouseY > Y && mouseY < Y + height * 9) { currentSelection = (mouseY - (Y + 4)) / 9; if (currentSelection < 0) currentSelection = 0; if (currentSelection >= height) currentSelection = height - 1; } } if (currentSelection != oldSelection) { // old != new if (needMouseSave) { hideMouse(); } di = oldSelection * 9 + Y + 4; gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X + 2, di - 1, X + width - 2, di + 7, color2, page1Raw); // restore color currentX = X + 4; for (j = 0; j < strlen(commandList[oldSelection]); j++) { byte currentChar = commandList[oldSelection][j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { currentX += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, currentX, di); currentX += characterWidth + 1; } } } di = currentSelection * 9 + Y + 4; gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X + 2, di - 1, X + width - 2, di + 7, 0, page1Raw); // black new currentX = X + 4; for (j = 0; j < strlen(commandList[currentSelection]); j++) { byte currentChar = commandList[currentSelection][j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { currentX += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, currentX, di); currentX += characterWidth + 1; } } } blitRawScreen(page1Raw); if (needMouseSave) { gfxFuncGen2(); } } } while (!var_A); assert(!needMouseSave); var_4 = button; menuVar = 0; do { manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &button, &dummyU16, &dummyU16); } while (button); if (var_4 == 2) { // recheck return -1; } return currentSelection; } int16 makeMenuChoice2(const commandeType commandList[], uint16 height, uint16 X, uint16 Y, uint16 width) { byte color = 2; byte color2; int16 paramY; int16 currentX; int16 currentY; int16 i; uint16 button; int16 var_A; int16 di; uint16 j; int16 mouseX; int16 mouseY; int16 var_16; int16 var_14; int16 currentSelection; int16 oldSelection; int16 var_4; if (disableSystemMenu) return -1; paramY = (height * 9) + 10; if (X + width > 319) { X = 319 - width; } if (Y + paramY > 199) { Y = 199 - paramY; } color2 = defaultMenuBoxColor2; hideMouse(); blitRawScreen(page1Raw); gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X, Y, X + width, Y + 4, color2, page1Raw); currentX = X + 4; currentY = Y + 4; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X, currentY, X + width, currentY + 9, color2, page1Raw); currentX = X + 4; for (j = 0; j < strlen(commandList[i]); j++) { byte currentChar = commandList[i][j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { currentX += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, currentX, currentY); currentX += characterWidth + 1; } } } currentY += 9; } gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X, currentY, X + width, currentY + 4, color2, page1Raw); // bottom part gfxDrawLine(X + 1, Y + 1, X + width - 1, Y + 1, 0, page1Raw); // top gfxDrawLine(X + 1, currentY + 3, X + width - 1, currentY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // bottom gfxDrawLine(X + 1, Y + 1, X + 1, currentY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // left gfxDrawLine(X + width - 1, Y + 1, X + width - 1, currentY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // left gfxDrawLine(X, Y, X + width, Y, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(X, currentY + 4, X + width, currentY + 4, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(X, Y, X, currentY + 4, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(X + width, Y, X + width, currentY + 4, color, page1Raw); blitRawScreen(page1Raw); do { manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &button, &dummyU16, &dummyU16); } while (button); var_A = 0; currentSelection = 0; di = currentSelection * 9 + Y + 4; gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X + 2, di - 1, X + width - 2, di + 7, 0, page1Raw); // draw black box behind selection currentX = X + 4; for (j = 0; j < strlen(commandList[currentSelection]); j++) { byte currentChar = commandList[currentSelection][j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { currentX += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, currentX, di); currentX += characterWidth + 1; } } } blitRawScreen(page1Raw); manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &button, (uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); var_16 = mouseX; var_14 = mouseY; menuVar = 0; do { manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &button, (uint16 *)&mouseX, (uint16 *)&mouseY); if (button) { var_A = 1; } oldSelection = currentSelection; if (needMouseSave) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { mainLoopSub6(); } if (menuVar4 && currentSelection > 0) { // go up currentSelection--; } if (menuVar5) { // go down if (height - 1 > currentSelection) { currentSelection++; } } } else { if (mouseX > X && mouseX < X + width && mouseY > Y && mouseY < Y + height * 9) { currentSelection = (mouseY - (Y + 4)) / 9; if (currentSelection < 0) currentSelection = 0; if (currentSelection >= height) currentSelection = height - 1; } } if (currentSelection != oldSelection) { // old != new if (needMouseSave) { hideMouse(); } di = oldSelection * 9 + Y + 4; gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X + 2, di - 1, X + width - 2, di + 7, color2, page1Raw); // restore color currentX = X + 4; for (j = 0; j < strlen(commandList[oldSelection]); j++) { byte currentChar = commandList[oldSelection][j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { currentX += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, currentX, di); currentX += characterWidth + 1; } } } di = currentSelection * 9 + Y + 4; gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(X + 2, di - 1, X + width - 2, di + 7, 0, page1Raw); // black new currentX = X + 4; for (j = 0; j < strlen(commandList[currentSelection]); j++) { byte currentChar = commandList[currentSelection][j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { currentX += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, currentX, di); currentX += characterWidth + 1; } } } blitRawScreen(page1Raw); if (needMouseSave) { gfxFuncGen2(); } } } while (!var_A); assert(!needMouseSave); var_4 = button; menuVar = 0; do { manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &button, &dummyU16, &dummyU16); } while (button); if (var_4 == 2) { // recheck return currentSelection + 8000; } return currentSelection; } void drawMenuBox(char *command, int16 x, int16 y) { byte j; byte lColor = 2; hideMouse(); gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x, y, x + 300, y + 10, 0, page2Raw); gfxDrawLine(x - 1, y - 1, x + 301, y - 1, lColor, page2Raw); // top gfxDrawLine(x - 1, y + 11, x + 301, y + 11, lColor, page2Raw); // bottom gfxDrawLine(x - 1, y - 1, x - 1, y + 11, lColor, page2Raw); // left gfxDrawLine(x + 301, y - 1, x + 301, y + 11, lColor, page2Raw); // right x += 2; y += 2; for (j = 0; j < strlen(command); j++) { byte currentChar = command[j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { x += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page2Raw, x, y); x += characterWidth + 1; } } } gfxFuncGen2(); } void makeActionMenu(void) { uint16 mouseButton; uint16 mouseX; uint16 mouseY; inMenu = true; getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &mouseButton, &mouseX, &mouseY); if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) { playerCommand = makeMenuChoice2(defaultActionCommand, 6, mouseX, mouseY, 70); if (playerCommand >= 8000) { playerCommand -= 8000; canUseOnObject = 1; } } else { playerCommand = makeMenuChoice(defaultActionCommand, 6, mouseX, mouseY, 70); } inMenu = false; } uint16 executePlayerInput(void) { uint16 var_5E; uint16 var_2; uint16 mouseButton; uint16 mouseX; uint16 mouseY; canUseOnObject = 0; if (isInPause) { drawString(otherMessages[2], 0); waitPlayerInput(); isInPause = 0; } if (allowPlayerInput) { uint16 currentEntry = 0; uint16 di = 0; if (isDrawCommandEnabled) { drawMenuBox(commandBuffer, 10, defaultMenuBoxColor); isDrawCommandEnabled = 0; } getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &mouseButton, &mouseX, &mouseY); while (mouseButton && currentEntry < 200) { if (mouseButton & 1) { di |= 1; } if (mouseButton & 2) { di |= 2; } getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &mouseButton, &mouseX, &mouseY); currentEntry++; } if (di) { mouseButton = di; } if (playerCommand != -1) { if (mouseButton & 1) { if (mouseButton & 2) { g_cine->makeSystemMenu(); } else { int16 si; do { manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &mouseButton, &dummyU16, &dummyU16); } while (mouseButton); si = getObjectUnderCursor(mouseX, mouseY); if (si != -1) { commandVar3[commandVar1] = si; commandVar1++; strcat(commandBuffer, " "); strcat(commandBuffer, objectTable[si].name); isDrawCommandEnabled = 1; if (choiceResultTable[playerCommand] == commandVar1) { int16 relEntry; drawMenuBox(commandBuffer, 10, defaultMenuBoxColor); selectedObjStruct obj; obj.idx = commandVar3[0]; obj.param = commandVar3[1]; relEntry = getRelEntryForObject(playerCommand, commandVar1, &obj); if (relEntry != -1) { runObjectScript(relEntry); } else { addPlayerCommandMessage(playerCommand); } playerCommand = -1; commandVar1 = 0; strcpy(commandBuffer, ""); } } else { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] = mouseX; globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS] = mouseY; } } } else { if (mouseButton & 2) { if (mouseButton & 1) { g_cine->makeSystemMenu(); } makeActionMenu(); makeCommandLine(); } else { int16 objIdx; objIdx = getObjectUnderCursor(mouseX, mouseY); if (commandVar2 != objIdx) { if (objIdx != -1) { char command[256]; strcpy(command, commandBuffer); strcat(command, " "); strcat(command, objectTable[objIdx].name); drawMenuBox(command, 10, defaultMenuBoxColor); } else { isDrawCommandEnabled = 1; } } commandVar2 = objIdx; } } } else { if (mouseButton & 2) { if (!(mouseButton & 1)) { if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) { playerCommand = makeMenuChoice2(defaultActionCommand, 6, mouseX, mouseY, 70); if (playerCommand >= 8000) { playerCommand -= 8000; canUseOnObject = 1; } } else { playerCommand = makeMenuChoice(defaultActionCommand, 6, mouseX, mouseY, 70); } makeCommandLine(); } else { g_cine->makeSystemMenu(); } } else { if (mouseButton & 1) { if (!(mouseButton & 2)) { int16 objIdx; int16 relEntry; globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] = mouseX; if (!mouseX) { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS]++; } globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS] = mouseY; objIdx = getObjectUnderCursor(mouseX, mouseY); if (objIdx != -1) { currentSelectedObject.idx = objIdx; currentSelectedObject.param = -1; relEntry = getRelEntryForObject(6, 1, ¤tSelectedObject); if (relEntry != -1) { runObjectScript(relEntry); } } } else { g_cine->makeSystemMenu(); } } } } } else { uint16 di = 0; getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &mouseButton, &mouseX, &mouseY); while (mouseButton) { if (mouseButton & 1) { di |= 1; } if (mouseButton & 2) { di |= 2; } manageEvents(); getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &mouseButton, &mouseX, &mouseY); } if (di) { mouseButton = di; } if ((mouseButton & 1) && (mouseButton & 2)) { g_cine->makeSystemMenu(); } } var_2 = menuVar & 0x7F; var_5E = var_2; if (menuVar & 0x80) { var_5E = 0; var_2 = 0; } if (inputVar1 && allowPlayerInput) { // use keyboard inputVar1 = 0; switch (globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_MODE]) { case 1: mouseX = objectTable[1].x + 12; break; case 2: mouseX = objectTable[1].x + 7; break; default: mouseX = globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS]; break; } switch (globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_MODE]) { case 1: mouseY = objectTable[1].y + 34; break; case 2: mouseY = objectTable[1].y + 28; break; default: mouseY = globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS]; break; } if (var_5E == bgVar0) { var_5E = 0; globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] = mouseX; globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS] = mouseY; } else { if (inputVar2) { if (inputVar2 == 2) { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] = 1; } else { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] = 320; } } else { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] = mouseX; } if (inputVar3) { if (inputVar3 == 2) { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS] = 1; } else { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS] = 200; } } else { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS] = mouseY; } } bgVar0 = var_5E; } else { // don't use keyboard for move -> shortcuts to commands getMouseData(mouseUpdateStatus, &mouseButton, &mouseX, &mouseY); switch (var_2 - 59) { case 0: if (allowPlayerInput) { playerCommand = 0; makeCommandLine(); } break; case 1: if (allowPlayerInput) { playerCommand = 1; makeCommandLine(); } break; case 2: if (allowPlayerInput) { playerCommand = 2; makeCommandLine(); } break; case 3: if (allowPlayerInput) { playerCommand = 3; makeCommandLine(); } break; case 4: if (allowPlayerInput) { playerCommand = 4; makeCommandLine(); } break; case 5: if (allowPlayerInput) { playerCommand = 5; makeCommandLine(); } break; case 6: case 7: case 8: case 23: break; case 9: case 24: g_cine->makeSystemMenu(); break; default: // printf("Unhandled case %d in last part of executePlayerInput\n",var2-59); break; } } return var_5E; } void drawSprite(overlayHeadElement *currentOverlay, byte *spritePtr, byte *maskPtr, uint16 width, uint16 height, byte *page, int16 x, int16 y) { #if 0 byte *ptr = NULL; byte i = 0; uint16 si = 0; overlayHeadElement *pCurrentOverlay = currentOverlay; while (pCurrentOverlay) { // unfinished, probably for mask handling.. if (pCurrentOverlay->type == 5) { int16 maskX; int16 maskY; int16 maskWidth; int16 maskHeight; uint16 maskSpriteIdx; if (!si) { ptr = (byte *)malloc(width * height); si = 1; } maskX = objectTable[pCurrentOverlay->objIdx].x; maskY = objectTable[pCurrentOverlay->objIdx].y; maskSpriteIdx = objectTable[pCurrentOverlay->objIdx].frame; maskWidth = animDataTable[maskSpriteIdx].width / 2; maskHeight = animDataTable[maskSpriteIdx].height; gfxSpriteFunc2(spritePtr, width, height, animDataTable[maskSpriteIdx].ptr1, maskWidth, maskHeight, ptr, maskX - x,maskY - y, i++); } pCurrentOverlay = pCurrentOverlay->next; } if (si) { gfxSpriteFunc1(ptr, width, height, page, x, y); free(ptr); } else #endif if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) { drawSpriteRaw2(spritePtr, objectTable[currentOverlay->objIdx].part, width, height, page, x, y); } else { drawSpriteRaw(spritePtr, maskPtr, width, height, page, x, y); } } int16 additionalBgVScroll = 0; void backupOverlayPage(void) { byte *bgPage; byte *scrollBg; bgPage = additionalBgTable[currentAdditionalBgIdx]; if (bgPage) { if (!additionalBgVScroll) { memcpy(page1Raw, bgPage, 320 * 200); } else { int16 i; scrollBg = additionalBgTable[currentAdditionalBgIdx2]; for (i = additionalBgVScroll; i < 200 + additionalBgVScroll; i++) { if (i > 200) { memcpy(page1Raw + (i - additionalBgVScroll) * 320, scrollBg + (i - 200) * 320, 320); } else { memcpy(page1Raw + (i - additionalBgVScroll) * 320, bgPage + (i) * 320, 320); } } } } } void drawDialogueMessage(byte msgIdx, int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 color) { byte color2 = 2; byte endOfMessageReached = 0; int16 localX; int16 localY; int16 localWidth; char *messagePtr = (char *)messageTable[msgIdx].ptr; if (!messagePtr) { freeOverlay(msgIdx, 2); return; } var20 += strlen(messagePtr); gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x, y, x + width, y + 4, color, page1Raw); localX = x + 4; localY = y + 4; localWidth = width - 8; do { uint16 messageLength = 0; uint16 numWords; uint16 messageWidth; uint16 lineResult; char *endOfMessagePtr; uint16 fullLineWidth; uint16 interWordSize; uint16 interWordSizeRemain; byte currentChar; byte characterWidth; while (messagePtr[messageLength] == ' ') { messageLength++; } messagePtr += messageLength; messageLength = computeMessageLength((byte *) messagePtr, localWidth, &numWords, &messageWidth, &lineResult); endOfMessagePtr = messagePtr + messageLength; if (lineResult) { fullLineWidth = localWidth - messageWidth; if (numWords) { interWordSize = fullLineWidth / numWords; interWordSizeRemain = fullLineWidth % numWords; } else { interWordSize = 5; interWordSizeRemain = 0; } } else { interWordSize = 5; interWordSizeRemain = 0; } gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x, localY, x + width, localY + 9, color, page1Raw); do { currentChar = *(messagePtr++); if (currentChar == 0) { endOfMessageReached = 1; } else if (currentChar == ' ') { localX += interWordSizeRemain + interWordSize; if (interWordSizeRemain) interWordSizeRemain = 0; } else { characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, localX, localY); localX += characterWidth + 1; } } } while ((messagePtr < endOfMessagePtr) && !endOfMessageReached); localX = x + 4; localY += 9; } while (!endOfMessageReached); gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x, localY, x + width, localY + 4, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x + 1, y + 1, x + width - 1, y + 1, 0, page1Raw); // top gfxDrawLine(x + 1, localY + 3, x + width - 1, localY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // bottom gfxDrawLine(x + 1, y + 1, x + 1, localY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // left gfxDrawLine(x + width - 1, y + 1, x + width - 1, localY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // right gfxDrawLine(x, y, x + width, y, color2, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x, localY + 4, x + width, localY + 4, color2, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x, y, x, localY + 4, color2, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x + width, y, x + width, localY + 4, color2, page1Raw); freeOverlay(msgIdx, 2); } void drawFailureMessage(byte cmd) { byte color2 = 2; byte endOfMessageReached = 0; int16 localX; int16 localY; int16 localWidth; byte msgIdx = cmd * 4 + rand() % 4; const char *messagePtr = failureMessages[msgIdx]; int len = strlen(messagePtr); var20 += len; int16 width = 6 * len + 20; if (width > 300) width = 300; int16 x = (320 - width) / 2; int16 y = 80; int16 color = 4; gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x, y, x + width, y + 4, color, page1Raw); localX = x + 4; localY = y + 4; localWidth = width - 8; do { uint16 messageLength = 0; uint16 numWords; uint16 messageWidth; uint16 lineResult; const char *endOfMessagePtr; uint16 fullLineWidth; uint16 interWordSize; uint16 interWordSizeRemain; byte currentChar; byte characterWidth; while (messagePtr[messageLength] == ' ') { messageLength++; } messagePtr += messageLength; messageLength = computeMessageLength((const byte *)messagePtr, localWidth, &numWords, &messageWidth, &lineResult); endOfMessagePtr = messagePtr + messageLength; if (lineResult) { fullLineWidth = localWidth - messageWidth; if (numWords) { interWordSize = fullLineWidth / numWords; interWordSizeRemain = fullLineWidth % numWords; } else { interWordSize = 5; interWordSizeRemain = 0; } } else { interWordSize = 5; interWordSizeRemain = 0; } gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x, localY, x + width, localY + 9, color, page1Raw); do { currentChar = *(messagePtr++); if (currentChar == 0) { endOfMessageReached = 1; } else if (currentChar == ' ') { localX += interWordSizeRemain + interWordSize; if (interWordSizeRemain) interWordSizeRemain = 0; } else { characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, localX, localY); localX += characterWidth + 1; } } } while ((messagePtr < endOfMessagePtr) && !endOfMessageReached); localX = x + 4; localY += 9; } while (!endOfMessageReached); gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x, localY, x + width, localY + 4, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x + 1, y + 1, x + width - 1, y + 1, 0, page1Raw); // top gfxDrawLine(x + 1, localY + 3, x + width - 1, localY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // bottom gfxDrawLine(x + 1, y + 1, x + 1, localY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // left gfxDrawLine(x + width - 1, y + 1, x + width - 1, localY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // right gfxDrawLine(x, y, x + width, y, color2, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x, localY + 4, x + width, localY + 4, color2, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x, y, x, localY + 4, color2, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x + width, y, x + width, localY + 4, color2, page1Raw); freeOverlay(cmd, 3); } void drawOverlays(void) { overlayHeadElement *currentOverlay; backupOverlayPage(); var20 = 0; currentOverlay = &overlayHead; currentOverlay = currentOverlay->next; while (currentOverlay) { switch (currentOverlay->type) { case 0: // sprite { objectStruct *objPtr; int16 x; int16 y; assert(currentOverlay->objIdx <= NUM_MAX_OBJECT); objPtr = &objectTable[currentOverlay->objIdx]; x = objPtr->x; y = objPtr->y; if (objPtr->frame >= 0) { if (g_cine->getGameType() == Cine::GType_OS) { uint16 partVar1; uint16 partVar2; AnimData *pPart; pPart = &animDataTable[objPtr->frame]; partVar1 = pPart->var1; partVar2 = pPart->height; if (pPart->ptr1) { drawSprite(currentOverlay, pPart->ptr1, pPart->ptr1, partVar1, partVar2, page1Raw, x, y); } } else { uint16 partVar1; uint16 partVar2; AnimData *pPart; int16 part = objPtr->part; assert(part >= 0 && part <= NUM_MAX_ANIMDATA); pPart = &animDataTable[objPtr->frame]; partVar1 = pPart->var1; partVar2 = pPart->height; if (pPart->ptr1) { drawSprite(currentOverlay, pPart->ptr1, pPart->ptr2, partVar1, partVar2, page1Raw, x, y); } } } break; } case 2: // text { byte messageIdx; int16 x; int16 y; uint16 partVar1; uint16 partVar2; // gfxWaitVSync(); // hideMouse(); messageIdx = currentOverlay->objIdx; x = currentOverlay->x; y = currentOverlay->y; partVar1 = currentOverlay->width; partVar2 = currentOverlay->color; blitRawScreen(page1Raw); drawDialogueMessage(messageIdx, x, y, partVar1, partVar2); //blitScreen(page0, NULL); gfxFuncGen2(); waitForPlayerClick = 1; break; } case 3: { // gfxWaitSync() // hideMouse(); blitRawScreen(page1Raw); drawFailureMessage(currentOverlay->objIdx); //blitScreen(page0, NULL); gfxFuncGen2(); waitForPlayerClick = 1; break; } case 4: { objectStruct *objPtr; int16 x; int16 y; assert(currentOverlay->objIdx <= NUM_MAX_OBJECT); objPtr = &objectTable[currentOverlay->objIdx]; x = objPtr->x; y = objPtr->y; if (objPtr->frame >= 0) { uint16 partVar1; uint16 partVar2; AnimData *pPart; int16 part = objPtr->part; assert(part >= 0 && part <= NUM_MAX_ANIMDATA); pPart = &animDataTable[objPtr->frame]; partVar1 = pPart->width / 2; partVar2 = pPart->height; if (pPart->ptr1) { gfxFillSprite(pPart->ptr1, partVar1, partVar2, page1Raw, x, y); } } break; } case 20: { objectStruct *objPtr; int16 x; int16 y; var5 = currentOverlay->x; assert(currentOverlay->objIdx <= NUM_MAX_OBJECT); objPtr = &objectTable[currentOverlay->objIdx]; x = objPtr->x; y = objPtr->y; if (objPtr->frame >= 0) { if (var5 <= 8) { if (additionalBgTable[var5]) { if (animDataTable[objPtr->frame].bpp == 1) { int16 x2; int16 y2; x2 = animDataTable[objPtr->frame].width / 2; y2 = animDataTable[objPtr->frame].height; if (animDataTable[objPtr->frame].ptr1) { // drawSpriteRaw(animDataTable[objPtr->frame].ptr1, animDataTable[objPtr->frame].ptr1, x2, y2, // additionalBgTable[currentAdditionalBgIdx], x, y); } } } } } break; } } currentOverlay = currentOverlay->next; } } void flip(void) { blitRawScreen(page1Raw); } uint16 processKeyboard(uint16 param) { return 0; } void mainLoopSub6(void) { } void checkForPendingDataLoad(void) { if (newPrcName[0] != 0) { freePrcLinkedList(); resetglobalScriptsHead(); loadPrc(newPrcName); strcpy(currentPrcName, newPrcName); strcpy(newPrcName, ""); addScriptToList0(1); } if (newRelName[0] != 0) { releaseObjectScripts(); resetObjectScriptHead(); loadRel(newRelName); strcpy(currentRelName, newRelName); strcpy(newRelName, ""); } if (newObjectName[0] != 0) { unloadAllMasks(); resetMessageHead(); loadObject(newObjectName); strcpy(currentObjectName, newObjectName); strcpy(newObjectName, ""); } if (newMsgName[0] != 0) { loadMsg(newMsgName); strcpy(currentMsgName, newMsgName); strcpy(newMsgName, ""); } } uint16 exitEngine; void hideMouse(void) { } void removeExtention(char *dest, const char *source) { byte *ptr; strcpy(dest, source); ptr = (byte *) strchr(dest, '.'); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; } } uint16 defaultMenuBoxColor2; uint16 zoneData[NUM_MAX_ZONE]; void addMessage(byte param1, int16 param2, int16 param3, int16 param4, int16 param5) { overlayHeadElement *currentHead = &overlayHead; overlayHeadElement *tempHead = currentHead; overlayHeadElement *newElement; currentHead = tempHead->next; while (currentHead) { tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; } newElement = (overlayHeadElement *) malloc(sizeof(overlayHeadElement)); newElement->next = tempHead->next; tempHead->next = newElement; newElement->objIdx = param1; newElement->type = 2; newElement->x = param2; newElement->y = param3; newElement->width = param4; newElement->color = param5; if (!currentHead) currentHead = &overlayHead; newElement->previous = currentHead->previous; currentHead->previous = newElement; } SeqListElement seqList; void addSeqListElement(int16 param0, int16 param1, int16 param2, int16 param3, int16 param4, int16 param5, int16 param6, int16 param7, int16 param8) { SeqListElement *currentHead = &seqList; SeqListElement *tempHead = currentHead; SeqListElement *newElement; currentHead = tempHead->next; while (currentHead && currentHead->varE < param7) { tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; } newElement = (SeqListElement *)malloc(sizeof(SeqListElement)); newElement->next = tempHead->next; tempHead->next = newElement; newElement->var6 = param0; newElement->var4 = param1; newElement->var8 = param2; newElement->varA = param3; newElement->varC = param4; newElement->var14 = 0; newElement->var16 = 0; newElement->var18 = param5; newElement->var1A = param6; newElement->varE = param7; newElement->var10 = param8; newElement->var12 = param8; newElement->var1C = 0; newElement->var1E = 0; } void resetSeqList() { seqList.next = NULL; } void computeMove1(SeqListElement *element, int16 x, int16 y, int16 param1, int16 param2, int16 x2, int16 y2) { element->var16 = 0; element->var14 = 0; if (y2) { if (y - param2 > y2) { element->var16 = 2; } if (y + param2 < y2) { element->var16 = 1; } } if (x2) { if (x - param1 > x2) { element->var14 = 2; } if (x + param1 < x2) { element->var14 = 1; } } } uint16 computeMove2(SeqListElement *element) { int16 returnVar = 0; if (element->var16 == 1) { returnVar = 4; } else if (element->var16 == 2) { returnVar = 3; } if (element->var14 == 1) { returnVar = 1; } else if (element->var14 == 2) { returnVar = 2; } return returnVar; } // sort all the gfx stuff... void resetGfxEntityEntry(uint16 objIdx) { #if 0 overlayHeadElement* tempHead = &overlayHead; byte* var_16 = NULL; uint16 var_10 = 0; uint16 var_12 = 0; overlayHeadElement* currentHead = tempHead->next; byte* var_1A = NULL; overlayHeadElement* var1E = &overlayHead; while (currentHead) { tempHead2 = currentHead->next; if (currentHead->objIdx == objIdx && currentHead->type!=2 && currentHead->type!=3 && currentHead->type!=0x14) { tempHead->next = tempHead2; if (tempHead2) { tempHead2->previous = currentHead->previous; } else { seqVar0 = currentHead->previous; } var_22 = var_16; if (!var_22) { // todo: goto? } var_22->previous = currentHead; } else { } if (currentHead->type == 0x14) { } else { } if (currentHead->type == 0x2 || currentHead->type == 0x3) { si = 10000; } else { si = objectTable[currentHead->objIdx]; } if (objectTable[objIdx]>si) { var1E = currentHead; } tempHead = tempHead->next; } if (var_1A) { currentHead = var_16; var_22 = var_1E->next; var_1E->next = currentHead; var_1A->next = var_22; if (var_1E != &gfxEntityHead) { currentHead->previous = var_1E; } if (!var_22) { seqVar0 = var_1A; } else { var_22->previous = var_1A; } } #endif } uint16 addAni(uint16 param1, uint16 param2, byte *ptr, SeqListElement *element, uint16 param3, int16 *param4) { byte *currentPtr = ptr; byte *ptrData; byte *ptr2; int16 di; assert(ptr); assert(element); assert(param4); dummyU16 = READ_BE_UINT16((currentPtr + param1 * 2) + 8); ptrData = ptr + dummyU16; assert(*ptrData); di = (objectTable[param2].costume + 1) % (*ptrData); ptr2 = (ptrData + (di * 8)) + 1; if ((checkCollision(param2, ptr2[0], ptr2[1], ptr2[2], ptr[0]) & 1)) { return 0; } objectTable[param2].x += (int8)ptr2[4]; objectTable[param2].y += (int8)ptr2[5]; objectTable[param2].mask += (int8)ptr2[6]; if (objectTable[param2].frame) { resetGfxEntityEntry(param2); } objectTable[param2].frame = ptr2[7] + element->var8; if (param3 || !element->var14) { objectTable[param2].costume = di; } else { *param4 = di; } return 1; } void processSeqListElement(SeqListElement *element) { int16 x; int16 y; byte *ptr1; int16 var_10; int16 var_4; int16 var_2; if (element->var12 < element->var10) { element->var12++; return; } element->var12 = 0; x = objectTable[element->var6].x; y = objectTable[element->var6].y; ptr1 = animDataTable[element->varA].ptr1; if (ptr1) { uint16 param1; uint16 param2; param1 = ptr1[1]; param2 = ptr1[2]; if (element->varC != 255) warning("processSeqListElement: varC = %d", element->varC); if (globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] || globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS]) { computeMove1(element, ptr1[4] + x, ptr1[5] + y, param1, param2, globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS], globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS]); } else { element->var16 = 0; element->var14 = 0; } var_10 = computeMove2(element); if (var_10) { element->var1C = var_10; element->var1E = var_10; } var_4 = -1; if ((element->var16 == 1 && !addAni(3, element->var6, ptr1, element, 0, &var_4)) || (element->var16 == 2 && !addAni(2, element->var6, ptr1, element, 0, &var_4))) { if (element->varC == 255) { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_Y_POS] = 0; } } if ((element->var14 == 1 && !addAni(0, element->var6, ptr1, element, 1, &var_2))) { if (element->varC == 255) { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] = 0; if (var_4 != -1) { objectTable[element->var6].costume = var_4; } } } if ((element->var14 == 2 && !addAni(1, element->var6, ptr1, element, 1, &var_2))) { if (element->varC == 255) { globalVars[VAR_MOUSE_X_POS] = 0; if (var_4 != -1) { objectTable[element->var6].costume = var_4; } } } if (element->var16 + element->var14) { if (element->var1C) { if (element->var1E) { objectTable[element->var6].costume = 0; element->var1E = 0; } addAni(element->var1C + 3, element->var6, ptr1, element, 1, (int16 *) & var2); } } } } void processSeqList(void) { SeqListElement *currentHead = &seqList; SeqListElement *tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; while (currentHead) { if (currentHead->var4 != -1) { processSeqListElement(currentHead); } tempHead = currentHead; currentHead = tempHead->next; } } bool makeTextEntryMenu(const char *messagePtr, char *inputString, int stringMaxLength, int y) { byte color2 = defaultMenuBoxColor2; byte endOfMessageReached = 0; int16 localX; int16 localY; int16 localWidth; int margins = 16; int len = strlen(messagePtr); int16 width = 6 * len + 20; if (width > 250) width = 250; if (width < 180) width = 180; int16 x = (320 - width) / 2; int16 color = 2; gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x - margins, y, x + width + margins, y + 4, color2, page1Raw); localX = x + 4; localY = y + 4; localWidth = width; getKeyData(); // clear input key do { uint16 messageLength = 0; uint16 numWords; uint16 messageWidth; uint16 lineResult; const char *endOfMessagePtr; uint16 fullLineWidth; uint16 interWordSize; uint16 interWordSizeRemain; byte currentChar; byte characterWidth; while (messagePtr[messageLength] == ' ') { messageLength++; } messagePtr += messageLength; messageLength = computeMessageLength((const byte *)messagePtr, localWidth, &numWords, &messageWidth, &lineResult); endOfMessagePtr = messagePtr + messageLength; if (lineResult) { fullLineWidth = localWidth - messageWidth; if (numWords) { interWordSize = fullLineWidth / numWords; interWordSizeRemain = fullLineWidth % numWords; } else { interWordSize = 5; interWordSizeRemain = 0; } } else { interWordSize = 5; interWordSizeRemain = 0; } gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x - margins, localY, x + width + margins, localY + 9, color2, page1Raw); do { currentChar = *(messagePtr++); if (currentChar == 0) { endOfMessageReached = 1; } else if (currentChar == ' ') { localX += interWordSizeRemain + interWordSize; if (interWordSizeRemain) interWordSizeRemain = 0; } else { characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, localX, localY); localX += characterWidth + 1; } } } while ((messagePtr < endOfMessagePtr) && !endOfMessageReached); localX = x + 4; localY += 9; } while (!endOfMessageReached); // Input string gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x - margins, localY, x + width + margins, localY + 9, color2, page1Raw); localY += 9; x -= margins; width += margins * 2; gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x, localY, x + width, localY + 4, color2, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x + 1, y + 1, x + width - 1, y + 1, 0, page1Raw); // top gfxDrawLine(x + 1, localY + 3, x + width - 1, localY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // bottom gfxDrawLine(x + 1, y + 1, x + 1, localY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // left gfxDrawLine(x + width - 1, y + 1, x + width - 1, localY + 3, 0, page1Raw); // right gfxDrawLine(x, y, x + width, y, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x, localY + 4, x + width, localY + 4, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x, y, x, localY + 4, color, page1Raw); gfxDrawLine(x + width, y, x + width, localY + 4, color, page1Raw); x += margins; width -= margins * 2; localY -= 9; int quit = 0; bool redraw = true; commandeType tempString; int inputLength = strlen(inputString); int inputPos = inputLength + 1; while (!quit) { if (redraw) { gfxDrawPlainBoxRaw(x, localY - 1, x + width, localY + 8, 0, page1Raw); int currentX = x + 4; for (uint j = 0; j < strlen(inputString); j++) { char currentChar = inputString[j]; if (currentChar == ' ') { currentX += 5; } else { byte characterWidth = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterWidth; if (characterWidth) { byte characterIdx = fontParamTable[currentChar].characterIdx; drawSpriteRaw(textTable[characterIdx][0], textTable[characterIdx][1], 2, 8, page1Raw, currentX, localY); currentX += characterWidth + 1; } } // draw cursor here if (inputPos == (int)(j + 2)) gfxDrawLine(currentX, localY - 1, currentX, localY + 8, color, page1Raw); } if (strlen(inputString) == 0 || inputPos == 1) // cursor wasn't yet drawn gfxDrawLine(x + 4, localY - 1, x + 4, localY + 8, color, page1Raw); blitRawScreen(page1Raw); redraw = false; } char ch[2]; memset(tempString, 0, stringMaxLength); ch[1] = 0; manageEvents(); int ascii = getKeyData(); uint16 mouseButton, mouseX, mouseY; getMouseData(0, &mouseButton, &mouseX, &mouseY); if (mouseButton & 2) quit = 2; else if (mouseButton & 1) quit = 1; switch (ascii) { case 8: // backspace if (inputPos <= 1) { break; } inputPos--; redraw = true; case 127: // del if (inputPos <= inputLength) { if (inputPos != 1) { strncpy(tempString, inputString, inputPos - 1); } if (inputPos != inputLength) { strncat(tempString, &inputString[inputPos], inputLength - inputPos); } strcpy(inputString, tempString); inputLength = strlen(inputString); redraw = true; } break; case 276: // left if (inputPos > 1) { inputPos--; redraw = true; } break; case 275: // right if (inputPos <= inputLength) { inputPos++; redraw = true; } break; default: if (((ascii >= 'a') && (ascii <='z')) || ((ascii >= '0') && (ascii <='9')) || ((ascii >= 'A') && (ascii <='Z')) || (ascii == ' ')) { if (inputLength < stringMaxLength - 1) { ch[0] = ascii; if (inputPos != 1) { strncpy(tempString, inputString, inputPos - 1); strcat(tempString, ch); } if ((inputLength == 0) || (inputPos == 1)) { strcpy(tempString, ch); } if ((inputLength != 0) && (inputPos != inputLength)) { strncat(tempString, &inputString[inputPos - 1], inputLength - inputPos + 1); } strcpy(inputString, tempString); inputLength = strlen(inputString); inputPos++; redraw = true; } } break; } } if (quit == 2) return false; return true; } } // End of namespace Cine